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�rtK'.- �� ' , - � ' . ..� C �r.! - -.�F'.�rw w' '� �v.t� �--=R-. ; _ - <br /> . - _•. . , '�� �� .. � . . :7,'.. <br /> ���1�iD�110'IM O�hO��Alf'�(0�A01�10 QI�0�01lSI���11�.�AiO[�1�Op��� <br /> .�. llautzs �v a;hcx'O�Rer a pu1 nt ths p�el�ty. A!! �+e�ce�s!!�s e�1 addili�+r .Wl .Ib bs coi�nd �!► �fa S�o�ulty . <br /> IaMrm�ra�.All a�tlw fa�oi�{��ed b M d�it Seaurity fa�nwo�aK r die'l�i+cp�ery.•� . � <br /> � �lORRO'WBit Ca1(BNAM'9 dMt llat�ar Y Ia�hQy Mi�ed ot tb�e�Me Aet�lry oo�i%�rdd�ad I�tlie'rl�t In�at�d . <br /> ' ao�wy tks Pro�pNtx rd Q�lit dlo PropertY b��wca�t fiK aucv�mbranoer a��roo�nd. Bono�a w�ola�ed wlll ' <br /> � d0�0��,IOi01��►(fIB f�t�01D 1110�IOQOIIS►��1��Od d011MOd1.!Y�]0�b�Oyl tllpqll�TAl10a O�Ib001�. . � , <br /> 'n{�$$�R��flj�'ktl���COqI��YII�FCfIf!OOYl�I���Of I�pIW WQ�IIOp�a1f11100�YfwWi M1�1 u��Od , <br /> �I��OAt�I�li�q�011 M COOI�hMO�YO��flfo!lOL��if�{70'Vlf�llj 1�p1�OpEA�►.� <br />. _�----��-�-.�� UNIP�RM COVBNANT5.Hornrwner�nd L�der�t wd yehe n fd{ows: <br /> 1. Pay�M ot i1�lnetpd�r/1�tereMi lt�t�d I�tt CMMp. �orrnrwx�h�ll P��Y P�9 w6en',�w 4he <br /> pdndpd oi and inte�st aa the debt evideaoed by tlio No�e aad any p�ymeat+u�d t�te charaa due nnda the Nde. <br /> _.Fba�N tor Titta�upd i��oa Sl�blxt to�pplia6�e!aw or w a wdncn w�iva�by I.ender�Bormw�er�11 pry to ' <br /> I.aidar on 1he d�y monthly pty�aanb me dne uMer tha Note.wuil tho Nate is pdd in fLll.a wm('Pund�')for:Ca1 yeatfy nxat <br /> and�ss�aunap�whicb may att�in pdaity ovo�lhio Searitq imtnuneat ar a liat on Ibe Propaly:N)Y�Y kacehoW p�ymaib <br /> ar ar[wnd�enic an tho Pro�ty.if any:(c)Ye�riy Iwaa�d or p�opMy insuanoe prraniumr(d)YearlY tlawl�ntuna�oe pn�tduma. <br /> Yf�ny�le)Yeuly mortg�ge i�nuranoo pr�emiums� if�ny:alld(�iA� fYttli I111Y�bI0 bY BOtfiON�CT(A I+l�IACi.ln acoo�dmoa witb <br /> the pmvidan oi pa��ny�h 8�i�Ileu of the payn�cnt of rt�ortg�ge iasuranoe pnmiumQ.7Lao itqns ue pllad•Bsc�ow Itmu." <br /> , t.eMer may.u my �imc,oolleet and hold Funls ln �a amowp rat w aucoed tho mulmum amount a laidcr tor a fadordly <br /> trLted mortgage loan m.y roquir�c far Bomower'a escrow a000unt under the fodeml Ral F.cate SaUanent Pr000dw�es/1ct af <br /> l974 a�atnended fiioan time W time. 12 U.S.C.Scaioa 2601 et uq. ('RLSPA'):unlesc anothcr I�w tlat applies to the Fundo <br />.`- a�e a�Fe�er nnowq. if co. i.eoder,uYy.�t ony time.cafkct and hafd I'�sds ia an onwunt nat to cxrrcd tAe tesser aneount. _ <br /> - �- �x.�icr mry catia�to Ihe attwuw��und�duc on�he bASis oi cunwM dau�otd�sorwble e�aww of'e�cpendilur�uf ti�tun <br /> _ � F.�ar Itam or olherwfse ia a000�da�rce with Applicable law. .. <br /> The Fwds dwll be 6dd in �a ianatiwcion alwse deporitc arc insurod by a federal �gency. insuuma�tality. or e�ty , <br /> -- �including Lender.if Lender is such a�i�in�tia�)or in any Federal Hame Loan Bank.Lender rJ�all apply the Fwida to pay the <br /> Fscrow Itema. La�de�may oot d�e l�arower for holding�applying the Fw�ds.�ly analyzing the esc�ow�000uqt.or <br /> - verifyin�the Bscrow Items.unlas Lx�c2er parys Borrower intercst on thc Funds wd ipplirabk law permitx[,eadrr to tuakc such <br />__. a charge. However. Lender mry noquire Bomow�er w p�y a one-tfine dwrgc for an i�depc�wlait ral est�te wc rcportfag•�ervioe . <br /> u�ad by I.rnda� in co�u�oction with U�is la�n. unlas�pplipbk law provides atherwise. Unlas an agresntent is madt or �' <br /> _ _ - applicable law roquircs inten�st a be paid.Lender siwll iat be roquirod w pr+y Bo�owet an�r iiuerat or eandngs on the Fwds. , , <br /> Borrower and Lender:nay ag�oe in writing.howevu.�t inte�+est st�all bc paid dn the�iads. [,ender slutll give to�a�+wer, <br /> --- witbout clwrgo. an annual aornunticr�K►t the Funds. showing credits and debils to�h�Fao�►�and Ihe purpose for wAicra eACh <br /> - deb�t�shc Fusds sA,��adc.Tls:.Fu�s�pl��as�dditio�!aecvrity for a!:ss�s�:s�!sy d�is�;Is�. <br /> If the Funds held by l.erdcr cxcood the amou►�s permitted to be held by applic�ble law.lrendcr slnll account w Borrnwer <br /> far the exass Funds in a�roordanoe with the requirements of applicable law. If the iur�ount of�the Funds held by I�ender at any <br /> -= time is not sufficient to pay the Escmw 14ea�t when due.Lender may so notify BotTUwer ia w-riting,and,in such case Borrower <br /> sl�ll �ay to l,ender the amount necc�s�,r!r ao make up the defieien�y. Bomower shdl m�ke up the detieia�ey in tw d�pre d�n <br /> tweive manihly p�yments,at Lender's sok discretion. � <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums securod by this Securiry Instrument. L,ender shall promptly rcfund to Borrower any <br /> Funds held by[.ender.If,under paragraph 21.I.ender shall xquire or sell the Property,Lerder. pdor to the xquisition or sale � <br /> '"_ f` of 1he Prc�perty.shall apply ony Funds held by Leoder ut the lime of ucquisition or sale as a eredit aQeinst the sums cecurod b�r . <br /> =� thic 5eaurity Instrument. ; - <br /> _ 3.Applkadon ot Pl�yments.U�Yess applicable law provides athenvlse.all payments r+eceived by Lender under para8rophs ' _- <br /> � !ond?sha!!be�pplied: first, to anY P�Paymen►�herge�due��mler tFw N..r�;�ec��wu�Wr pYyabie under p�ragraph 2; _ <br /> interest due;fourth,to pdncipal duc:and any Inte charges due under the Note. __ <br /> '! 4.Chuges;Liens.Borruwer slmll pay all uues,assessments,charges, fines nnd imposilions uttribuwWe to the Propeny - <br /> which may attain priarity over thi, Security Instrument, and IcASefiold payments or�round rents, if uny. Borrower shall pay <br /> these obligations in the monner provided in paragrrph 2,or if not paid M�hat monner, Borrower shull pay them on time directly - <br /> �, [o�he person owed payment. Borrower shsll prompUy furnish to l.cixler all naticcs of amountr[o be paid under this parag�ph. <br /> � �-��•"''�" If Bc�rrower makes tltese a ments directl &►rn►wer shall rom I furni+h ta Lender recei ti evidencin the ments. - <br />_ .,.�„a;,�v",;"s� P Y Y• P P�Y P�� 8 PeY _ <br />__ �''�`•'"� Borrower shull promptly discharge s�ny lien which has prinrity�iver this Sctiurity Instrument unless Barrower:la)agrees in = <br /> ��� � ��,'�K writing to the p�yment of the obligetion ,ecurcd My Ihe lien in a manner uccepWble w I.ender;Ib)rnntexls in good faith the lien - <br /> �':. ;', �. by, or defends uguinat enforcement of the lien in, legul p�ncsedings whirh in thc [.ender's opinion apemte to prevcat the = <br /> :� �', �. enforcement of thc lien; or(c)secures from thc holde�nf the li�n aa ugrcrmca�snticfAC�ar��k�Lender eubordinating the lien to ' - <br /> , { � _ <br /> r"? };�. ,�� �''�'• � this Security instnnneot. lf l.ender determinex thut any part oP the Prop�m i,wbject to u lien which may attain priority over <br /> �`' ' this Securiry Instrument, Lender may give&�erower a nntice identifying the lien. Borrower ahall xu�isfv the lien or I�ke ane or � <br /> . .,,. <br />:�,; _ <br /> - '`�'�':.'-,+ ' more of the actions set foKh above withdn IU duys of!he g��ing af nottce. <br />.'�1� ��'�: Fp�n 902� 81Y0 - <br />.v�s� �' :�r.`n�i.i7 .�), ; � F�PZo18 � <br /> .� _ .°i.' _ <br /> ; .y i;c "r=y •;;`.'�.r�� �. <br /> -:L`� ', �wYr��i �*f�,_{� Fa� k.� <br /> �fti , .•�r�f��J,}.M1f tk���..� �/.� . ��-a..�a�..1,m[ <br /> �i y � ' , .� Q , • _..� � <br /> � .:' .�11�'1�d&�j j�d�� � �t���`i �+• -7t. .�� t�r�,j !" '�r �, t 1 i�'y�i't'.i ��'P`�,y,r,i. . ^•_i='_, ..�._ �.�� <br /> ��}(�,�Yi'�� ,��' ���(�•�• ty,�, �r. .u.i��.:�at r`• � �?at�Sr9t1d� <br /> ��� w'bY� .:�lS{1,{���� �;�:�..� `�• :.��U �r� �.��?;,�i.,.��_�;s5�1A � � .�i� j,�,e." <br /> �.i41�1���N��'fe`:�l,ii��.+l�i -' ��:.�l���i'=,—' <br /> 2A `r `�r ,�,�1��,c�F..-�.- � Y�-�kr ' � ��f�- �Y".,.�.• }4 i i , R- ` <br /> i ,. , _ , _ , _ <br /> _ ` y � � � ` ` , r �� r} v { r ,{17°;3, , _ � t� ...VS� �,,:������-'��'� - <br /> i�~ ►{t� iti�!" J �S �� 1 +��J�}} �•Y S lr�y t L;r. :•��J�l'� 'l•ri. 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