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...YI� '. �.�•��-t`� �� _ �_ . _�`;. ... :..'tyt _ . �. ... ' . ' i _ • ' T /- _ <br /> , ' " .� +��/'�R7Rf�Ot,�1'EA��IbClb 011 1�14 . <br /> �.�M' �Y �I�OQ. HQITOMRf t� 100�1�0 I�fO'r1�01�IIOMI 09t�f� . <br /> - A�openy infur�bd�ain�t lo�by Qro.hva�ds i+rch�ded�vitt�ta t1w+t�r�a"�ad�d aora��p"aod�y ad�ar�. iadudie� .. <br /> � :.:;.�S�dt ur Aaodi�.for wldch�l�onder�+equira lawirauoe.'#'�I�ruranoe�hdl be a�daed in t6e�q�ount�wd fix da priada , - -, <br /> tMt.Ira�req�iro�.The i�a�utNaoe catiet p�owidia�pie iiw�aaot a1Wl b�oyn bY pormwa wbjeo�t,w l.eed�er's appnavil . �. <br /> wrick�Inll not be wa�waaably aithhdd. U Bon�N�er fiils to tn�im�lA a+�+n�e�d�eribed�bvve.Jreader*n�'.�t t�dor'� <br /> aptioa.obudn oovon�e to poteot l.a�'a�{hp io die Pnnpaty tn a�oo�anoe with p�r�p�ph y: <br /> All iasuraAOe polkia�ad ron�v�lt sh�l be abo�e�N�bae to La�la and sh�11 iaduda w wnd�rd mort�ge ctau�e.�l�a9der <br /> dall furva the�i{tK w hald d�e policia��r� Imda eequira.Bar+o�r.IWI p�ompNY�iv�e a L,ender vl nooe�ip.of <br /> .-.,°_ .. p�i�;p�ndu�s�aid�sw+d aot�o�o�.ia t6e are�M of ba.don�d�ll j[ve pro�apt notica w t6e ia`u�aoou owYlor aad Lcader. <br /> l,endar mwy a�ab pioof'ot ba if aot mrda R�P�Y aY�. <br /> � Ualess I.ender and Forit�w�er wbc+�wias�ee in writing.i�umoe P�'uaeed�sWll ba spptled to�taadon or rqMir of Iho <br /> Pmpe�ty d�nu�gad.if Ibe n�tor�lian ar�pair ia aoonomic�lly fea�ble md Lasdet's �eat�ity i�nat la�ened.If t6e ratontion or <br /> t�ep�ir i�not e000anically fo�aiblo or Lader'�searity would bo leuaied.lhe ia�uanc�o pmoeeds�bdl bc�pplied to the wau <br /> sacurod by thio Sawdty I�truman. whetl�or not tl�a�due. wW� any e�toeu paid w Borrowe.�. If Borrowar�bandaas tha <br /> Pr� daa aot wewar wtthin 30 d�ya� nolioe fmm t.a�d�er Uw�ho inswu�oe c�niec�c�rad to sedk a dsim.the�► <br /> Lender mry ooNect the incurm�ce pnooeeds. Ldder m�y uQe tha proaeods to�ir or�es�e Ade Pt�npaty ar w pq a� <br /> securod by tWo Sawdry Iacdumau.whdhet or not tlKn due.Tho 30�y period wf1,A Ixgia rri�ao tde oofdoe i:givrn. <br /> U�lac L.ader�ad Borrower otbawtre ngree in writing. +mY �PPliatiac of pio�ceeds��iacipl r�w�ll not extad or <br /> Postpone tQo due date of tho monthiY pYma�u mfemed to in p�rag�apl�a 1 a�d 2 or chw�c�hc+�mo�w of the p�y�a�ts. If <br /> under pragrap�621 the P�operty is aoqui�ed b�r La�der.Borrowa'�ri�ht to any ia�v�noe palidec�od p0000ds rtsnitiq�fl'oa� <br /> - -- u�w+�e w ti�e�PrsyertY grscx to tkc��m!!psss w l.s�to dx e�tent of dn sa�ro ssee�d by d�Seearee�r�t - <br /> __.._ --- ...--- .- imooe�liMely prior a�he aoquisition. - <br /> f.Oen�pw�ey,Pheenv�tio�.Maioteoa�oe�nd Ptotectioo ot tre Prope�ty,Noimower'e I.osa Applic#Noa;l.t+�d�dd�. ' <br /> Borrower shall aavpy.eatablis�a,and use the Pmperty as Bonower's p�incipa��aideaee within siaty day�aRu t6e execution of <br /> this Sa�rity InsuupKnt and stwll oonti�we to occupy the Properiy as Bo�ower's principal�c�sidenoe for at leau one yar afta <br /> the clate of oocupaacy,unless[render othenvise agroes in wridng.whicd cmaaeat sh�ll not be unre�►sonably withheld.�r u� ��� ; • <br />:�- extawating circumstaiKxs e:iu which Ane beyand Bonawer's aontml. �urrosxer siwll not desemy, damage ar imp�ir Me ' ;.s <br /> --=— __ Property. aliow the Prope�ty to deuriorate.or conunjt waste on the Propeity.Bo�o•w.-�shall be tn defswit If an}r forfeiwre' , •`':�, <br /> __----- action or proc�oeding.whdher civil or criminal. is begun that in Lender s good Fiith jwcigmznt oould result in fort'eiture of the � ` � <br /> Property or dhpwise materially impair the lien t�teated by this Sanirity Instn�mrnt or Lender's seSurity interest.Horruwer may . <br /> curc wuh a defanit and�instate,as provlded ia p�uagraph causing t6e acdon or procoeding'to�a dismiasad with a ruling <br /> _- that. in L.endcr's good fallh determination. precludes forfeltune of the Borrowa's interest in tF�e �Pn�perty or otHcr materlal <br /> . },,, - impairme�t of tpe lien cneated by this Socudty Instniment�or Lender's security intenesC. Borruwer slwil also be in defauit if <br /> �� Barrower,during the laan application process,gave materi�l�u false or inaccueate infaawntian or statements W Lender(or feiled <br /> to ptavide L.ender wi�h any rr�ernsd infom�allon)in rnnnection with the loan evideni�ocJ by the Note.including.but not limited <br /> to.representatians rnnoerning Boirower's occupnncy of the Property a.9 a Q.ri�pcipul reaitknce. If this Security Inst�um�mt is on a , <br /> '�y, leasehold, Barroe•�er shull comply with all �he provisions of the lease. IF Borrower acquire� fee tide to the Property. dk+ - <br />'�' leasehald an�i tUu fee tide shall not merge unless Lender agroes to�he mcrger in wdting. <br /> �. 7.!'h�ota�len ot I.ender's Rights in the Property.lf Borrower fails to perForm the wvenants and agreemants contained in <br /> s �:.y�„4 this Security It�slrument. or there is a legnl proaeJing that may significanUy ofiec[Lender's rfghts in the Property(such as a — <br /> � ��' ' ` prooeeding in b�nkruptcy.probate. for rnndemnation or forfeiture or to enforae laws or regulations),then Lender may da and — <br /> -- �;�. — <br /> •f � ;.;',. ��� pay.for whaie��er is nec�ssary to protect the value of the Propeny and Lender's r�ghts in the Property. Leider's actions may = <br /> ''p�:>'`�"� • ioclude paying Any sums socured by u lien which has priority over this Socurity Inswment, appearing in court. paying — <br /> , ?' '"'� reasc►nuble anomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make nepairs.Although L.ender may wlce action under this para�raph —` <br /> +�a'° <br /> � � ' � '' 7,Lender does not have to do so. — <br />_��� " '':�.r Any amaunts disbursed by I.ender under Ihis paregrnph 7 shall becorne addilional debt of Bornower secured by this ° <br />,:�, .ti.:.�• ; -. <br /> -- ic�:�• •g,,.� Secudty Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to othcr tertn:�of�yment.Ihese umounts slwll bear interest from the <br />'���'�°��� ��'°���' � dete of disbursement at the Nae rate and shall be payable. with interese, upon notice from I.ender to Bomower requesting <br /> � <br /> :-'�'i,;;`� �. ,. •�. payment. _; <br /> M��� •�.. .. <br /> �� �•�.�, S.Mortp�stge Ingurance. 9e Qxnder required mortga�te insurnnce as u wndi�ion of muking the loan secured by this 5ecurity <br />