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y,•yy � Z,y�i�4��, ' , a•. ' ' _—' ,�y.,,�.r�.... _ <br /> _�.,��{U...�' s . . • ,y,�c ..o•.�'+,� .. . _ . ,�' . ��. , T'f -n.i.,�, �:- <br /> . ,. , � �93. � :�. .�f,;�_�:� <br /> �so�ss <br /> � . �ppticabie L�J a�y�pea�r tar isintt.�anaN)betoro�Ie at tbe lh�apaty�urwuw a �ny paw�aP at.oonaiaed�a�it <br /> 8ecudty Je�ba�ar(b)m�y d� �doncin�dd�Seawi�Y In�pumad. Thae co�llioa a�ttiAt Honowpr: (�) . , <br /> - � P�Y� LanAer�I aan�whi�b tl�ee wou�dl��d�r thi�Seaiuity bWeumeat �ad the Nate� it no�oodet�tian lud <br /> � aaurrod�N)��ny defwit of iaiy oN�er aova��na o►ytee�t�N�;(o)p�y��II expenta iucw�ad in eafa��tl�Secudty <br /> InWUman, iacludin�,bnt nol limited to�rea�oiwblo�aaooeY��faa:�nd(d)t�ke�w�b�cdan a I.aKle�may rea�an�bly <br /> tbguine a asw�tau tbe uea ot thi.secwity Inunaa�t.Lender�r1�a ia tiie Pmpatr.nd eorrow�arl a�ll�on to p�y�he . <br /> im�u secu�+ed b�► thi� Secudty [nWrun�t t6W c�oedm�e unch�nged. 1.1pa�a roimt�em.'+r bY Bortowe�� thi� Se�a��Y <br /> -� �. Incpwnent aad ths obligatioac recwed Iteneby shaU t�emain lWUy effecdve aa if ao aoxlenuio�hd aecurrod. Ib�wvx.tbis , <br /> riyht w reinwte�IuU not apply in the ca�e of�ooela�tiaa�mder p�ph 19. <br /> 19 Ssle ot Noee=Cbwp d Lo�Savier 71a Naa ar�p�u1W intenest in the Nae(w8et�er w[th�is Sec�ity <br /> . iacuun�mt)m�y be�oW one ar mane U�q�t wlthout pdar nodce w Homower. A s�lo may �esuM in a cd�o tu��Ae a�itjr <br /> (lu►own�de"I.�oa�SeRrioe�r','�d►at colke�s muolWy p�ymenu due unde��Nokt t+aQ tbdit Sauri�Y boa�nwo�at- Tdess�L�a <br /> auy bc aaic ar a�oie ch�eng�cs of tho tl.o�tli S�crvkxr noceWed,w s stb o�IAe I3oo�. ti��basc ic s ebango of t5t Lo�t Servictr. . <br /> Ba[qiwa.wip bo givea.r�itlen ao�tir�e o6 tbe�iae mcoocd�a�oc�paira�rapli l4 above and applicable lpw. 'fhe notioe <br /> y�t�sY��e��aoo aa�d�Odcess oi the•new 1.oan Serviar and'the addness to Wrh�Ch pey�stwukl�be taede:7Ue ndioa w111 <br /> Ee <br /> -- ',�'�slt�.�ivaia�apyQ�r infc�aiaUoa`rsquiccdby�pli�ablol�w:. ,., � . . . , . <br />�+u�x. �2g. 1#pepMorR Subctaace�4. �arrowershall not cause or permit tlre pf�seace,usc,diapasal:�tara$c.or release oi any , <br /> ���'��f.- ' . ;,,;'f�avariloua Subataqtes am or Ip�the Property:.BomuW�'.shall not do,�nor allow anyone elsc w do.Ahy'thing affadtin�the, . <br /> _- . ' 1'nnpercy thet la ln vlafuion of any Envlmm�ental Law.'71�c'prec�kling two sentences shall not epply w the pnesence.u�e,or <br /> ____= swrnge on tho Properly of snwU qunndties of H�doua Substancw that Are genarally r�coyniYed w ba aPP►oPrioto to nomtN <br /> --- ----- _ ,_ imidantW u�and to mAintcn�aco of tha Property. <br />_ °,�_ Bprower shdl promptly giva Lender written notice o1 any invesugatioa,claim,demwid.lwwaui�or�fher wclion by miy - <br /> govemmenul or►agulatory�gency or prlvpto party involving�he!'ropeny ond�ny H�ndour Subslpnco or BnviranmaNwl <br /> ,� Law of whkh Hamwcr h�s actual knawlMgo. If Bomawer Ic�rns. or I� notiflod by ony �ovanmonlal ar roaulwary <br /> - aulhorlty,thu any�movd or olher romcdiaUon of�ny HiwMoua Subsw�eo �ifecUn�iho Ra�erty i�nec�axvy.Barower <br />��_' �11 pmmpUy tsko�II nocessery�mudial ac�ion�in Accardance wlth�nvfronmeatal Law. <br />_� A.usad fn thlr p�n�rnph�ll."H�,wrckwa Suhtwrcer"iue thore�ubt�a�de8ned u�taxic or hoxudou��ubuncer by <br />= Envlronmeaul and�hr followin�xubRtonrex: QwoNne,kera�ene.otlicr ttunm�ble ar tuxic patroleum produc��,toxi� <br /> peclicidn �nd hetbicide�, vol�lflo�c�lveniti. m�te�iwlr cunlofnin�wd+esu►�a !'amrtdehydo. u�d�li�ctive mwtorlda. A++ <br /> uced in IhiR�gnph 2Q."Qnvironmcmrl l.Aw"mcoos 1'cdc�l law�ond hws oi Ibr Juri�dkhian whem Iho PoopMty h loc�ted <br />= — dw ml�o to be�llh.rufNy a cnviranmenul prwociian. <br /> ` NON-UNIijORM COV�NANTS. Bam►wer wnd I.ender funl�r covenwnt uKf nyrce ar falluwR: <br /> �� _ tl. Acoelerntloni Ren'�edl�a. I.eade�eh�ll�Ive aotkr lo Born►wer ptlor lo�caeler�llon fallo�vina Borrower's <br /> - br+acb ot anr coven�nt ar a��+eement In Ibl�RecuAty Inctrument(but aot prlor to accakratbn ander p�r�ap617 <br /> ^ ____ ��ep�lk�ebk I�a�►ravldes otherwkel. The aotice sbdl cpeclf�: U11he de��alt:lbl the�ctbn r+�qulred to cure We <br />::�` det�ult�(c)�date,iMt lea Ih�n 30 d�y�Ilrom the date the oMke Is glven te Borrower� by wblcb the defiult must be <br /> � cured=wd(d)tlut tdlur+e to cure the defaalt an or betore the d�te speclDed In Ihe notk�nuy result In aceeleratios of <br /> � �be su�ns secured by Ihls 3ecu�ity Inslrument�nd sale ot Ihe Property. Tde notke abpll�urther tntorm Borrower ot <br /> the�igdt to nlnslate aner accderatlon�nd the right to bring a courl actbn to�sserl the non-existence ot A detnult or <br /> �ay ather defense ot BorroWer to accelernlbn And sale. It the detwnit ts not cured on or beiore the dpte speclfied 1n <br /> � the notke,Lender at Its oplbn may requlre immedinte payment in f'ull af wll suma secared by thia Secu�ity insfrument <br /> withoul turlher demand aad may invoke the power of sale and s�ny other remedies permltted by applkable I�w <br /> I.ender shall be entltled to cdlect all expenses incurred in pursuln�lhe remedies provided ip tblo pornRrpph Zl. <br /> •�, 7��i�,��, �Ipeh�ding,but not limited to�reasonable attorneys•fees And cos1R of Ntle evidence. <br /> .•' � 1�Ihe pawer of sak is invoked,71�ustee sholl record a notice of defpult in each county in which Any pAM at Ihe <br /> ��i. <br /> ""�«�+���Rx?� � property is locateil and shwll mell coples of auch notice In the menner presc�lbed by AppHcAble luw to Borrower And to <br />-_`�`•� 7Yustee shAll ve uMic <br />_� the other peraons prescrlbed by applicable law. Af�er the time required by applicable Iww. gi p <br />_ � ���a notice ef s�le to Ihe persons and in the manner prescrlbed by Appllcable law. 71�ustee,without demAnd on Borrawer, <br /> ,r:�;'. . .�, . shs�ll seN the PropeMy at publlc aucllon to the highesl bidder at tAe ttme and place and under Ihe terms deslgnated In <br /> ,:�"�'�. tbe noticc of eale in one or more parcel�and in any arder 7ruslee determinex. 7�uAtec mny posfpone ssak oP aR or any _ <br /> '•'�' tcel et the Pro eH b blic announcement at the time And lace oi wn reviousl scheduled sak. Lender or ifs <br />"l.�} �Y� � Pa p Y Y P� P 9 p Y <br /> .::.f .µ. �`�.t 9 desl�nee may purchqse the Properly at Aoy sale. � <br /> ���,i; ���� U�on receipt of payment oF the price bid.7�ustee ahall deNver lo t6e purcha5er 'I�ustee s deed conveying 16e <br /> ' '��'�`;�`">c"�i��,;• Pr a perly. The recitals in the 7Yuslee's deed sfiall 6e prlmo Pacle evidence of the trulh otthe statemenRs made therefn. <br />' �"- - �� ��^ � 7Yyatee sholl opply the praceeds of Ihe sale in the�ol low ing or d er. (a►to a l l c o s 1e an d expenses o f ezerc l v i n�t 6 e powe r <br /> _�,;,��.���. <br /> � v;•. <br />--. `�%�Q�'S�: — <br /> � " qi�b'1-� �.(n.::�-.. � <br />��. ,4��. k9 . •. - <br /> :r� �.��(�Attf'w ' <br /> �� , �r:. <br />�i�. ' . <br /> :,,A ,.':'�J}��4�;:w'S., <br /> `•�•. I <br />--_=-- -��,;��.h , � <br /> ,.., :, - <br /> '�:�':�^ `r:� hwm�oia 9roo i�,�,��s��Jn�wu�., � <br />. � . .�.:;,; '.;..;l;� _. <br /> ' e Y. . �,o ',�"t"`l. . . - <br />.� L,+�7c`.�'t•�� � 4 _. <br /> _� : ':(���:;.: <br /> ��..� : .. <br /> :a%At� <br />."L.� � ^s'`� .....rr ��_�'_-_, -- �- <br /> . -.Fn..-,-.+..... r.....�,.�.....�...n.._:_y J£'".�'�'!�'7�'''•�d. ' '�'HaY.� <br /> --� �_ �y_�ti,4d,- -^i ' . • "c' .' • . . � t'.:'--.�.r '�t'<5:..,. "S" ' ' ���i: ` . <br /> '.� —=� = --�'_{�f�flSS.'ra�33l4u�it�_�_•.•• .�."'�'�fri.�i'�•1?..1;_i�r.�r:.�i�l�.�'t�t', - �'{��ii��,r�QkliY:i i:'�.::l�:+-^'G�_..� <br /> — � �V,�. � _ _ --z .. --.- — z�..T . - `r� . _ .y—�z — - ,!��:�.-,:�_,.;�.y..r..-.-. . <br /> . ,_ �. .#r��,� '3 �L v�t �r! _-_._ . . `., . . . - \ - �..,'}��'1_'S°i,� yy T"k- �,L1l-.T � ��K•����,���'_ . <br /> -b�� y0c�•�ti*� �di�L4.+t��I�'�ai. ' ([f��y��k/x�F. . ,tdV�`3�`.�wL .ba.. . � . , �+f�.��p w7 ,:. Y , ' +"����,,c� �� n�'';`�1S .�. ' <br /> �ILtd'llfS�2t''�L'i� eYtiv h�'(�qi*l+��:}•. � s��. ♦la+ M(FS��+iMr�d�A������r,•',•� � ,-rs � . <br /> . _��J .� .. �. ,�s a�i.�R�'. y' _ '. _, . � . ._ T .. �r�']�' ;:.r.t:Zit'a�:�}4i'TY�.-� ry} �}���-.. <br /> -� � 41 \, S 1 i '�1 I}i,"� - ��ha',.��..F—, " . ' . � t . 5,�; �R .. ..K.t. � 1 "+�!r�l�,y��"•?+'� � <br /> V �;%f . 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