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: <br /> � y �. . . <br /> _��,fi,r,4ts:.,�-4% � . , . • • . . --- . __ _ �� _ .'&�k!�.° <br /> �.. �;.�._`:._.�._.. . . <br /> � 183• ao�Si . . _` <br /> Toae'PliRit wm1 yu the tmprovemoaa noM or hse.lear a�oaad on tbe prapaA,�.�na.0 d�imem..ppi�a�ooa+,�oe� <br /> .. _ — Woba�a now or bae�tter o pret nt li►� p�y. All ro�tt�oc�tantn pad additiais� �Mfl al�o_6e vovand bY t��ecarltY <br /> ' . � I�a�pat.All ot tbo fa�i�rdeerod to b tbb Security Imauaia�t�u 1he'P�ape+ty." • - <br /> BOItIROWSIt OOYBNAIS'l'S ddt�a��it Iawlbtl.y rd�ed ot d�e e�pte he�eby ooavryd Md b�die rl�t w p�nt�al" � <br /> aonvey abe Propeny aad ti�t the Pr�cperty b uaeawabaed.exoept 6or axvrab�noa ot ra�ad. Borrower wu�ooi�od�rW <br /> detand ymaally the tiUe to the Prapaty ay�i�ut all cWrt�and daamd�.wbject to any enamManca of tenxd. <br /> '[71IS SECtIRI1"Y MSTRUMBNT coaibiad unifarm oova�at�for a�tlomd we and aoiwnitora�cavan�aa wNh Ifmited <br /> wri�iont Ay juri�dlctian to oomtituta�uniform�oaulty iMnuna�t oovaio,�n+�l propaty. <br /> . _.—_°'`y°",`.°.'_" UNIFORM OQYBNANTS.Borrow�a ad L�ende�aovcnmt�nd�roe s�fdbwr: <br /> 1.ll�aak ot PNnctpd �nd Iata+a�li �l�t�ad Lue C�er. 8orrtwwr �6d1 P►'o�Y I�Y wha►due the <br /> ' pria�dpl�f+�nd inlar�i on Ihe dobt cvldeaoed by�bo Note and�ny Pr�Yraent md lato dur�a due ander tha Nate. <br /> Z.Ftia�b for T�us aad Imonaeee.SabJoct eo apQlicable law or w a wriva��vaiver by I.ender. Borro�rer�IWI psy w <br /> �r�u��Y��Y P�Y��+��under the Nae.a�odl tl�e Nate is p�id in f�ll.�cum('Fund�')far.ld y�Y� <br /> �ad a�atmeaus which m�y�tuia prkxity ovcr thi�Security i��eat as a liai on the Property:(b)Y��Y�P°Y"� <br /> ° or g�onnd ra�tc oa tba Property.if am+�(c)YadY or prope�ty ir�sur�nae pnemiuma:(d)ywrly fiaod iasur�nca p�mium�. <br /> it any:(e)Yearly mortg�ge ipsuwnoc praniums. if aay:and(8�Y�P�Y�b!►Borrower w I.�aider. in a000tdtnoe with <br /> �he proviciau of p�h 8.ia liw of the parymau af mortg�ge imuranoe prsmiums.7'IKSe itam�re callod"Escmw Ita�.' <br />_ � l,eadcr mwy. �t any time. calloct and hold Furtda in an omount not w a�aad the m�ucimum amount�lerder for a fedcwlly _ <br /> _ mlWOd mortgage loan trw�y requiro for Bomawer'a escm�v�coouM nnder the federal Rcal Fstate Settlan�m Prooeduro Aa of <br /> 1974 at�meodod fMm dme to time. IZ U.3.C. 3ectioa 2601 er se+q.('RESPA").unless anoti�Iqw that applia w t4e Flmds <br /> --— :ac a ksser amoum. Ii so. Lender mwy.m wiy time.ooliect and hold funds in an anwunt not w cxceed�i:e ksser a�oowst. � <br /> -- l.eoder may a�timue the atnount of Funds duo on the 6asis of cvrnent dua aad n�oiwble admatec of eRpendtouc�of tiuum <br />� Bccrow Items or otherwlse in axordance with applia�ble law. � <br /> 71�c Funds slwll be hold in an institudon whose deposits are inwrod by a fodea! age�xy. instryme�►lity. or entlty <br />- (inciudbig I.ender.if l.aider is wch an inwitution)or in any Federal Home Loan B�tk.l.�der slwll epply the���ands w p�y the <br /> Bcerow Items. L.ender may not clwrge Bomower for holding and applying the Funds,annually rnalyzing the ex�aa accauu.or <br />- - verifyiag the Fscrow Items.unless L.ender pays Narawrcr interest on thc Funds tud applicable law pernuts[.ender la m�e such <br /> • - •. �chrrge. However.L,ender mwy requim 8orrower to pay a a�e-time ctwrge for an independent�1 estato uuc reporting service <br /> _ uced by [.ender in connection with �his la�n, unless applecaE>k law provides otherwise. Unle�.�an agreement is made ar , <br /> — —� applicable law reqni�s intcrcst to bc p�id.L.eider sh�Ck not be re�wcred w pay Borrowe�any imenxi or c�arn�ngs on Ibe Funds. _ <br />_- — � Borrower ard Lendcr m�y agrce in writing, hawever,t0�ui interesi s�hall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give tb Borrower. _ <br /> �� - '� witl�ow ctWtge, an annual acea��uing of the Funds, ,howing treclits and debits to the Funds and Ihe pur�wse for which eaeb <br /> :.. _ , d�bit ta the�ands was made.The Funds air pledgod a:v AclditionAl security for all sums savrod by this 5ecurlry•Jn�trumrn[. <br /> � � •;:;g;�x,, If the Fw�ds held by[.ender eaceed the amounts permitted to be hcld by applicable law,I.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> j'' far the exces.s FLnds in aeoordance with the uirements of a bcab)e law. If the amount of the Funds held b Lender et an <br /> � �'„r,� re9 PP� Y• Y <br />.i.� � ``MS�.. ; tirt�e is not sut'�cient to pap the Escrow Items when due, i.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in su�cl�qse Borrowcr _ <br />- ; '�,�:.� st�all pay to Lender the arnu�wnt necessary�o make up the doficie�y. Borrower s4�a71 make up�he deficien�y In no more than = <br />';�. ,��,-��� twel�e monthlY l.ender's sole discretion. <br /> '�' .; Upon paymeM in full of all sumc secureci by this Security Instrument. I.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> TA � Furds 6eld by[.erder,lf.under paragraph 21.L.endcr�h�ll acquire or seU the Property, l.ender, prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> — I of the Property,slwll apply any Funds held by L.ender At the time of acquisilion or cale as a credit againct the sum�seeured by <br /> tdis Security Instrument. <br /> , 3.Applleatlon ot PAymeats.Unless applic�ble luw provides otherwiise,all pvymentc received by l.ender under pnragraphs <br /> - �*'" ' 1 and 2 shaii i�appiiea: nrst,to any prepnyment charg�due under the Note:secand,to w�wunts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> 7 b � third,to i�terest due; fouAh,lo principal due;u�d lust,to Any late clwrgec due unJer the Note. _ <br />_; �;�. ' i 4.Clw�ges;Liens. Bomower shall pay ull taxes,assessments,charges, iines�nd impositi�ns attributable to the Praperty <br />-r which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and Iea.�ehold payments ar ground rents,if any. H��rmwer shall pay _ <br /> � '�� �°�'�,"�'��`;��' � tlrcse obUgations in the manner provided in para�tmph 2,or if not paid in thut manner,Bormwer shull pay Ihem on time direcUy � - <br /> u�� 't i��'�+'�-;, "'�>�i to the rson awed a ment.Bortower K�ha17 rnm U fumish tu Lender•rll nnticcs of nrrx►untz to t�c id u�der Ihis �a fi. <br /> �� .�N;J. � �•,s.;,, Pe P Y P P Y Pe p�R P <br />_, f ,t�,y���*����1_:�; If Borrower makes thcKe paymentx direcdy.Bnrrower shall promptly furnish to L.ende�rereipts evidencing�he payments. _ <br />�- �y�?� � '�' Borrower shall mm d discha e t�n lien which hati riorit over thi�Securit Intitrument unless&►rrower:la)a rees in <br />-:�!�r�s{t:=s � .:. ;��.` ; P P Y �B Y P� Y Y s _. <br /> �,�' ��,'�ti•�q�` r�•�• ?' _• � wriling to the peyment of the obligution u�ured by thc licn in u manner ucrepwble to[.crnlcr;lb)rantests iv+gnod faith thc lien <br />.-°'�'� .����-����J , t+y, or defends �guinst enforcement of thc lien in, Icgut praceedings which in the Lendrr'.opiniim aperate to prevent the <br /> `; <br />�_���'�r�,,� ' enforcement of the lien:or(cl,ecurrs from the M�Idcr nf the licn an agrecn�en�sati+fuctory to l.cndc��ubnrdinaling the lien tn <br /> '' y'"�":,t '�' �":�' ' this Security lnstrument. If I.enJer deterniin��that any part��f�he Prnpeny i,.ubjrrt to u lien which m:►y uttaln priority over <br /> '�'�'y = ;,,,;� this Security Ins�n�ment, I.ender nwy give Born�wcr a txriicc idrntifying dir licn. Borma•cr.hall �aii,f� thc lien or talce one or = <br /> � "'� •tnote oithe actions set forth above within W days n1 tl�e gwmg��f notire. <br /> : ,.��'�ti']�':� ��', �� Fonn 30Z6 �/�0 = <br /> , <br /> , ' Pp��ol B _. <br /> .p�u�:tt-� : <br /> �-. a•ti,. '.� i . . <br /> :•':. '`�.���..,.; 4 . . _ <br />�.1�.'4' �G`� � _ ����� <br /> �� \ ��� <br /> ,�W�Zi��{�V'��!`.sCbv�. l �'. <br /> .1: 11 ,.j I' �].y} lit�,� � <br /> �t: ' �' �c � lk. j���,r�r_`_'} . ' ;f1`,(i(?r!.� 1�-� .�.' P r� .;' ��.i F1. � ',ir����� ���n���_'.:�dh�.t�l�ta�J�irl: <br /> T1:' � ' }(•�(, '��1-.-•:'•' • ,i1 yl�1e'r/J 1�+�J tt , '.• ••� 1- .C.i .f ;4� t �� <br /> �t t� y ,tUf` � � ( 1' . }y /( j;y�,,,,)�, +_.. <br /> ��� •~'�1't�� 'l if�• :k Ylr�i�" �y��� �.. 5,�. iY.�i�.f,k(9.� '.r.\C;,f IF�r� ' �� �ji-r' <br /> _ —�--g.. __ '�1�;�lC_}S.!i.'�`-' _(7�G�i�%�4i.1�`•.°Ili�..� ��.1 }45L�ti�/+�.f411M`fl!ih. <br /> R_� „w ��.. ._ _ . .�, . _— .�r -� " <br /> ;`` � . �"F.1 �`��j . � �t��r:ww v- ..� �.-� -�-F��J�, ����',:•^��/ r'!'��lT�r•��y�'y� r:,�e�.� , ----yrn`p_ 4�IC�"rfrlctyT; _... <br /> , r �S , � hlK� . 1 , j))) n 1� . �. �� li ;v .7.� � <br />�__"� � I �� 1,it :�� . �R --' .�rTE'7�{1AN'�'N� SC�I/����° 'YZ �(}t� I/��4..�,�j�.�,,�ytY��I�f tiw�3i�'� ,. ����14}�Crr l•� �(�si�1C2�1�[r=•-�-- <br /> _� ,. y x'._•..�ti4'��.�+.� _ w�-�'.,.'.r ) f[� i nr wJ.�et k�k.�v+t#�.� _ � �n i ,�di�.� a <br /> i; :�.�71� t :5 __' ;.' 9 � �)1�1;VY��'�"' - .T"�`. .�^iy�y[wfnTe"ij 2 �������� �� <br /> 1 ! • � • - 1 CI�+Y.}��1 <br /> � ird(_�+ .r� �' .i �IA�7�.:fr6vPde t' ��,,15�?i : _� ..- - -- .r•r.�. �; �.. `1 i.�^� t !y .S � -` . 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