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i.. R �✓..(a..? . Y . � . :t . .�..�n.i.: ., n � . . . . `_'1- _ .` . <br /> . . ' , ... - , . , ' . � • .. � � . + �� .. <br /> li.'�i�1�� 11!����r�iM1��.,U�Of �N t Ot 1�10 p(O�01t�►a'Y�I �R�� , <br /> h dd at trMS�a�d tar if�+�Iwa�e+t iti�u�ow�i�soW or t�fanal���r t�nat a aatural�er-aa wItltaadt <br /> ,' � ��er�s pc�ot +w�ittaa ooa�ent. I.en�kr .a� lp optlan� �p�ui�q iar�ad�ta pq►ma�t in NU of dl wms� bY ebi� , <br /> �S�x�Gwnunent.Hoarover.d�ql�oa�eot ba a�a�d�ed 6y L�aMfar it e�ci�e it p�a�ibited b�►Lede�l ln►a�the d� ' <br /> lf L�pder exeociia�hi�apba.l.a�der�6a11�p�vo Bomower notioe ot�ooela�tlon,Tbe aoNoe tl�all prnvido�pmiod of�eat <br /> • laa Ilwn 30 dqn fiam the dMe tbe autioe�dolivand or mdled within which Borrower aaUSt pry �O!wms�rod by d� <br /> " Sequlty G�tnunent.If Bat�or►ner faW oo py�he�o aump�Iar w the expinNon of this pa�iod.i�ender ao�qr fevdre a�aY nemedia <br /> ythh Sowd In�ruoteat w(tLqu Nrther�wtfoa or dpn�nd on Bormwu. <br />.__ " _��_ ' P�18,bBorro+r�� � to Rei�MMa If Banowu meela c�qRain oonditioas. Bo�mw�er sMll i�ve the d�bt to twvo , <br /> e�fa�oanaM of thia ty I�dl�ooMinued u my daaa prior to Ihe aulia of� N) S days(ar �cb atdst Pc�lod � <br /> qrplicabk I�w m�Y qieaifY fo�rdnq��) beforo�la of tbo puriwent to my power of�ole aaMairod in tbb <br /> Seauity Inqmmaq;or(b1 aurY of a jud�eat eaforrcia�Wi�Secud�matt.7'I�oss 000ditbat are thNt Ba�rower: ia)P�± <br /> I.aidet�11 suau whicb ti�would be duc under chi� Soaurky laqnnnau�nd the Nae s�if m�ooelontion hd ooa�*�d� (01 <br /> cwes,u�y defiwlt af�ny dibr covcn�nte�or�g�aa�u:(c)p�y�all acpenres iocurrod in entoncing thl� Seauity Ia�mna�� <br /> including,but not IimUed to��uo�ubk utomo�ra'fecs:and(d)Wces wch Action a�Lra�der mAy reaion�bly t�eqniro w�cwro . <br /> that tbe licn of thi�Secudry Incqument. i�a�der�dg1NC in the Pnnpatty and 8onawer's obligation to pwy tha wa►c securod by , <br /> thi� Secueity I�strumeat �II coatiaue uad�ed. Upon reincutemec�► b!► Bormwcr. ti�io Socu�iry Inspna�ait and tMe <br /> obli�Rionc iecuned ha�y s6a11�aQnia fiilly effoctive as if no aooelevaition Md ooa�urod.Hawaver.lhit tiQht b neio�taoe�6u�}l <br /> not�y tn the case of�uoder pmgr�17. <br /> _ -i!. Sde o�'Natr Ciwa�e o1'I.a�a Sa�icar. 'ILe Note or a pa�tW interat io �ho Nde (togdber with tasis Socudty <br /> lncuutnent)m�Y be sold oae or moro times without prior notice w Borrower. A sate iaa�y asult in a�ng in tde e�lty(ka�wn <br /> as t!!e'Loan Sa.ricxY')th�t oollocts aianWY PvY�Ms due under the Nota�nd 1l�s Socunty Ir�uument -`l'b. e a�e�Ico mry be ono <br /> or mone ciunges of'ttie Laao Servioer umelated to a salc of tiio'tf�ere is a c o oi d�e Laan Servicer.8uu�wer wEtt bc <br /> - — given writta�natloe ot the c�angc in a�xo�danoe with parngr�ph 14 alwve aod�pQl�Aaw.The noticc will sute tMe name and <br /> add�ess of Ihe aew I.wn Setvicer and tite addrcu w which payme�te�wuW be mad�e.The nolice will olso aooWa anY at6a '. <br /> infomwtbn roquined bp applicable law. <br /> 20. Na�rdous Su6�Uoce�. Bo�rower chall not a+use ar perntit the ptaa�ce.nse.dispawl. stotaSe. or rclase of any . <br /> � <br /> '=� Hazandous Subsmnces on or in �he Property. Borrower shAll rqt do. oor allow anyono else W do. nnythiag aifacdaB tbo <br /> ��,?� PropeRy that is in violation of eny Environmental Lsiw.Ttie prooeding twu sentenoes shal�apply to t(ie piesenoe. use. or <br /> -- storago on thePm�e rty of small quant�ties of Hazwdous Subswoce�that ar�a gonerally ud w be apprnpriate to nwra�l ; <br /> �� residential uses and w mainterwnce of the Pr+operty. <br /> Horrower shellpm mptly give Lender written notioe of eny invesl�g��im,dem�nd.lawauit or otf�a actbn any <br /> gavernmental or regul�tory a�ency or privatc party involving the s�td any Haza�dous Substan�e or Envlro ., <br /> � of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower learns.or is noti ad by any govemmcntal or rcgul�tory authori .tl�t . <br />• ._� <br /> any removal or dher remodiation of any Hazandaus Subslanae atYecting the Pmperty is�cary.Bormwer�l�W�Pro�Y� <br /> _� <br /> all aeoessary ranedial aetions in acoordanoe with Eavimnmenwl Lsw. �: ; <br /> "x � As usod io th�a patagrrpti 2Q. 'H�aardous Substanc�"are those substanccs deBned as waic or hars�dau sub�tenas by <br />:a���� '��;��'' �nvirorunentel w�d the folf�wirt� subs�nces: gosoline. kerosene, other fiammable or toxic pet►oleum , toxic <br /> pesticid�und herbic�des,volatile soivents,materiels containing asbestos or fomwldehyde.and radioxtive mate s.As used in <br />:',� this paraj�ph 20. 'Fmironmental Law"mpnK.federal laws and laws of the Ju�lsdfcticm wherc tho PropeRy is locatoal th�t , <br />';?,: ' rolote to hral�h,sab'�ty or enviranmental protectian. <br /> -'��, -�--{-'�= NON-I�MFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender futther cuvenat�t;►nd agice as follows: <br />;-« ` M.,1,:: 2t. Aoceleratlon=Remedles. i.ender shall giva notice to Normwer pMor to aadaallon tolbwtog Borroa�a's breach <br /> � '�� ot any'rnvenant or agreement in thts Security Inslrument (but not pNor to accelaatbn anda' ppragrat�h 17 uqless <br />:'; ppplkable law provides othe�wise).The notice shall speciiy: (a)the deFaulh(bl the actloa roquired b cnrr tbe ddaalti ... , <br />`:;;:��e: ' (c)p ds�te,aot les.v Ihan 30 dpys from tue dwte tbe notice ts given to Borrower� by w61ch 16e default must be cared;aad , � <br />_ (d) tlwt tatlure to cwre lhe defeult on or before Ihe date speciiied in the notice may result ia aooelaatbn of t6e sumi <br /> s` t�ns at�aft�er acce el ts�d na ad the i ht�to bri t�cou�rt�a�cHon to�assert t�he aon-existence ot�auN or 4ny�other <br /> ;�,,�,�.;;> 4 �R <br />_� • {•;�^ defense of Bomower to acceleratio� and sole. It the deiault is nM cured on or before the date speclfled in t6ee uotla, <br />,`� ' . I,ender, at its option. may requtre immedlate payment in full of all sums secund by this Security lastnmeat wiWout <br /> ''� !� ``� twiher demw�d w�d moy invoke Ihe power of ssdle�nd any other remedies pernnitted by applicable law.Lenda�siwll be <br />`'f� , ` =, �r entitled to collect all expense.c incurnd In{w�uiag the remedles provid�1 i�ihis pars�g�ph 21,includtng�but�ot Wnited <br /> �� • to.reasonable attorneys'te�and�mts oP title evtdencc. <br /> `-''�::w'�•' If thep wer of sple Lg invoked Truslee sball record a aotice of default in e�ch county in wl�ich ony pprt of tLe ' <br /> •� ¢'�.:-�Y.f . o . <br /> I ':,.�,r'...�Se�'�:..r,�, Property is I�cated and siwll mail copics of such notice in the mAnne�presc�ibed by applicAble Ipw to Botrower wntD to <br />_r}. ''� .0 x ,,, itie other persons prescribed by applicable law. After the time requlred by upplica6lc law.Ttvstce shpll gtve public aotice <br />"`�1 "`.- ot sAle tn the rsons and In the manncr rescHbed b a licable luw.'Ifrustee. without demand on Borrower,sl�ll sell <br /> ;`�;t, ,�. ,..,.�,��y,� pe p S Pp <br /> � the P�ropeMy at public auction to the highest bla7der at the time�nd place und under the terms desiRaated ia tbe nottce ot <br />'���.� '� •� s�le in onc or more pnr�cels and in Any ordcr Trustec determineg. '1'rustee may postponc sple nf aN or any parcel of the <br />,.;4 �;�. ,;�:_:;.s} r }.. Property by public Announcement ot the time and plpce at any prevtou9ly ischeduled sale. I.ender or ib dest�nee moy <br /> 4;-. ;�i� �,,... ;,�. �r pur�c6�se Ihe Property at any s��e. <br /> `•�':. . <br /> '•.:'t� ;��:?d,ar,4.'ar � <br /> _4 i- _,t •.�,,. <br /> i``,ljj�• <br /> 4,( <br /> -��i',``�� Rwm3�D�e 8190 • <br /> °'�� ,^ '.�: • .� V�qo 5 018 <br />:;�n�; :�,�c.: . . .� <br />������ .�`-- ' . <br /> , , <br /> 'y��1:�' ' � ;''r. <br /> `� f� l q�,, 1 � - . <br /> ;�'f0�rstf„(�7�I� l��n�� '[�?��r� o+ P -�, v <br /> _" � ..,.. , • r��i �il. SYjS;i�;,�; �.i',"�lf ,�� �i<<',t<<C4'`�,;�. ;�� � \r ,; ,.�.,-. + .4!'Mrt:Y; ;.��.5:.`•'�,t,jjf `P•�;��1��� <br /> '� (t 1 �i r �r S} y�� r t, ;, � f;• <br /> at....�.+�:. 1 .1' � � � 0 l,�•�; +1:r�.ru i`�-- <br /> : ., . �. , <br /> , . . <br /> . . . . . � „ , .. , ; � <br /> �' � � <br /> . ,. <br /> ..., .s._r�'��� '��t2�r.�•��I '�1�/�',•.�ttt,:,i'�!7�� r,?F �t�i1611u►t' <br /> �{� ,r..���•� �_��'y ,&�r�� ;Z;f I -1 � r_._. —` �`-r�/-�-•�i ' ` -s��.'7 4��, � :3��,i��� ,*�•�17�I���S i:�ri'�� -_ +.�•�1''.'f�'q,y��e+ �*w.�'+����,..,.-. <br /> L.�„ !t t' S "y�., -N� <br /> . �' ` 1�'`• �'`� ��� � i;. � . • ,. i�•���� "�;�.�1',�� t' ;� �pt r]'ir1��.C3���;.._zen - <br /> b.- : r ..� i � ` i . }��:;t�•i:� .�4N ���SC�.:.,S;+.r= - -- <br />'_'� - • ��>" �.5' 'i•r, '_-' ' . "_,i,y. � Riva» r�,—. �4•..1•R.;• _ <br /> �SF' .-4�' -1 •.��. `��� y�.�. �� . ..a.• . .i .i',:� p•�,��.1�� ���.NB;tr"�,,.r.iT <br /> 'e:.;', • •;N f �',f, •.t. . � �{io`. 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