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_.— 'r. '�`��'. ' , ri . " a� .:��„_-_-_ <br /> � - - <br /> ..Z'��•��� •t�Y M+1 . �___ __.. ." .. . ......—_.. <br /> �� . .. ' . � __��_._ ._... . ._ . ..___._____._ <br /> ���e1_a...'8,. p•..tT„i�. . . . . . . ��� . <br /> - 9��so�sas <br /> .. -�. �� p�lods th+u t.a�aer roqu4� n�e i�aarooe�rti�po�dtas the i�w�ao�dw�e.cho.e�by eorrowe�suaJect a t.a�ao�ti -- <br /> �ovd which�IuU aot be unne�awb�ly w�thheld. If 8aemwes filli w mdnnin cove�a�e dwcdbod above,l.aider ro, <br /> R Le�wlerb opion�o6udn cov to prntoat L.onderti d�hro ln tha In accard�no�wlth pu�mph 7. <br /> e�e hro <br /> All Inwr�nre poficie��uid mtaw�is siwll 60 0o and�11 include a el�nd�rd cl�we. Lender <br /> �h�ll hava Ihe d�ht W hold the po8cie��nd ronew�lR. t l.ender roquiKa,Bormwer�h�ll pmmptlY�ive to �I rvoaipU <br /> • af pdd pnmiums and�enew�l�oticea. la tho avcnt of lo�,Borrower�fWll �Ive p�ompt aodce to the insumnoe curier md <br /> l.ender. L,eMer may m�ke pmof of lau if nat m�de prompUy by Banowa. <br /> �-- --___—� Unkc�L.ender end Bonnwer otherwise�groe in wdting.insunu�oe pocaeds Rh�ll ha appUed to ro��tion or r�sp�ir oi __ <br /> the Property d�nwged. iP tMo rctw�tlon ar ropdr i�aonotnically fwible �nd Lender��ocurity ie�ot lecsened. If the <br />_ '- oesta�Won or repai�is not aanomically fewibk or I.ende�k socuriry would be Ie�uaKd.the inwr�nce pnaceed�ahdl be <br /> .i��'., �pplfed to�he�wm�secured by this Securiry Inctrument, whether a nd than dua, wilh any excess p�id to Bonower. If <br />-`=�� Barower abandons the Pnoperty,or doea�wt answer wUhin 3Q d�ya a natice fmm Lender th�t the inQwance curier hw <br /> " oHered to settla a claim,then Lender may colbcl We inQUrance proceedo. Lcnder may use the procada to rcpair or nstore <br /> =.-r - - .._,.� the Property or to p�y w�as�cuued by 11�Secwity la�aument�whether or not then due. Tho 30�day perbd wiU be�M whrn ___ <br /> .t-_�, .�_._.Fn��._ �he nutice is giveq. ' <br /> - - Unless Ixnder�nd Bo�rower otberwise s�ee in writing.any applicuIon af pmceccls w pioeip�l shali not extend or � <br /> postpone the due daoe d the marhl�r p�y�aents refomed w in paragaphs I ard x or cMu�ge Ihe wnow�t of�he Qayments. if <br /> ti .E under p�g�ph 21 the Pnvperty is Acquired by L.ender.Borrower5�right ta any insuraiwe policies and proceaig rcsulting <br /> i'rom to the PmpertY Pria'w d�e acquisitian sh�ll p�ss w Lender w t4e eatent of�he swns m�w�ed by thi�Socwity <br />.c�:� _•i� d°'"a�e --- <br />:.� 4ts�lmm�ent�mmediately prior to Ihcacyuisnion. <br /> - - f�, Oocupaac', Preservatbw� Mai�fe�ee �d Protection oi the ProPerty: �oinr+ower"� I.aiw Applieatiow; <br />.,F..__,_-�--___- � Le�we4�vid9. Bomnwer shail accupy.estahlish.�nd use the�openy w Borrower�s principal residerce wilhin sixry days aRer °"- <br /> �: -- 1he ateculion of this Savrity fnstrument:ud��wil can�.�ue tv u..u�y the P�•peny ux Bamwer's prio�,ipa�l nesidedee fa at °'-- <br /> �� _- <br /> ,_'�4. lestst me year after the date of occupa��cy, uaGess Lender otherwisa agrees in wrlting. which eansent shall not be �'� <br /> . - unxa►�na�bly wlthheld.or unbas extenuating cierumsTm�ces eaist which arc beyond Bornnwer?s control. Borrower shaM ad <br /> t M� despoX,damage or impair the P�operty.albw the Fbperty to deteriornte,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower sFwl! �#:� <br />:�.�_�� '"'� be in default if any forfeitum action ar p�uceediog,whether eivil or crimi�wl.ia bcgun�hat in Lender's good faith judgment — <br />'��' ���i couW result in forFeiturc of�he Pro�,�ay or atherwise malerially impair the lien crcated by this Secu�ity Inatrument or - <br /> .;t, Lenderh security inte�s�. Bortower muy cute auch a default and reinslate,es provlded in paragraph 18,by cuusing 1he acUon �=� <br /> ��" or proceeding to 6e dismissed with a ruling that,in Londer's good fai�h detcrminntion,p�cludes forfeitur�e of thc Bomower's ___. <br />`-',r� intercst in the PropaKy or ather material impairmcnt of the lien croated by this Secu�ity Instrument ar I.ender�a security <br /> ° �. interest. Bornower shall also be in default if Borrower. du�ing the lain application process. gave materially false or <br /> -!,:'� . <br /> �+ . t; inaccurate iafarmutian or statemems to I.endar(or failed ro provlde Lender with any material info�mation)in connectio�with _ <br /> the ban evidenced by ihe Note, including. but not limited to. reprcsemationa canceming Barrowerk occupancy of the �- <br /> Property as a principal msidence. If this Securiry Instn�ment is on a leesehold,Horrower shall comply with all the provisions <br /> - ��`;�e ;��: af the lease. If Borroweracquires fee lide to the Property,the Icasehald and the fee title shall not merge unlesx I.ender agrc�ca == <br /> 8 a <br /> � - <br /> �`�+,,� ;.r, ro thc mcrgcr in writing. - <br /> °�. :�'.1�.``' ��+� 7. protection ot Lender's Iti hts t� the Pro rt If Borrower fnil� to rform the covenants and a - <br /> �, t,�.,,t.�r,. ,...�, B Pe Y• Pe Breements _ <br /> t;;�:'�::",�:°"ti;� �'`�',i�'��' comained in this Securiry Instrument, or there is u legal proceeding that may .rignit�candy affect Lenderk rlghts in the -- <br /> '�'�'� ��. y;sr,x t:'.�?,1+;:�', Pmperty(such as n proceeding in bAnkn�ptcy,probute,for condemnation ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or roguletlons),then �'$''"' <br /> �"�+'b�z'f"A�"'�';'� Lender ma do end for whatever Is necess to rotect �he value of ihc pr n and l.ender's d hts in the Pro '�� <br />- � �_�. <br /> �::i,,,. �„r;,: ��.,�,.-� Y W+Y M' p � Y 8 P�ni'• _�- <br /> . I.enderk nctiona mny include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prlarity over this Security Instrument.appearing _ <br /> � ' :-;:. •. ':�,'r, > in couh,paying rensonable attomeys'fees und entering on tho Propcny to make rcpaits. Although Lender may take acNon -T. <br /> , . �:,;��•.:•% under this paragraph 7.Lendcrdaes not heve to do so. °-s="" <br /> , Any nmounts disbu�ed by Lender under this pnragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this �'�_ <br /> ::���• ;. y �• ��j�, Security Instrumcnt. Unkss Borrower nnd Lender agree to other terms of puyment,�hesc amounts shall bear interest from the �:y <br /> ee <br /> ��� �%';'��� dute of dfxbursement at�he Note rate und shall be payablc.with intcrest,upan notice from Lender to Borrower requesting �� <br /> '��., ,•, :� ' . - <br /> r-, <br /> �•;.�,: ,�, •. � ;• �zi <br />,�: .c,•r't�`•l�''��:-�.•;��,4;i. paymenl. <br /> ' t�� B. Mortgage Insarance. If Lender required martgage insurnnce aa a condition of making the loan secured by this '� ' <br />_:v' �'.*T?��.. '" - <br /> �• rq.:5 �, �.ti.. <br /> : �:` , s>a�,.,,1.,�. Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums rcqulred to mainwin the mongage insumnce in effect. !f, for eny <br /> r.,.,.,.a.� r;lV� • �.:.' <br /> , ����,.,.�,,� reusan. the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceuses to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the ,,�_ <br />���,� ��; �••��t�4'�;��" r�emiums ne uired to obtafn covera e substAntiall e uivulent to the mort u e insurance reviousl in effect, ut a cost �=" <br /> ��. �.,:�� : ., .,� P 9 8 S A g 8 p Y <br /> ;,ti���I:n•.:�4�«Y�!r•� substantially eyuivuknt io the cost to Norrower of the mortgage insurnnce previously in effecl, from an ulternete mortgage �'t�,� <br /> �+�� insurer npproved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage insuronce cnveruge is not uvuilable.Borrower shall pay to �;«__ <br /> �y '' • '��� �`��'` ;� Lender each month u sum e uol to one-twelfth of the earl mort a e insumnce remium bein <br /> z. . . .�.� �{'"F��:: 4 Y Y S R p g Puid by Borrower when the -. <br />`��;. '�' ��.,,�•,;,�;.;�;�� insumnce coveruge lupsed or ceased to be in effect. l.ender will uccept,use und rctuin�he�ce puyments as a loss reserve in lieu •,e,= <br /> .� t-�rr.:...,t•y�'.:';,: <br /> . : .,!�,. .R:,;,(`�:Y1�'� of mortgage insurnnce. Loss reserve paymenls may no longer be requind, at the option of Lender,if mortguge insurance �:+,= <br /> ,. '"� �:•• • cnveroge(in the amount and far the period thnt Lender requires)provided My un in+urer appr+oved by Lender again becomes <br /> �;-.• �„ j "�:��,' nvnilable und is abtnined.Borrower shnll puy the premiums reyuired to muinlain mortgage insurnncc in effec�,or tn provide a ��•• <br /> 1 t:'. <br /> � . � . � • btis reserve,until the requiremem for mun�tage insurunce ends in uccordunce with uny wriuen ogreement between Hortower J�, • <br /> l,�r],,;,� . t <br /> „...,;: .,.� _-• ' and Lende�or upplicnble law. <br /> �' • t � ' �•'�•� • 9, lospection. Lender or i�s ugent may make reasonuble entriex up�m and inspections ot'thc Property. Lender shuil 1�� <br /> '�'"'"'-- �- ''��'��` givc Bonuwrr nutice ut the time af or pnar�o an inspertion specifying reusonable rausc for the inxpection. � <br /> ''. ��_ � " � l0. CondemoYti�1. 77k proceeds af am}•awurd nr rlaim for damuges,�Ifrcc�or conseyuentiul,in connectiun with uny F i=;,- <br /> , �--� <br />_ f� .;� , Sin4k F�mlly••Pwlnle MaeiM't�e�die!11ac l'VIFOpN I;VSTR!'MENT••Unffam Cuvrnonh 9/90 IpuKr�af A puges) ��": <br /> '�.f�J�i.� . -. , ��::���. <br /> . .�v�j�i b:��` Gntl Idee IMaUIw PO�M.Io1.� �y�k��i. <br /> To Qder CM:1�/DY67DO9Y0 O PAI NG7lt.t131 r <br />�i � q..i, . .. . . . � ��- <br />-�t.. : ' ��.. � .i,-�.. <br /> � • ��'� y , , Sf'i�. <br /> : (.�r•4 A ' r�t p-{�1{ <br /> y•' 1 � 1 r�il . . i�/'I�. ��`l.�t, ` � �,:�+�,t <br /> S � � . . .. 7)i.:�` ' ._ _ .,'! �ti.. � � 4_ .� �,} � t�; ., l.J.�.���f��� .). <br /> � .. . _ � . . , . . . , .���� . � , �:.. '. <br /> .� ��� ��'� � .: , tt�y;.:�.%�U';'"`.tl.'.�'..� �f��:�. :-.:- :.. '.�! y� �r ' <br /> — '��1}c;�f�r:i�:l0;tf��IC.Mhi`t . .� � y . [i �� . <br /> 'Y�ider�A.�.4sr. i�i.!'.-_ts •-1is:;�� ,Si �+.'i+�''�i�-�I.�r.pda�c;,�i���L�i:.�.1-+Y+_'.t _�J�1'�J!Y1 'ti'�.L�tl- �,i?" <br /> ,�� -- . _-_ - _ -- �— - - - -- -•�_=_=_--_—•---- •�-- .�---r�-.�.—�---�----„-...-.._ --- -- � -r <br /> �-;; � <br /> .�� � .. � , • . ' ' , .. _:, : ... ,�.!.,t t� �,1}Id=N�)� . <br /> t�� '- v.)�-1..i Y�� ������1�J..Vk:a'�'.r. .4�.w�: �:1�' . . . 1` �,��1`'•.r'.}f�r �1:'�lj7FjJ�,.•, r:".��. .� CZ�'��.�til � ,r <br /> ,� -�Y� I • . •• • ' '' ,•,• y� • � • . . . , '' ,'• 7 �y +tr,�. <br /> —�. I 1� !—�, . . ' , . . . - . � . , . , _. .. . � 1 �_, .. . <br /> ',,� '_'' �,,� ' 7 i� `1t1 '�i4 � �a �r�r��„' <br /> '� �; ��'tl. :,� lt.f, �'f.�t�:•�.v! rY, <br /> .t•,S' � ''1: .v, '� r :��'Cr '�r1f.!!�! '�:• •!i::•ii; <br /> ---• i'�i � � � ..,�:;t',,i�.� . �.� .. , �t�'.��:' � <br /> ��•.�;4.• ;i • ., J .:��''r,/ . �'�r;`:�'?" . <br /> c_i„ ��' `��"• .:.�;i . . .. . , , . . ,``., r ���� ,f�;�- - . .. <br /> �; �''4�: "� .. . , , . . . 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