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!t'; - �('t� j.: -.'--- - -- -?- � <br /> . � --- - _ _ <br /> -'�,.. __ -=___._/-�+ ' . ..__ , , -- - -�.-�.;���,� �_, _ <br /> . 93� 1�'s . <br /> ---- aa�dwtmiq+oa or ott�a t�Cb�of.ny pert of tbe Propeny.«ror�onvey.noe In�leu or condann�ttoe�.ro hra�eay�n.u.�a _ <br /> �bdl be p�W to l.aKlat. <br /> 1n�ha event ot� taW uikia� af tbe Propedy�ihe pneeeds �II be�pplied w the sumo �ecuned by thb Seeu�y . <br /> In�uwnent.whe�her a na cM�due.with�ny exees�pa0d w Banvwer. In�bo event of a pahld Wcin�of tho Pio�peity ia <br /> which the fair muket valuo of�he Pruperty immedi�tely befa�e tho t�kin�Ir oqual to or�eater than tho unount of iFw wm� . <br /> �xund 6y this Secwlty In�e�rt�onl immedluely befare the ulcin�.unk�w Bor►ower and Leoder otberwl�e�nee in wridn <br /> the eumt securod by�hi�Secudry Imhument sluill 6e rcducod by tla amount of the�xeeds multipliad by�he followln� �. <br /> �—= fracdon: (�)�he tot�i�maunt of tho sumo cecurod immodiately befare the akin�.divided by lb)�he fd�mukq v�luo of tho "c` <br /> Prupeety imn�ediNely befae�he uking. My b�la�ee ch�ll b o p�id to Bonruwec tn the evant of a pu�id IWcln oP the <br /> �� 1'rope�ty ln which ttw fai�n�mket vWue of ihe Propony lmmadiwioly boforo tho t�cing is I�ss�han the wnount of�wnw <br /> -M :ocurod immodi�tely befom �he t�king,unbss 8onrower and Lcnder atherwice agrea in writing ar unless AppUcxbb lew <br /> , od�pwise pmvidea.the prooeedc�11 be applied to tho cumr securcd by thic Seeurily in�humant whether or na the sum�aro <br /> rAen due. <br /> �-� _ ___ �� If�hc Rapen�r is aba�da�ed by Borrowe�.ar if,dtar notice by Lcnder lo Bomower Ihut Iho condemnor off'crs to make <br /> � `��z� .. . ,�a�w,iud or settle w clu�m for daa►�ges.Borrowcr fails to rospand to Lender wlthia 30 days attcr the dwte�he notice ia given, <br /> l.e�der is�qhoriaed w coUec�au�d aypty the procee.d�,at ita option.either to restaratian or n�wir of the Pnoperty or to tl�e <br /> sums securod by t6is SecWiqr hsdrument,whether or not chen due. <br /> U�kss Lender and Borrower o�herwise ag�ee in wrlting. any�p licntion of procceds to p�incipal shaU not extend or <br />--.:.;;s poetpone the due data oF n�ma�thlY p�yments refc�nal co!n Pn�ruphsP I und 2 or change 1ho amount of auch payments. <br /> -- =� 1L Ban+ower Ncs4 R�eleased: Farbeusnoe Br [.ender Na a waiver, Eztencion of the time for payment a <br />" `�;== modificatjan of wnonlxutiw�bF the swms securcd by Uiis Security Inshument granted by Lender to any successor in intereat <br /> ���'�°"� -'�'� of Bo�e�awer shall nd�Ferate to relen:,�the liability o(the onginal tlom►wer or&xrr►wer��:�in interest, i.,ender `-- <br /> ' � shall not be�equined ta commence prmceedings agaiast any successor in intercs�or refuse ta e�ten� tpae for p�yment or <br />_ . �}S: 'dherwise madify amoniaation of the sums secw�ed�ny thts 5ecudry Inswment by rcason of any demend ma°�e by the ori�inal <br />� �u ��? liorrower or Bo�rower� successors in intenest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any�iaKt or n.�nody shall not be A ---� <br /> .... �.,:: ,.; - <br />• , , waiver of or p�+eclude�he exenise of;anv right or rcmedy. _- <br />'. �••_ ;.1�,.� � 12. Sueces�ora ued Asal�ae�und;Joint md Several Liabiqty;Co-slgnere. The cov�aants and agcecments of this <br /> -`-:��1'�,° � ?�} `%��;;;# Security InsUumene shall bind and benefit the succeswr:4 und assigns of Lender nnd Borrow��a,subject to the pmvisiona of �- <br /> � , a <br /> , puagraph 17. Bomower`s covenants aad agrcements ahall 6e joint sind severnl. Any Borrower who co-signs thia Security <br /> _ "k4� Instrument but daes rat exxWe the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mortgage.grant and convey that <br /> '? � ,; � Borrower�inter+est in�he Propeny under the temis of this Security Instrumenr. (b)is not personally obliguted lo pay the aums <br />` �� � s"'�•*:. , secu�ed by this Securqy Inurument;and(c)agrees that I.ender and any wher Borrower may agree to extend.modify,forbear ��W <br /> '" �� '��"'� or make any accommodatiom wi�h regand�o t6c terms of this Security Instrument or the Note withaut tlwt Bon+owert _ <br /> '�f•'_�•.�.�:�_____ concen� ' <br /> �--- � Y3. iw�i8 Chal�tai. I�die ioAn s2�:ufed by i�tis iecu�iiy Insttum�.�ii is subject ta a iaw which sets maaimurr�i.�in <br /> -, , v?r�a�, , .. P.l`-u . . �^ <br /> �' � r�{} :. t chazges,and�hAt lawis ifinal ly incerpreted su thnt the interest or olher loan churge;collected or to be collected in connectic�n __, <br /> .,.� •� •;'�'+:t�s . with the losn exceet7�he pe►rnitted limits,then: la)smy such loan churge shnll be ceduced by the amount necessury to reduce j�. <br /> , ., 1�i-�►i,.� �i,::��?'�� tLe charge tu the permitied limit;and(b)nny sums already collected f�am Barrower which exceeded pertnilted Iimi4g will be ' _ <br /> � ,.. •• "?f l{�f<-, �efunded to porrower.Lender may c7�oase[o makc this refund by reducing the princi�wl owe�unQer the Note or by making a ------ <br /> ':+yt�.. , �,'^;�;,•. -_. <br /> � ' •�s�r.�a�:.: . • , �•.�� diroct puyment to Boirower. If a�efund reduces principal,�he reducpon will be treated as a parrial pr�epayment withoul ony �'` <br /> � ° ;;"`�€„'j�;:,v_'� . • . p�payment chcvge under the Note. <br /> . ��;�;,;,a:..•• •• 14. Nodcea, Aay notice co Borrower provided for in this Security In��rument chall be given by delivering it or by �ie <br /> �°•;,�, �:�;�,;.�° . . mailing it by first clnss mail unless upplicable luw reyuircs utie af another methal.71ie notice shall be directed to the Property (�,�. <br /> `�� � ' � • Address or any dheraddres�Borrower dexignutex by nc�tire to l.ender. Any notice to Lender�hall be given by first cl�as �:•� <br /> _ �;r.•:: �.e� �� , <br /> ' .;*$„g:..� meil to Lender's address slNed herein ar uny ather uddress l.ende�designutes by notice to Bo�rower. Any notice provided for <br /> ��.� >•�, '".'.�.'. in this Sccurity Instrwnent �hall be Jeemed lo hnve been given to BoROwer or Lender when given a� �xovided in t7�is <br /> _ ''��f `T . �,J� �`�' <br /> �.;� ; t � N�� <br /> „ ._ , , Io. Goveratag L�w; Severability. This Scruriry Inxtrument xh+�ll be guvemed by federal I�w nnd the law of 16e �'= <br />=.7. ,,,;,,,: .;.� �i,.�'y jurisdict�on in which Ihe Property is lacated. In the event thut uny pravisicm or clauu of thix Security Instrument or the Note ���.-•` <br /> z� ,u-+, � <br /> �::;, •..�:'� s �i conflicts wi�h applicable law.such contlict shall not a(kct o�hcr pru�isiom of this Securiry Instniment or the Note which can <br /> ,.. .,}�;,���t..,,.i{, ,�}• 1 <br /> �, '` j�.:,;- � . ,;•„�:,.,;, be given effect withont the contlicting provixion. 'ib thin end thc pmvixion�ot'thi+Security lnstrumen�und the Note�re __.::_,. <br /> 'i• ' ���'S•,� .,, declared to be severs►ble. � •. <br />�U ' �,� '�'�''����. 16. Borrower'sCopy. Bortower tihall be given one conformrJ copy�it'the Note:uid of this Security In,trument. 1 t;,��: <br /> �':'s;^'°' ., � '�.��,� 17. 'llransfer ofthe Property or A lieneficial lnterest in Burrower. If all ur any p:ut of the Property or nny interest in <br />- '. ,� ��- it is sold or tr�nsterred (or if a benc�cial inten:u in Borrowcr ix n�i1J ar trun.ferred and Bo�rower is not a na�ur�l person) ' >'-� <br />-:;;;: , �`�.sx�,:•. .� :..,� . without Lender's•priorwrinencoment,Lender muy, a�its opti.�n,reyuire immeJiate puyment in full oF pll sums secured by � <br /> +?; �'� . ,�° �� this Security Instrument. However,thi+option.hall nul t�e rrercised by LenJer if exercise is pmhibiled by federcil Ivw as oF <br /> -- . 4� � �, ° the date of this Securiry Imirument. r -�- <br /> ,;.-_.. <br />-'� ' �;F�;,^t.M•"• �' If Lender ezerrises this option.Lendcr xhull givr$ormwrr nwi�ti af ar��cier.ninn. The notire xhall pmvuk a periad of ��:_t,- <br /> �'�' ...��'� '���`` not less thun 30 days(rorn Ih�dute the nntice i+delivereJ or muilcd wilhin whi�f+�ioRUwrr mu,t puy ull�umti>ecurcd by�his `'`" <br /> . � y .�..;�., . • �(__,. <br /> �,.� ;,�.�•:. • �,;, . Security Instrument. lf Borrower fnil�w pay tlk.r wm. priur lo the expirat:un ol'Ihi+periad. Lender may invake any <br />'� '� ;y�`;;;r,.�'_.,;i,�� � romedies permitted by this Securily In+trument without furlher n�Kice or Jemund on Borcow•er. �° <br /> �` ' r .S:�.r'"� 7Y�r"" � ' lti. Borrower's Itight to Reinstate. If Bamwrcr mcct. crrt�in condUion.. Borroacr .hall huve the ri�h�to haa•e <br /> _ I1'•/Y`•'iii:�.a y . <br /> = � ' s_«�-,��,, iS„�,��� enforcement of this Securiiy In,trument Ji.rc�xninu�Yi;�any tim�priur ro�hr rarlier oC: Iu1 S Jay�lor.uch othrr period:u �,�. <br /> ;.t f�°� ,�.:•.�,a,..�J —;,_. <br /> {{�J��:;��'-,; -;��;, ;. SInRk F'�ally..F�ank ModF�cv�Nu UNIF11N�f INtiTR1�1F:\T••Unil'am Covrnmta 919Y (pux�0,�'h ryq�ai ��5.: <br />-- •� i.k;'�1i':,i. ; . ,`<<;' �-- <br /> - ��� ' . •' 'a. • <br /> `�ai' S ' ° .��.1- ' .' � ' — - . <br /> _���� �r.., �i t --. <br /> v. � , ` .�yn �„'v. <br /> _<<J� � ��s'}�t � '� <br /> ���t!`. � �,;,`l� . , ,- - _ ; ,: <br /> d�"S� r t5t'a. � ` �/y` <br /> . f <br /> . <br /> � [� i �3j� ';Y,A,. '�:r�7i . � . . ._ .. . . <br /> _ . <br /> iJ'( l' ��� �;. �... . � .. .�i .r <br /> .� . . . <br /> --�� .cr.-i�Jf ?;.. ,. . } �E'� <br /> ,• <br /> _.� . � � . . 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