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,_. <br /> . <br /> - �-�--�,_ ' . • ,. �. . . ... . . r ,_ .} ,; __ <br /> ---- --- � • . � 1�9lSS ' ' � '�T <br /> . �t ,.�'�Mf�Odf��1.alldrr I�p�M. ��M�DO Cil�It piiW�IMO�M1/M001��CIi0�Q1 by H01lOMOM�II�i�Ot b�ifl�ti • '- <br /> ,'�i�1p1�Y�M�l�th�l�pOt�IO 111q�OM�y rY�lOb. �BOff�1Y�f�i pf�.COV 40�Cf1�04�1JpW.(�OIIdK IClyr•� • � <br /> �a1Mdlfti tl�{pl�OtMA�II q p10NCt L�p1�Of���il(b0 �11 ��b 7. <br /> ' . � N��M1Oti1ICO�10�1.'�O��fM1O�Y�t�M��60�ue�u�bk tq����•IW11�f110A�0 C��IMO. ��Ml1� '. , <br /> .ti.0 I�ro�q rs�fie to tww aa policle..aa�ianw�. 1 t.eeaer ieq�a�a,eana,ver ano p�a�ptlr sive w eoeetpa�� <br /> _ af paid promium�and rarew�l noNce�. Ia 1he eva►t at lost�Barrowar�WI�ivo�notioe p tbe Luuwoc�c�rti�t wd <br /> ----.�.____.._-.---- -,------_ r,�r LendermRym�kepootofbaUnotm�dop�nmp119UYBa�rower. . <br /> �� Unba La�der�nd Hatorver ahawi�e a�rae in writie�inauwncep�e�4�bdl be�ppifed w roaatation a�pair al ,. <br /> � R��ty d�m�ed, if the ra�tatstton ot�4 is aoot�oiNcally fauible�ad L�a�derti�ty i�not kua►ed. U d�e <br /> or rop�ir i�not eoonomkaUy fwibb oe I.arderl�ieeurity wduW be le�ened�d�e i�r�neo pooeeds du�ll be <br /> �ppliod to tha uans�ecurod by rbi�+3ecurity G�aua�aq, whethat or aat then due,with my o�paW b Botrower. If <br /> Borrawcr�bwndone the P�aperty.or doca aot wwer within 3A days�notice fi+om I.ender duu the iru�urnnoa c+urier hiu <br /> offerod ta�tsuk a cldm.then L.ender m+�y coltact tha inwr�K:a proceed�. I.nnder e�qr use tho proceeda to rep�ir or reatane <br /> ��� �qy wmo�ecurod by thi�Socurity Tnurumai�wbether or wot Wen due. The 30dRy pe�rbd wiU be�m wpea <br /> Unk�I.ader aM Hanawet wherrr�ise ajp+oe ia wnitia�.aoY applia�tian oi P'0000ds w Pracip�l shaq not e�uerd or <br /> postpone d�e dae d�te of the aiorMhlY P�Y�mtertied to�a pa�grapfw 1 �od 2 br'qh�nge tbe�t of tha payaoente. It <br /> - �12�1 t6e P�operty 1� aoyutrod by I.e�Wer.Ba�mwet�rigN W�1uy i�sa�tu:o.�tp�ipes�rld proCeOds.t�cul8ng,•.r,��::;,-;,,.;, <br /> �P�R3'P���+��W�U paca w l.enda�w tha.�z¢aut PlR�the.�au�s secu�eA by aAis 9�t1�y.;,; . <br /> - lncpum�N immodi�tely qior w tlio�cqui�itia�. � � . <br /> -- ,:�- f, OccaP�nc9, Preserv�+l�a. !�Aals�em�aoe �ad �,ut tWe'.P;q�fe�#IBan'�awPr'g D.�ona A�iw�a <br /> 1.easeYoWe. Bonawer shpll.occ Prope�y� PdneiPp�l�e'�ialta�e•Wi}�{la:suc�Y�Y�?�' ',-°.� . <br /> �' uPy,tstalilis�.'pnd uSe,14e ra.w�ttowerh <br /> _ ���� ' , • �tbie exocutiati of this Securi�y lnstr�oanRat,�nd li�l anatidue�W O�CU�9 t�e P�erty as BWtVwarS ptLiCip�1 ues��rn'u � " <br /> Y,,�,.,, ��.,��'n�'�;'`��"'�� •. , Y�y a�u�anCY. unEess 'Lcaklcr;rithenvese agrees in wridng. wT�lch consent shap not be = <br /> , aeasi one afte,r tB�e c?ate aY = <br /> � �A! ► • . . aw�ea�o�bly a��thbe➢d�vr w�aVess catenw►ting ci�cumbt.�s exist which�e bnyond Borrowerb conhol. Borrawer shd(not <br /> :."'"`.,,�:�Y� � ..�desaoy.dama e or im <br />`r�°�[is�,:___ :s'�., g Palr the Hnpe�y.sillow the Aoporty to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Hroperty. Horrower shqll <br /> _ -__ - .,,..;�4 ba ln default it'any fafelnu�e action or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is 6cgun thet�I.ender�a gaod faith judgment <br /> - °°-°--- ° could msult in forfeiwre of the Propc�ty or othenvise materially impair the Uen croated by thls 3ocuriry Inetrument or <br />-�r.'",� l.enderk eocudty iaterosG Borrower may cw�e such e dafault end provlded in parag�aph 18,by causin�the actlon <br /> or pmcceding w be dicmisced w11h a rul�n��hat,in Lcnder`s gaod faith detarn�ir�elbn.pnecludes forfailuro of the Barowerl� <br /> �� inter�est in�he Property or other material impaimxnt of the lien crcated by thi�Secu�ry Insaumenl or LenderS� socurlty <br /> :a, inte�t. Borrower shAll nl�o bc in defiwlt if Harowcr. durin� �he Inan applicetion procese,gavo m�terinlly fdse or <br /> = ' lnaccurate lnfamrtion or ataert�enta w l.ender(or fdled a provide Lender wi�h any m�terl�l iMomiatian)In connocdan with <br /> - --�� tho 1� evi3enced by t1� Y�tz.inciuriin�. bui ooi iimitai 10. 'ons ca�ceming iionowah ovcupancy of the <br />_•� PropeAy as o principal r�eridence. If thia Socurity Inrtrument i�on a�hol�d,Borrowm sh�ll comply wilh dl the provlsia�s <br /> � of the Ies�xe. IP Bomower acqulrcs fee dtk w the Propeny.she leazehold and the fee tl�le ohall not mer�e uolac l.ender a�ra� <br /> -, to tlte nterger in wdting. <br /> �',, 7. Protectlon o� Lender•s Rl�hhts in tbe Propaty. If Bormwer f�ils to perfarm U�e covemnts And a s <br /> '� comained in Ihi� Security IncaumeM. or there is a Iegol proceeding that may signiflcanUy uffae Lender� d ts in �he <br /> . Propehy(such as c prnceeding!n baokruptcy,probate.fbr condemnwtion or forieitur�e or to onfo�e lawa or ngulalone).then <br /> � I.cnder mey do and pay for whatcver ia necessiuy to protec�thc velue of the Property and I.enderk dghts in the p�operty, <br /> �� •-•+ l.ender§uetions may inelude paying any sums secured 6y a lien which has priority over this Security Instn�ment�appeadng <br /> ��'� %u in caurt.paying reasoneble attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to molce ropairc. Al�houBh L.ender may uitce actian <br /> , i .�..�• under�his paragraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> � � Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional dcbt of Bormwer sccured by lhis <br /> ri��.-;• •.�. Secu�iry Inatrument. Unless Bomnwer and I.endcr agree to other tcrms of payment,these amounts shall bear Interett from the <br />_ ��'r"'� date of disbursemem at the Note rate and shall be puyAble. wilh ime�esl,upwt notice from l.ender to Bamawer rcque�ting <br /> -- •,, >•.c <br /> :, ::r'`'1\� •1��M ��r payment. __ <br />:+:�c ;�� � • �• 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender�equir�ed mongaga insurance as a conditian af making the loan secured by this = <br /> ;;.� � _4, ��;��:,. �r�.• Securiry Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mefntain Ihe mortgage insurance in effeat. If, for any <br />-� ;:�;; 4. ••1,� reason, the mortgage Insurnnce coveruge r�equired by Lender lapses or ceases lo be in effecl,Bomower shall pny 1he � - <br /> ' prcmiums mquired �o obtain coverage substandally equivaknt to the moRgoge insuautce prevlausly in eifect, at a cast - <br /> ''''� substantiall uivolent ta the cost to Borrower of the mon a e insurunce reviausl in effect,frorn an altemate mortgage <br /> '.�r',,',Pe►;`'•.;...>:.",;•"� Y ecl 8 B p y' - <br /> c <br /> � ` •��'•. insuner u ved b Lender. If substantiall e urvalent mort a e insurance covero e is not uvuilaMe.Borrower shall pay to <br /> u��'� ' •., �.,�� PPro Y Y 9 � B B g <br /> '" �'�;��• 'r• •�' � � , l.ender each month n sum equol to one-twelfth oF the yearly martgage insurance premium being peid b <br />_�= '° `'�"�'�:3° insurence coverage lapsed or ceased to be in ef�'ec�. l.ender will acee t,use and retnln these Y Borrower when the - <br /> -��-�'��' p paymen�c as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> '"i �� ., �'t' '�'�� of mortgs�ge insurnnce. Loss reserve payments mAy n�longer be required,al the opHon of Lentkr. if mortgage Insurance <br />_.•„�� � �,'!�• � coverage(In the amaunt and for the period that Lendeer requires)provided by nn insurer upproved by I.cnder again becomes - <br /> ��,. �{ �. available and is obtnined.Borrower ahall pay the premiums required tc►muintnin mortgage insurance in effect,or lo provide a <br /> �y...._ �, . ' loss reserve,until the requlrement for mortgage insurunce ends ln nccordunce with uny wrilten agreement betwcen Botrower <br />=�-�- :�,�;;���.,;�� and Lender or npplics�ble law. _- <br /> ` ' •-� �. 9. Inspectlon. Lender or its ugent muy muke reusonable entries upon and inspec�ions of the Property. Lender shall <br /> ar. give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspertion specifying reusonable cuuse for the inspection. � <br /> Q �.•',�:; 10. Condemnptlon. The praceed+of any awnrcl ar cluim for dumnges,dircY�or conxeyuentid, in connection wi�h any = <br /> ' + ' Sfngk R�mlly-•Plipple MWFYeddk M�c UNIFORM IN!i7'RUMLNT••Unff�mCavmmcs 9l90 �p,�R�,�.,JAprRy) <br /> � �`����%.;:, � <br /> , ��. ., .,, �reaw�aY�loe.Fmr��ec.■ P <br /> a ��,'"`� ; To trM�W!I�OOb1pY0q O INI�1�7Y14 qt ° <br /> :;y��,.i'�.' -. <br /> �=r <br /> .'�` _ <br /> ..� ��'� <br /> ' ,.r,'Y;F;. - <br />..u� - t�.l�'•�tMi{�"�� �„ nrr..SyR-r.T'�r+.n.,� �.o.---.....�•••-,- �7-�mm...�.-.�`.,� •y]w�`���-� _ - <br /> �`rau_''rr_•=_T�ii15'1llif.Hii:y�nC.�7_:t{.�S -h }.rt :l.t.':lf,_._ .�_-y�y(��_••:.. -_ ___-- '�_ <br /> � - _ <br /> v. �...f��- f '., . _. _ _ ___" . . .. .. . _ ._ .._�. _.__ _- __ .___-'.-_-"___.._. __"._ _ �-�-��-•�wr�s�'-��rs--.- r .. __ -� . __- <br /> 1. .11,, i_ _�t.. . - . � . . �� T' ' �.� : .. �1� � . . - ' � T '' :-. <br /> i ,S L�Y, �y b. - . . . . .• .`--:i'": - : <. - .1 7 e ,. <br /> - �'C�.a - ..y- ,� .. ..�� � -..:�L�,i•i:;- �+5� .� �CI -�k"� 1- r�irri: <br /> ` •* r�.eL�i•F�W3�N���'�"'`�, r.° yts..pq.h ,-a-�r <br /> +t_. 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