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le<[R � .._ __ _-__— — _ --_ <br /> _S_� <br /> . . � .._�_i.�..._x:i�.�.�.raw�'�`Y'�irwr <br /> �_— <br /> R�..+�w-��.�-�--....-��....-�._- <br /> � '� �T�- � � � . �._-- � <br /> .-.��. �� ��t�.���r.. -y---.�_�.�.. <br /> '�My tIN�� _ .-. <br /> . �'{•� " <br /> ��� Y�' . . — � . <br /> _ , . �.t�av �,�din�..� . • _ - _-- <br /> ��11 • <br /> � . � �1� 102633 <br /> ' ;� T(�(lE7't1ER WITN all tho impmvemcmr nuw�x hcreaftcr crctitcd un�hc prupeny,und ull wsementti,uppuncnunces, ---- <br /> und Ox�urcr now nr hercaf�cr a pan of�hv prapchy. All replw�;cmrntx und additians shall alu�be cavered by Ihls Securily <br /> ,.. ,-•.,. Inwrument All of thc fnregning is refemd to in ihis Security Inslrunxnl u�Ihe"Prapeny." _ <br /> ,.. ,... ,. ; <br /> . • �r�:. . BORROW�R COVGNANTS Ihut Horn�wer is luwfully xeis�ed of the e�lute hereby convcyed und has ihe�ight io gmnt <br /> � �� _ <br /> •• L '":,��,., ,' unct canvey Ihe 1'�operry nnd thut tho Property is unencumbered,except for e�x:umbrAnce�af recarcl. Borrower wurrunts wid <br /> ' :...:. . <br /> will dofend generally the IUIe�o tt�Propetty Aguinst all claims and demuncls,subJect to any encumbrunces af re�:oM. _ <br /> - >.:���•,•�� • "('HIS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT cumbines uniWm� wvenun�e Pur natiunal u�.c and non-unifurm covenntms �vi�h � <br /> � , -_- -- <br /> �L =�"�:T'� . limited viulal{ona by jurisdictian�o conslitute u unifam►scecu�fty insuument covering reAl pmpeny. -- <br /> Q' . .' .3 . o...� <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bamnwcr und Lcndcr cavenunt and ugme us tnllows: ��t_ _ <br /> -., �r�y;-_;,� � .�• 1. PAyment of Princlpwl and Interesti Prepwyment and Late Cha�es. Bomower,hall p�ompUy puy when due�he - <br />—'°��"":�� rinci ul af und interest on Ihe debt evidencecl b Ihe Natc und nn rc a ment und Inte ch es due under the Na�c. �t� <br />���'�� "����' P 2 �nds for'IbKes and Insurance. Su ject lo upplicable luw or i a wrhten woivcr by Lcnder,Borrowcr shs�ll pAy io _-� <br /> ,_.�� �f` ���� �_, , Lender an the duy moatl�ly puyments urc due undcr�he Note,until thc Notc is puid in full.a sum c"FwMts"1 for.(a1 ycurly ___,_�_ <br /> , '�°"o taxes and uatisessmencs which may aaain priority rnar thir;Security InstNment as u lien on ihe 4'ropeny;(bl yeorly leusehold �_ _______ <br /> _ t� '. payments or ground rents on the Prapeny, if uny; Ic1 yearly huzurd or propeny insurunce premiums; (d) year{y fload _ <br /> `� t insur,�ncc premiums, ii siny: (e1 yearly mongage insuranre premiums,if a.�y; und lfl any sums payable by Borrower�o � sy <br /> ��.�. , ' " Lender. in uccordeu�ce with the provitiiuns of parngrnph 8,in lieu of the payment oY monguge insurunc.�premium�. '�'Imse �W <br /> ,� -�,r.. �. .. <br /> .�,I�; ,, ilems ure called"Escrow Items.' Lender may,n�uny�ime,collect und hald Funds in un um4�unt nw to exceed�he�ax inium -- <br /> f���' •�• amamt a leoder for a federrlly related mortgage loun may requi� for Borrowerk ev�r�w• account under Qu federal Real -�-- <br />� ���, Estu�e Senlemenl Procedures Act of 1974 as�mended from time ta Iime.12 U.S.C.B 2G�i�il er.req.l"RESF.4"l.unless unother ���.��;;�,.,,, <br />"...�'.� � .�: <br />:;:r:;�.:c!,•.: law thAt Applies to�he E1.mds uys a lesse�amcwnt. !f so.Lender mn ,tu a� time,coll�ct and hold Funds in nn amount nal ta ��"-t`�":-�_-_--. <br /> ..: .,,:.,� V;�, Y Y . �c--.,=•:.- - <br /> exceed the lesser nmaunt. Lender rnuy cstimute the amount oF Funds due an Ihc b�si, aP current du�a und reusonable <br /> �..,;�,;� <br />•+�a�'%��•:':1,• `��i,' estimates of expenditures of futum�.ccrow Items or otherwise in uccordance wi�h app9ic�ble law. !�::;' <br /> ,��t,•; ; u <br />�: i:►!!t � �"`._=- <br /> ,, ,�. Thc Funds shull bc:hald in An institu�ion whose deposits ure insurcd by n federal�igency, in.rin�mentaliry, or cn�iry ,.__;,.;.,._ <br /> ' `;;, (including Lender,if Lendnr i.such nn institulion)or in uny Feden�l Home Loan Bunk. l.ender shall o�ply the Funds to pay — <br /> •�'r-,�i;'� : ' •, ��� the�scrow Items. Lender muy nrn charge Borrower fiir holding and npplying �he Funds. annuully»nalyzing ihe escrow <br /> r: • <br /> ,,. `� � „ ,. " account, or verifying �he Escro�ti• 11ems, unlesx Lender pays Borrawer imemst on th� Funds und upplicuble law permits _- — <br /> ' • Lender to make such n charge. However,Lender may require BoROwer to pAy st onc-time charge for nn independent rrul <br /> � • estute tsix►eponing service used by l.ender in connection with Ihis loan,unles�upplic:►ble luw provides othenvi,e. Unle�s an <br /> � .;� ° ugreement is made ar applkuble Inw requircs interest to be puid,Lendrr shull n��t be required ro pay Bo�rowcr uny interes�or ------ - <br /> f' . r.� �, ` •�' ' eiunings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wriling,however,thAt inleresl shull be paid on�hc Funds. Lender =- <br /> • !'-•`�.� ^"� ,,;�;.;� ahall$ive to Borrower,without charge,an unnual accaunting ot'the Funds.showing credits and debils t���he Funds and�he <br /> �.�%+� t ��,. '.;�; ' putpnse for which each debit to the Funds wus mude. The FLnds ore pledged us addi�innal security for n11 sums xewred by -- ------ <br /> _- - Y;:.�.r�?�'r� Ihis Securiry Instrumenl. �����`�`'-�' <br /> `�����'f''•'%�'�'�� If the Funds held by Lrnder exceed �he umounts permiued lo ix held by upplicable luw, l.ender shull uccount to ,��;___ <br /> ,.. ,., ��t�!';`"� <br /> � �`��+'`�� . Bonower for the eacess Funds in accordnnce with the requi�ements of applicuble law. lf the umoum uf the Funds held by 1 yF��°•- <br /> . ,,,; ;.;,� r ' r `.:�. �,:,.•-{ l.ender at uny time is not sufticicnt to puy the Escrow Items when duc,l.ender muy+u notify Borrowcr in writing,and,in ��u��'' <br /> ��_a•- <br /> '.::�<<�••?. '`''`��, such cuse Borrower shull puy to Lender thc amount necessury to mukr up the deficiency. Borro�rer shall makr up ihe �"'� <br /> '•;�'�'i';�',� "� •i;��?''��.�G'�'� deikiency in no more than twelvr mnnthly payments,:�t Lenderk,ole disc�etion. �,,-- -" <br /> ,,..,�j,,�� , � � i"""iia=� <br /> •., + ' �4�,;�'. Upon payment in full��f�II sum>>ecured by this Securiq• Instrument,Lender shall prompdy refunJ to Borcower my <br /> �, ��-. ._ <br /> ' Funds held by Lender. If,under parugruph?I.L�nder�hall ncquirc or scU the Property,Lender,prior to the ucyuicilion or •��`,: •. �"; '' <br /> �. ; .,, snle of the Property, xhall opply any Funds held by Lendcr ul Ihe time of ucyuisition or sule us a credit ugainst the sums .,-.,...ry��;��• <br /> �'.�<;` „ ' • � , secured by this Security lnstrument. _` •�e'� `. •=r <br /> '';F'`� ; � ,, 3. Applieatloa oi Payments. Unles. upplicablc law prnvidrs othenvise, ull puyments rcceived by Lender under � ; � _ <br /> r. ` ���5��.''�•� � parngrnphs 1 und 2 shall be upplicd:fini,to uny prepaymeM chatgex due under the Not�;�e:cond,to amounts payable under ,z„---;,_._`'� <br /> � ,,,.,.��� '����.r°�rr.�.- <br /> ' j r ���;;,. � ara m h 2;third,to intercst due:fourth,to rinci al dur;and last,to un lule char eti due under the Note. - <br /> .. �.: f)�-:•,.y�'•� • p 8 P P P Y A • :.,:���.._ � <br /> R ',,":;,�E�t�?;:�:;� 4. C harges; L iena. Bartowcr ti hu l l pay u l l taxex, a.xe�smems, c hargcs, f ines un d i m p os i t i o n s a t t ri b u a b l e t o t h c ��, <br /> . _. ��,•.,..� Property which may ultuin priority over this Security Instrument,und leusehold payment�ar ground renls.if uny. Borrower ��#�' '� <br /> , „ «.. . . :m���,;.'. - <br /> . :��,•• � shall pay these ubligutions in thc m;u�ncr provided in puragruph?.cx if not paid in thal manner,Borrower shnll pay Ihem on ..x�-�,��?`" <br /> .. �'. .•,.:�,. <br /> ':� s•�;;,;:�� ,, time directly to the person owed payment. Burrower�hull prompdy furni.h ia Lcnder ull nutices of umounts io be paid under ����`��?f�`'��_._ <br /> .1' � '..r.�1�Jr."f� ,1 �����}4".t1.:G/`�-_—_. <br /> this paragmph. If Borrower mnkes these p�yments directly,Borrowrr shall prompUy t'umish to Lender nceipts evidencing =�� �; <br /> �' ..;.�,,�y.';s��':' the payments. �, =- <br /> ��5�:�:`..' \...Y��.• - <br />-. • : .;;� :'�+;:;t�,�tY,••• Borrower sholl prompdy dischar�r uny lien which hus prioriry ovrr�his Serurity Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees _ <br /> ' � �t�j,``���• � in writing to the payment of thr,obligution serurcd by Ihc licn in u manner�creptablc m Lcnder;Ib1 runtetits in gaai inith�he <br /> ' � "�" �`.�','f yis�t•;'� �'�= lien by,or defends again,t enforcemcnt ol'�hc licn in,lr�:ul pnxcedings�vhich in thc Lender's opinion operate to prevenl the - <br /> ��'��'��� i'4r'�i';�'ti�r��• ' " enforcement of the licn; �x(c)secureti from the holder of thc lien un ugmement�atirfxtury to Lender subordinating�he lien � <br />� , �,,.,,, , .. . <br />, . � ��5:•,: ' •.,1;':u.•,:,:4�„�;►;,,�;�•'. <br /> '��� �� t:c-� �• �o this Securiry Inslrument. If Lend�r detcrtninr�ihut uny pan ol'the Prc�peny i,�uhjrct lo •r lien which ms�y uttain priamy � f - <br /> r: 'r{�( � ./�i�.,;� , . .. <br /> � y , over this Security Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice idrntifying tf�lien. Bortower xhull sotisfy the lien or toke <br /> . , y, �.; .,..:t.� '��: � .� <br />- � ��{�:��f�y; , one or more of the uctions set forth alwve within 10 duys of�he giving nf naice. � <br />- . . S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Burrower xhull kcep the imp�ovemem+nmv existing or hereafter erected on the ' <br /> . + ' P�uperty insure�ae�inst luss by tire,hazarJs includcd within thc tcrm"extcnded covcrugc" iind an}•oiher hazanls, includin� <br /> floods or flaodieg, for which I.ender requirea insurunce. 7'his insuranre xhall t+e m:�intuined in the amounts and for the i <br /> . . ' .�lr��. ' � ,• ' . . • <br /> �.1;?., � � . , , . <br /> . '��.,. . • <br /> �� ��•'•�:�•'i: �wm W3N 9�90 !/wpr2al6l'uRr�► ; <br /> , ' � <br /> � <br /> . . . : . . <br /> �. .. � , .i <br /> �� <br /> , , � <br /> . � � _ __� - - - 1 <br />