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—..�. .-.;,;:_ o-� . . . . .. . �s�. $3. �.a�s�. .�. :�. <br /> , . <br /> f. �rd�r lr�ey► 1�e�, llae�o�e �MI i�ap tLs ia� aow exl�ar aanMdtK o�a.a o.�. <br /> -_� _ _ , PrnparY i�+�w Iwti+bS+Aro.A�I��iwi�d wlthle�1fw to�m 'extaoA�wva�gs'pnd�►alter h�+�� . <br /> � . IlooOs ur tloodi�.fot weic!l�tr'der ldqWra i�rnwe.7'Nb ia�urmoe �WI be m�i�M�ia�d ia the�aw�nM�aod 6or 16�priod�„ <br /> ► � thM!�roq4l►w.T1M Inw�anos ar�Mr�tovidia8 tba I�huna�oo dWl ba eAa+cn by Norto�w�er�xt w I.endar'��+pro�vv . ,, <br /> � �rhich�btll twt be uMw�omWy wHhAeW. �f Sono�wr fill�lo m�iaui�a+ve++ye dearribed�boVe� lra�der�qr.�t t�Wer's . - <br /> aptio�.nbMn oove�e co prda�t La�der'�oi�s i��ho itiope�iy in�oo�du�e with p�aph 7. <br /> All t�nwnnoe polidM nnd�enew�4�hrdl be,�ooeptrble b t.onder aid Y�11 indude a ct�utd�ud mo�cl�we. L�nrk+r <br /> _,�-,a-�---_ __—�,. <br /> �h�ll lurve tbe ei�ht�n hold Ihe polk�lor and e�new�. If I.ender narp�irc�. B�taw�trt�h�ll pron�tly�ivo to I.rndex all roodpu ot' <br /> � P�P�'�uar atwf ra�awd notioa,ie tUe eveat of lor�,8ixrovra��hdl�ive proat�N nodoe to 1he imurmoe e�rkr��od Lader. <br /> •�er a�y m�ke pmaf af lou�if na1 m�de ProngMIY bY��. <br /> unks.t�dor.nd eonower otha�wi�o ynee in weitie�.ra�u�noe puoeeds s1,d�be applled co uatora��on or rop�i�ar the <br /> Propd1Y dma�od.if 1he restoMioo or repi�b aoonomially fa�ibb md l�t�det't acu�ity i�not lauened.if tUe e�tor�tiaa or <br /> apir i�no1 eooao�iadly tanible or l.erder'��av�ity wouW b�leuened�the inautanoe praoeeds sh�ll be q�plied w the wn� . <br /> Roairod by Ihis Secwibr 1s�tnwent. whahcr or not lhen due.with�ny e:acs p�W w Bo�mwor. If Bonower abudom the <br /> - .� P�qiaqr.or doa o01�ocwer witAio 30 d�yo�oolica fi�nm I.oader tfut Ua inwranoe carrier hts at�e�od W seule a�cl+3m.lhea <br /> I.eader ay�r cdbet db inwranoo Re�a�oed�. I.a�der mnr we the procood� w tqai�o� �ctoro tha Propetty ar w ppr Waa� <br /> ieq�ned by tlds Sawrity last�ument.whe�ltr w na theo due.Tlie 30d��r perbd will be�in whea Ua mlioc i��iven. <br />- Ualoas l.eador�od Borrorer othe�xiee yya i�writiq�.+�► 41Plicsrion of prooeed�w pincip�l�hail uot e:tead or <br /> . poapone tho due dwa of thc momWY P�YmaNt rEf�rrod W in pw+�r� t wid 2 or chw�e the amow�t af tl�c payme�w. lt <br /> :- woder p�ry�nQh 21 die Properry ir�vquirtd by I..ender.Baamwer'r r7�6t a aay iocunnce policiea�od poceeds Rwldu�from <br /> -------- --- d�ge w the P�opaty prior w 1de aaquid�o�a�Wii pass rn Leadar w�he eusr ot the sumo�ecurod ejr ldis Seaw'lty tapnuneat - <br /> '�� - L�apedltltly prior w the aoquisition. <br />- f.Oocup�c'.Pre�v+�tioa,Mst6twaoe a�d P�otayioo ot tbe Propaty:Borrower'�Lo�a AppllWio�; l.ere�old�. <br /> - � Horrower sFudl occupy.esta6lish.and use�ht Propaty as Borrower's ptincipal rcsidena within s�xty d�ys afler�he exavtion of <br /> this Savrity Irtsuumdit a�d s�liall oara��we to accvpy the Prapaty as Bortowa's princfpai rcsidence for at kast oae yar oRa' <br /> the dute of occupancy.unkss l,ender atfKnvlse agroes in writing. which oonsmt shall not be unneawn�bly witNield.or ude� <br /> ` extenwuing cinwmstanoes eafst whjch are beyo�d Borrower's conaol. Bortower ahall not dauny. dauna8e or lmp�ir tl�a <br /> Property. allow the Property to deterbra�e. a aommit vraste on the Property. Horrowor sh�ll be in defoult ii any forfdtun <br /> action or prooeeding.whether civil or crimi�l, is begun that in l.ender's goad f�i�h judgment oould result in forfeiwre of tho <br /> Property or dhenvlse materlally impair the lien crcated by tlus Secutity Insqvment or Lender's sav�ity may <br />`�� , curc such a default and rcinsate,us provided In p�ragraph 18, by causing�he action or procoeding to be dismics�d wi�h a ruling <br />-. —�I that. in C.eMer's god( fAith determination, proclud�forfeiturc of the Bonower's interrst in the Prop�eRy o�other materW <br />; � � impairn�ent of thc licr�crcated by�his Sav�ity Instniment or Lender's security intercst. Bormwer sJull also be in default ff <br /> . � � '`� ��, 8orrower. during the loan application prooess,g:�ve moteri�lly false or inxcu�ato inforn�tion or swterna�ts to I.a�der(or f�iled <br /> �• '���'� to provlde l,ender with any material inforn�ation)ia connectio�with the loan ev�dencod by�he Note.including.6ut not limited <br /> �,fu,,�j�,��,.� <br /> �,r �-:-,,,; `. ' to.rep�esetuations rnnceming Barrower's occupam,y of the Pnoperty us a principal rcsidence.If this Socurity Instniment is an a <br /> 'l,, ��,,;,,,,,,,, ;,,;,�,� <br /> ���;� leasehald, Borrawer shall comply with all tbe proviaions ot' the lease. If Borrower acquircs fee tide to the Pn�p�y. the <br /> ',: <br /> `��y•S,'y'�' � lea�ehold ard the fee title slwli nc►t mergc unl��ss A cnder agroes to the merger in writing. <br /> 7.Pnotaction of l.eoder's Righfs in Ihe Pnaperty.[f Borrower fvls�o perf'orm the ooveiwnts and agreemems aonutined in . � <br /> -�;4�'.">'� • i this Savrity Instroment.or there is a legd proceading that may signi8cantly effect l.ender's rights in the Property(such as a '• <br /> ~'`� praceeding in bankruptcy, probate, i�r condemnalbn or forf'eiture or to enfome laws or rcgulations), then Lender may do and <br /> p �: ' � ��`�: pay for whatever is necessary t�r p�rnect the value of the Propeny and [.ender's rights io the Property. L.ender's actions may - <br /> '• �'t-- ., . include paying any sums securecl by e lien which has priority over this Serurity Instrument. appearing in court, p�ying <br /> • �; h •,, :F; _ <br /> r reasonable a�torneys'fees and entering on�he Pnoperty to nwke repairs. A11hau�h l.ender may take u�:tion wider this para�ry�h ' <br /> '.•�. 7.Lender daes not have to da so. <br /> 4 � • Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this purngn�h 7 shull ba�me addition:�G debt of Bcurower serured by this <br /> :�::,. re <br /> �� j���,. .• . Secu�ity l�strument. Unless Borrower und Lender agree tn otC�c�terms of payment, �he�e amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> , ;,�!;�'.;•;-..'." , � , date of disbursemenl at the Note ratc und shnll be px,vabic, with interest, upan notice fram l.ei�drr ta Somawer requesting . <br /> ' '��3;.. .� PaYmeM. <br /> ,4. o� ;��r". ���,. 8.MoMgage Ina-�rance. If Lcnder requlreci monguge inxurunce us u�nndititm of making the laan secured by this Security _ <br /> . �, Instniment, Borrower shall puy Ihe prcrniums required to main�uin thc mnngagr imurance in effect. If, for nny re,ason,the <br /> ". :i ,"°,,, mortgage insurance roverage required hy I.ender lupses or ceases to be i o effect, &►rrower shall pay the premiums required to ' _ <br />_-.� � v�.. • ;�. •`:� obtnin wve�age substantiully equivalent to the morlguge insurarnc previc,usly in effect,ut a rnst substantinlly equiv�lent to the <br /> ;. . '�k=��-»� � rnst to Borrower of the mort a e lnsurLnce reviousl in effect, from an al�emate mim d e insurer a mved b L.ender. If <br /> r; S g P Y B'8 PP y <br />- ..�`:``=�,. �' � '� substan�iully equivAlent monguge insurunce�nv�rag� is not uvuilablc,&�rniwcr shull p:�y tn Lencfer earh month a sum equ�l to <br /> �t ,�� . <br /> �,,,��=�=�'�,,;;;�;, one-twelRh af the yearly mongagr intiuran�t� pmrnium t►einr paid by&�rmwcr when the insurunce coverugc lapsod or ceused to <br /> ; �Yy''�•�?�'�x be in eftect.Lender will ncce t use and r�in thex u menis a: �Irns reserve in lieu nf mon a e innurnncc. l.oss reserve <br /> � 1t��_; p• P Y 8 8 <br /> �'r1q�,;�,;�;, ' <br /> , f 1 G.� �.:,•x Fa�90Z8 9J90 <br /> �.�.Yr:t��}►� }- - <br />�. .!t '•4 r.�fF��t�.�$��.,�" n:1� Pnpo 3 0l 8 — <br /> ,5: �,'�t_5+ '�S�F;}��;�� � : _ <br /> �,� <br /> }'{'�.lf tY)%A[�`��e; _ <br />- � ����:�1r41,'•'-.l. S� ' � _ <br />. . 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