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. . � : _ _ <br /> . . �," �,. _____ <br /> :�.'' . . �°,.' ;,,,�` —�-- - -_ _ _ - , ---,. �. -- <br /> •=' ;�E:�.1. <br />_ ._ _ 93�'' �+�'� <br /> ' . pai�d��+t Ladw rawn+a�. 1be laaar�aoe au�iar p�vle�a���moe,I�Ir be cba�a�by ea�owe��ubjea a t�ena�rl� . <br /> , �ppnwd which daU not be wuasaa�bly witbheW. If Barowat fiilt to m�int�in carer�e de+cdbed�bova Laxlermay�at <br /> 1.aiderti optbn,obaia coven�e to pmteot ira�detY ri�hu la drcpr�p�t M�oca�dmoe with pva�npbi 7. <br /> • All iueunuioe potioie�atid renewab ilull be�ooapnbla W L�eoda y�u�d�h�ll include a�wndard mat�a�e clwme. Laider , <br /> s1uU lave tbe dght w bold tbe polkia�nd�enewab. I Leader roquire��Bonowor shdl P�PUY�vo to l.ender W�eoeipts <br /> af paitd premiunw�nd rabvval notioa. In tha event of lasr,Bamwa�lull�ive prompt notloe w the inwrwioe carrkr a�d <br /> -�- -�`T�" L�aide�. Leoder m�y mdce pruof of laaa if�at m�do P�P�Y bY��'• -- <br /> Unkss I.e�der and Barower dherwlce pree in writin�.i�mu�anoe pooeed�slwll be�pplied to rasta�tlan or of <br /> --- �lie d�nu�ed. jf the rator�tion or e�ep�ir i�economicaUy kpsible and L.ende�la�curity is nw Ies.xne�.�If the - <br /> n��ar nep�ir I�rat ecaioraially fe�wible or Lenderl� aecwiry would bo les�enod.tho inwance procaeda�pall be <br />_ - applied to the cwiu securod by thh Secudry Gutrument,whether ar not thcn due.with+�ny exass pwid w Bo�r+ower. If <br /> '-�"�.�:— Hmrower abmdona the Pmperty. or does not eruwer withio 30 d�y�a notice fiom Lender that the iruwanoe cArrier hwa <br /> _---_ offerod to sdtle�cl�im.dien l.enda mwy voUoct tho insuranoe proceodi. Lender may ase the prooeeds ta�p�i�m nesw� <br /> the PropenY or w p�y wm�cxu�d by d�Secwity InWrumen�whether or not then due. 'ibe 30-day period w1U be�in wbe� <br /> Wenoticc is givcn. <br /> Unless Lender and Brnr�wer dhetwlse eg�ea In wri[ing, any atiun of pmcads w princlp�l shAll rat exoend or <br /> postpone Ihe due dab of the maothly payments rofemed w in p�1 and 2 or chengcs the amo�mt of the p�y�peota Ifi <br /> ,� wder paragrapb 21 tl�e P�vperty is�cquirad by Lender.Borrower�s tigt�t w any ineurance policies and ptocoods�esulbng <br /> -_�� from d�ge a tho Pbpnty prior a the acguieitMn�wll pa�c w L.ender ro We euteut of the euma secured by Ihie Securlty <br /> — Inmume�t immedi��tely�� <br /> - --- -- --- --- <br /> 6. Oecn ' , aoe ond 1'rotcctlon W the 1'rope�; �iorro�ver's Laon Apptkatbn; �:.: <br /> _:�.;+: I.easeholda Haaower sFwll aecupy,esta6lish,and use the Properry as Barowerk princlp�l residence within sixty dny� after <br /> —�°• . the execuUon of thia Sectuiry Instrumeat And shall cantlnue to occupy the Prope�ty as Borr+awer�s p�a�ripal�idence fa at <br /> -=�,,�, y r:t� leas� one year after the date of oocupancy. unkss Lender othenvise agnxs in writing. which consent shall not be --- <br /> - � �j' '� unrcasonably wilhheld,or unkss exknuating circumstat�cea eaist which are beyond Bornowerk control. BaYOwer slwll not __ <br /> de�h+oy,damage or impai�Ihe PnapeAy.allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Barower slwtl � <br /> - be in default if Any forfeiture�tctcwn or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,ia begun that in Lender�good fuicPn�u��nent �"°'' <br /> - cauld result ln�fibrfeiture of the Property os otherwlse materially impair the lien c�ated by this Socuilty lns�m�mmt or <br /> ^. ti; Lenderh secudty�nurest. Bomnwer may c�such a default and roinstarte,us provided in Faragraph 1�B,by causing the acdon <br /> . or proceeding ta br dismissed wllh a mlinp Lender's good faith dc�trlmination,prccludes fori'einur.of the Barower5� —• <br /> _ ��'' � inte�est in�he �i�ty or other material impxirment of the lien c�ated by this Secwity Insdument or Lender�s secudty -- <br /> a ;;a. i interes� Borrower shall aisv� be in defeult if Bormwer. during tf�e loen applicatlon process, gave meterially false or `� <br /> in�ccurate infomiallon or�uuements w L.ender(or failed w provide Lender wlth any material information)in connection with = <br /> _. -i�;� :� ,, . , stse loan et�ider,rr���y she !�ci�. includ:rg. but ssot limitcd ta. repre.cer�ttuions co�cerning Soi�w�rrr's u��:up�uK:y uf U+c <br /> :� Prol�erty as a principal t+esidence. If�hi�Secu�irty Instrument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall compl� w�th a{I the provisions — <br /> .,..:':_: :.:: . <br /> '�; , �.t, .. � '` of 1he lease. If Bdrro�l+er ac ires fa title to 3hc the leswehold and the fce tide slwll not m <br /> . � qu Pnol�cny. crge u�less Lendert�g�ees <br /> � ;4` A to the mcrger in writing. <br /> ."�f�n', . , . 7. Proteclba of l.enrle�'s RlQhts M the Prope�ty. 1� Borrower fails to perform the covenants and u�reements - <br /> ,�� .,,j��,���,.Aa wy2 -- <br /> _ ��' ' , :+•'�?,�;�%i ; contuined in this Security 1r+stPUment, or thet�e is a legal proceeding that mey significanUy affect Lender's rlg�r;in the �"� <br />_ . : 1.y;� ,.,�� .,�{'.i;;;n- �aperty(such�A proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnaNao or 8orfeiture or to enforce I�ws.or rcgutetions),then f <br />-.��r','.' ^ Y I�Y sary to protect 1he val�e�oi t�e Property and Lenderk t+ghls in the Property. �_. <br /> ;.d• ", Lender ma do and for w}w�ever is neces __ <br />_ ,s . l� � � Lender�s actions may include paying any sums secured by n lien which a+as priority over this Securiry lnsnument,appearing �,,�� <br />_ •' f'�?'. ,:'•,��'!r`� in coun, m res�sonable Auome s fees and enterin on the to make rc arc Althou Lender ma uike oction �"�c:'' <br /> Sr1�� PaY� B Y B �nY Pa� . � Y <br /> .,w�. :�,,; .,. <br /> ,;�'„ �+/�'y�:�:�.. under this ptuagraph 7.Lenc!cr cioes not huve to do so. ___ <br /> _ �.�•;,:,,,��,� My wnounts disbursed by Lender under this pamgmph 7 shall became addi�ionaE debt of Borrower secured by this !=' <br /> � �j''r� � Securi ry Insuumcnt. Unless Barower and I.ender agra to other terms of payment,these umounts sha71 bear interest from ihe �•""- <br /> _� � . ' ., date of disbursement at the Note rate and shull be paynble.with interest,upon notice from Lcnder to B�xrower requesting °-- <br /> ;.� + , •x��'.•:�� paymeM. �-- <br /> 1�,�, ,,,•„. .�,�-,: <br /> ��,,,, ', ;"1; t ,�;1, 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insur.uice as a condition of making Ihe loan securet!by this �.. <br /> yc'•� r rl�� , �� Security lnstrument,Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to muiotain the nwrtgage insurance in effect. if, fot any � <br /> �;,;:; � �'�`' � ,j �eaon. the mongage Insurancr coverage required by i.ender lupses or censes to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the �`;-• <br /> `.?�'•:,���, ��ti `� �•�.. remiums re uired �o obtain cove Y - <br /> ,;�1,�c � . , p q roge substantially equivolent to the mongage insurnnce previously in effect, ut a cast �" <br /> ` ��•�, •,:+�,;L�.•,'��r��i, �•,,��•� substantiall y ec�uivulem to the cost to Bo now e r o f t h e m o ng ag e i n s u rn n ce p re vi ou sly in efYect,from an alremate mortgage �r"�} <br />�-�}�. ..N�. �.v �A Z%: <br /> .. .,� '•�•;c°"�:•��yr1��` insurer approveci by l.ender. If substsntiall}�equivnlent mortgage insumnce covernge is not uvuilable. BoROwer shall pay to ���., <br /> '� �'�� '�;%��'�'�<'� Lender euch month a sum ec�ua�to vne•twelfth of the yeArly mortguge insuronce premium being paid by Borrower when the F:�?�`' <br /> F�.h�:;; .,�_ <br />-:'�:", ,;���S�„��� . insumnce coverage lopsed or ceased to Ix in effect. L.ender will uccept,use und retuin these paymen�s s�s u loss reserve in lieu •+ ;r <br /> +,',:,�'?� � � ,; of mortgnge insurance. Loss reserve payments mny no longer be required, at the option of Lendar. if mortgage insurunce . � '��s�.°-" <br /> � ;' • ;"n,;��'�` coverage(in the omount and for the pericxl�hat Lender requires)provided by un in�urer approved b} Lender again becornes ,'`�=' <br /> ,► .� ovuilable smd is abtained.Borrower shnll pay the premiums neyuired to maintain itwrtgage insurnncc in effect,or to pravide a '��y�. <br />;�IY . t,: ,-_�!�ry.�; .. loss reserve,until the requiremem for mongage insurunce ends in�ccurdsince wi�h uny written ugreemem between Born►wer ��;��; <br /> �r �-r�st�•i��; andLenderorappl�cablelaw. '•�;;' <br /> �^- �`„°si'i�/��'7 9. Inspectbn. Lender or its agent muy m•rke reasanable cntrics upon and imExrtionx of the Pmperty. �Lena�ler s�all <br />�'•., ''�'''��r� '�� ' IV�BOfIDWC�IMtICC:It(IIC 11ffIN OP O� . "V. <br /> B prior to un inspeclion specifyin�,re�sonable cause for Ihe inspectaon. �r.;• <br /> ���'. _, " "«:. w=. 10. Conde�unalion. TI�praceeds of uny aws►rd or cluim for damages,direct or romeyuemial,in connection wilh nny <br />,�� a` -°--- <br /> ' '-•' `y'-. .�;':=:'''. Sinpk Fmily..Fa�tde�N�e/F}edd{e M�c UNIKUR:N IY51Yt1;M4'NT••UnfWrm Cnvrn:mt. 9r9p ��,rRr t r�'n peRri► ��c: <br /> ''�uf.��p,�; f �,v.�� �r.s,;i: <br />"A�{ . {'.y .�� �.`,{5,f��f j-_ <br /> �neal Utd Eu�aea�ator.let.� r�.: <br />.yy. � �f}�j+v.� ;; � joOiN�Y+1�116'oPY0100iA1t91�f11-11�1 '�t�:; <br /> .. .�f•3�t�iT .�1 .:.�� � . p;�.c- <br />.,.�`. -,.��r,�� ,�������Y�' ;`_A`, <br /> ?" .'!j. se��� � a ,��,'��:11: <br /> I- ,.�,�- ��� ��(_t�1�jy �4=+��i..�:i � . . , .- . . . . �RI��� , . . . : �.l'i'4l� <br /> St Y :ik:trL! �1�. .L_ !�Y�f� �:t:'_-1fai1 � �!.}r�yi�s.fl���i:-:1i�i�a��th 1_i:t� .1 <br /> . � .'•�) :. , . -- <br /> '�� � 3+`�1��5���- .- �� -• „�' � — �--- - - -__ - --_ ---_ �:- --� -- . __ - - • -' °•�•�.��t►�� -1 .. y�43.W`la-• !1• �U j •f`� '. <br /> . � �, . . . .. • . �w.-re����`,, �ici _� � . ��'.�r , ,�v i, <br /> __�'� �f �.�t!� -.::A�..atk9�. +� ' +�t�n7�i,.,'"� y.. �•�.,c" .,w v.i��� ��ll,: <br /> i ,;:� , � a. y.,:. � .. 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