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„,� , .. .. it M •,�f� -- - ' � . � - <br /> L . `t_._=- <br /> _�-� .� . . y.� .! .. —�•-�--- -'-- --__.—_._..�._�_-°-_ _ -...� - <br /> ...�� - . � , .. <br /> - --__. . 93� s:o�s <br /> � acnde�mitbn or alher t�kin�of any pWt of rhe P�opetty.or fa comeyu�ce lo!iw of co�dem�wiaa�aro heKbY wi�ned�td <br /> �II be pRid ta I.�ar. <br /> In the evant of t tot�l Wdn�of tho ProQart�►.the prooxd��hdl be Rpplied to the �am�kcurod by thi�Sa�uity <br /> lnaaunxat,whothar or na tlkn due,wltb any oxasr p�id to Honower. la Ihe event of A putl�l wkln�of the Property in <br /> wldch tUo fii�market valuo of�ho Property immadlwtely 6efo�tha takin�i�oquol to or 4rcater th�n the amount of�he wmi <br /> recwecl by�hi�Saurity Inwrument Immedi�tely befae the takinQ,unle�a 8ormwcr u�d Lander otharwiso a�rqe in writin�, <br /> �_�..�,�_� tl�e wnu secwod by this Socudty Insaument shall bo reduced by�he amount of the procecd� multlplied by the tollawin� <br /> i�actfon; (�)tha wtal unouat of the�umr�ocurcd lmmediatcly before tho uJCi�g,divlded by(b)tha fiiir mukat vdue of the <br /> Property imrnmdl�tely befaro tlw toking. Any balnnce sh�ll be paid a Sonower. In the avant o�'r pa�tfal t�kin of tho <br /> - P�rope�ty in whlch the fair meri�et v�lue of tho Property immedietely beforc tha�alcing is less tl�n tAe anwunt of�a sumo <br /> -- cccu�ed immodi�tely beforo the taking. unlesa Bomower and l.emkr othenvisa a�roe �n wsitimg or unleu Applkable law <br /> '-�?�� _ otltervviee provlda,the pmcoais�Itall be ap�plied to tbe suaw sacwed by�hi�Stcurity Insnwr�eat wl�her ar not the won�are <br /> thee due. <br /> -__-- if the P�operry is ab�ndoned by Borirower,a if.after notice by Lender to Noaower Uw�t Ihe condemaor offe�a to mRko <br /> an awar0 a seale�clwn for dAma�es.Bon+owcr fails w nespoad to�der within 30 days aiter the d�+te Q�naice is given, <br /> — l.ender is auU�orizal to collect w�d apply the p�a�.�ceds.+�t its optian, ellher w rectantion or repair of th�H�p�}etty ar to the <br />_� wna��ecwrod by�his SocuritN Ga�oaument,whetl�er or not tUen due. <br /> pnkss 1„ee�der s�nd g�,roK�ec Whenvise agree in wrttinq,any applicadon of proceeds to principal ahall aaz�xtend or <br /> - poRtpoi�e t8ie dwe date af tl�-�c+nthfy paymeau refemed tp in paragraphs 1 cmd 2 or clw�ge ehe unount of such paymrnta. <br /> _ .. ll. �prn+�� Not RetEm�edi �� �y l,.cnder Not a ilY�iver. Fa�tension ai the Ume for paylu�t a' <br /> -_ - , ��catic�r�a”;:mortization nf the sums secared by this Seeurity Iestra�sent�eea bJr Loader to uny:ucccssar in�ntcrest - <br /> =- ' •`c�ff Bdrenwer ahall ndt operutc to release the lisbiliry of the origfnal Borruwer a�werls�uccessar� in interer�. L.ender � <br /> 'T�� '��• shall not be reyuircd to co�nmence proceedings against any successor ire interesc �x refuse to eatend time for payment or <br />%::•�"1 �v�' otherwise modify ounortizaNan of the suma securcd by this Secu�ity Insuutmat by reason ot'any demand made by the original . <br /> , � � ., Borrower or 8ottower�s successors in interest. Any forbearance by Leuder in eaereising any tigM or rcmedy shall not 6e a <br />;::��' waiver of or nreclude the exer+cise of any right or rcmcdy. <br />=�` :`. 12. Successorc and Assi�ns Bound=Joint and Several LlobNity;Co-signers. 71x covenan�s and agreements of this . �' <br /> � �;f Securfty Insttument shell bind end benetit the successors end assigns of Lender nnd Barrower. subject to the provisions of <br /> � °'` parAgraph 17. Borrower�caven�nts and egr�eements shall be joint and iseveral.Any Borrower who co-signs�his Security <br /> `� Instniment but das not execute the Note: (a)is casigning this Security Inswment anly to mortgage,gra�tt and convey Ihat <br /> . ' "� Bomoweris inter+esl in►he Property undcr thc terms of this Secu�ity Instrumepr, (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br /> ;�;,,' � secun;d by thie Secudry Instrument;and(c)ugrees�hat L.ender and nny other Barrower may agree ta eate�d,modify.forbear <br />- '��`'•:;.'F or meka any acc:ommodwlon�with regard to the Vertns of this Secu�ity Inctrument or the Note wilhout that Bomowerl� <br /> -'� concont. <br /> -u-."' - _ -y�i�uv��: i3. La�an Chwrgea. ii the loan t+ceurcd by ihia Sccurity Iurii miir�N ia aub,j�ct to a iuw which seis ma�imum laan _ <br /> ,�� ��� � ' !(�11��;l4s �•°•a% charges,and lhat luw is finully inte�preted so�hat Ihe interest ar other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection - <br />�'•�• .,, '� fi''"�t''-`�.�~'��' with Ihe loun exceed�he rmitted limits,lhen: (a)cin guch loan char e shnll be�educed b the amount neces to reduce <br /> �w ' ,��;z,,�+u�l Pe �Y• 8 Y �!' <br /> •,_ �,..,.;,. ,�. , the charge to the permftted limit;an�1(b)any sums alrendy collected fmm Borcuwer which exceeded permitted limits will be <br />_ �,:�;���:,�*��:,;�;:;���• r�funded to Hnrrower. l.ender may choose to make this r�efund by reducing Ihe principal owed under tho Nota or by making a _ <br /> �' •�=;: � • direc�payrnent to Bortower. If n refund reduces principul,�he r�duction will be treuted ns u partiol prepuyment wlthout any <br />,},� .�K,,,��1�..k:>:,.,.;.;'.'��`i.�� <br /> , tiu....„a,i�'r'c;' prepaymont charge under the Note. _ <br /> .:, � ;::'�,' -• - <br /> . , ,,� �ti :,,�;;,� 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security InstrumeM shall be given by delivering it or by _ <br /> .�:.�:., ., _ .,�,�,, mail{ng it by first class mail unless applicable luw reyuires une of Another meihod.The notice shall be directed to the Property . _ <br /> •:,•.�:•� ; _ <br /> - •• Address or any other aldress Borrowcr designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender.r•hall be given by finct class = <br /> ' ' " ��,, ' '�; mail to Lender's addr+ess stuted her+ein or uny aher addre+s Lender deciRnates b,y notice to Bo�rower. Any�otice provlded for __ <br /> r '�'�'�,.'�,i�*"'� in this 5ecuriry Instroment shall be deemed to have been given �o Bonower or Lender when given as provided in this ' <br /> 'rt'�� i.'.,��1�,•�;,.,..�.•1�,.,. - <br /> �, ���•:�r. , v�.:,�: <br /> �,:s�r E �t:Y..R�. P�°B�Ph• _ <br />.r:;r� � �,};; . 1S. Governing LAw; Severt�biltty. This Serurity InFtrument sholl be govemed by federnl law sind the IAw of the -- <br />-,,:;:�a;�. `�,� ' ,;;i;,i,ti-;%�� jurisdiclion in whlch the Propeny is locuted. In the event�hat uny provisic�n or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note �Q.' <br /> ��*% ' i � ' conflicts wUh appllcable luw,such conflict shull na uffect other pruvir;ions of this Security Instnament or the Nae which can `_ <br /> Sf�� ,;� , , be given effect withoul Ihe conflicting provlxion. To�his end�hr pmvisions of thiti Security Instrument und the Note are =_ <br /> �:,.• � ; ��,� .f � declared to be severnble. _ <br /> � L z '" �� � 16. Borrower•s Copy. Borrower�hull be�!iven one confbrmeJ capy�►f the Notc and of this Security Instrume+�t. = <br /> " ...�':.;.{�v�:,�, , l7. 'IY�nsfer of Ihe PropeHy or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If ulI ar any pvn of thc Prapeny or an} interes�in - <br /> ' �'' '�`- "'t �� ' it is sold or transierred (or if u beneficiul interc+t in Barmwc�i� suld or trnn�fem:d and Bormwer ia not a nutural person) � � <br /> . r7�: <br />:.�.�1� �' ' .:„�:�•. , without Lender5�pdor w�lpen consent,Lender may,u�its uption,rcyuire immeJinte payment in full of ull sums secur+ed by � �:,. <br />; r?Y��ti �•� M%' ; ��','� this Securit Instrument. Howe��er,this o pon shull na be exercized b Lerxlcr iirxe�ci:�ix rohibited b fedeml law as uf �_ <br /> .,, ��, .�, y,�..•���4� Y P� Y P Y � <br />::in;,,,,, �'°��'. � the date of this Security Instrumcnt. �: <br /> RY y • • <br /> �{ ' ' If Lender exerci+ec thi+option.Lender shull give Bunower notice nf u�cclrra�ivn. 'fhe notice sholl provide u period of F� <br /> [Tt�*��.. � � ' not less thAn 30 days from thc dute thc notkr ig dclivcrcd or mailed within whirh Bonawcr mus� p•ry all wms secured by thi� <br />.((�;,,i.1.• i �'�"'�`�4"/����... <br />.�y`;,�,.i �,�+��.,;. ,�•' ; � Security Insuument. tP Bnrrowcr fail. t��puy �he.c zum.prior �o tlx expiration uf thi+ penod, l.ender mAy invoke ony <br /> remcdics persnittrd by this Security lnssrumrnt u•ithout funher n�rticr ordemand on F3��rr•►wer. <br /> �'�r°i}"�: �. •i�;��,%����; •a;� � 18. Borrower's Righl to Iteinstate. If Borrow�er mcel�ccnain conJitionc. Hortowrr shull huve �he right to have - <br /> � ,,,�,..�;•_.. � f . -- <br />_ . ' %,11}�,;;,�� M�,+t� eaiforcement of this Secur+ty In+�rument Jix�ontinued at :+ny timr pri�w tu the earlirr of: lu)S duy.(ur.uch other periad av � <br /> ,- ��h;.•... �-: <br /> ��-.��', ;r����:us�• Singk F:unily•-Ftlaoie Mpe/I�Ycddie 119�l'NIFON�f INSTRI:v1f.�iT••Unil'am Covenrnu 9/9i I/wgt.l�qA puttayr <br /> ,4vf,a'�,�;, <br /> �''`�'.tl ` �rrY 1M�'.o. '�r —_ <br /> •��'i.',!� � `����'S i'_'•��.4��.�J�!! - <br />- �'J:i ,�-"{�y�'.t.,y'�.:�I M°.+';4�` ___ <br /> , i��� Y�`�����'� `�' � _ <br /> i . 'r ' `i}, "��t.+ u0?�t��.t+,� � ,-,���.Ay.0 ,. : .�. <br /> rl. , .�+ ,i��� � ' :.� ., �oi��!`'.Zi',���1 1n , • , •� . �. {. �„ '. <br /> �„�+{ ` �. c 1',��'y� �j�4_t , . 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