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.`+ 'F� .;., <br /> ;�,, :.Y-�• - -. .. -__ <br /> , . <br /> • <br /> . i •�}j , <br /> . <br /> . , , <br /> --`- -- <br /> � " , . .. . . . _. ... . --- - -- <br /> ....._ � . �.,.,�... <br /> . ! 93- �+p�,8 <br />-- -- � - ; . <br /> ; roaenlBR wITH�II u�e imp�ovaaa�a now ar he�fier«iecoaa an ua a0 eiuert�entc..pp�,�.nce., <br /> and tixuu+a�now or heiea(ter+�put of�he prnpe�ty. All�pl�canaw wl addittau�11 d�o be aovaed by ibio 8ecwity <br /> : Irotnanau. All of tiie foregoinp ia mfaned ta in Ihie Secudry Uuaummt as the'7�roporty. <br /> SORROWFR C�OVENAN7'S IhiH Bomowa i�I�wiblly seised of�he estae h�rcby conveyed w�d har the dght to�ant <br /> , �nd ca►vey the and th�t Ihe Propaty ia w�encum6crod,exccpt far cncumb�uxx�of rocord. Banower warrmit�ad <br /> _ wUl defend ge�ewi y�he IIUe to Ihe Praperty�g�inst dl clairr�ard demwnds.wbjoct to any encumMancea of�ecad. <br /> ; _ ; TH1S SECURf7'lf INS7RlTMBN'i' combfnes uniform covetwnis for natio�wl use and non•uniFam covannts wUh <br /> lia�iled vs�tions by ju�icdktian w co�titute a uniform recurity instrument covering mal property, <br /> ,'� i UNIPDRM COVBNAN'I'S. Bortower�nd Lcndcr covcn�nt and ag�as follows: <br /> ��� 1. P�yaaeat at Prindpd ud Idere�ti Prcpnymeat uid I.Afe Cb�rQa. Bomnwcr shall�omPUY PaY when duo Iha <br /> '��--__ : pdnci�oi and interost an the debt evidenced by the Notc and any prcpayment w�d Iate charges dua under thc Nak. <br /> �— I+1�ad�for 7iutes and laauneee. Subjoct w applicabk Isw or to a wrineo waiver by Lenckr.Borrower shaN pay to <br />- �-- � I.rnder on the day monthly payments arc due w�ier�he Note,until thc Note is pnid in full.a sum("F1u�ds")far:(a)ycarly <br /> =- — '; wecs and�ssessment�which may attein pdortty over�his Security Instrument as a lien on the Property:fb)yearly teacel��Id <br /> — - payments or ground rente on the PropeRy, ii any:(c) yeady ha7.and or property insurrurce premiums:ld)yesuly flood <br /> insu�nce pcemiums.if nny: (e)yeuly mortgage insurance prcmiums, if any: and(�any sums payable by Borrower to <br />- ��,::,: La�der,in accoMance with the provisions of puagraph 8,in lieu ol'the payment of matgage iacurawce premiums. These <br /> _�' items arc called"Escrow Items." L.ender mny,m rany ti�ne.rnitect and hold FLnds in an amount not to excced the maximum <br /> :'�__'•:r_ ! � � amount a Irnder for a iedemlly related ma�gqge loan muy rcquir+a for Bomower�escrow wxount wider the federal Real <br /> _------ ---- Estnte Settkmertt l�m�eclares Act of 1974 as as:ecnd,cd from hnse ta time. 12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("ItESPA"3.uatra�u�w�i�r <br /> : - ,� lew that applies to the Funds sets u lesser amocRM. ii so.Lender any time,collect ond hold Funds in an amaunt neM to <br /> exceed the lesser amaunt. Leoder may estimue the amount oi' Fi�nds due on 1he basis af current daw a�d�as�;bJe <br /> i eslimales af eape�ditunes of fulu�Escrow Irems or otherwise in uccordance wi�h applicnble law. <br />:�;, • '�''�0"�'',�,r.� � The Funds shall be held in an institulion whose deposits are insured by a iederal ugency, instrumeqt�Eizp, �r entity <br />='+�';` ' ~ `Y (includhig Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or b any Federal Home l.oan Bank. Lender shall apply the�ua�ds to pay <br /> ,,;, ,...,.,.. ,�n I the Escrow Items. I.ender muy nat charge Barower for holding and applying the Funds,annually unalyriag the escrow <br /> - r ' ' "' ''�''`-` � eccount. or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender puys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits <br /> �• �'�, •�� Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may require Bo�mwer la pay a one-time chsuge for an independent real <br /> = ' � estate wu rcpoAing service used by Lender in connecdon with this loan,unless applica6le law provides alierwise. Unless un <br /> � ` ? ~%�:'� ���" ag�eement Is mude or npplicubk luw rcquir+es interest to be pnid,Lender shull not be required lo pay Barowqr any irxerest or <br />- .o o • +k�r.a.•.i�•�. <br /> ••,�rr.•�• ,�;:�� eamings on the Rmds. Borrower arM L.ender may a�ee in wriling,however.that imerest shall be paid on the funds. Lender <br />=_ " � ��•�•.•-�;, sholl give to BorrowcK.wi�hout charge,an annu�d acrnunting of the FLnds,showing credits and debfts to the�'unds and the <br /> ___ __ ir�'.'���. pixpose for which each debit to�hB Funds was made. '(lie Funds tve pledqed a.c additional socurity for all sums seeured hy <br /> r-: -,,c. r -- yr,°�,f thisSecuritylnstrument. <br /> �t If t@�e IF�nds hetd by Lender excerd �he anounts pcm►itted to be held by Applicable luw, Lender sh�ll account to <br />..�_-F� ������ � , it'�'t".� Barnwer Por the excess Funds in ucwrd�nce wiU�•the requirements of applicuble law. If�he sunount of the Funds held by <br /> . ��•� �= �����%�`> •Lender at any�ime is trot sufficie�t to pay�he E�:rua Items when due, Lender may so notify Borrower in�vri�in�,and,in <br /> u`�'- � �. �• � ' such case Borrower shafU pay to Lender the s►mon�na necessary �o muke up �he deficiency. Borrower sFiaOG rnake up the <br />--a.:�.t . .L�i`i�� ..:_1...:�. '��. <br />_,�, , •-;�.nN, • . .:.,u:� • deficiency in no more than twelve mon�h�y payments,ut Lender g sole discration. - <br /> �-i� • � •�A�• • -"+�. ;��:� Upon payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security Inswment,Lender shall prompdy refund ta Barower any <br /> -"'' d'� ���'' Funds held by Lender. If,under paregraph 21,Lender shall ucquire or seU the Propeny,Lender,prior to•t�e acquisition or <br />_ ., �::;:�r. •, f�. ;��� <br />_ . ' ' � r,..,�,Ar,, snle of the Properly.shall apply any Funds held by I,ender ut �he time uf ucquisition or cale ac a credit•againsl the sums <br /> +�.�"' •i � , <br /> f �3 � t.{,}} �,�r recured by this Securlly Inswment. � <br /> ^ ��' `������� ��� 3. Application of Paymenfs. Unlesx applicable luw provides othenvise, all payments received by l.ender under <br /> ..-. A� ��+11'�.Iyl�. ! <br /> ',L' �'� �°;����`�r. � . paragrophs 1 and 2 shnll be applied:firsi,to uny prepaymenl chnrges due under the Nae;tiecond,to amc►ums abk under <br />__-�:: ....� ., f�;.•:�,. � (�Y <br /> ��� � ,�;;'� , � (,�iy paragraph_;�hird,to inter�est due;fourth,to principul due:and lust,w any late chargeti due under the Nate. <br />:�.,,�pt ' „•. b , a. C@�arges; Liens. Borrower xhnll pay ull �uxes, atixessments, chargcs, �nes und impositiom attributable to the <br />_;° � �� •' � � Propeny which may nttuin priority over this Security Instrument,and kasehold p•rymems or ground rcnts,if any. Borrower - <br /> .1e . � .v�--.�M.+��• �a: shall pay thesc oWigations in the mnnncr provideJ dn paragroph 2,or if not puiJ in�hat manner,Borrowcr shall pay them on _ <br /> ; 4:�„� time directly to 1he person owed puyment. Borroa�er shall promptly fumish to Lender ull notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> ;t� ? . this pamsraph. If Barower makes Ihese paymem�dlrertly,Bormwer shall promptly fumish to l.ender receip�s evidencing <br /> �*' Ihe payments. _ <br /> „ . ' Borrower xhull prompUy discharge uny lien which ha+prioriry over thix Sccuriry Instrumena unless Bortower.(st)ngrees - <br />� A;�. • •, in writing lo�he puyment of the obligution secured by�he lien in u m�nner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good fnith the - <br /> `� t � lien by,or defends ng�inxt enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion ope�ate to prevent the <br />- ..•:�r. �t��,- .,. . . _ <br /> . ,E,�`'•,�;. ,,,,.,.. �.. .. enforeement of the lien:or 1c)securcs frorr�the hoider of the lien un ngreement satisfuctory to L,ender subrn�finating Ihe lien - <br />��•�. s;�7;�t;y:' ' to this Secu�ity Instrument. If Lender de�ermines tfiut any part of thc Property is wbject to n lien which may auein priority - <br /> .''�#�. ���, . . over thiti Security Inswment,Lencler mny give Borrower u no�irr identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take — <br /> � : * . one o�mcor�of the nctions set forth at�ovr within 10 duys of Ihe giving of notice. - <br />' ,�Y :•�•. � � ,,�,� • 5. Hazard ar Property Insurance. Baao«er sh�ll ktrp�hc impmvememx now existing on c�reaf'ter erected on the - <br /> �' - --- . •:�;;-; Property insured ag�sinst loss by fire,huzards includec!�ti�ithin the term"extended co�•crage"and any othcr hazar:ts,includins <br /> �� ' '••� flaods or floodin�, for which Lender require� insurance. This insuronce shull be muintained ia the amounzs and for the � <br /> f :tj!S"}�; <br />_a'F � ' ��.. . - <br /> "�'1' ,i '. , �'�Lr.)�;• Fvna 30li 9l90 rpuB�2.,Je pug�x� � <br /> �{ ` j i,�l.�� � �e.'; .....� ° <br />_:�� ',�";s.4.: <br /> -* �;fy;�.,;.,_ , _ <br /> t;; <br /> S�. �L• ,. �:: <br /> i l � r � . , • �s:rtrJ�Y�;;,'�,}.,!+/,*�•'���Zh!}!;1":.`W:f`�>, , . • . � �!F'"'�.." �'�'l�T�'�`., i° <br /> .J� ': � - 4C 1. ' ' - I�;S•i��. lj' r�} <br /> . <br /> � . - <br /> . : <br /> . A • � <br /> . •... t �� 1!- � C�.' t?�ttq!\'�� , k�, <br /> . . ` <br /> � . <br /> l, . i'. � <br /> ... ��; � �-?�'1i._.L i � tir•_�—� _�� l�e lZ��_�i' ;� ' .�c�� �l +ti� i'+� �„Z`{�,�.. <br /> � - r � � - - - <br /> ---� --�-� - - - - � ---- � -, •. -� - -� - - - � — -�= <br /> . .. <br /> ,. . . , �iT�:., _ �- -+� i!� , i','f'��,�1C � <br /> ta,4 ;_ <br /> ��� t � .t:' ���L. •. .�, � Ms <br /> ,' �,i'•��f•�, ;� . ,•��.4,� 1 .1T- <br /> ;3.�k �.. . � �' i ,_I ,c. . .. � _. i11�;�f,�15� � . HyLt�1 f _' . . ' � � , . •!. ... <br /> _n y�+� ...� _ _— . , .� j l�S. 1 . -. <br /> rt �._.. � � . � ;` .� :���;:'c::� -� . <br /> ' 1 ` j� ' <br /> -S. y� ' ' � i i , • , f��' . ./ r;'•n3.' ' . : <br /> � . . . ` .. . � • •�� �; .�, • . i �: > , <br />� _ , ,r" . . . � ,I;ii�'.' � <br /> � '.1• '�,; . , ,. , ' . I •,(,. - , . - . ' �.��,��i�, . . ' , � `1'. � <br /> � . � • . :Y: . .. . <br /> it �� ',� •k� ��'�• ` .:1�C',•., ' ., � --,,.�-.. . � <br /> ' ,;_ � . . . , ; .:��,ti: ' .� ;r,.. ' . <br /> ` , • ,:3�., .� ,� _. . - ` �.. �� �i l�' . . � - -' ., f . . . <br />- � L` '1 ,�l��/`�.•.4Z•• �1: . 1� • ��' !'4 ' . • • � , _, . , ' <br />- . . � ' ..�-. j�J . .� .. � �. . . . �'an . ` <br /> . , .� J , `F . . .. . <br /> � a � <br /> �f • ti � <br /> .,tT ' . �:�..� ... . <br /> . ,f ' <br />