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-,.:�. '--r--�r-,yc�•�..!�7��74�'"!r,.M1� c. . � . , ., .:�,.7�ri V' <br />.-�. ' • , � - . ,. . . � . ' . <br /> � ' .. '� . . ��. ,. - . . � . - • --.. _-.. _. .. .---.. <br /> - --- � � ' �. � . � � � . 93- ��� . �. <br /> � oa�don ar odirr f�d�nr prt af 11�Nap�r�or ta oaa�ta!���an i�nbY+�i�+� . . <br /> . ,�11 be pNd a trea�t�lr.� :. .1�1�be�ppliad to�he r�umt recume by d� 5�witY ' <br /> in the wait d�r�4a1 u�i of tM Ptcpaty.thop�oaead� <br /> lnunpt�ent.wAedier ar oot tha�due.with�ny exoau p�id to Bart�nwer. In tbo event of�patW alcitp{ol t1�e�N . <br /> � wblob drr fiit�n�rket vdue atthe Proparty immedluely 6efaro tue taldn�i�equd w ar�te�th�n the Mnwunt d wqis <br /> � �ocu�ed by dds Sxvdty la�trwnent Imatedl�WY befaa the t�tin�.ualew 8arower�nd l.e�der athawite�pee b wtidaj. . . <br /> -------� tfw curar sefiuned by tbis 3ecwiry Inahumrnt elull be reduoed bY the�uno�a�t of ihep�e��muldpUedby tbe toltowL� <br /> � firactioe: (�)1bo wt�l wto�nt of the wma�ecurod immedl�teiy beforo tLo W�in�,dtWded by(b)the fwir maket wlae of d� <br /> property inunedt�tely bafora da a�tin�. AnY balmoe�hdl bo p�id w Bomowar. In the event of p putW Wcie of the <br /> propaty in whicd�he fair nwlca v�lue of�he PropeAY immedWely batoro the Wcing ia le�s du�n tho amaint of�suma <br /> �oaued immedl�toly befaro tbe , unbss Bomower u�d Lender dherwi�c ayrce in wrltinR or wde�applic�bk bw <br /> ahe�wi�e pa��'lde�►16e Pro�d�dwll be applied w the cunw seewed by ihis Secur,ity 6uqument whetl�or not 1be waas ue <br /> t6a�dae. � � <br /> AIP Ihe PropeRy is�aodaned b,�r 8omaow+er.tx�If.sfter not*.'+e by lender ta Bcwmwa I�at 1Lo candem�►or o�fFi+s 1a m�ice <br /> #n+�+r�ad a�ettle�c�un t'or dw�s,�otrowar��iW 14a re5�o�d Ro I,emder wi�Edua 341'�C�r�f��y or w 1ho <br /> Laider ia�uahariaed�o co�ect�eA�pply the ��.�;4ta optiod.eitAer oa�nt�� , <br /> . qpar�ea�od by�his Soc�ui�9�u�w�m�.whet�t then d�ee. �..� ,, . <br /> Unless l.eader aNd Bo�lower.oU�orwlfie��grce'in wdtiag. any Ucad p.��af proceeds to principni,ak+k not exkad ar ���,'��. <br /> `. ,. e�P ,:'r.-:. . <br /> _ _ � ��i•;.!, , :,�oa�one tAe dae d�te of anonth�Y PpY�l��+9 roferred lo in paregrepqs 1 a�d 2 or change.d�e amaunt of auca p�4yments• . <br /> � 1�. �41'�'aNet.1�°'���i �'h�a�+� sY Lerider NM a�Watyer. �xtension of the dme for payu�ent or� ,'.,';�;�1+ <br /> ta <br /> — � � mali�et�t�ali�of m�atidn oF d�numa u,curod by thia S�curiry I��+merit$mntcd by�.gpd�r{o any SuccC��'in�li�ttt+�at , <br />--"_�--���- � of Borcowei eh��M��te:to�leaso the liabili�y oilhe origin�l Bc�rrowa�Qr eorrowatti su�ceasors in Intemat.l,ender <br />=-- , .. •:� �h�� �be�oqui�d�o commence p�pceeding�against any euccessor in interest'or refusa to extend dme fm payment or <br /> � oiherwi�o mod fi y amorti�ation oi'the sums securod by this Securiry Insmiment by r�casun af ony demw�d mado by�ho ai�inal <br /> -- gorrower or Bortower�i successors in inte�ost. Any forbea�ance by Lender iq oxercieing any dQht or nme�y �hall nat be a <br />. wdver of or preclude�he oxerefsa of Any right or remedy. <br /> 12. Suocwo�s u�d AcriQ�Baundi Joint�d 3ever�l 4iabllity=Casl�ners. 71io cavenants and a�neemontr of Wi� <br /> Securlry In�wment ch�ll bind and banefit iho cuccaswre ond+wi�u of Lender and Borrower.subject to the prnviafons of <br /> pa�gaph 17. Bormwerl�coven�nt: and �groements shali be joint and several. My Bomower who co-si�ns this Security <br /> Insmunent 6ut Aoes not exccute�he Nae: (a)ir co-signing thfr Securfty Inxtrument only to mon�e.gram�nd convey dwt <br /> garowai�inte�e�t ie Ih�pi�nperty under the tertnr of this 5ecurity Inxuumem: lb)ia nat perronally obli�Ated to p�y thc sums <br /> aeciu+ed by IhiR Secudly Inurument;and(cl a�s�t����y dher Bwrower mAy A�roe to eatend,malify.forbeu <br />�e �ny �d�o�u wUh roQwnl to�ho temw of IhiM Securi�y lashument or the Nao witlwut Ihat Bortowerl� <br /> _ _ _ _ oM1�ru• <br /> 13. l.oUn Cbar�a. lf�ho laan securcd by this Secudty Inswment is subjx�io a iww whnh �cti r.�imum toaa <br /> elurQec,�I thw law i�titwlly int�rpated so tiwl the imercst or dhe�loan charges callected or to be rnlkcte3 in connection <br /> with thc lain excxd the petmitted timfta.lhen: (a1 any such los�n chargo shall6e roduced by the amount necossary to reduce <br /> the charge to the permittcd limft:and(b)any sums alrcady collecied irom Borrower which cxceededpermittcd Ilmits will ba <br /> �efui�dM to Bortower, L.ender may cFaoso ta mAlce this mfurid by reduc ing the principal owed unckr the Note ar by m�king a <br /> -_—� dlroct payment to Bortower. If a rofund Rduces principal�the reductlon will he treated r+s a parti�l prepayment wittiout any <br /> �„ pre�wryment charge uMler the Note. <br /> 14. Notieea Any nodce to Borrower provided for in�his Security Instrument shall be given by delivedng it or by <br /> -- mailing it by fint ciass mail unless applics►ble law requires use of ano�her method.The notice shall be directed to the Property <br />-_-�;��„�; Address or any other address Borrower designutes by notice ta Lender. Any natice to Lender sNall be given by first dass <br />