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. . ;, l,i. . . �„s wa • , .._....,.r... . ;�L_— <br /> - --'s• _ -e. � . - o�.' . � . <br /> -- • • - — i . ,l _ .� . _a-Y ��,i��_er< .�__ � � . . ._ - - <br /> . ._"" .-_ _ . _ �.filTi'S�' �i ..3'�G. • � ' , .. _ . . . _ . "' <br /> ':..' „ ,T- , ' . . .. � , . . � - - -.-n-'k�� i7_ r� .... �. ..� • �j=-..�.,..' <br /> Y c*'. ... i .. � � , =�. <br /> � ��� . �00'W' MII�OI�III�N�dO��11���,�Y ���'_ ,3'��r°. <br /> , �OpBT�18k'VZtfi�lalCM 'r �M�► . ' <br /> � � a�d fix�aow n�benedlK��Wilt o��Ye pvp�ty. �ptNCa�rd' �� � <br /> .pi�np�nt. Ali ol'tae ta�ero�q k�ei�ed q�a d�1s Slk�ty Gutnuae�t as d�e"Roo!�tY� . . '�; :%�: <br /> . � ����iiBR ODVANAM'S tM�t Harowrr b ItwlYafy�ehad 1�t Ws,eaate I��,adhveYed Mb h+�i the�W�tt.,.�,.=��:� <br /> ard amvry the Md Mprt t6t Aro�pony i��caoi6ened.exaept Po�r e�6�rasea4 a�reua�d.Hdrow�ar w�rt��nd ,' �- <br /> --- ---- ---- �riN ddnid�i�e dde io�1�u Properry+4�In�t�!l d�nad dem�s.�M���+9�00�af lnoord :. '.»°_ _. <br /> '11115 SB�Ct1RITY IIH51RUM6NT oombiaes unifatm aaventtlu tat o�dontl ure �ad naqanillarm oo�vwMrp wllb �, �;;�•.., <br /> lioiikd vaWWw bY�to can�titale a uaifarm�epuity ia�ronrme�M oo+�in�Kal p�npmtY.� - <br /> ' t)N�OAM Gti1V�NAN7'S. 8anaw�a wd l.eada�covaunt and a�nee a fdloiiw: _ • <br /> . �. �yw�u�peYcjp�l pwl Giteititti�W7�t a�d l.wte Clw�a. Ikxrower�11 p�omP�Y MY whm due tbe - <br /> ut <br /> of�nd i�stc�est aa the debt evldenced by�he Nate�ad anY P�'aMY�+�d l�te due uader Iho Note. ;. <br /> s <br /> �I�InsAe tar 1iWt�d Lwmioca Subject a�pplic�bia Vw aMt to�wripen waiver L.e�der.Hoirowar�hdl p�y W • <br /> l.m�der on tha d�y momhlY P�Y�u ane due w�da d�o Note.uotil d�e Nate b p�id ia tuU.s auna('P+u�")far:(�)Y�Y <br /> tues�nd�es�a�whlch nwy atqin piadty over thi�Socuri4y I�s�n�t as a lien an tUe PropeAy:(b)ya�Y k�d i <br /> pa or�round tr�au aa da Aope'+ryr. i[an�►:(c)Ye�t19 �z�d a'P�V�Y�0C4 p�� (d)Y�Y t� � <br /> inaa�p�as,it�ny:(e)Y�Y �� �P�• if�►r:ana(4�Ar�PRr+�M► Barower to ' ; <br /> - - ac�cad�ea wlth t1�e p'uvidoar of p�r+IBtiPb 8,ia lieu of 1hc pya�nt of mart�ge i�tsrr�oce p�• 77�se . <br /> iloms aro Wted'F.�a�aw I�aea.' I�der a�y.�t#ay time.collect�ud hold Fimd�ia#n�not w ex.cood tYo m�ucim�cn <br /> - -- �e�n�t�lnsdrf..Rq►�►ted�a119�J�ed �a�o�tg�ge lo�a msy roqoue fa ffamowerl�essrow�oaou�at unqer the foder�l It,�,�1 <br /> --i------u-�---- • ��:�a�3u�II�A;�.:'A7A as amended irortt putee W dme.!2 U.S.C.g 2�i(11�•�at stq.("RB9PA").unlou� <br /> Lww W�It si,�Ilies+�i{i�e�'sSts a�tk�'�aouat. U so.4���a�y.��Y p�t,��avti�Aioid FW�1s;iA itn anwl►a¢.�u tP 1 •�. <br /> -- ' eaoe"�I•t7ie�muua!-`.!ix.a�a'i�►1�� � c�`F1�tds d�a�tlie bs�sas af cuame i�Mx�,Bpd�;,��` '''i f,; <br /> 51`�v,r '�,�atcs of e��e+n�s�fat4a�e�'+���scTr,ti+csr�se��acs�cl�mice�a�pg�Yicab9e law. �� �-'� . � � . <br /> ,`'�a�''�`�"�' '' ' �� • Tboe�ultlds s�ll i6c 4�eld�i�mt ina�iWdon wboec!',dePac!�s ar�a��1a�:•a fe�(e�ni0 agtn�j5'., im�¢r�wa�ujr.�� • <br /> ) i� <br /> - ,.,. ' ''�linclwting l=tA�'is sw�+an insdlption)or ia anY�deipl Homd i.o�n aank.•i�ader��Il ap�pty�uhe�aA=au�av �• ��. <br /> �tl�e�sc�ow Itema. I.ender m�►Y naa charBe Horrower��'or iwi�a�g and applying Ihe Fundts,annuallj�an�IyJad$,t�e�?ow . <br /> _-=- • � ."� accoun�ar vexifying the Bscrow 9tems. unless L.e�Mar puys �wer inta�at on the Funds and applica6te.I��+a'rts,•..�,..:: � ,�� <br /> -- === L.ender,to make such a ch�rge. However.l.ender msyrcquire 8mmwer w pay a one-dme chorge far an independe�rrsl ',,; . ,. <br /> -- estate tax ceporting savia used by Lender in connec�on wilh this loan,unlesa applicnble Isw providas otherwise. Unlasu an ' � <br /> _-� a g ro e m e n t i a m�d e o r a p p l i c a ble lew ro quines inter�est w be paid.Lender shall not be rcquir�ed to pay Bortewcr any inte�+est or <br /> c+�minge on the Funds. Bomower aod I.ender�nay agroe in wrlting,howevu.t h a t i nte�est s h a l l b ep�I d o n t h e P u n d s. L e n d e r <br /> _-_ shdi give to Hamwer�wlthaut charge. an amual aa�ounting of the E�nde,showing cndite and d eblts w the PWnds and the <br />_., _ pu�poza for whlch ach debit to U�e Nunds was made. 'Ii�o Funds Nra�fadged ac additianal u�rity fas a!!sncss s�cwM by <br /> this 3ecurity Inauument. <br /> If tha Funds held by l.ender exceed�he art�oun�a permitted to bc held by applicabla law.Lender�hall aocount to <br /> Romuwer for the excess Fundx in aocardance with�he roquircmem�of applicabk Iww. If the omount of�he P1mds held bY <br />- l,e�der at Any time i�not euCfident to pay�ha Escrow Items when due.Lender may eo notify Barower in writin�,iu�d,in <br /> �uch c�se Borrnwer elwll pay tn Lender Ihe �mount necasu�ry to mdce up the deflciency. Barower rhall mai�e up�he <br />-� — defkip�cy In no mae�hm twclve monthly pYyments,at Lendcrl�solo disecrctian. <br />�_¢, Uponpayment in full of oll auma uecured by this Security Instrumen4 Lender shall promptly r�efLnd to BoROwer�ny <br /> ec <br /> qmd�hekl by l.cnder. If.undcr paragraph 2t.L.ender�hell acquirc or�ell�ho Propetty.Let�der. pior to�he acqufsition or <br /> . �ae or,�,a �m,shWl apply any Fundc hald by L.ender at the�ime of acquicitlan or sdo n��cndlt n�dnst the sum� <br /> exurcA by thie Socurity Insttument. <br /> 3. Applla�t{on of P�yment�. Unlcss applicablc luw provides otherwfca. all pwyments reccivod by Lender under <br /> puaRnpfic 1 and 2 shall bc applied:8nst.w anY pnePayment charges due undcr the Note; amount�paywbb under <br /> ,- p�n�ph 2; inteiest due; principal due;and last,to any late charges duc under thc I�iote. <br /> ,. 4. Cb�rQes; Lia�s. Borrowcr sh�ll pay all texes, assessments, charges, fines and imposltions anribuwblc to the <br />�'� „ , �,t�` Propetty which may attain priority over U�is Security Instn�ment,end leasehold payments or ground r+ents,if any. Bormwer <br /> � _�'r shail pay these obligatians in thc manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thAt manner,Barower shall pay them on <br /> " time direcUy to the person owed paymcnt. Botrower s h u l l prompt ly fum is h to I.cnder all notices of amoums to 6e paid under <br /> - ,,, this puagraph. If Bornower makes Uiese paymeMs directly.Borrower shall promptly fumich to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> "�''�+► the ts. <br /> �l�l_.�:�rw?rr,:.� PaYmen <br /> ,�-�4--6 Borrower shall rom I discharge an lien which has orit over this Securit Instrument unless Borrower:(a)ag�es <br /> 'o:. !;� P M Y Y P� Y Y <br /> • � .U�'�.:��'� in writing to the pyyment of�he obligation secured by the lien m a manner accepteble to I.ender:(b)contests in good faith the <br />-���^" `"r� ' lien by.or deiends againsl enForcement of�he lien in,legal praceedings which in the Lenderk opinlon aperate 10 prevent the <br /> ;���`` � enforc.ement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hoWer of the lien an ngreemem satisfactory to Lender subordinAting the lien <br />�.":•�:17lR4;fi�6l:�'-�;-,�,,r.]., ';_ <br />-r}���.R��, t.,,{. , to this Security Inslrument. If l.ender determines thot any part of the f'roperty is subjec�to n lien which may attain priority <br /> •„-< ':,� over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower n notice identifying the lien. Borrower Rhell satisfy the Ikn or take <br /> ,+ ( Y4'��..-1 �:. <br />'-'`��� <br />,�, � .•t .� ..�:. � one or more of tt�e actions set fmth above within 10 dnys of the giving of notice. <br /> .—��a�.-^:.; S, Hpr.ard�r Prnperty Insurance, Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing a hereufter erected on�he <br /> � `Y�"i,-�;�,�t Propetty insured agoinst lass by fire,hazwds included within the term°ex�endeJ covemse"and nny other hw.urds,mcludmg <br /> • � �''' floods or flooding,for which I.ender requir�es insurcince. This insurance shall be mainteined in ihe amounts and for the <br />, ,.i <br /> . ._i•� <br /> . ;�:�• �-!/' I�xa�A?i 9190 I pa8e 2 oI6/wRtal <br /> r.;�`��r, . :��,, <br /> �S y')'�L�l'•✓y`i'„. <br /> 4 <br /> :i'�!�;;:i' <br /> V :,._ ''+'��.•;`,r: i <br /> � —-__ �,,.�;�.��' t�'r��i-mi.e �:efr:i+:�in%tEs..+,a....4li,e.'i���tL�s'` - -- --- -- -- - - <br /> --- - - <br /> ,.� ,� .r �,• � � ����.. t.. . . „ -- - _ _ <br /> -'� . � • �r . . ,e.._ � � ; _ �_���i�ri rF�� ---_— <br /> ��u;: r �-' . � .�,�, :.ia. �..:._,,. ;.�. �._. .. _ L .'.f .. ::iwiRCGL � . . <br /> ��1�:.:,:�.�:'�'ri�''..�,.1�``3:,.�:, �.'�9�SI�:�i;�`,�.{ tr:°a:�-'. .M.�•� .� � rr��'Z,.-��.'.":`:`��1.'"``` i_ <br /> .� L y <br />;r�' &�1,,,. v''ir�� i. "- 'i'�"�.:•'.���t\��Vt .r`.j`'•' ,� �"�'`'._'�_:{':Jt'P' .. ����,y� .=' �� �I f `��1�3•��1+%��;�'��� 1(�y,i�� <br /> �{ �,^"��ai� ���{-U �. 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