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<br /> s wcr of salc contained in�his �A.-_,._
<br /> . applicable law may sp�jfy for rcinslwtementl beforo salo of'thc Pn►pcnY I+u�+uunt 1�uny pu -- -
<br /> `, ��I.rycndett�ultl ium�which hen wnuld t�onduc`und�B this Secu ty'Inxtrumenl nnd�lhe N ici�u�i f n�ucc�eleratfon had —
<br /> , ,,y:� ,., �. p�Y pA, s ull es nscr incurt�d in enfi►rcing�hie Se�:udty �
<br /> , :..�.:�su!k;.:�,.: - occurrcd:lb)curcs any defauU of nny other Gavenanta cx agreeme`ces�und ldl tukc.�uch uctiun ur I.cnder may reacanably --
<br /> �:�. laspumeot.includin�{,hut nat limited 1a,reasanuhle uuorncy' �d p��m,��k obligudon ta pay the --�-
<br /> :., , .,. . .:_:���,,..�,,,` � - — --
<br /> • • " � rcquire to as�ure ihpt thc lien af thia Sccudty In�trument,L.enderk righlF in thc PrupeAY
<br /> 3......, . ..,�� . —_
<br /> � � �-• �uma �u� nr �n�s S�curity� Insttumrnt �hell rantinuc unchungcd. Clpna rcin�tatement by Bortowcr, this Secu ty L
<br /> '��%^ �hall mmuin fully cffectivc uc i� no ucccicru�i�x►had�wcurrul. Hawcver.thiti _
<br /> :t .^,i�,�.�"' In�trument axl thc ubligatiuns�ecured hcreby. -_- --
<br /> :'�':r_:: �'`,' daht la reinstate shAll na apply in�he ause uf uccelerat�N�e P�p�„i I nterest in thc No1e (logcthcr with Ihis�:curitY _,�_,,,,,� .
<br /> ..� .�.�.��='tr:-.+ �.�. 19. 4sk ot Ndei Clwn�e at I.oan Servicea �.,�,'.' - _
<br /> Instrumeml may be �►Id one or mare time�without prior notice to��rn�wc�. A +ule muy result in a chunge in the cntity ���_�:�tii-_�
<br /> �s;�� � �knovm us the"I.oan Servicer'11hat callectfi maathly payments due under thc Nate und Ihis Secudty Inxtrument. There�1� �.',�`F`Y__�
<br /> '`�� may be one or ma'e chan8os of Ihe I.oun Servicer unrelated to u�:ul�of thr Nute. If therc is u chunge af�he Loa�Servicer. � ����
<br /> _� '�.,.1. ' „ ��� 'ven w�itten notico of�he chunge in uccordance with pnnrnB�uph 14 uiwve und app�icuble luw. 'il�nwice �`,
<br /> ' Bottower will bc g� ��.::.�_�°` -
<br /> :�- ' " ' will state 1ha name w►d uddress af the ncw 4aun Servicer s�nd tha uddrecs 1n w��ich puyment+shaulJ t�made. Thc noticc will `�_, --^v
<br /> " ' • � • • , �Isa contuin any other infom�uiion required by upplicAble luw. �;"?°•°,,�,�,�_�;_.,
<br /> . .;,,�. �p. H���Subst�pees. gamawer shull nat cause or pem►it the pre�ence,use.disposnl,slomge.c►r reles►sr of any ,_
<br /> � .'�'.� Barmwer shull not do. ne�r ulluw unyone else w do, anylhing nCfecting�he ,r-�.�:,�.�,:_
<br /> :S� .. Haxardous Substances on ar in the PmpenY• �-�' � �W
<br /> , .,.., . _
<br /> • ,�:, . PropeAy that is in violation of any Envimnmemul LAw. The precc�ling�wo�entences,hall nw apply�o�he Pre�e'xe,use,or �
<br /> � � ' of small uantilies af Haz+udous Substmnces�hu�ure Beneri►Ily rccognized�o be apW�pna�e�°r�o�m� �11��`�"
<br />.. ;, ��;:..•.,., . siornge on�he Property 8 �''_---
<br /> �`'� - '•+�:-,�,{;�, rcsidential uses nnd to mpintenance of�hc PropertY• �;� _ _�,
<br /> • '+a` �. .•''.,.,.., Bomawe�shall promptly give Lender written nutice of nny inves�igat�on.clnim.demnnd,law�uit o�other uction by unv . .
<br /> and un Ha�.+uda�y Substaixe ar 6mininmental ��..,�_
<br /> ��;• � govemmental ar regulatory ugency or privu�e pnrty involving thc PropeAY , 3' y ovemmenta� or regulatan'
<br /> •�= " Law of which Borrowcr hus actual knowledge. If Borrower leums, or is notitied b uny g �__��._:
<br /> authority,that any removul ar other remediation of any Huznrdous Subs�ance uffecting the PropenY is nece�wrY•s°n'°`"ei � _�,.�.Y
<br /> . �,.if�t-� ' '�� '•� •, r,hall promptly tnke ull necesgary remedial uctions in ucwrdance with Environmental Luw.
<br /> , �
<br /> • As used m this pera��Pfollawin�ubg an esbs gusoline, I,ew�ene bother flamemable ortoxi cpeuol um P��du��+cl°'�" �,, r��,
<br /> ��4=;'r.1 . Environmental Ls�w und g _ � ��os or formuldehyde,and a+diouctive mu[erials. .\s �-�•.�-
<br /> ,�. �:fi� ���.
<br /> s_�i �, ���;F�' � pesticidcs and herbicides,volntile+olvcnt�,ma�eriuls containin� u.be -
<br /> �<c;,i,;�'' �, :'��i��.�...� used tn this par�grnph 20."Environmental Lu�v"means fedeml la��s and Inws of�he jurisdic�ion where�he Prc�peRy is located �- -_--
<br /> ti;,�;,° ;i:�;�:;,�.;; { that relate ro health,safety or environmental prcuccuom. "�`
<br /> , r.�. �,��f`S'�'i�
<br /> 'F':�:��..��Y.. ;�_"_" ���'?�^_
<br /> • • �;ia•. . °i.�.:f...,,, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower�nd Lenckr funher covcnant and ugree as falluws: �
<br /> -,;v�' � °�yi�Y?'^ • 21. Acceleratlon: Remedies. 4.eoder shall Rive aatice t�o Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's �
<br /> - �. lsrc�clS ot assy covennnt or�greemenl in this Security Iv�stru.rnent Ibut not prior lo accelerution under paragrap�h 17 , f ti ��,.��'
<br /> �:u�i`�:; � - unless applicable law provides othet�wisel. The natice ehali speciiy: t+�i ihe de!'aalt:(b!the aclic��eq+��'�to cure the ^4`!�;'�
<br /> • �!�;.;�: .. �' • defAUlt:lc)s�date.no9 less than 30 days from the dafe Ihe notice is Riven to Borrowe�,by which the default mest be !�:IS�F`_`_
<br /> ,. •
<br /> �'•'�:° : � �,. ''` cured;And/d)that failure to cure t6e dePault on ur bePore Ihe date speclRed in the notke m�y r�sult i�+acceleralfon of y `.-
<br /> • � � � '•' ����%`� the su�r+.;secured by this Securit�lnstrument and sale of the Properly. The aotice shall further inf�rm Borrower uf ��____
<br /> .;, , <,;i:•:r• o,YI�+:.''-_
<br /> '�,:��.�', the�i�hs la reinalate after eccrlerAaaon and the right to br�n�u courl action to�.ssert the aon•existence uP a dei'au11 or
<br /> ' ,� ��,.y„ � a ..1 c,�,v.;:-°°°--
<br /> � , ,.,, any a1Y�er defense oi BorroN•e�to�L�celeration and sale. 1P the default is not cured on or betore the date s ciiied n . ,.�.��� _
<br /> . • the not�ce.l.ender ut i�s aption may require immediAte payment in Pull of all sums secare�by Ihis Security lnatrur�ent .• �_:_
<br /> ,�' ' �" withnut i'urther demand and may invoke Ihe �pawer of sale und aay other remedies permittect by upplkabte law. �
<br /> " ' � � `�'+tt�''� L e n d e r a h a l l b e ent�tled to collect ull expenses lncurred in pursuing the remedies provided in th�s parngraph 21. ' J
<br /> . ;��t.,,,:; . �::�. _�—_
<br /> , � • •���;;; in c l u c�i�g,b u t n o t l i m i t e d l o.r e a s o n a b l e attorne ys'fees an d c o s l s o P t i t l e e v i d e n c e. r, '�M
<br /> � 0`9he power of tiale is invoked.71'ustee shull rew�d a nutice o P de fau l t in c a c h c n u n t y i n w h i e h a n y p a r t o f t h e - ` � ' ���P
<br /> , PropeMy is IocAted and shall mail copies of such notice in the mwnner prescribed by appl3cuble law to Borrower nnd lo _�__ __
<br /> , ?,:: �� • the other perwns prescribed by applicnWe lu���. af�er Ihe time required by ppplicuble luw.'IYusiee sh�U give publlc {.'``t� .:w��:.
<br /> ��';� •��,'��_ � notice of r�ule to the�er+ons and in the m�nner prescribed bv aPP��cable law. 7lrustee,wilhout�iemuod on Borrower. ,"'
<br /> � •;, :;�.:.;;� ,.
<br /> �a
<br /> ' ';;:; � ..���:., � shall sell lhe Propertv nt public puction to 1he hi�hest bidder at the time and ptace and under 1he terms desi�;nated in �• ..
<br /> ►:Nr. ..°..:'
<br /> •��� •;�;• ''�t;' the adKr of sele in one or more purcels and in any urder 71rus1ee determine�. 71�ustee mav postpone s�le of all or uny i
<br /> , ' ',,'• . •M ., ,�,••!���.;;..,.
<br /> � �+���,: � - •>y�.:�,J: par4�Y r�'lhe Property by public announcemenl s►t the tirne and place of any previotasly scheduled sAle. l.ende�o�its � ���
<br /> .,:.�.�t��
<br /> .�: •� deslgnee may purchese tfie Properl`at any qule.
<br /> .0
<br /> � '�t � ' Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.Truslee chAli deliver to Ihe purchaser 'frustee'g deed conveying 9he E
<br /> � � , � property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shull he prima facie evidence of the truth of thr wlateme�ts m�de therein. .
<br /> ' 7lrurtee shaN apply the proceeds oi the 5nle in 1he followin���rde�: lal tu all custs and expenses of exe�clving the{wwer , 4'y�i.,�
<br /> , .i:'';��.�;...
<br />� .`S. .. ff. .,c.�
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