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� .�.:� -��� h? �. <br /> - .� .,,�,,: • •• . . _ , <br /> �c:.�. � ,�. .,��.• _ ,_ <br /> •� <br /> � � - --s � �----. _.___..-�,..,N, <br /> "_- ' \I �. . . . • ,i '. • �w+. r . <br /> ..�— .......-- °..._.�...,. � • ,� AA _� �8 � <br /> v�i'� <br /> _ �pplic�e uw may�ifjr far�dro�rtaaaii)Getaia�af tha Pragerty�naml la any power of mala�!s�� <br /> ' 3o�nity Iro�waea�ar lb)awY of a jud�ot�Wccln��his Secu�tY Lutruanai� Thwe coeditlant ae thu Barowar. t�) <br /> p�ya I.ender all wau wbicb Ihai wouW be due wder iWs Securlty In�puman and Ike Nae � it ao aoc�laadan h«d <br /> ooeuned;(b1 emea�ry default of my dher oovaumq or agroanaps:(c)P�Ya all expa�sa incumed ia enfo�in��Sxurity <br /> • Insuumau�irt¢ludin�.but nbt Iimited w.rason�Me attomaya'feal and(d)pka wch�ction �u I.tnder may nea�ambly <br /> � roquiro to wum tha the lien of thi�Securiry Insdumrnt.L�nder�r3�in the Property+�nd Bar�owcrl�obli��tlan w pa�y tho <br /> wm� :ecwedby this 3ccwity Inspument whall oontinue unch�maed. Upon reinct��anent by B�nnwer. thi� Secudty <br /> , �, Instnm�em u+�d�e obligations secural her�eby dWl nm�io fully eff'ecdve iu if ao�ccala�don hwd occwned. Nowever.thi� <br /> . _ ---�� right ta rie(astate stull not�pply in the c�ce of aooele�stion under puaB�aPh 17. <br /> °° 19. Sde d Natei C6u�e o�Lai�Serviar. The Noto ar�puNd intaest in the Nate Uagetha wl�h U�i�Savdry <br /> `� ;'' incpumeml�ruy be wld one or ma�e dmes without prior nodoe to Aa�rower. A salo mwy nsuU in s�ciwnge in 1he endty - <br /> '�-::i (krwwn ai ihe"Loan Scrvicer")that aollecta mo�WilY W►YmeMe due under thc Nate and�hii Secudty Imuumem. Thero dso <br /> - m�y be one or moro ch�nges of the I.o�n Servlcer unrol�ted to a sAlo of the Ndo. li'there is a changa of tho Lo�a Servlar. <br /> — — Bamower wiU be glven wriuen notico of tha change in accaMance wi�h puugnPh 14 pbore and applicable I�w. Tho ndlco <br /> - ------ _ will state d�e ruom�e and addresa of Ihe new�.oan Servlcer and the wldrcsn to which pAymeat9 slqwW be made. The aotioe wiU <br /> �Iso oontain any o�er iaformatiaa nequirod bX applicable law. <br /> �. p��rsitdais SMb�cat Barower shall not causc or pemtU tha� neleas�e ol'�ny <br /> � I;aza�do�Su,6at�u�s on or in tAe pmpeity. Bortuwer shnll not do,nar allow �nyone else to do.aaythieg afl'xting the <br />,�•: Propeny tmt is in v;olatim ai any Envaonmental Law. The preceding two sente�ces st�N not apply to the <br /> - �� � ston�gc aa ihe R�poAy af smnil quaatilies ot Nazaidous Substanoes that are gener�lly r�ro�ni�ed w be A�atc to normal <br /> � �esidetHial uses und la maintensnce of�de IRruperty. <br /> ____ _�� Borraweu shall promptly�[ive i.ei�u��; w.ntcen ndke of any investip,�a�nd.lawsuit or wher acdan by Any _ <br /> --_... �` ° . _ __. govemmedal a regulatory agency or private pany involviag the Prone�ty and any Hs�zandaw Substance or Environmenta� <br />, � t �`f Law of which Bomawer �us actual knowledge. If Hanower Iearns. or is natified by any governmenlal or rcgulatay <br /> ' � ' �' ' uulhority.ihat any removal ar other remediadon of any Haza�dous Subswnce af�'ecHng Ihe�roperty ic necessary.Baaower <br />=','"': ' �� �hall promptly tpke all nec�ss,�ry remedial acNons in accondance with Environmental I.uw. <br /> '• •�. As used in this parugrnph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are�hose subswnces defined as toxfc or hozardous substances by <br /> � � Envimnment�l l.uw and thc following subswnces: gesoline.kerosene.wher Oammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic <br />'"''�;���1 �� � � . pefiticidesond herbicides. volatile solvents, mAteriAls conwining nsbestos or formaldehyde. and radioactive marerials. As . <br /> - used in thk parrgraph 20.•'Envimnmenwl Luw"means t�+lernl laws and laws of the jurisdicUon where the Property is located <br /> . � :'"'�• • '�.�f�at relate h►healtf�,safcty or environmental proteciion. <br /> '� �''•`'� NON•U NIFORM COVENAIY7'S. Borrower and Lender funher covenunt and ugree as Follows: <br /> � Zl. Accekratbn: Remedks. I.ender shaB give aotice to Bonower pr+ior to Acceleradou tdbwlag Borrower's <br />-'� breacb dwny coveannt or agreement i�Mis Security lastrament Ibut nol p�lor to aoeekratlon under paragraph 17 <br /> •,.- <br /> •�.:__�., nakss appllcaWe law p�ovides otherwtse). The notice slwll specify: (a)the d�efadl;lb►the actlon requlred tq cure the <br /> ��'�;"'�',j, defAUlt: (c)s�d�te.�ot.less dhan 3Q daya irom the dpte the notice ix given tu�ionr.ewn'. br wi��i.ti�+kYaw��ust ife <br /> � ' r �' ,�,_.:� _, cured;aad(d)that failure uo rure the dePault on or bRtore the date speci�icd aa 41�e neNce m�y rcsult in arc�eY�eratbn of <br /> '����, •� • �Ihe sums secured by lhi�Seeurity In.9trument and sele a�the P�apertv. 'o'he natice shatl furtber intorm t9orrower ot <br />;;;;;s;:••_ r� �?�``'�''� t Y�e H g h t to�re ias i a te a Rer acce k r a U o n an d t h e r i g h t t o b r i n g a c o W r¢A c t i a a t o a s s e e l lhe nonixistence of A detault or <br /> 'y"�� � �,1,r"'` �''� , uay other deY�se of Borrower lo acceleralion And x�le. If the detault is nut cured on or betore Ihe date specitied�u - <br />'�`-�.;'�S`f'11 i�ei,t'��i S': „ � �. _. <br /> �}�'��''`' Lender at its tion mw uire immedlate a ment In�II ot all sums secu�ed by thts Security lns9r�meo�i <br /> �`� � � k�,ti��ss+rtf��.a�; w1�out�hrther demand and may i�vake the power of�le and any other remedies permltted by appiicud�fe law. <br /> � �� <br /> � ������»; E,ender sboll be entilled to collect�II expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this parograph 21. <br /> -`.. . ��`-.�.�.�:;�°; includinA,but not limited to�reasonable�Itorney�'Pees nnd cos�g oi tille evldence. <br /> •,• , •�..r IP tbe power of sale is invoked.7lrustee shall recurd A notire oP default in encB county in which any part o�the <br /> ` ��'. Property Is lacated and sh�ll mail rnpies oisuch nutice in the manner prescribed by applkable Ipw to Borrower and to <br /> �� �� '��..�'' �- � the Mher rsons rescribed b u lics�ble law. Aiter Ihe time r uired bv u Ifcable law.71ruslee 4hall ive ublic <br /> ,hi��. .;.�'. ' ,;,r;;�`�J;; Pe P 9 PP �1 PP � P <br /> ..�, .k�..e:�v,;;,; notice oisale to t6e persons and in the manner preccribed by applkable laµ�. '�'ruslce.wUhout dem�nd on Borrawer, <br />=`iw � �"":' %?:"..;; s�nll sell lhe Properly s�t public auction to the hiRhest bidder at the time and pluce and under the ir�ms dtai�nated in <br /> �%�,� '� � '�'� ' the noticeoi'sale in one or more pArcels and in any nrder 7lruslee determines. 'I�uslee moy poslpone sole oP s�U or uny - <br /> ,�; . . - <br /> �'���1.`�. ,� , . -�•''� _. <br /> .,.4s,-;; k.,' �,;.=--�,. i4:�; parcel of the Property by peblic annoaa�cemeel s�t the lime and pluc�e of�ny prevlously scheduled wle. Lender or its <br /> ��1�.,::. •L �T � • •: :-�;� desigaee xwy purchasc the PropeMy at any ssde. <br />`.�`f/,:�';�•. .a , , i• , _ <br />-:.: ;�r �����j�����`�';.i � . Up�w receipt of payment of the p�ice bid,'1'ru�tee sh�ll deli=�er tu the purchucer 7lvslee's deed conveying the v <br />:`��k�+� f 'i�� �'roperty.The Ihe 71�ustee s deed shall iic prima Ps�cie eridence oi the trWh of Ihe sl�temems made thereM. <br />,,+: ,r,�,��� ;&r1� , . <br /> a �yy'�� �'rustee�ha11 apply Ihe proceeds uP the sule in Ihe fnl�+wing order: IA1 to�II cusl.��nd expense.w of rxercising the power <br />_ �,4�;% :�•,`i , ..�.. ,, _ <br />..3v�: ,,,. `:fi_�'�' � ;.�' — <br /> :xL�' �`#' ,a���.-�:�•,} <br /> ;�,'. �. ;, ;. , � ..��: �...: - <br /> ;�; �: �.��� .: <br /> �?!..- fr"�+',ti:��'�''"'°''r�' � _ <br /> : ,. y��4.t N�'. _. <br /> �s�"'�P�'�;:;;a;5� 1 = <br /> `: •, t�..��4f�t?�.�'�'; ,d; - <br />_�;y,..` ; .,,,, .,, . ., ..,�. <br />_�'��'���. �;i��._:;�:-r�:..,.. .,r <br /> =,,:,•� f ,:.,��_, __..<<{•�' - <br /> ��llo�� i Ily�f(��',�.;... .� � ` <br />..�=y�', �:i!q1:::'(laL"�!'wt,a'. 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