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�` � -- <br /> - ' ,x , -. <br /> i . <br /> r:� .,,��, . �..__ - _ _ _ _ <br /> �. ,74 - --- - -- <br /> ,,.;3: ?�` �., �, . , . � yj � ,� . � � - � . n � - . �,.wn,•r'#����;�,_ <br /> .__ . . .•V• � . .� �- - �I� ' -� <br /> � 1�.�'�q'0�1�R�11� ����b��If'.U d)ol' Qltt tlf tbQ�I�Ci'ty 6��►}�lf��R�f <br /> �f�Oi'C1Mi�0iflM�(df��R b00��V��(��II 00f10M�f�{AOb Of q�l�����t qOl�qNli�p�f011)W��O�IM . . <br /> , a�er'.p�kr wdao�►cona�t, t�eaaa m�y. «iu�Oa� � ina�+odiMO psy�ca ia raa ot dl wu� i� <br /> Io�tn�wM.HoMevat.lhi�apdau�tl aac be era�ciwi Lador i1 wand�e b pnoNf6itad bY fadenl law a�d'd�dMe • <br /> nf IYis Saauity�aprumeal. ' <br /> _ � u 1.oada euna�a u�op�ioo,r�enaer rn��sive 8onvw�ar aodno or.000k�tian.�nie aotfce.a.0�we.paiod ot.ot .. <br /> {aa dan 30 d�y�fiom tbe d�te tbe notioe b ddivaed ar m�iled witbin which Norrowet inwt�y d wm��ecwrod b�► tf� <br /> Seoutity I�aarun�t.if Bo�mw�dr fiil�a IMxe s�n,prior to Ihe expi�utian of thi�perlod�L.a�fcr mq iprake a'ry rapedi�e� <br /> iaa <br /> pamitted tbis Idw�uo�m� fWtber nonoa or dea�wid an 8omower. <br /> - �, ____��___ u.�oer�a�e��s�Y to Rd�te. If Bomuwer meeu oedain oonditiau, Bonnwer dwll Iwve the dahl to havo <br /> _ � enfonoanatt of this Security In�dum�M diaooratauod�t�ny dme prbr w the arlier of: (a)5 d�ys(or ach dl��rlod w <br /> �pplicabk U�w aay spedly fot �) befo� wla of�he puna�nt to�ny power of�le oontdnod in this <br /> Soarity Instnunait:or(b)antry'of�jrdpaatt ad'orciog thi�Searitpjy�. Those oonditiona ae th�t Aorrowex: (�)p� <br /> L.aidar all amc w+hich tAa�would be daa under 1bu Saa��ity I�tsuumeait and the IVcNe ts if ra�oocleratbn h�d ooa�rned: (b) <br /> curea �ny akfWt of any wi�oov�anu or agroe�naua:(c)psys�11 expmses incumed in eaforcit�g thia Soa�ity Inunimau, <br /> incl��g. 6at nd ifmitod co.�eacan�bb aaurne�r' tees:iud(d)inkes such Action ac Laider may rracanabiy r�equi�o to a+�woa <br /> thM tho iicn of thia Secudty I�uttumetu. Laide�i dght�i�Ihe Propetty and Botrawer's obNgation W p�y 1he wuna�ecurod by <br /> -- this 5xurity Ituqumpu s�l�ll contiaue uaclanQ�d. Upoo � by Bamwer. this Sawrity Insb�mnaat a�cl iAe <br /> obU�atiais spcure�hereb�r sbadl�ranain fully effative�+e if oo aooeter+Mia�hd oocurned.However.thi�d¢ht w�reioco�e�dll <br /> notapp1y i�t6e cue o i a o o d e r�t i o a u�d e r pra�g�1 7. <br />'--- If. Sde af Nat� (.'M�e af 1ww�Se�rvioer. Thc Note or A{wutial i� in the Notc ltoBetha'with Ilws Sonuity <br /> InctrumeM)mW bc soW one or moro times wilhout prior�w�ioe w Boaower.A sale a�y rcsult in a e m�he aKity(bwwn <br /> -- as Ihc"Loaa Servlcer")tbat oollocta moathly p�y�eats due mder the Note and lhis Socuiity Instnunent�l l�e�Isu may be me <br /> ---- <br /> or awnc chan�es of tda I.aan Savioer unnel�od to w sale of�he Notc.If�hene is a change aP tbo laxu+Servioer.Borrarer will be <br /> ,�;:---_.�.-..T� .-,. given wrNte�nc*tbe at the ct�ee�n accaNux�a w�th p��r�ph 14 abave�d applicabte law.The t►atiee wiil state the n�ue <br /> -.;.����f".y, , address of the new L,o�+�Scrvicer and the�ddresr a whicfi paymeius shouW be made.11x natkc will also 000taia any a�her <br /> •-�:n � inforn�tlon requ�ic�d by applicable law. <br />__:::;��`�'` 2p,E�n{aua Sp6efapc�. 8orrower sl�all oat cause or pern�it �he p�esence, use, disposol. stonge. or r�elease oP su►y <br />-.-as;�iyr <br /> _•�:,��� Hrua� Substances on or in the Property. Borrowe� sfiall not do. nor ellovv anyune else to do. an ing affocting the <br /> =r Pmperty that is in vialation ot mny Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences ti1w11 not opply to presence.use.or <br /> .�YA• SIO�ABC� the'pr"��["�.rty of sma19 qiwntities of H�r.ardcws Substances that ue genera{ly �ecognizod to be appmpriatc ta normal . <br /> ' rcS�C1111Y� US�S allU l0 U18��IIIE(IHlICC Of 1�IC�MpCCAy. <br /> ua <br /> -- Bomnwer shall promptly give l.ender wr�tten notice of any investipwtion,claim, dema�, lawsuit or dher ac�ion by any ., <br /> T" governmental oe re�ulatory agency or prlvate party involviog the Prctperr��and any Hazadous SuMutance ar Environmental I..wx <br /> ��^� of whicM Borr��e�;�a.g actual knowledge. If Bomnwer leama,or is;notc��ed by any govemmental ar regulatary aulhority. th;�t ' <br /> ,�°_ any nenwval or t��her remediation of any Hw.a�duus Substance ufl'xting the Property is nec�ssuy,Burn,wer shall,pramptly wke. <br /> - all noassary remad�al zctions io accordance with Enviranrr�ta!lsw. <br /> '�'_ Ac a�ed in�hft para¢raph 20. "Huardnus Substa�xes"ure those rubstunces definecl as toxic oi hazunl�wti substances by <br />;:=.:1;' j Environmental ttnd the following'swbsaiu�ces: gas�iine, kerosene, other flamn�bte nr tuxir ,petrnlwm�praducta, toxic <br /> , pes�icides and herbicides,valatfle solvents,ms�tedals conwining usbestos or forn�ldehvde,and rndiu�ctive materials.As used in <br /> ,}�{ti�; this p�ragraph 20, "8nvironmental Law" means t'cderal luws and luws of�jurisdic�ion where the Propetty is.lqcated �hat <br /> �`'�,:��: relWe to health, safety or environmental praection. <br /> ,:�� r``ti�;�.; NOt3-UN[PQRM COVENANTS.Bortawerand L.ender further covetwnt und agrce us follows: <br /> � ' ��'' ' ' ��" 21.Aocelerntlon;Remedies.l.ender stwll give notice to Borrower prlar to uccclerallon tollowing Borrowcr's breacd <br /> ,��13�': <br /> -�"`� , of any covenanl or egreement In this Secu�ily Instrument lbut not prior to accekrallon under purAgrnph 17 nnl�ss <br /> --��'`���+ar� ,. . a icable Iww rovides Ml�erwisel. The nntice sl�ll s IF • la)Ihe defpult;(b)the actlon requlred to cure tbe defAUlt: <br /> '"r^ ..��,,�` NP) P P� Y• <br />—`''.� � ,��:r�' ' (c)a date,not 1es91han 30 day�from the date tl�e notice IR siven to Born� which the default must be cured=And <br /> ' 1; (d)tlwt failure to cure the default on or beiare the date speclfied in the notice may result in accelerutian af the sums <br /> ::r:- ' ,� •y�ti'� • securetl by t61s Sect�dty Instrument �nd sale of the Prnperty.The notice shall Furlhe�Inform Borrower of tl�e �f�ht to <br /> ec <br /> j:;� °� " y����v�� � reinstwte a�lter acceleratbn end tMe rigfN to bri� a cnurt action to asse�t the natrexlstence of a default or any other <br />'�•:�' :<; �k" detcnse of. Borrower to accelerelton and sale.It the default Is not cured an or f►etore the dpte speclfled in ihe notiee� <br /> �:�`/�&. ', . �F. . il� option.mny require immedinte paym��nt In full af'r�ll xumx.r•ecured by this Securlty Instrument wlthout <br /> �'f''`�a?I , :.- a�T� , furlher demand and moy invoke thr powcr ot�wle and any olher remcdics permitted by a�icable law. I.ender ehall Uc <br />'�;�'�d;s � � enUNed to rnllect all expenses Incumed in punsuing the remadleA pruvkted In thls paragrpph 1,inctudin�.but not Ilmited <br />-,F. ' 'v:.�,��„ '.��.��: to.reasons�ble�ltorneys'fees und cow.c oi liUe eviderKC. <br /> 'h���'' ��� _rf, If Ihepower of sale Lc tnvoked, Trutitce chall r�rard a nnilcr of defeult in each rnuntv in whkh any part of the <br /> (��;1 <br /> , '., ��" � � Praperty is lacated and shull mail copies of such noNce in thn rnanner prexribed by applica�le law to Borrower and to <br /> '. �`�c �u?�"� the other persnar prescribed by appf(cablc laa�.ARcr thc tfine rrquired hv applicablc luw.Trustce shall�ive puMic noUce <br />°� �• :: <br /> „� ,. w~.~,.�� ot s�le to Ihe perwn4 and in the munner p��crii►ed hv upplicablc law•. Trustec,��•ithoW demund on Bo�ower.shall srll <br />- ;�t'` � ��•' " '�' the Pm M at blic aucUon to the hi hes/bidder at t�he timc and lucc und undrr Ihe terms deaf nated in the nWice of <br /> a,..�� � �,':�=:�' P� Y P� R P Q <br />,° „��_-._,�;,,, 4,,.;, , sak in one or mnre purceh and In any ardcr Trus¢ec tietennines. Trustt� may p�slpone sale oP all or unv parcel of the <br />�� , � Property b}• public unnoun��ement nl the time and �elace ot�ny prrviou�ly scheduled wle. I.eader or its deslenee may <br /> �,: ,�.�;;,};�; <br />: �•,�. -..,;�x:,,,;,a, :.f, I purc�ase t6e Property pt aay suk. <br /> , '1` <br /> f w 4. . `� <br /> . � �� <br />_�vi�E � C. � �';+I�, i <br /> ��:��:�c�. .. � <br />�'"- . <br /> �� , 'r'' �," . - - Foryn 3028 9f80 <br /> ,��,;' .'�iril"sy� <br /> _ d .A 1� <br /> i' ',rf•.. ,' .i..�KS,. P Pp�8o1B <br />._�� "�T 1J,r !n� " �'f <br /> �_ 1 � .� ` <br /> ���T,�.��}�{ <br />�--�l.,.�' .'(,:...'�;' S' ..<:�f[\. <br /> __',-t�;�•. . . ,;i�� . � —.. <br />- 9.. _ <br /> sa� �,/ _ !� ��Y•f <br /> �ii ����(�, <br /> � / qm{"� �N;��?1° �� .v f.. � .. m.��.�_.� <br /> i�� `Ym' 1:` "� ',l 1,�, . 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