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--� • d ,ty ."'k1.:��:KCe.-� <br /> ��� c .' ��,`_ ����1�.... " _...... .�., _ _ __ -. �_-_.-.�-_ ,�'_. _' <br /> ��� �� - • �. .� «— - •� • • . . . . <br /> �5� , <br /> •�-,:i_�a'..'_ _�D ���+ <br /> �� <br /> — - �--- - TppBfHF.R W17H dl�he inqx�nveanenq naW at hercal'ter exectod an qie property.w�d all cacements.oPPwtauu�. � <br /> �nd Bxdu�a now or he�a�tter t p�t of the property. All repl�oemaus wd additiau oh�ll�Iw be cova�ed by th[s Securlty <br /> lraauma�� All of 1he forc�da�i�refe�ed co in thi�3ecurity Inpdument+w the"Propaty.• <br /> BORROWFR CQVFIVAN'T3 th�t Barower is IAwfully seisod of the estate hercby conveyod�nd Iw:�he d�ht to�nt <br /> �nd convey the Propa�ty�nd Ihat tho Property is uner�cumbe�d.ezcept for encumbnu►ces of ncard. Hornower w�nts�nd <br /> wfll def'atd�eaeral�y tt�o dtk w the P�npaty��inct�11 claims and denwnd�.�ubjat w any encum6rancxs of rocord. <br /> 71iIS SECURITY INS7RUMRNT combinca unifam covenants fa nntiaul use and aon-unifotm covannu witb <br /> --:-�-----=-_�---� �- <br /> limiled v�riadans by judcdic�ian to ooncdrota a unifmm c«v�ity insuument eove�ing rea property• <br /> -�` - UNIF'a��V�NA�. Bo�mwer and I.endercovenant end agra as followa: � when duo 1he <br />_�:;-�� 1. Pa t of Pdad �IIA IAllIYlRi P�'E�yRIlAI�Ild Lif!CII/�di. Borrower shall mPUY PpY <br /> ; pdnci of�utd intenst an tho debt ovidencod by�ha Nwe and any propAyment and la�e cherges due under tt�c Nde. <br /> ; � Fbad�tor 71wua Aad incurnaa. Subject ta Applicable law or to a�rritten waiva by Lender.Bonower shaU p4y ioo� <br />-__� l.ender on the day moniMY PoYments are due under iF�a Note.w►tFl the Note is qaW in fuU.a sum l'Fwda')far.(a)Yearlg <br /> _�_._� ____-�� tauces wra�ssessmems which may Wtain prlmily aver this Sec�uriey!�►slrwnent as a lien w thc PropertY:lb)Fearly IeaseAold _-;. <br /> - p�ym�ewls or ground r+aqs on the Property. if any: (c) yearty {tr+z.ard or poperty insa�anee P'emivau: ld! Y�Y � <br /> insuraoce p[emiwms.if any:(e) ycariy rt►oit$�ge iaswance pc�emiums.if aiqr: and(�an4Y �P�Y�by Borsovrer to . <br /> I.ender.iuu ac�cadance with�he�xovisions of pu�graph tieu of tde p�yment d'rtwqga$e ins�era�e p�e�iums. 'i�ese • <br /> - T items aure�sutled"Esaraw Items." a.endei may.a�t any dme,collect and IaW Fun�io an�not to execed the maximum ` , <br /> =�-�-�� Amou�u a Iender for a fede�.dly related martgage IoAn mey require fo�Borroa•er�esciaw account under the federal Real --_ <br />- -- - — Esuue SetUement Pnncedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to time.l2 U.S.C.Q 2bG1 e?sey.("RESPA").unless another <br /> " - -- I�w[iiat appiics to�f�c Funcis sets A fesser anouni. If�u,i..C��cr msy,at any ume.collern andl hald Funde in on emount not to ., . _- - <br />°- eacced U�e tesser amomM. Lender may estimatc thc w»ount of Rinds due on the basiy of cument data and reasonable � <br /> „ ,tr,, I - <br /> estimates of expendituresof future Escmw Items or otherwise in accordance with appUcable law. --- <br />._�•�,� The Rinds st�all be hold in pn institution whose deposits are insur�ed by a federal agency,instnimentality. ar entity � <br /> � -'. �.y�.,.'���u. (includMg Lender.if Lender is�uch an instiludao)ar in any Federtil Homc Loan Bank. Lender shall apply thc Funds to pay __ <br /> �� • 1he Escrow Items. Lender may nat charge Borrower Por halding und applying the Funds. annuully analyzing the escrow �_- <br /> accounl. or verifying the Fscrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable Iaw permi�s <br /> :��`� l.ender to m�lce such a charge. However. L.ender may require Borrower ta pay a one-time charKe for an independent real �-- <br />" ' v- :;� eswte laa reporting servfce used by l.ender in connection wlth Ihis loan.unlesF applicable Iaw provldes otherwise. UnleqS an <br /> ;,%� �j'� • ag�eement is made or applicable law roquires imerest to be paid,Lender shall not bc required to pay Borrower any intcrest ar <br /> y,. �, ����';�%�. eamings on the Funds. Borrower and I.endcr may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be puid on the Funds. l,ender �r' <br /> �4�,u,...�,5. . <br /> ;�.`���,,..,,, ��.,,,�,�;;� shall give to Borrower,without chnrge,an annual accounting of the Funds.showing cnedits and debits to the Funds nnd Ihe _ <br /> • ' R;k,'��'=.'' purpose for whioh eacb debN to tha Funds was made. 'Ibe FUnds are pledged as additional sccurity for all�ums sccu�ed by = <br />- " � . thiR Security Instrument. --- <br /> --��la�'���"o�:M��'•t:-�'� If tho f�nds hald by Lender exceed Ihe amoun� permiueil lu be LCId i�y epplicabie law. Lcndcr sha!! account to <br /> � ;'`�� ��'� ' � r�� Barrower for�he excess Funds in necordancc wi�h�he reyuirements of applicuble law. If the umount of the Funds held by -- <br /> . ..;,, �,... .., �- <br /> � .��;c:�:' •:� '•'.�?;t}��>,;' Lender at any time is not sufficient ta pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may so notify Barower in writing.and,in � <br /> ' '•.�;i;„����K�:4��M�'?', such case Bomower shall pay to l.ender the arnount necessary to mnke up ►he deiiciency. Borrower shell make up Uie <br /> •������ *•'s��'��++�'��' deficiane in no more thu�twelve monthly Lende�'s sole discretion. �'-� <br />�,t•�.. :�.,y..i�:k;.�..,�y;,,•: Y e.�__ <br /> ;, ;�;:_,;;,Z.-,y1:.d� .tt. Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund�a BoROwer any <br /> '�' �-!••�.:,".t� �r` � Fbnds held b Lender. If, under ura h 21, l,ender xhall ac uire or scll the Pro r[ Lender,prior to�he ac uisition or <br /> . .tfi;.", t` Y P �P 9 Pe Y� q _ - <br /> :,-,,t=�.�•'�;,":.;;Z�r;� sale of the Praperty,sholl upply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale ns n credit against the sums _-�+ <br /> . ' . � � .�•;.. ;,*•;:, securedbylhisSecuritylnswment. ��!�/`�a� <br /> � ,' '' '�.' 3. AppUcatlon of Payments. Unless upplicAble law provides otherwise, all puyments received by Lender under <br /> �' �y:. . ; Y L_��_: <br />_- �'.:��;;::,•';';i' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fi�sl,to Any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to nmounts payable under <br /> ��',' Y ;'. . ,� ;"''`• ara m h 2;third.lo inkrest due;fourlh,lo rinci al due;nnd Inst,to un Iste ch:u es due under the Note. <br /> 1.+ . ,.4, P 8 P P p Y B � <br /> • '' '''���' '''�'''' ' `':• 4. Ch es Liens. Borrower s ha l l a u l l laxes, u�sessments,c har es, f ines e nJ im eitians uttributable to the :�': <br /> T _..,.... Arg i P Y � �'' ,, <br />�'� ` ,�,�.���?y�.'��'������r<x Propany which mny at�efn priority over�his Security Instrument,wnd leusehold payments or ground rents.if nny. Borrower ,• <br /> Y � i:':�+�i2�;+'�?:��;'^ ahall pay these obligations in the manncr provided in parugruph 2,or if not paid in�hut manner,Barower shall pay them an �`=� <br /> fi•�� ,; ,I';;••<;�y5�S,y+s ,� time directly to the petxon owed payment. Borrower shnll promptly fumish to Lender nll natices of amoums to be puid under �,__.: <br /> -. ',,".:, • ,,. iei;�•.�� ' this parngraph. lf Borrower makes these payments direc�tly,Barrawer shall prompUy fumish to I.ender receipts evldencing ��: <br /> �•`r �:, +t�''' the paymen�s. .,�.�. <br /> +`� t'F.y.. ', ` Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which hax prioriry over this S��curity Instn�ment unless Borrower:(a)agrees �- <br /> ';,. �''„' •;;4�f, � _ . -- <br /> ;�. ��:,7j�.:�,,, , in writing to the paymrnl of 1he oblignlic►n ucun:d by the lien in u monner ucceptable to Lender,(b)conlests in guod fnith the � <br />� ; .• .� �` �"�'��,:'.) •��:�'. lien b or defends A auGSt enforcement uf the lien in.Iegnl prc►ceedings which in the Lenderk opini�n operate to prevent�he ��_ <br /> �,�,., S y, g ' �_.�, <br /> �� ;• �!���:��; - <br /> .,����;1��l�y�. >+ enforcement of the lien;or(c►secures from thc holder uf Ihe lien un Agreement satisfnctory to Lender subordinating the lien -_ <br /> �., ,�:`+ "��, ;a;{,;�,, : to this Securiry Instrurnenc. If Lender determines that uny part af the Property i4 tiubjeci to u lien which muy attAin priodty r:_� <br />'--;4::,�: �,� ,�•:�;� ��, over this Securiiy Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the Ifen. Borrower shull sutisfy the lien or teke �, . <br /> _ �•.r... ', �+�,,. �. one or more of the actions sct forih ubove within IO days of Ihe giving of notice. <br /> `' 'F t' Jy ' ' ;�e� 5. HAZnrd or Qroperty Insurance. BoROwcr shall kecp the improvemems now cxis�ing or herenfter erectcd on the <br />}ep � � �°'. . i�+�;t ... . Property insured nguins�loss by fire,haxurds included within the term"estended coverage"and any other har.urds,including <br /> , �`-°'�i�`-�~,F!'r` floods or flooding, for wi�icl� Ixiak� requi�rs ineura�ke. Td�i, +nsurance shall Ix:maintaincd in the amounts and for the • <br /> -.. 'c;1;:�r°,��� ' z <br />= t.. �_'- <br /> ' �'+� ��i- • FormJ028 919� I�+Re2��J4�wRts1 �i`� <br /> � , '?�,•�(�i�.f'� . �\��- <br /> . y ,'.�,;r,. +'t�n1''�S:i; -°.. <br />- j ��i'. t 7 r ��.:��:' , !: <br />. i S � 1 i����,A ' �-_. <br /> �•�jr�S,�'4� } . � <br /> , n t, I ��� <br /> r�t}� sr q ....., <br /> 14�.Y(�:.{'�i�Y`_�{���`;,�{: . .�..�, ��}Fi). ���;:'� .1•;r`''����� {'t �ti�' <br /> ,!-_ ��::;h.:, <br /> �, '•!;3+'�� �,�. ;:i t,�+ �- , , • . , 1 �',r,•.y. t� ,��.:..a- � � � •\(•, � , <br /> i. � � ��� ��� • .. f' , h � 1 :�a {i p,� ���;�1� .� tr: 1'''•' u. <br /> � � � � � t�tr ' �. •� i' , '''} �/, ai <br /> ,r• ,,, �i r ° o E.':� � . v� :r. •� � 1 rf �� <br /> _ . ,. <br /> c J,� C�` , 5. ��I�,�i� 1r• +rir �• .i•�.,' � 'i' �f.>r,��cF-Y1�t,l���% t <br /> . <br /> �i3e , ..�u ..i,� '- . . � . 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