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� �,�.y ...�� �. - h`w�.. <br /> . � :..... ,r. .n1,�a../,hn,-. a�..,:_. - <br /> I i . . ,.,ma,{, ,�., . _ <br /> � . .�. . <br /> .4'Kf47.�`.' <br /> _, I . � . "ti— - -- <br /> ' II �?, - - rr - � .. <br /> � ._ ._...._. <br /> i <br /> 91-- 102656 <br /> � ' app8c4ble low moy apocify far reinawtemenU before sale af the Ropeny pu�suenl to�ny power of calc cantwinal En thl� <br /> �i Sccurity Insaument:or(b)en1ry of a Judgment eniorcing�his Security Ins�trumrm. ThoRe condi�ians ure thut Borrow¢r. (�I <br /> ps�yr Lender ull suma which then would be due undcr this Secu�iry Instrument und the Nae oR if no acceleration hnd <br /> '" ��,�� � accurred;(b)cures any default of any ather covenants or agreementa;(cl payx all expensex incurred in enl'orcing lhis Security <br /> �� " �nstrument.including,fwt nd Ilmited to,reasonable uttomeys'fees; and ld)Inkca xuch uctiun us L.ender muy reasonnbly <br /> ' . r.,..:.: � reyuire ta ussur�e�hut the licn of this Security Instrument.l.cnderk righta M thc Praperty und Barmwerk obligation to pay thc <br /> �",�r� sums r�ecurcd by thia Security Insuument hhaU conlinue unchanged. Upon reinstntemem by Normwer, �hix Securi�y �______ _ <br /> ,'��. �nsuument and the obligadana securcd hereby shall remain fully effective as if no ucceleration hud occumed. I�bwever,this <br /> • .•.�.�, - <br /> ; ��,�;�� � �ight to refnatate shall not Apply in tho cuse of uccaleradon under piuugraph 17. r <br /> 19. SAIe ot Notei Cbwa�e ot I.oAn 3ervice� The Nate ar u piutiul interext in the Note(togcther with thiA Saeu�ily <br /> •• ,��.,�.;;. - Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bonower. A aale muy result in a change i�ihc cntily <br /> �,�;� j .� (known as�he Lonn Servicer")thut collects manthly payments due under�he Nate und this Security Insuumem. 71�ere ulw _ <br /> ir������.;".. <br /> i� , may be one or more changea of ti�l.oan Servicer unrelpted to u tiale of she Note. If there is a change of the Low►5ervicar, <br /> ��•• ,` �'•`. . Batawet will be given writ[en notice of!he change in u�.�cordunce with part+gmph 14 above and applicuble law. 'Ihe nc�ice =- _ <br /> ��1C� � � �.. <br /> � �;.�',' �` will state tho name and Address oitf�e new Loaa Servicer a�d lhe�ddress a which puyments should be made. The notice will <br /> �a�`��'„�.�,,, �44�c���;s�`:�, Alco contain uny other iafonnaticx�required by up�licuble IAw. � -- <br /> ,.�{�}��4ys�fr„�tAr�.S �,, S` • 2p, }�y��s Spb�st�aces. Barrowe�shi�ll not cuuse cx permit the pn�,�ncc,uxe,dispc�id,sl��u�e,tx rel�us��f a�ny �r^�� ��� ,� <br /> _�---'R44t.<.�::�Y.,r�,l�,.��� r.�r �� <br />� -�_'G�`�`;•r":o:�.��• afi . Huznr�aus Substances o0 or in the Prope�}. S�,nUw•er shall ac�t do,nor:►1���H• An���nr el�e to do,anythinF uffectin� tAe t.��= <br /> - -----=°-:����;=.'�`.'' .;;'• ProFeny that is in violation of an}'Environments�l Lnw. 'The g►nreding two sentences shafl nut upply to the presen�r,use,or �u.. <br /> -_- ��ar.;. ;:�:,�rx,'� ,�.. - '�,Tt;:,,__---- <br /> �*��+ r'� � st�ra ��m the F�open of xmnll uAnntlex�S Haa�rd�us Substances that are generally recagnized to be appropriate�o nomud � <br /> _�� ,�'�•3�' R' Y � �., x <br /> w ��.�. `'� residernial u,e�unc�t�mainiennnce of the F'roperty, : <br /> n�r: *a. �� � '- �i - <br /> ,,. �, ,,, aorrower shAll promptly give Lender written nc�tice of uny investigation,rluim,demund,lawsuit or ather actiuti by rany ;" -- <br /> _:..ti ' ,,.. � ;;, ",; .�, gavernmcMal or regulo�ary agency or privAtc pany invnlving the Property und uny Huzardous Subslance or Environmcrnal �i4��hf'•_�: <br /> " ,'�;' � . e' �• I,pW of which Borrawer hAS uctual knowledge. If BoRawcr learns, or is notitied by Uny governmental nr regulatcxy --r` <br /> � • •� ' authorlty,that any remaval or other remediution oP nny Huzardoux Substunce uffecting the Propeny is necessary,Banower <br /> u <br /> '��;> �' `'"'� ' ^ shall promptty tuke all necassary remediul nctions in accor+dancewith EnvironmentAl LAw. `+��; <br /> • �• � As used in this para gm ph 20,"Huzurdaus Substance.r•"ure Ihose substAnces defined ac toxic or huu►rdous substancc+by ��t�';: <br />- t` "Y� �'�� ' Environmental Law and the follawing .ubstunce5: gasoline kerosene,uther flummable or toxic petm leum pro duc is,�oxi c •'- � • <br /> - �"t " , pesticides nnd herbicides,volutile solvents,muteriuls containing nsbestas or farmuldehyde, und rudiouctive materinls. As �:��� }1����', - <br /> �3��.,. <br /> . ; �. f., Kr �,:�,,;,, <br /> � used in this purngruph 20,"Environmental Luw"meuns federnl lawn and laws of Ihe jurisdiction wherc the Property ia lcet�led �,?�� �,r �:..: <br /> °' diat rclote to heelth,safety ar environmental protec�ion. �` S` ' '--�� <br /> ":�•' ," , . , ir,,,r•,{t�;r.,,,.�::�:_ <br /> , ,� , NON-UNIFORM COVEfYANTS. BoROwer und Lender furthcr covenum und agrea ati follaws: ��.: <br />`::•..,± �:�2';°';,, ' �, 2l. Acceleration; Rernedles. Lender shall give noUce to Borrower rlor to accekradon Pollowing Borrower'A �'� �''���== <br /> p ����. <br /> , _ brcach of any�rnvenant or agreemtnt 4n thlg���rify Inxtrurnent�but not prior to acceleratlon uoder parag�aph 17 �r - <br /> T; ,, "' ; �-,- — <br /> �,�, .,.,';,� unless appllcable Ipw provldes otherwlse). The notice shall specify: (al the dePault:(bl the acttan required to cure tqe <br /> s ''� ? '���� defaulN.lcl a date,not less than 30 days Prom Ihe date the aatfce is given to which the defaull rnust 6e 4�„-._. <br /> ,, r .•,:.;..���;,:r :' �:....:.: <br /> •7 ��`;.. :J,`;:t:�r�• ��•'' � cured;And Id)that fpllure to cure Ihe defaull on or bePore the date specifled in Ihe notice may result in acceleratlon of �,�. <br /> • ` ��{ '�' the xum.v secu�ed by this Securlty Inslrument and�cale of the Prope�ty. The notice shall Purther ioform Barrower oF <br /> 'i' �� ���'�`''�' �' -- <br /> «�t,,; ••.�:�• Ihe right to refnetate at�er uccekration and the rfRht to bring a caurt action to assert the non•existence oP u defaelt or =___________ <br /> . d : ' � � pny other defense of Borrawer to acceleratian and sale. If Ihe defaull is nat cured on ur before the dete specltied In -���_ <br /> � '•, , Ihe notice.Lender ot ils opllon may require immed1Ate payment in full oi all sums secured by thls tiecurlly I�trument _ <br /> ,���. - wilhout Purther demand aad may imoke the power oi'snle und nny other remedMs permitted bv appUcable Is►w. <br /> .n <br /> '�> ., � • Lender sfwll be entitled tocullect all expenses incurred in pursuin� the remedies pruvlded in thls paraRrs�ph 11. ���v_ <br /> ' � . including.but not Ilmlted to,reoconable utbrneys'fee�and a�sts nf Ntle evldence. � �-r• �K._._ <br /> � " � , � .� If the power oP�wle ir invoked.'ll�ustee shull rewrd a notice of defeult in each county in which any pArt uP tbe _ _ <br /> � .. Property is laruled and sha8 mpp cuples of such nutice in the rnanner presrribed by applicuble law to Burruwer and lo �;:�; ' ' � <br /> � the Qther persans prescrlbed by upplirs�ble law: Af�er the tlrne required by upplicuble law.71�ustee shAll glve publk ��-- <br /> .. ' � `•'�{.�I,''i�'�I. :..' ��� C..+_',_. <br /> , ,..�,, notice uf rwle to the personsund in the munner prescribed bv uppllcable luw. 'Il�uslee. whhout demand an sor�ower. h"�"•�-rr.. <br /> ' �� : �.`�`��'`•������� ahall sell the Property at public auction to the hi�hesl bldder at the time und place und under the terms deslgnated fn -�_ <br /> •�-i".,,i�c."' '- :_ '::. .=. <br /> ' ' :•` �""A'� the notice of sak in one or more prrcels and in any order'Irustee dete�mines. 7lrustee may postpone xale of all ar any � r:5,;••= <br /> . • ,�)fn;;�, <br /> parcel oP the Property by publk announcement At the dme a�d pluce of any previously rcheduled sale. l.eoder or Ils `�+.��t,:;;?%;;;-� <br /> • desig�ee may purchese Ihe Property al any sale. ' it~,:;•� ':t�- <br /> . `,,, �•;, ,.;.,,� � Upon recelpt oP payrnent uf'the price bid,'il�ustee shal l deliver to Ihe purchuser 7Yustee'�deed com�eying the I ' ;,�„��,�•• �'•� <br />- � ' p��r"• ' ' Property. The recilals in tpe"11�ustee's d��ed tihull be prlma fncfe e�•idence oi'the truth uf the slotements made therefq. ��'�:' �,• . <br /> . ; `,;'.. ,�, ti . <br /> "��'��°•;�`��'�:; 'IYustee sh�ll apply the pruceede uithe ssde in 1he followins order: lal H►uU cuyts und expenses oP exercfsing the puwer �`� ��t <br />. r�`'y��y�'t�`�;L',rr!,• _',.1.�t:°,f..,�.�� <br /> �}v•�, <br />.. � �ii�'�7:�Yli,��t}���..� ��- .�4... <br />- �: . _.} .. �(.�,r`•'L`�7.:'� . <br /> • '�-' .i{ ..•,��%: . . �'�1'ji J, p�Te,�:-- <br /> ..��n% .•��. r1�Srr',: .,.'h;� Sl. :dt���•`;,.:�._ <br />_ ' Si',��� . �''C, r�. _. <br /> + ;t' . . �`!�, •.- .. <br /> � ... - �, 'i� ;;,i.,, %�� • <br />- �h.. .. - _� .. . - �. <br /> r • <br /> '�'� 'F_ ' i . . � <br /> .. �. . •;"i"; F'orm W21i 9•911 �ru���• �npu:,•.,, % �', <br /> ,i�ti,•.'�.�,,.••i.•��...{�' � . � <br /> �. �yr,�'�.t�f�`.:�Se)��'� i' • . <br /> � '.iit t �;t{ h. . <br /> �� ',i '�:�5/.`�:'AFI�"t'�i�,fi' 1 _ ' <br /> - LS�� "rl�.`S'1�iS �',i��.�•. i <br /> ,1� .'� . •• l.,.._��.. ' ',{,�. . '_ <br /> �r.- ' ,• • '�51' . . i <br /> �i �� - . v� � • �C� ,• - - _ 'j^•' • ' <br /> .i: �'_r�,ntA���`fl, . �� . ._ , . . - - . . .. ,���. . <br /> . . '��t:'`?S. '}cc' .i;� '�i�� i' ' , <br /> E4.: z.S.�� '.i.'�. � <br /> T - ' .a: (V:�-�ii::��.-...1 _— ; f.;-. . -_. .......,�:�. , � . � . . •"y�-. <br /> ' i�:���•�`�.4�i.� „ i.�.i 1- . <br /> . � . 'll:l`''1;�:� . . <br /> � �' ,�iirtij;!.���,:t� � '... � ���: <br /> :..�4:. ,�.. 5���� , <br /> ''�'�'�` `� . <br /> � , '" , f�,, <br /> ' .`•1, ': ' <br /> . '.yi „ .. . <br /> . '' <br /> . •i.• <br /> , , .r���.� .��, � . . .. <br /> ; . •,' ' ��' ,. � <br /> � . . !� �`,'.•i , . , . <br /> � <br /> , . � -- - _� <br />