T --�- � . _
<br /> . " '�"}r^r>r-.is' !)!'i+:i..•/h�, ,y^ ]�4(gyr%.,� � . .ii.,; yr: --- -- --� . , T-
<br /> +y�+�q..a.�.a4:�r'. �r�iMl!�t+FY- .- - ------ ..
<br /> �I .
<br /> �.M A�F'�� :�M' . . � .... ��_ _"__�_
<br /> . . f • _
<br /> ' ,�1.YV+I'1 k,i: . .Y�.�__
<br /> ���y;xa*,'.. . . .=r�•
<br /> " . �
<br /> ,�, �.. 91.� 102633 -----_
<br /> •i
<br /> - candemn�ian or�Nher�oking oi uny p:►n of thr.Pmpeny.or tiK runvcyuncr in licu uf co�xlcmnutiun,un�hcrcby u++i�{ned nrxf -
<br /> ' shull t+e paid la Lcnder. —
<br /> � ' �, lo Ihe event ot'u taal i:�i;ing ot�the Pmperty. Ihe ptucerJa �hull he upplirJ to Ihe .um�. ucurrd by�hi� Securiry
<br /> Inxtnimenl,whether ur n�H�hcn due,�vilh uny c�rc..paid tu Barrower. In thc rvrn�ul'a panful lukin�s of �he I'n��xrlp in
<br /> � �4 �'����+`-�. which the fuir market vulue of the Propeny immediutcly heti►rc the tukin�i.cyuul to u�grcatcr�hun�hr am�►um uf thc�um� --
<br /> " ;, y ,�_... '• securcd by Ihi�Securi�y Inrtrument immedlutely IxforY�he�aking, unles.Bomrwer und l.ender aihrrwi�e u�rce in wriiing,
<br /> _ �.�-" ..-'-.��- �hc sumg �ecurcd by �hi.5ecuriry In+tniment .hull hr rrJuccJ h�• �he umi�unl uf thr pnxerd.muUiplied by�hc foUowing ��y --- -
<br /> ; � :tS����.• fru�:lian: (u)�he totul umaum��f the+ums,ecured immediu�ely heli►rc�he r,�l:ing,dividcd by(hl�h�fuir mnrkei vuluc of thc
<br /> �... . . � PropeAy immediutely hefnrc ihe taking, Any bal�nce �hull l+� puiJ to 8i�m►wer. In �hr cven� ol'a paniul tukinti of thc
<br /> � , • I'roperty in which thc i'uir murket vuluc��f Ihr Propcny immediulcl�-txlittc �hc�ul�ing i.Ir,.�hun Ihc cmx�um��f thc +um� Y_;_
<br /> � _ : ,�`�;,, zecured immediutely before Ihe tuking,unle�� &�rn�w�r und Lender��then��i+r agRC m �vriting ��r unlesx applicublc luw
<br /> �"=•_•�r ' ; j othenvite providex.the pn►ceedx.hull i�upplied to the�ums sccurcd hy thin Sccurity In.trumcnt whcther ar nol lhc,ums um _
<br /> � . � .. " �+. then due. —
<br /> -- - `���;� ' ' If tlte Propeny is ubandoned by Hormwer.or ii'.ufter nolicr hy Lcnder to Hum►�ver that the cundenmur ofi'en to n�uke --T- -
<br /> '-�.��;:;>�• .. e
<br />-----:T�__.�•.:. . • un awanf or.rettte a cluim ford:unages.Barmwer fuil+to re��►nd tu Lrndrr wiihin;0 duy►utirr Ihe datr tlx rnKirr ic Fiven. `=T
<br /> ;:s;�u�,� . . ...;-.;•
<br /> -:�M,•«;, �,h ., Lrixk;r ix authorited to coll��t:►nd apply the pnx:crd+.ut it�up�Kin,cithrr io resa�nuion or rcpair uf thr Nn�rny�x to the
<br /> - _ :�;.- f ��,_w'� sums re�ured by thi.S��uriry In,erument,whcther or not th�n Jue. _ _ ____
<br /> __- ��� ,;���a;"��ta• Unlexr Lrndrr und Barrowe�when+�i.e:��e in writing. uny upplicuiion ul'pnxrrJ.tu prinri{r,�! >hall nu�extend�x --
<br /> _ - •� "�'' po��punc Ihe Jue dale of the munthly payment+n terred to in paragn�ph>� I und 2 ur chungr thc amount ut�uch paym.nt,.
<br /> ...,r:,,'r�. ',}�'�,,�,, , Il. Borrawer Not Released: Morbears�nce Bv Lender Not a Wuiver. Gxtcmicx� �►f ihe time tor paymru[ or
<br /> modiGcatian of amudizulion af the�um+,ecurt�i by thiti$ecurity In+trumen�grunteJ by Lendrr�u uny.ucr�titiur m intcre�t
<br /> . �'"��`;�:'"` -�� 1 of Borrowe��h�ll nol uperute lu rclru.0 ttk GabiNty of the �,�iEin•rl BoROtiver or Bora►wer� •ucce.sn►�in inlrretit.Lender �_- _ _ -. ,---
<br /> - ..,�.': ,.' . shull nw be rcquirrd�o commeixe pnxeedings uaninst an� .ucce++or in intcR.t or rciu.e ��►�rwnc� �ime ti,r puyment or ---- --
<br /> . . .. othenvis�modify�amonizutian ot'the sum.securesi b�•thic S��:urity In.ln�mrnt hy reu.un oC am�d�mand m:�d�hy�he uriginal �,�-�_,-
<br /> � . Borrowcr or Bortnwer z succe:uir�in interes�. An� t'orbrarance hy Lcndrr in excrri.in�ar�} righ�nr r.•nxdy�hall not he a _
<br /> �::, � � ',,ti �,�i° w;�ivee at'or preclude�he eaercis�ut any right or rt:m�Jy. _-�—::
<br /> :.��• 12. Succes.wrs and Asr•iRe�s�ound:.loint and Ser•erul Liability;Co-�iRners. Thr:r�v�n:mis and a�n�ments �,f�hix °°
<br /> � Seuurit}� Instcument vfixll hind anJ I+anefit the�uccc+xon and u+,iFn��►f Lender unJ B��rn���rr.+uhjcct �u Qx�ro�i.ion�u� f�;•ti -
<br /> 9�:... . �'`�.'a�w n
<br /> ' '".'�,I. ,�. . Puragr�ph 17. Ho�srnver�coven:mis und agRement� +hall M:_joint und ��vcrul. Any NnnnKer w•ho cu•siFm th�r Srrurit. '`=_—
<br /> RT 4 -�v
<br /> � '.�•>;! ,��4 lns��umem hui does nat execute the No►e: Iu1 i,co-tiignin�:�his Security In+trumen�unly ai mungu�tc.gram ancl conv�y�ha� ��';;y;,,;;;_�.:
<br /> • ���'� �'Q, ��. �� Borrowerk imerest in ihe Propen��undcr the terms of Ihi�Sccuri�y In.inimcnr. ihl i.not�xnunally ahliguted�u pay the+um•
<br /> ...,�' , .�:,�.�.��
<br /> �,�,, . : .;. sccured hy this Scrurit�•Inxtrum�nr anJ Icl�grceti thut Lendcr unJ uny uther Burrowcr muy ugrcc to rxtcnJ. mo�lity.t'ort�e�ar �•Y�..�..�:�
<br /> • ;r ''. o� miike �ny uccomni�xlalions wi�h rc�urd lo thc �crm.oi'�his Serunry Immnmm or the Nute wi�hout Ihut Borru��•rr: _�:-='°•�-: - •�--
<br /> ,',��
<br /> ��,;,: ' CUnknl. F r=� ._
<br /> , ;. ' _ • li. LoAO Cbnrp{es. li thr loun sccured hy th�� �crunty in.irument i.,uhjcc� Iu a iuw �ihi�h �..t: maximu:n loan �4,M�•-�,_-.�
<br /> �,,,•,. churgex,und that I:►w i+linully interpre�ed,u thal the interr�l�x uther luim ch+vgrti cullected or to Ix cullccted in connertion �__rc-___
<br /> wiih the laan exceed ihe�xrmiued limih.�hen: lu1 uny.uch loun churgr,hull fxr rcduccJ by thc amoum nec��tic�ry to reJuce ��„_�.
<br /> , � � •;�:;i.'.;:. the charge Io the pe�mittcJ limi�:am1(hl uny+um+ulrcuJ� cnUcctrd frx�m Burro�verµhich�xce�JrJ�xrniittcd limih aill Ix - .
<br /> �,::r�-..;:�,. � 9 b P P;
<br /> ., ;, ,�,;,;�^�+; �.. r�t'undcd lo Bort��wee LendeP may chiw,e t�i mukc thiti Rfund h rrdurin�Ihc rinri id i,��•ed undrr Ih�Nnt�nr b} �n;�l,ing u '!""'j�'.Y��._:,�;•
<br /> �' � .. Jirec�puyment lo Borro��•cr. lf a refund rcducr.prinripal. Ihr reJucliun will he Irea�ed a�a purtiul prrpayment ��ith�,�n �my , �.,,;;�'_=
<br /> ,�.�.,, �
<br /> �.;,� � prep;►ymem char�e und�r Ihr����c. �'it, ��.,�
<br /> �,,,,:.:..._._
<br /> �',�%;'..L � .• 14. Nolkec. Any muK� tu Bom��vrr provided lix in thi+ ticruri�y In.lrument .hall ix givrn by Jrlivrring it or hy ,'�.:.�';;�"`:•�
<br /> '' ."_".===-
<br /> • , mailing it hy fini clu,+mail unl��.applirublr lu�� rcyuire�u.c��I.�nolhcr mrlh�xl.Thc noticr,h;dl tk di�•ccted a��hc Nropcny St.;';��;4,#'�•. :�-_
<br /> .. AdJre�+or uny�nhrr udJrc„ R�,rrowcr dr.iEnuir.hy nuti�c tu l.r�xlrr. :1ny no�irc �„l.rndcr�hall Fx�iven hy firot cla., �rss.�i�(: '• »
<br /> s � mail to Lender:addrc.�.lutecl hrrcin ur:my u�hrr:�Jdre��l.�ndcr�k.iEnute.hy nu�icc���Burroucr. Any notice providrd tur •„_�.:
<br /> . . in thi+ Serurity hi�trument .hi�ll Ix dcrmcd tu have heen Ei��cn io Burrower �►r Lrndrr a•hrn Eiven u+ pr����icled in �hi� ,�, �}::„��_y_�
<br /> t .�;.. " pumgr.�ph. �',. : ..i.:i..,..` � �,-
<br /> • I5. (:overninq l.nw: tievernbilit��. Thi. ticcurity In,�rumcm .hidl Ik gurrrneJ hy IcJcr:d la« anal thr li�w ol'�he �
<br /> � • jurixdirtion in whirh Ihr Pr�,�xny i.I�xated. In thr evrm diai um• provi.iun ur rluuu uf ihiti Scruri�� 6i+tru�nent ur thc Notr f , ,�, `..``.
<br /> runtlict.wi�h applirablc law.,unc�ontlic��hull nul ullcrt�Nhcr pruvi,iun.ul'tlii.S�cunty In,lrunxm ur th�N���e��hich ran '�
<br /> ' „ ' tx�.ivrn rli'cr� without dx runtlicting pro�•i.iun. 7ii�hi,cnd ih� �ruvi.i�m+��t Ihi. Sr.•uritr In+lrumrm anJ the Nntr arc �.. �`;,'',.,-;: y�
<br /> I ��;%li�`•'•;^.:�•;��_
<br /> ; �„ ,� � declurcd to Ix�cvrrablC. `9.,r� ; .=:
<br /> . s � " '' 16. Borrower'�Cup�•. li.�rrowcr�hall Ix�i�rn uik cunli�m�rJ rap�uC thc Not:�md�,f�hi,5cruri��•In.irumam. ''r:-
<br /> ' � � 17. 'IYuosPer oi the Properly or a Beneticiul Inlcre+l in Bu�rnw�rr. U'nll ur�ny pan oF thr F'ro�xny ur uny intrretit in -`;.
<br /> .� , it i�uiW��r transl'etnd lur if u Ixncliriul imrrr�t in Borru��cr i� wld ur trun.li�re�! and Burn►wer i. nid a nuwrul �xnunl -: �-a-
<br /> ,. . without Lcndc�'+prior wrinen run�em.LrnJrr mav.al ih uptiun. rcyuire imnuJ�ale paym�nt in full ul'all .um,ucured By "'
<br /> '�.-.
<br /> , , �"�' thi.S�rurit}�In�Inmxnl. No�rever.lhi.�►pliun tihall nu�hc c�rrri.ed by Lrnikr it exrrcisc iti prahihiled hy Icd�ral t:i�� :+.ut' - ,�,.;r.'.,-.-
<br /> :;.•::;, : " � � thc dute of'this Scruriry 6ixtrumcm. ' r''-''
<br /> . .. N'LenJer exenisc�thi+upli�m.I.enJer�hall�:icr liurruwcr n�ilirc ul u�cclertiliun. l�hr nuticc�h�ll pr'tn•itle u�xritxl i�l I . .
<br /> , ����"' ' � ni�t le�,thun 3U duy+from tlx dutr tlic ni�iirc i,drli�•rrcJ��r muded a iihin��hirh liwr����cr mu•1 p:i� :�II,um,�crured b>•ihi� k -
<br /> . " Srcuiity Instromcnt. I!Burruw•cr I:�il� lu pa}• Ihr.r ,uni�priur lu Ilt<<�piruuuu ��I Ihi. �xriud. I.rnikr mu� invuko any �,
<br /> ; remedie��xrtniucJ by thi�Scrurily In.lrumcnl��ith�xn lu�hlhr nutirr ur dem;mJ�m 13urro��rr.
<br /> . � 18. Burrower's Riaht to Reinslute. If IiuROacr mcrf. r�rtain :unJui�a�.. liurro��er•hall ha�•c ihe right ro ha�•c
<br /> � eM'anemrm uf thiti Sccurity In.wmcnt di��•��minurJ .0.im �imr pru,r iu�Ne�.irhrr��1: �:u S d:��.��n•,u�h uthcr�xnud a.
<br /> ''1''.'. ,` f.
<br /> �,, . � ;}�rs tim�lr l•.nnd�••Fuonk�Wc Frcddk�1w l\IFIIR�1 1\tifKl\1F:\1 �I nd��rm����rn.mt. v.411 �/•.�cr�.�l,����re�•i �, 1
<br /> �;;ii„�� .t. ��f%'i;�,;,.t� '.ti.�(f � '(„ �
<br /> • '�t ' •I�:':t�' .i,. )' ,� .
<br /> ' )'r ���'y5��i '.�: � ��1�'�::. '�.��-, .
<br /> - '�i���� 'S�i��'S•(�,1, � . .•� 1'.(i�'(; ''„
<br /> •I'1 •'� . .- ; _ .. - ' - :r�
<br /> ... ��t::y,d�+�°•' :. . �; . �' �,+. , �� � �t��„�� !��•'�l`. "l.'.�� ,,r.� ;-i'
<br /> . L�'� - ;�'`. . ' .. . -1, ' ',` �� � - . .
<br /> _ _ _ .. . , ..' ; .
<br /> � � .
<br /> ' �
<br /> � J __ ' .� . _ _
<br />