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....,� S����� `'"�l� . +r �, •; .�pnc �: __-— <br /> -{�'�1�.�if e' _. . —_ -- � <br /> • p . ' <br /> '�i��. .� .� , :i i� ' '� . .. . . . _.- . - ___- - <br /> _'.-"—__�_. ' _ - . <br /> r '� . r�,' �'tll. . .. .____. .. <br /> :� '`. , .�•• � ' . . .. M._. <br /> _. _ � � 93+io�o� <br /> ' �:�ppiic�bb!�w m�y�peciPy far reinqaeaieot)befaro �le d the Pwpmty punumu to�ay pow�er at�le c�iae�d b tf� <br /> SeFurity Impta�at;ar(b)an�ry of�judgrt�eot anta�cin�cfit�Sacurity In�trument. 71w:o Qaiditiau are�ha 6amwa: (a) <br /> , p�ys I.ender all iunu whiaA tlkn wauld 6e due unda tbi�Security Irwrua�a�t md the Note u if no �coela�stiaa !ud <br /> 4ccumedt(b)cuma any dcfwlt of any other covenumb or�gramaurt(c)l�Ys�II expenscs incwted ln enfoncing this Security <br /> Inurument,it�cludia��but rat Ilmited w�resson�ble�ttomcy�'feer;and(d)aka wch wdan �r Lender irwy roa:aoably <br /> . roquire w�uure that�he lia�of thia Security Instrwnent,l.endert dabn ia the Pnopaty and BorrowerS�obliRuiat w p�y the <br /> �—�- -----�� cums secured by thla Securiry Instwarnt ahnq contlnue unch�n�a1. Upon refmtatamem by Bonower, thia 3ecurity <br /> In�trnment�nd the o6ligaiom�ecurcd heneby clull Rm�in fully e(fective u it no accelentlon hpd axwrod. Howeva.thit <br /> �iQht to rcitut+ite�hall not apply in tho caso of�xla�tian under pru�graph 17. <br /> 19. S�le at Notei Ch�s�e ot Lo�Servker. 'I7ie Nole or a putial lntenest in tho Note(together with this Secudry <br /> - Imd�ument)m�y be�old one or morc dmea without prior nodce ta Borrower. A cole rtuy reauit in a change in tho entlty <br />----– (la�own�s Ihe"l.o�n Servicer")that colixts monthlY WYmen�s due unde�the Nota end thiR Secu�iry Ia�aumen� Thero�lso <br />� = tnay be one or moro changes of tha LoAp Servicer unrelatcd to a salo of thc Note. If therc is s change vf tho Lom Saviar. <br /> _ -- Borrower wlll be given�wdtusn notico of thcs change in wxe�rdance wlth paragraph 14 above aad ppplicable I�w. The natice <br /> wlll atate tho t�me and addnoss oi ihe aew l.ann Se�vicer and d�e addne�4 to whkh paymeats s6ould be mad�.'I7�notke will <br /> •!w oonlain�ather in�amwtion requiuod by�pplic�ble law. <br /> °:? 20, HaairdoMS Sn�ees. Borrower sl�all�d cAUSe ar pe�mit the pr�esence,uce,dispasal.staage.w�eleASe of�ny <br /> Haza�douA Suesaiocrs oa or in the Pno�erty. Bom►wer shall nd da aor albw anyone etse to do.anylhing effecNng the <br /> _, PtopeAy ttwt is in viot�tion of any Envirnnmental l.aN•. 'R�e precediag twa se�nces shall not apply to Ihe presence.use,or <br /> _ . ctarage on the Propeny of unaU quwulties of Huuaurlo�►r Subst�nccs thM wre�eoerally reca�nized to be aPPT'oPdate to�annal . <br /> � _ rcsidentfal uscs a�d to mainte�wnce of the Properr�. --' <br /> �s---- - -� --°_ -� , <br /> Barrawer ahall promptly give Lender written notice of any in��estigatian.claim,demend,lewsuit or other action by any , <br /> _= ---_--_:=:F��.m� govammental or regulatory agency or pdvate party involving ihe Avperty and any Na�,udaus Substance or 6nvironmental <br />- of which Borrower hes actual knowledge. If 8orrower leams, ar is notified by any govemmental or r�egulatory <br /> , ��, y�. , , � authoriry.that any removal or other remediarion of any Hazardou�s SuhgtAnce affecting�he Property ia necesstuy,Borrower <br />-`",;' �ir�r! elWl prompUy take all nocessnry remedial actiona in accordance with Enviranmental Law. . . <br /> � t As used in�his paragraph 20."Hezardous Substunces"sue those substenccs detlned as toxic or hazardous substunce4 by <br /> "'' �� Environmental Law and the following substAnces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum pmducts,toxic <br /> '"1� ��3ad� peuicfdes and herbicides,volatile solvents. materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde.ond radiouctive materials. As <br /> used in�his paragraph 20."Bnvironmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdktjon where th@ Propetty ic located <br /> �`� ,: 1hw relete to heallh,safety or environme�xnl pratc�tion. <br /> �• NON-UNIFORM COVENAIV'fS. Borrowor und L.ender funher covenant nnd agree as follows: <br /> �'`�° ,. � Zl� ACCeleration; Remedies. I.eeder ahall�ive nottce to Borrower prlor!o accekration tollowing Borrower's <br /> - __ _�__,� breach oY anv covenwt or egreement in this Se�writv Instrument Ibut�ot prior to Acceleratton unde�pnrpRrAph 1'7 <br /> !�''� : ; ji� unlesv Applicable law provides otherwlsel. The nMtce ahall speciPy: (al the default;(bl ihe action required to cure the <br /> � =� default;(c)a date,riot less than 30 days flrom the dute Ihe notice is given to Horrower,by whlch the defAUlt must be <br /> ' '� � e'� � ' curedi ond(d)thwt failure to cure Ihe defAUlt an or before Ihe date specffled in Ihe nMice may result fn accelers�t(on of ____ <br /> �' ;��. �,'�, 'r�,�i the gun�s secured by lhie Security Instrument end sele ot the Property. The noNce ahall further inform Borrower o� _ <br /> ij,f•;J '`�.r= •%',��'v.3 the right to reinslAte atter acceleratfon and Ihe rlght to bring a court actloa to�ert the non-exlatence of A detaWt or <br /> � r r,��1,.�.�,:a:rQ,,. <br /> V.`..;;�;',�. <br /> :, t :;::;.:,.>t..�,��r;�;:!;. ony other defense of Borrower to Acceleratlon s�nd sale. If the default is nat cured on or betore the date specifted in <br /> '' the notice,l.ende�et(ts option may reqnire Immediate payment in full o�all sume secbred by this Secu�Ity Insfrument <br /> 'I,.:if,��,,:;:;s,a ,5��,�+ __ <br /> '+'�:�4,�F;y;y�?;M�,f�!.. without fiurther demw�d and may invoke the power of sale and any otder remedi�.w permilted by applkable Ipw <br /> ri:��^.�?;;.T.�.� ��+'. Lender ahall be entUled to collecl all expeusea Incurred in pursuiog Ihe remedies provtded in thls paragraph 21. __ <br />_ .'�� � R�+� Including,but not limited to.reasonoble�tlorneyR'fees pnd costR of title evidence, <br /> _ • t +'`'r�`�'i��t;. �, If lhe power of sale is invoked,7lvstee shaM record a notice of defaulf in each county in which any part oP the _ <br /> , • ���•'•'�ti'1 Pro N i�loceted aad shall meil co ies oP�uch notice in Ihe manner rescrlbed b a Ilcable law to Borrower apd to = <br />-- „y�ti�,�;s�,G Pe Y P P Y PP =' <br /> -�m— • _�•• �;••' lhr ullier per�ons prescribed by applicablc law: Atter the time requfred by epplicuble law.7lrustee shpll give public - <br />;�;�:—' notice of sale to the pensons aod in Ihe munner prescrlbed by applicable law 7lrustee.without demend on Borrower� -- <br /> �• ahwll sell the PropeMy at publk auction to the higheqt bidder at the tlme and ploce and under the terms deslgnated in ` <br />��'� +•; {�� the notice of eale in one or more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. 7�ustee may postpone sale of all or Any -_ <br /> .' .4�.E'�.�+�y�'`• <br />�:�. ,.�,,.,_..,..,,.; � " p�rcel of the PropeMy 6y public unnouncement at the Ume and place oi'Anv previously scheduled salr. Lender or its � <br />_=T� c,�T�-3�r.��. 1��`` deslgaee may purchase the Property at an.•snk. _ <br /> �"' �, ��: �• 'Upon receipt ot pAyment af the price b9d,7Fustee shu�J deli�•er to the purcha�er 'll�ustee's deed conveying the °� <br /> �.�:.;.�:.,�...:.�:.; �, <br /> .` �.,, z... � , P�apertv The recitals in the'll�ustee's deed shall6e prima Pacie evidence oPthe Iruth of the slatements made tliereM. « <br /> +�<���i^ ;. �' ''°�'`� '"� 7 l r u s t e e a h a l l a p p l y t a e p r o c e e ds uf the s a le ln the followin¢arder: IA I lo all costs and ex p enses of exercl�in R the p ower <br /> �.,� .��}4,; .�'�,.�;;`- , ��?_ <br /> � � ', . <br /> 'k ,��y:iH r C' <br /> tr...� �� �l I r �,yl � _ - <br /> f Y :.-i�.�� �u` ' �. <br /> :: � }���!?,�c.,� _ <br /> .)''�:' �: ';�:���lM � <br />'.��r ,1::i:it <br />.—iy,. *.? _—. <br /> � �w'�.;��r��.: , <br /> ����:.. 5. ( _ <br /> .;t•yti y"� <br /> �`iSC(��' °1_ <br /> e;.. <br /> , , '�� • . •� Fbrm�2li 9i90 �ry�ge�nj Ay�rs! <br />.. .t�'. �_, <br />- (,f�. _y i.'. . . . __ <br /> ':.t•�I ,. _ - . � (1' <br />_ .,` ` . <br />_ .` .�; �:.._ °I�}i�"• I ', <br /> ,,r,, .,a�� .�5i tC��,�{,�� �• y.. <br /> � � "�Q.� . r. N�1�. <br /> ' � � `1� '�� .. ._ . .,� '..",' . 1 ' `AS�i' <br /> r�S�1. .� S � f i ���' �� .[+ � �� � ,7 ,�„��, ' i <br /> .,;•'�1+, �,. :�� �{�[y� � � „�.: :�� :r. <br /> ,u�,�: '�fil � 11�..1. C YtiJ fi..�1'. -) ��_Ij lS. � Iw��:��t S�:"�L� r� M11�Q�C� '� �:�. <br /> t f Z.�1 . a _ � "- / l7N's l (!�1 L �y [,1 <br /> 1 11. �;v /T��.� . �I; i V► a •'.�� �• �'�� � .\T�::. 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