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_,. ��� . . .� ___°_._____ _____ <br /> �. . �:�::�L .ri:a,. � , . . .. . . 9�,; � �� `=�-�': :�: . <br /> � � <br /> �yme�m�y r�a lm�or be napeired. M tlie a�Mion of La� muit�+i/e lowia�oe cover+ye(ia��a�oupl aed for the parial ��� � <br /> thq laal� Ip4�)P�'�'��►Y�i"�+PP��b!►I�+����wilaWe ad b o�btt'�ed.Bonawis dall�y <br /> � the pro�dtuu�e�eqo�rod a�u►wl�e iaw�ae td el�fect.or a povide.Io�raietve,wKu the�Mmaal for s�o � .s�' <br /> �oe ad�h a000id�oe��rq!aeitlen�teea�ie�t 6e�Mein 8arow�er rd L�ender oT+pplk*ble Unv. <br /> — � !�i�edM.Leodar ar ia�+eqt �nq►mdco rewonrbb aittia upon wd lu�ectlau of the Pmpaty.[�drt�pri s1w <br /> Sotrsrra nodoe�t tl�e tlme of dtptinrto an i�eoaoa�eaA���e�o au.e r«.u�e�bn. . <br /> 1�.C�■rlbs.The prooa�ed+ ot arry t�d ot cUdm for d�a. diiat or oo�aoquaRiMi� ia ooaaealoa w(di aqy . <br /> aondmrrtloa a od�er W�i�of aay itMt of tbe Propaty.or tar ooavayrauoe io Ileu ot aoodaau�don�aro benby�ipied a�d �� <br /> _.. __.,..�..._..___._..._.._._,... �1 bapAW to�iea �- <br /> Ia tbe aveM ot'a toW tddn�of the Prope�y,d�e pnaeedo�luill be appliad to the wm��oarod by thi�Seauity�umeat. „ <br /> wbati�er or not dbn duo.wlth�y oxo�s pid w Barnow�er.ln the event aP a paKi�l Wde�of the Prope�ty in which the fidr <br /> aurlcet v�lue of tha Propaty i��Ee�4re 1b tdciag i�uqud W or�miter dya tho�moum oP the anw ioev�od by tl� <br /> Secu�ity Ir�tarrrcM inanedi�tei�r hefoar tfie atio�.volaa Bo�owor�ad I.eader a�6eTwiso+�roe in writin�.�ho wrap�xurod hy <br /> lbis 5eadty Irutnuaait shv11 be rednood b�r the a�ooum of the P�'a'om�o�plied bY tde folbwin� f�xion: (�) the toal <br /> �umunt of tfa wms cecured imovediwtel!►bot'a�a the takin�,dlvldad�r (b�the�'a3c murlcd vat�ae af�he Propa�ty immodLtdy <br /> bdom tAe ukina. My �lance ahall be pid w Borrower. In the eveM of a p�ti�l t�L�of tho Propaty ia which tbo f�ir <br /> m�rlcet value of Ihe propaty imm�edi�dY befa�e tha t�kin�i�Iw th�n Ua ao�ouat of We wims securad iminediueJy befaro the <br /> - � t�kin8�uMa�Batnw�er and l�der othervvl�o�nee in writing or oolecs�pplicalae lair athawi�e pcovida.tlie prooeeds tbd! <br /> � - ba�ppUed w the aum�ocmod by Uns SeauitY lasnument whether or not�he wms aro then�e. <br /> If il�e ProO�+b u dwWoned by Aoqower.or if.afler notioa by Lender w Banow�er t6�t We oondem�or offas w mdoe ao <br /> - - - - �ward or uuk�claim tor d�m�es..�or�ower fails to t�espond w l.ader withia 30 days aRer�he d�ta�he ndice ia�ivea, <br />_� ._—� l�ender i�aurhorizod to oollect md�l u�:�.►moeals.a1 lts option.e�Aer to teuo�atio�or rcpai�of the P�opaty ar to tbe p�aon <br /> �epued by tdis Scwrlty Inr,teiaulbnt;w�iei�et or aot t�a4+Cw�e. <br /> ' Unless l.ender md 8�cmwer otltavai�e �g� in writing. any appliaUion of pr000eds to principat siWl aot oxteod or <br /> �: �po�tpone the due dau of tBe nw�thly pey�rtr+eais referned to in para�raphs 1 and 2 or ctwngc the amount of such payments. <br /> . ,r�� ' � ' 11.Bomnwer Not Reteatedi Far4�es+r�nce By l.ender Not a Wdver.Sxtenaian of the time for paymau or modiflatidu <br /> - — ""-.'t'' ,�of amo�i�tion of the wma secured by ih is Socudty Instrument granted by Lender to pny suc�xssor in Intercst of Borrowu ch�ll <br />- � ".aat o�er�te to nlease the liability of thc original Borrower or Borrower's suaxssors an intercst. Lender shWl not be roquirod w <br />-- ---- eomnienoe procxediags again�t any sucxssor in interost or retLse to extend time for pajrment or othe�wlse modify amortiYatloa <br /> -- of ti�e sums cecurod by this Security Inswment by rca.gon of any denwnd made �y the origi�l Bortower or Bormwu'� <br />_ suooeswra in;noenest.My forbea►Ance by Lcnder in exercising any�ight or reni�tly�iwll not bo a waiver ot or proclude tbe� <br /> _� - __ <br /> .r exacise of an,y�ight or amedy. � � <br />_.� �ry . • Iz. suooescor�aa+l As�s Baandt doint �d Seve�l Liobiiiiyi Co-�s. covenanls and a�rooments s <br />;;:, �'S�� 5c�curity Inswment shal� binui s�nd benetit the successc+rs and assigns of Lender a�xl Rorrower, subJecc ta�th� Qmvlsions o[ <br /> _ ;,°, ' ,patag�ph 17. Bomower's�oo�vepants and agreements slwll be joint and several, A�y Borrowu whv cd-aisns this Securicy <br />_�"" ' • Ynsaumrnc but daes not exr.cute the Ndt�:fa) is co-signing this Secu�ity instrumena only to��tg�ge. grant and canvey that <br /> �^�`�°' Bomnwer's inte�st in tt�c Pr�aperty under the terms of this Sccu�ity Instrument;(b)is not persoi�a�ly obligated to pay thc sumr <br /> sxured by thla Savrity lo�stn�ment;and(c)agrees that,ixnder and any other Bamower may agroe to eatend.modify.forbear or <br /> '�� nwka any acrnmmodations w�ih regerd to the terms of this Security Instn�ment or the Nuta without that Borrower's consent. <br />,� 13.I.oan Chprges.:➢V the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject ta a law which sets maximum loan chu�es. <br />'.._� ond thet law is finally intetpreted so thet the interest or other Ioan charges rnllected or to be rnllxted in co�moation wlth the <br /> -.� Ioan excood Itr;�ipemtitted limits,then:�a)any such loan charge shall be roduced by the amount neoessary to roducx 1he chuge <br /> _ "';�, � to the permined limlt:ao�d(b)any sums alrcs�dy rnllected from Borrower ahich exceeded permitted limits wjll be afunded to <br /> Ibrmwer. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a dirxt <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduoes principal. the reduction will be treated as A partial prepayment without any <br />- '� �� prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> ;r. 14.Notice9.Any noticc to BoRaucr provided for in this Securi�y Inurument sh�ll be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> �'�'�' ` it by flrst class mail unless applicable luw requires use of another methud.The notice shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> � ; �._,';�:,.': <br /> _ �,t����'°. �• . ar uny other nddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any nwice to l.ender shall t+e given by first class m�l to <br />_ • ,.. :,:N. .:, Lender's eddress stated hertin nr any wher address Ltader desigrw�es by notice �o Borrower. Any notice provided for in tt�is <br />-�f, --���j� •�•� : Security lnstrument shall be deemed to have boen given to Borrowcr or Lender when given as provided in this p�ragraph. <br /> '� ,'�+•i�M 1S,Goveraing Law; Severabilky. This Secu�it}• lnstruo�cni sfiall be gnverned by federnl law and the law of tl�e <br /> '�"•::•' <br /> -_� �:;: .s:•: j u r i s d i c t i o n i n w h i c h t h e P ro p e r t y i s l a c a t e d. I n t h e ev e m t h a t nn y p rovis io n o r clu u s e o f t h is S e c u ri t y I ns t r u m e n t o r t h e N o t� <br /> '=� ��; �';;:�_. ; rnnflicts with applicable law, such mnflict shull not at'F�ect ather provisions of this Se�:urity Instrument or the Notc wliich can be <br />__ � ti� '.�..' given effect witMwt the canflieting proviqion. To Ihi,end the pmvisions of�his Security Instrument und the Note nre declared <br /> - •...,. . <br /> y,,v'•, W be severabie. <br /> ` � �r ��'t li14�,y 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower sh�ll 6e given one rnnfurnu�copy uf the Na�wid of thi,Security Insuument. <br /> .C.r � �.{(�, ('�`1/�!� 4;7,i'' . ROfT.�� �� <br /> t�vt'.t.{�����',�1 <br /> , L,�,�n, .;,A��.. Pp�4 018 <br /> r,'{!: e j. <br /> G`i;, v y,. ' <br /> , ,.t.A:_... <br />-- � #;�t�K+.5� , .. . <br /> i <br /> �'S.� `��'� . � _�_—_--�..� <br /> ._,,�i�Y�S�./y�� ,.,,Y�''S,,;� . '�. " ".,, k J�..K. {. 11- �' 1 �7:1 R '�T��,°9E,-��r"�"; <br /> .rm�narh .frYt��4i:�.Sn�..,rr ' , � ! .• i. •; - �,. 1• I 4.� -, -i � //Trr` � -t�l 7ifL-w' t�• . <br /> }�1i�1�c"j _�`a�J�. .�h, ��'r.�r:.'i °- . `i��t ��}��i'��'.•i� 'n1-'�'i�\�x;��,, �F��� .� l �}(.�� (S1�1ti i�� y�,, F 4�,yrf. r� �44�ii��: <br />-�r .�n�_ ��..VY�.';,�v� y fk �t y / � �� f(•J�:;J .�Z\ty�:\\4��;i�ef%stM'..�. ���f'";: <br /> - — ^;;'��"-s!_.-l.,eha?�;K���lit�Sf�Iiril 41Z.�— ai�Zn�' -� <br /> �a�m!� t�� iy�s�}�+ - ; �- �r-$ h i:1, . , .�... �� �.�.... <br /> : .x.,_ - ... . "___�` . . a: <br /> -- f ��� r�� �`�� - , �r���fiy� f ���y,d � �Ri. . . . � ... -•.;�„`t...,..:�,.J`.'•�j�' ,�' � c��\�y►,�,.����;�' �,+��c's��'r c. <br /> �.y�- .1J ���� '� tirri �ST 'C1±J3��a ����+ �q ���=,��i"Y �}i.,�.:,a��i`3 �''�"t...;�.';'iJ ^',_�,o,��...�'F'l�l?v!',C�rt�= <br />.�w � � t� S�e..ii.l.f..... �_ �� _ � . r <br /> .p� 1 .i -��7:l�tii('i �"m- rt` . :; . r i ' S �'� T�fi ;� � � - <br /> t:.fJ ' "{ ';.N t;:'� .! �,.�. 'n'� -"�� ;.��aw,'�.�.rti � - <br /> w. ti l '� � „ •�:'-;�r.�:Y�w,r, 'k-nr=,,,. <br /> � � 4�w�;. .�•:��fi'�i" �t� .y,�H a l.- �4�ti�', �',.-;"_nt�•�-vw'" `.,��;ti�r}crM �'�.C�! .i`Ayl�.:'�kk�..M: �.t r�+rC`�=..»��.'.�' � �.wb�r.-�yl�j `j'! - <br /> �.j , � . - � .u:S.�. td • 3ti:H U1 �'� . !� .u. . �na .� i.• - � <br /> �''rj�'�:�T�. 11.",p .,SC4�k i. } ]� -.i�� :"d"�l"� r°.».:-. _ .,�:;,! y': � F"�..�b'..': ' � . ,�'.- . ; ` • . : '. <br /> � i �.�� •. .• •: � '� . <br /> .�. .� ` , yfa ��^� ' � , rn !ia . � s y l.: ; ,���e vw- � ,� e. ; -�. ... � , y . <br /> ��• �� � _ . ., . ��,:, _ <br /> �' � .r -. a . ,y. �l.�� . . � . � G�.yW;"- � ..+� � f''sr.. .� w_ <br /> ,:�"�?'•;c,�',It ;• '_ •�.:. , . � , .. • , �,:••.i.'"' . ' �." ''7�„'� 4 '�;.^ ti' �' . <br /> • g�� ° _ , d 5 '�x}. . . ��ti"�,itRJ:.� � .�. .. . ' ,. <br /> ° :efi� : ��.; 2"� ' „� „ - • .. �' , v . � L, ; .i��. a , : <br /> ., .' y.,Y f a , �+iY� ' '::..: , : .. <br /> � �M` ,�•� ,� �.'!'� x�� r�� . 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