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i -7 � ; . . . .:.,p.w��� <br /> � �4�— -' �.,m...:�.---__ <br /> ` _'�i'm <br /> . ... f. . „ .nrnr•. -.' ---° .�:..- .. <br /> ,i;,:.`y" .� <br /> . ...._. .... _ . . <br /> . _ _._ _ � .,`=- <br /> x+ ` . ..� <br /> ,.:._ <br /> � - <br /> � <br /> , gl-� 102633 <br /> �� <br /> ;i,;:. �' . <br /> ,� peri�Klx Ihut Lender r��uire�. The inrurance rvnier pn�viJing Ihe ineurwice+►hull he ch�►�n by BaRUwer subkcl ta Lenderk -- <br /> upprc�val whkh�h�ll n��be unreusonably wilhheld. If B�xrowrr i'uilx tu m�int�in cuveruFe�k+criMrJ uhewe.Le�uier may.a� <br /> � i � .; r' l.ciuler's op�ion.nbtuin coverug�to prutect Lenikr:�ight+in Ihe I'r�ry��ty in ucrurd+�nce wuh p•rrugruph 7. <br /> All inrurunce pc►licie�und renewul�xhall Ix ucceExu6le to I.c�xkr•rnJ.hull inrlu�k u.tundurd nvc�u l�.ender II recci�ts <br /> xhall havc the�ighl�u h��ld the pc�licic�s+nJ mnewulv. if Lcmkr rcyuin�.Burn►wcr+hall pnHnMly}t' p <br /> -- �w uf patd prcmiums.�nd renr.wal no�ireti. In thc cvcnt of los�. ���rrow•cr�hull�ivr prumpt n��iicc ro�he inwrunce rurricr und —� -- - <br /> � Lendcr. Le�der muy mu�:e pmof uf lo.,if nc►t madc pn►mpdy by ii�►rruwcr. <br /> � r Y Unles�l.ender cuxl Borrower Mhenviw ugrce in wdtin�,in�urunce pnkeed.•hull he uppUcd 1n�e�torution ur rcpair�,f <br /> �', • .-. _= thc ProFirty dumuSed, if the re+toruti�m ��r n:��ir i.econum�cufly fra,ihle und Lcndc�� +ecuri�y i. nat Ic++ened. It ihe <br /> . . t�,^'�_•`:':���' resiorntion or repair i�; not cconomically feu.ible or Lendc�:u�uri�y wuuld Ix� Ir��ened.�he incumncc pnx:eeds ,hall he _�_ <br /> � ��������; upplied to Ihe sum�: tiecured by �hi+� Secu�ty In�tnimen�,wh�th�r��r mN then due, wi�h uny�xcr�. puid io Bormwer. lf �,�,,,�__. <br /> � �.., ,�N-", Barrawer abundona the ProF,erty.or doe�not un+wer within �0 Juys u notice 1'mm Lender�hu� Ihe in.u�unce carriar hu� �� <br /> '„__,�;;�.,�„ - afiered ta setde a claim,dien Lender muy a�llect�he imurunce pnxccJ�. l.ender muy u�e Ihe pnxreJti�o repair or rctitore �` `��•�•_ <br /> ,.�._,„i�,,: . <br /> --°��_-;�� �..-..-.. : the property or co puy suau secured by�hie Securiry Instromem,wh�theror not thcn dur. "I'hr itW�y�x:ri�xl will Ix+gin when <br /> �.,�:,�. <br /> �-.—__�-___ <br /> �,,;, ►he rwtice is given. � <br /> �'�""'�R`• 'Y �.;1'. , Untess Lendee sutd Bocrower ott►eewise a�r�e in wri�ing.uny upplira�iun oi�pr�x:eeJs�o principul .hull not oxtend or —_ <br /> �TSl�i�T= <br /> °�"�'��� "� �''' postpone�he due dute of the monthlY p•rY�nents►r•fern�d to i�puragmphs I und 2 ar rhunRe�he umoum of Ihc puyments. lf �,�,�_ <br /> r '' ��y,�,`� � ��'' under '! the Propetly ix•rKyuimd by�.ender.Bom�werx right tu uny insurunce�dicieti und pnxreds re�ulcing �L.�,-., .:,,--_ <br /> ��,�, ,,,;,,,,, � P�B�° or ta t{x aequisit'ton�twll us+u�Lendcr lo�hc extent of Ihe sumx secured by�hiy S��nrity __ <br /> . f •,•.'�'"� .�� ," ibom damage to�he Propeny Pri P <br />,�_�-=�'��'��:_�, � Inwrument immediutely pnorto the acyuitiiuon. IicAtion; �'�e�--_- <br /> ..,, ` �a�'-",: '" -. 6. Occupancy, P�rvuliun. Ms�ipteoance aad Protecllon oP the Pr+�: Burruwer'g Luwn App ��___ _ -- <br />_'�;`�',��:� .( ;.�;�'�`'�"°•.' Leasehalds. Surrower shull occupy.establish.and ux:the Pruperty us Horrowerl prn�c�p:d residence within.ixry duy�utter .�,n�.,....- <br />�•��T�"' :. f�� • ', the execution nf this Security Imtrument und shaU roatinue�a occupy�he ProFxny u�Burmwer: principul n.idrnce far at ,+}��`'�?y <br /> +.:�.; le ast onc �•e,►r after �he dute ��f cx:cupuncy, untes. Lendcr o�herwise ugrc:r� in writing, which cai.cnt +hall nat br ��•��--_ <br /> ` t���'��1''�'`=�• unreasanubly withheld,or i+nlesx cxtenuating ciRUm��uncex exist which ure Ixyon d Born�wr•r:cun trn l. Bo r r u w e r ti h u l l nol _______ <br />__ ,�n`�'�r��, ':�,, �. �%•:`�_.�.._�,,.._. <br />- , ,,.s � .lestmy,damage or im�ir�hc Praprny,ulluw Ihe Property ta deteriorutc.or commi�wu.rtc on�he Pro�xrny. Burrower.huU ,Y �_r_ <br /> =•;` � �� - � y, he in default if uny forfei�ure actian or proceeJing,whether civil ur criminul,iti tx�un Ihal in Lcnder's�axl faith judgment '��R�r�� „ <br /> � ";d��'�� could re�uli in forfeiwre of the Prape�ty or o�henvi�e muteriully irnpuir �he lien created hy ihis Securiiy In�lrumem ur YS� <br />-..,f�.1 4 .. .�Y,A� ..,. <br /> _ qt�, ,,; , l..ender's securiry interest. Borrower mav cure,uc h u Je fuu l t u n d re i n,t a i e,u s p r�w i d e d i n p a r a a a p h I 8,h y r u u.i n g thc uction ,,,,�._: <br /> ,.� <br /> • •' !r r�� ��t raceedin 10 be dismitixed with u ruling thut,in L.ender�gaid fuith Jetenninuti�m,preclu��I��rlciwre i�f�hc Burn�wer's ,".._��,,.,- <br /> ',�;�1�; Y .' irner ezt in the Prupeny or a�he�materiul impairmrm ��f'the lien crcu�ed hy �hi.S�curity Invtrumcnt or Lrnder; +ecurity ��c:�� — <br /> . . •i��Jt��;. `" " iMemst. Borrower shall ulxo lx in defuult if BaROwer. Jurin@ the luun applicatinn prcK:e,., guve mute�ially ful+e c�r ��r_ <br /> � `'�` ; "� inuccumte infarmution or titu�emems to Lemlcrinr failed to provicie l.rnJc�wiih uny material informalionl in cnnntction with _ __ _ <br /> ` r}•.. �'' �'�' tlx loun r�•idenced by thc Note. includmF. but not iimited w. ICF�II'�c'ilSiRiJili ;,.rn¢rning 8orn,�+�er; ctirt+�+a+�+•y of �hc - _ --- --- <br /> , „" , •" , ': ij''�` propeny n;a principul retiidence. If thi�Seruri�y Inxtrument i.on;i lea,i•fi„Id.B��rro�ecr ahall comply wi�h ull thr pravi,ionx _ ._ <br /> ,r;,. • ':;,.. �� .��{;y�� , _ <br />:..;;t,�i, ,y �.',�h,: .,,,, .�, .���::;�' of the leu:�e. lf Borrower acquin'�I're�itle io the 1'ro�:rty.thc Ic:�rchi,IJ�md Ihe fee rnle±hal1 nai merge unles�l.cndrr:+�r�e, 4, . ..._ <br /> 1(,. . �+ 54yY� r�. � tothe mergcr in writing. hi�'�Ja.�:.. ._ <br /> �� �i ; > . .. 7. ProtecNon of Q.ender's Ri�hts in Ihe 1'rnperty. II' R��rn�w�r lail� ia perl'omt Ihc rnvenants and :igr��emen�. .4.a,,,i.....• <br /> , �'.: `.' � , �'�`� ••.•,t,�i t� con�afnrd in �hi+ Securit�• Instrumrnt. ix Ihem i� +i Irg:�l pr�xceJin�thul m+ry +igniticanlly atfect Len�r:ti rights in �he � 't'"�Y. `,;� <br /> t ��.:3ti�`:i.�.�- <br />`. .;�,�,,,,. � . .. • + t;, :;,,;,�... 1�l�91l�!: <br />.,. ,.. •.�.,,,.:�, pmpert�• lsuch as u�x�xecding in han4,niptry.prohatc.for runJrmnutinn ur farteiturc�,r�u rnt��rrc la►w.ur rruulaiiun+l,lhrn <br /> ::,�,-_. • ,.r. , <br /> � ,' ,; ,; t l.endcr ma� do und puy ti�r whu�cver i�nccctisury tu protrc��hc valu.��f thc PraTxny nnJ Lcnder's right,in Ihe Propeny. ���r.rr�:i� _ .�- <br /> •��� . . �. ;`f��1••,��: , <br /> ,• Lender�+Mtians muy inrlu�k puyinF am•,um,+ccurrd by u lien ahich hu.priority uver this 5ccuriry In�lrum�nt.uppearinF ,., .,. <br /> '� 't'-h.r�.� ', ...•, in court. puying rcuwnublc aui�mcy+'fcoz anJ rntrrini nn Iln 1'mpcn�� to makr rcpain. �111hough Lencicr may Iakc acti�m r::� _ .. ±- <br /> ,�,' � i, i;?��t+;if,••�:!1,;,�F, uilder Ihlti partlgruph 7.Lernkr dixs not huvc lo Ju so. "�`'----' <br />.�;,,�. �;ittiit�'�'. '.•�`:,�:. , Any amaun�s di,bur,rJ bv L�ndcr ondu�hi, puraEr:►ph 7 �hidl Ikaanc addilinnul dcM ot'B��rr���vrr�ecurcd hy Ihi, �;j;`;;�� '�-�=�;;tin_,., <br /> ,�, ..� � •. �'•��{�'' Security ln+trumcnt. Unlr,ti B��rrow�cr anJ LrnJrr iigrce�o rnher icrie�,nl'�Yment.ihc.r amuunt.+h:►II lkar intcre+t t'mm thr �&.;�; ,�,��••�r' : <br /> `ti,;.� ` �;?r�j�Y ,. • ..' Jute of disbw•umcnl al the Notc r.uc and.hull tx puyuhlr.�vith intcrr.t.u�xm nuticc fn�►� Lcnder�o Born��ver reyucsnng ig,, �, ��si �' <br /> ,:., �t+i4,•.�Sr } ."; " payment. r;�F#�,���:��„,;� <br /> �,xt ,y 8. Mortga�e Instirunce. II'Lender rcyuireJ m�xtguge in.uraiKr a.�► ��,n�litiun ul m:►I�ing t he li�un�crured h y I h i+ .,,, �t+� -:e�• <br /> .'':� '.`r�l;��y .� 7�__,- <br /> ,.�, A . . ;• Security In.lrument. B�►rmwer xha►Il p:iy Ihr premium•requir�d lo mnintain Ifir mnngagc in.uruncr in eff�ci. If.for any NS:.�,:-.�;Y;'Yao <br />.•;if . . '','. rcuson. �he mongage in,uruncc roverage reyuired M• l.ender lap.e� ��r reu+e, iu ik in et'tect. Dorco�ver �hall puy �hr •. �t,�. <br /> �"(';-:;:.; <br />"�,��_ .� , 7,: �,:; prrmiums reyuired tu uBtain ru��rra�:e �ub,iantially cyuivalen� tu the mongag. in,urcnur pr� in �fiect. ot :� rn,t �...-.�.,�>.;,,:,"" <br /> : � .� c�� <br /> :' ,�1� ti+,;�' ,ubstantiully eyuivulcnt Iu�Ix ca.l tu Rurrowcr uf Ihc muhga�tc in�uran.r previuu.l�• in cl'I�c�. t�am an alicrnate nwnEa�c <br /> ;'' ': inrurcr uppmvcd hy LcnJrr. It',uh,t�mually cqui�•alcni m�nt�u�:�in,urunrc rovcr.►gc i.n�d a�•:nlahk.Burrowcr tih•rll p:�y lu i�,�t�,�: <br /> . `�".. : •^''.., " Lender c:kh month u,um eyual lo unc-Iwrltih ul'thc ycarly munEagc in.uranre pTemium ixing paid by Burrowcr �ohen Uk ' ��,� <br /> r-._�. <br /> �' '�, i,.r•�,. - <br /> _ � ,.:,',',�. ..`pf;tY.: insuruncc coverrg� or rcakJ ti�!x in rflec�.�kr�vill :urv�t,uu:md rciain ihe,e paymrnt.u,u lo,.rc.rrve in liru�,�,.•��,. <br /> . , ,� �1..�.:�,� of mm�gage in.uranrc. Lu+. rcxn•r p:q•menh m:n• no lung�r ix r�yuircd.;N iix uptiun uf LcnJcr. if murtg:igc in.urancr •�;E�..;:- <br /> ;'°� ��"} • '��,�li,• coverugc lin tlk umuuni anJ 1'ur�hr�xri��l dial l.endrr nyuirc.�rn,cidrd hy:in in.urcr:��r«,�c�i n�� t.����ier���:u�„n«��me, .a`�. ,�',,,�...: <br /> ;. ,7,;��,, :. .,�,., <br /> ., '.'•:r, .. . • 9V:l1I:IMC and i.uh�uincd.Hornn��cr.hall pa���hr pr�mium�rcyuirc�l io m:iintain muri�!agr in.uranrr m rl�tcct.ur tu pro��idr.� <br /> ��, • ° lo��re�erve.umil the rc��uinmem ti�r mangu�� in�urance rnd. in:�ccnnian.r auli au� ��rin.n a�:�iemrn�ikt��rrn Hurmwrr <br /> . . and Lendcr or applir.�hlr I.i��. f <br /> � ,�;;.�`._ 9. InspeClion. I.�nd�r�x it�agem nw� mal.r re;�•anahlr cntnt� upun anJ in.��clium ot Ihr I'nqxrl)•. Lrndrr.hall ` 5� <br /> ...�. Eivc Borrna•rr nutire al Ihr iimr��i i�r rrinr tu an in.�wcli�m.�x�•ilrinc rr:�.��nahl.•:au.�I�nr Ihr�n+�xrtiun. I' <br /> . .>,;;', l, . <br />, , •• 10. l'undcmnution. 'fhe rmcrr�l���t am .i��:u�l ui .I.wn t��i �I,�ma�.•�.�firc.•t„r:un..•.;:int� runn�ru��n��ith an� r �.. . . <br /> .,. �m�_�r I:nnd� FanNc�lue�Fnvldk�fuc 1\IFt�Nq I��fRI�IF'�1' 1 wi,�en.�.•.:n.mi. 9 WI �;��r.. ,�I•��vi_�•, � :•l. <br /> , � ',�;;,, <br /> �� .. .. �.u.Y 1.�4�Nu•icra.�.mw_I�r � � ,,.,,i. <br /> I.��h�H 1.111 11bY1'.b1•.�'�. 1\\�•��`i'11�1).1} _� . �+!i.l . <br /> .. j . ' 1 .1'1'�. <br />� . � ;�4.. 1_ <br /> , � . <br /> . _ '_ , . . _ .. ��Fli'.f.'� � °" �f�.... .�i.,:;.. <br /> -�� ... . . _ . ... . . r �.5�' . . <br /> � . l.� <br /> .. _ J T :_.. . . . . , . ... �. <br /> ' . . . . • . <br />, . . . . ,t . -'' - <br /> 1 <br /> ' � ---- - -- -- -- -�- _- . _.. .. <br />