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'�a�'�- - —r-� ^-- �-- _ __ _ � . . �1�'.�0, 'y=-- "_ . r— <br /> . � y. , , �� •. „ .. __,s:�:, . <br /> � p'rqr Oo�ba re�lirod�M If�e aptlon of ta�dOr.if a�oit�e��onJat�e pr Rbe�+�O fOV!M p�tl0d . <br /> - � �.r�r.-t� r.r�+�a)�kiwida�bs►�a iu�ner appenad!b�►L�,�d.�e,►.u.Ul�.�e i�aDl.i.��.o�rlr_Itrl+l fi�p► <br /> . tbr pnm�a� to in�iaadt�iaatlp�e imo�o�M dteot,ar io pn+rid��lo�iaaw.wd16w rwpi��s�t,�or i�a�'� , �,, <br /> f�or Mdt��e�dwroe wi�My.Mn'Itu��pe�n�a�t b1ewM ba��arr►�b t�rr ar�plkybl�Iwv. � ;; <br /> ° !.I�tiN.�I.�ed�t ar its�aN aaq►nMke�1bi�Mtriis Npoa r�d farpeotfo�t d tbe Prope�ty.'i.ed�t�W!�irro <br /> dornower�odoe at t6e t�e.d or pior b sa impeotlon�pecityb�{swrorl+te c�t+!or the iu�pation. � <br /> l�.C�iur�WM.'IUe p��ooeed�o�aoy a+�a�d ur cbdm�darr�pw. dlroct or aaueqqantW, in oonneaia�q rvith rny � ' <br /> � ao�deeaorloo ar alhx elcitl�of a�r prt d�6e Peape�!or eorreb��xro ia lieu of aoed�tiao.are henby iwi�d�ad <br /> �WI be patd to l.asder. <br /> 1a tbe ewot or�ta�u udaa�orthe Prnp�eny.�be prwaea.�hal�ee�pqlea to��eauna ay a�seauMy rwunaian. . <br /> whal�er or not Wen due.witd ury exaa�p�W to BomwMa. ta tl�e evart af R panW I�kin�of the Proputy iei which the fid� <br /> - o�rtet value of We Pmpaty lmmedhtdy betorc Wa t�cio�b�qwl w or Q��hm�he�mount of the a�na�ea�rod by thi� <br /> , � SecitRity Iupruaxnt�ntmedWdy bd'oro Ihc t�IcitlQ.unlec�Bott�er md l.pdcr othawi�o�peo in wridn�.the wm��aa�rod by <br /> . thi�Saauity ft�:amaN �hall be ieduood by the iar�ount ot�he P'ooeed� nwkiplied b7�e fWbwit� fnction: (a) tha wal <br /> �mount ot�he tums searod iatmedU�tely beforo lbe t�kin�.divlded by(b)tbe iiutr na�rkq�v,�,toe d tM�e Praperty immedi�tely <br /> . I�efone t6e akh�.My Md�noe abidl be pdd to Bor�o�ver. In�he event ot�p�rtitl t�ki�of d�e Pnopatg In which tlre fd� <br /> . ��i�a value of the Pnopaty immedl�tdy befi�nc the wtie�4 iaa�h�un�he�aa�owit of t4e rua�necurod i�wodiudy beforo�he <br /> t�lcia�.w�a�Boneuuar a�d I.eoder uthenviie agroe in writio�oc un�applic�bl�IaMr aM.rrko provldes.tbe prooeaM�II <br /> be�pplied to�he waqt secuncd by tbis Security lastnement whe.�er ar not tNe wunt at+e thm duc. <br /> lf t6e Pioparty i��landooed by Borwaer.ot if.afler notk�e by I.eioder W ftortawer that tba eoedamor otTers W m�ke an <br /> awar�or Kttie a ci�im far dan�. Hormwer fiaf�to �pood w�.mder w'�rif�iu 30 dayc �ftcr dse date dx not�oe ta given. <br /> L�ender is aatboriud co aollax md�pply the prooeeda..t it��er w ncstoratiun ot repir of tlre Prapeity or to�he wm� � <br /> �eqtt�ed by this Saudty inurutnent.whdher ar not�due. - <br /> Unles�I.a�der and Borrower otfktwlce agroe in wrldn8,anY �+PPlication of procaoda w principol shall not e�ctend or _ <br /> poWpone the due due of tbe monthly paymaus rcferred to in para,Rrnpha 1 aM 2 or clwnge�he amount of such paymaits. <br /> 11.Bamwcr Not Rdered;Fo�au�noe By/.�eader Nat a Waiver.Extension of the time for p�ay�nau or moditic�tlon <br /> of amottization af tha sums securcd by this Socu�iry Inat�umem g�anted by I.ader w�ny suc�xccor in i�enest of Bomnwer slwll , <br /> not aperote w rcleasc the liabilky of tf�origirwl 8ornower or Bomuwe�'s wocawrs in intasst.l.rnder shall not be roquirad to <br /> oommatice p�ncbedings against iny wooessor in inte�t or rcfuse to exlend timc for payment or othetwiie modify amortizotlon <br /> of the sutns socurcd by this Socutity Insttument by neason of any demand msde by the originel Borrower or Borrower'a <br /> �wrs in inte�est. Any forb�ranoe by Lendcr ia caerciaing any ri�ht or �emody st�ll aot bo a waivet of or prcclude tbe • <br /> exencise of any right or remedy. �'' <br /> 1�. �uu�ar.r..i�i r1�+s S.wad:Jotui a�d 3ev�4 LtaW!lts; Co-s�aess. 7'!ie covettenis �nd �gr��ais af ihis <br /> Security Instnunent siall bind ud b�enefit the succ�wrs�d assi8ns of Lender and Borrewer. wbject to the provisia�s of <br /> paragraph 17. Barrower's cove� :lnd agroemems sh�ll be,joint and several. Any Borrower who oo-signs this Ser+uity <br /> Insdument but does�ot execute the Nae: (al is ca-signing this Sacurity instrument only w mortgage,gnu�t and oonvey that <br /> • Bomawer'a intcrest in thc Pro�crty under the te�n�+,.if�his Security Inxtnxnen[:(b)is na personally abligt�tea to pay tho sums = <br /> Fccur@d by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees�,` Lender anc!any other 8arrower tt�y agree to eatencl,nx�dify.fort�ar or <br /> owka any�aocommafations with regard to the ternu of this SecuatN Insttument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. ' � <br /> 13.I.aa�n Cl�rges.lf thc laan secured by this Security Instrument is subjert ta a low which sets maximum loan charges, <br /> and that law is finall}� interprMed so that Ute interest or wher loan eBnrges mlleeted or to be collected in connection with the <br /> Ioan exceed the pern►iRt�c3lirnits, then: lu)any such ?�,wn charge shall be reduccJ by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> ta the permittod limil; and(b)any auma already cal0cded from Bormwcr whirb eaceeded permitted timits will be refunded to <br /> Borrowet. Lendnr muy cho�se to mAke this refund by reducing �he principal uwed wwler the Note or by making a di�ct , <br /> paymcnt ta► &►rrower. If u refu�xi ce4u�es principal, the rrduction wfll be tre;Ned as a partial prepayment wilhout su►y ., <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. ' <br /> 14.Natices.Anp �iotice to Horrower pr�ivided fnr in this Security Inxtrument �hull be given by delivering it or by rruiiling „ <br /> it by 8rst clar4 mniV u�l�ss Applicuble luw requirer.u.ce of annther method.The nntice shall be directed to the Prnpeny Address <br /> or any at�her address Borrower designa�es by notice �o l.ender, Any n�Kicc to L.ender shull b�: given by 8rst class mail to <br /> L.ender's address statcd hcrein or any Wher�ddress I.cnder designates by notice to Bormwer, Any notice provided fur in thic <br /> Secu��y In�trument shall be deemed to hnve been given to Borrower or Lender when given a,provided in this paragraph. <br /> 1S.Governiag Iaw; Severability. Thi� Security Imtrument rhall be govcrned by federul law und the Inw of the <br /> jurisdiction in which thr Property is Icicated. In the evcnt �hut uny pmvision,��r clauxe�f Ihis 5ecuriry In+�rument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law,wch mnflict shull nM affcrt other pr�vitiinn+nf thi.Security Insaument or the Note which can be <br /> given eifect without the cnnflic�ing p�v��•isi�m. To this end thr pra*�ision�of thi+Sccurity InsYrument and the Note sue declared <br /> to be severnble. <br /> !6.�aee�oa�cr's Copy. Borrower shall be giv�n o�e rnnf�rmed copy nP the Ncxe and of this Security Instrument. <br /> Fam 30�8 8l90 <br /> Pp��o}6 <br /> — -- •ia*�r�c ..:.�-.z�.� sic..i�*. <br /> T`_r r 7. _ '-"i. . � — �/'I �Jolo'1!^'..'.r^^^v`sT'f'".�^'4 7hw , . .-... .�.-..�.-..-.�,'_:.-. rru.�.,. .w�.-.. <br /> �rr�'��1^ l�i ' ;� . . • ; �.:� � A��{,, ,t:� '.�� y„yt :_ ,,, '',�� 1�.... <br /> '�-�'f:i L;� a,;�;i5�.���:.'�►.,�.�c•- �y�. t �a 'r :T•"' .�_1'� �ir :�{��t�aS S�� ,it1i;�3k�tt��w.;:.,:;.r•';� i x ,�y:'T��, c'r' - - �- <br /> ,� t4.< < :�'k: ��•; � �,;,���?!1� <br /> '.�#i��u:.•1,..,,,,.;,,_„�. .e��'� <br /> f�td�-;� a`_`'`.ii. _�� � ... 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