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T� �... ,; —'":-T-- <br /> , <br /> - q �.�'•��.' ,•- _ _. -� .. _. <br /> - ._.,.__ .,�A,y�• 1 —'__— "'—___. ____ ' -w+� �^ ' , <br /> 93- io�B4i <br /> candemW bn at alber t�MYf�at�Prt ct db Por ooavry�eoe lo I�eu d oaadanMMio�.rne aaeby a�isnd�ad <br /> idl be p�id b La10et. ' <br /> � I11111D evaN ot •tau�l nkfllj t�i th0 ProEfeAy IIIA� {�oceed+�all bo rpplbd 101110 wm�sa'Y1a!by tbb 3eCVtity <br /> Uua�ua�ent.wbethor or nol then d�e. wi�h any exceRS paW ta Bomaw�a. in Ihe event of�prtW takiag d 1he Pyvpcity iu . <br /> whid+Ibe fiU m�rket vdue of Ihc p+ope�ty immedi�tely before�4kins it oqwl�a or�ester Itam�he arnwwM at�be wum <br /> iecurod by tbir Saatily MwnurxrN immed�atdy betaro lhe u�icin��uaksr 8armwe�and I.e�a�l�wi�o�roa in aritin�, . <br /> tbo wmr�ocmred by thi�Sawriry Uw�umaa sludl bc rcduced by ihe mwun� at tha p�oedr awitiplied by 1he fdbwiag <br /> . s--� -�- - ==..a.�� firacUan: �ul the total uroount of dic sup�u sec�ped immediatcfy beforr the takinr,dlvlded by Ibl the fair muicet v�luo of� — <br /> P�opaty imnodia�aly befae�ha uikina. My b�l�nce ch�ll be pdd w Barov►�. In Iho evcnl at a pa�ti�l t�kin�{of Ihe <br /> PrapeRy in whkh ihe fwir mukel vNuo of tla P�apeny lmmediately before�he akin�f�kss�h�n thc�mauM of the wna <br /> secured immodiuely befarc �he teking.ur�leu Bwrower�nd l.eoder dhe�wito�gree in w�iling or unleu �pplksbk I�w <br /> � aherwice pavida,tNe pmoeodo sluill bo�pplied ta�he sun�e cecwed My�bis Security Insdrumat�whctber ar rwt�fw wu�w�m <br />-_ — � tlrcndue. <br /> If ihe Pnnpeey is abuMia�sd bg Barower.or if.alier naica by I.en�ler�o B+wmwo�thu��ho ca�dcmnor otfe�ta m�ke <br /> -- ��--- an uwiud or uenle w ciaim for�s.�aroor•cr fails�o respmd ta Leader wi�hin itl dayF utler the date the naice i�given, _ <br /> l.ender 1�authorizod ta collecl r�ed a�Op�g tlle procoods,at ita aptian.etlher to mstaatioo or rcprir of Ihe Proporty ar la ibo <br /> r�m seCUrcd by diG Security losauane�.�Lletber or nd thrn dua. <br /> - Udess L.ender and Bwio+rer otAerwivr lgrec in wriling,any A Ikation af p�acYeds a principal siuip not exteed ar <br /> ---- patpone�he duc dMe of�ho maNhl payment�refemed lo in pnraB�I atwl 2 ar clw�ge Ibe amount af xueh paymeacs. - <br />": 14 Barrower NW � Fa�eu�ce By I.euder Not a Walver. Factrnsion of Ihe dmc fat prKmer►� ar <br /> --- n�v�sselEon of'emocRiredat of tM..xr�w�i 1►y�his Secwity M«tnimau granted by L.cidcr lo aaY s�cYSSar 6n iMer¢st .. <br /> -- ----- --- — of 8onvwer shWll not opera[e w rclear�the liability of 1he aigind Baruwer or BarrowerS�succccwn�ie intercst.I.ender <br />_- I a6a11 na 6e�q uircd to commenre pmceedings against any successor in enteres�or rcfuse to eRter�d time fa pa�nnrnt or - <br /> dMwise moiify amoAizatian of Ur sums s�vred by this Securiry I�hun�cnt by ir.►san o�any demand mndc by tM an�iwl <br /> - �' Barrower or Bonower's surces�in iMereu. Any fa�beusmce by Lender ia e�rni�ing an�r right or�emedy shall aot be� <br /> 'Y` waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or�emedy. — <br /> - 12. Succtswrs a�d Asctpa Bound:Joint aad Se��erall.iaWlGtT:Casipe�s. The covenants and ag�xmcnts oi't4is <br />-;`�: Securiry InsuumeM::Qudl bind wd benefit�he�ucces.wrs and�+signs of Lender and Bornower.wbjact to 1he provisions of <br /> _ pa�gtmph 17. Bomnwer�covenvus ond agroemenls shall be joint a�d sever.�l.Any &►rrower who co-signs thia Securiry <br /> Insuument 6m does nat execute the Nae: (al is rn-signing�his Security Insnument only to mortga�te,gmm w�d conrey tiut <br /> Bonower's intenest in �he Propetty w�der 1he tenns oF this Security In..trumem; tb►is na personally oblfgAted to p�y the sums <br />-.;. � secured by this Securiry Inurumen4 and�c>agr�ees tha�Lender und any wher Bo�rowe�may agnee�o extend.modify.fofieu <br /> or nwlce any accomrnodatia�s wi�h reg�d �o �he te�mx of�his Security Instrwnent or tlie Nate wi�how U�at Rarower� <br />�:`����'�':¢' �1M3�. I.a�a Clyrges If�he lo.v�secured by thi�Securiry InstrumeM is subject w a law which se�s ownimwo laaa <br /> :' y�- <br /> ��ci ' chargex,w�d lhat law is finally interprrted so�hat�he intere�t or aMr loan charges collected or�a be collected in conooctian <br />��' � �.,�.�r�tj; ,;, with the loan exceed the perrnitted limils,�hen: (al any such ban churge shsill be reduced by�he amount nece�sary to reduce <br /> � • i ;t • the cFwrge to the permined limit;uwi Ib)any sums ulready collectal from 8ortr�wer which exceeded pertnflted limits will be <br /> "�� �r, °r ncfunded to Borrower. t.cnder may choase�o make thi��efund by reducing the principul owed undcr thc Note ar by making a _ <br /> �;��,� direct payment to Borrower. If a refund redurr.principal.tlte teductian will l�meated a.�n partial prcpaymem without any e. <br /> �?" �•� prepayment charge under�he Note. <br />. .�y� � 10. Natices. Any notice ro Bortower p�+n�ided fur in this Security Inr;trument shall be given by delivering il or by _ <br /> mailing it by first clatis mail unlers applicnble IAw requi�ex utie of another melhod.The naice�holl be directed to the Properry <br /> '�;�?' ,�ii�; Addre4s or uny aher uddresti Bomower de,ignutec by nwice�o Lender. Any notice to Lender shull 6e given by first class __ <br /> = r. ��'� mail to I.ender's oddress stntc�l herein or uny Mher uddretiti L.�:nder Je.ignute�by notice lo Bortower. Any notice provided for <br />.V ;�: , in lhis Security Inslrumcnt sholl 6c deemed to have 6ecn �tiven io Borrower or Lender when given a.r provided in this <br /> �, CG�.'l'• :..._ paraB�aph• <br /> '/. ',;�:{�� �� IS. Governiag Ls�w: Severabillty. Thi� Securiry In,�rument .hull he �overned by fedeml iaw and the luw of the <br /> , .�`�'.�5•�i�f��', jurisdictian in which the Propeny is lacated. In�he event thu��ny provi�ion or clauuu af ihi.Srcurf�y Imt�ument or the Nate _ <br /> ' ,, �� • `+`• :���ii�q conflicls with applicable law.�uch conflict shull nw ui'fect other pmvision.of�hix Secu�it. la�:irument or the Nwe which can = <br />- ., �;��., be given effect wi�hc�ut �he conflic�ing provixion. To�h�s end �he pmvi�iot►x af�his Security Instrumeot and tl� 1�'ate are <br /> ; •� �:.,:. . declared lo be sevemble. <br /> . %��1N re�� — <br /> .t`•:��t � " r, f�"N 16. Borrower's C Borcawer shall l+e �nen onr runformcJ ro �it'�"�e Note und of ihi.Securi��. Instnirtteni. _ <br /> +S. i.: W►Y• b�' PY _ — <br /> F: �'^'�:;:"� <br /> � �':• , _�t�i.,,�#;.� � 17. '11�nsPer of the Properly cK a deoetic�al Interest in Borrower. If all or uny pan of�he Pmprny t�r u�ny interext in _ <br /> � .•}; ::.r��'�` it ix sold or trunsferred (or if a t,cnrlici�+l imerest in Born��ue� i+sold or tronsferred und Bormwer ix not a naturu�personl <br /> - � � `' A-� ` ''^� wilhuu�Lender's �r writtrn consent.Lender mu ut its u ti��n,m uirc immediute n ment in full uf all tiums secured b <br /> ..,.o...d,. ..�.,:,�, p� Y• P 9 P Y Y = <br /> :� .; -� 'y�;z ..:. ,this S�ecurity Instrumcnt. Howeve�,�his option tih;�N no�be exerriscd by Lender if exercise ix prohibited by federal luw ati of = <br />.,,�.���., •.;�,� •�,,..r�,' �the dnte of�his Securiry Instrument. <br /> ,�, ',��:f.��•''s3 !t Lender exerciae�ihis optiun.Lendrr sh;iH�ive Bonower natice of uc�elemtion. The notice sha10 pmt�ide a period of <br /> ��''. <br />-:;;�}"'""".�' �t.; not Icss Ihun 30 duyc from the dau the noti�c iw delivered or mailed within whirh Bom�wcr must pay ull,ums xecured hy this _ <br /> =� ` �fk��t�� � . Security InxlrumeM. If Bom�wer f:iils to pay thexe rum. prinr ta the cxpiru�inn �il'Ihi� �rri��, Lencl�tr ma�v invoke any = <br /> ��;�•.�i.�:�}�`;-::7�� ; remediex pertnitted by Ihis S��cu:i�v lmirumem wiih�ut funhe�notice or demand on Born►�.er. __ <br /> r'�-"��'�ti�f,j."`� ' 1& Borrower's Right to Reinctate. 11 Borrawcr mect.ccnain r��nJitions. B��m�wcr .hull huve the right to huve � <br /> � `� ••.��; enfa�ccment uf this Security Inxtrument di.amzinucd ai miy �imc prior t��thc earli�r ol': In)S day.r lur�tirh rnhcr periud as '� <br /> - �' "�.,i� .*� ' <br /> ;�;.� • SinEk t�mily..Fanoie�iaa1'►eddk N�1c l'�IIi11RN I�S'PRI�MF.NT--Umlorm C��rrnatN� 9�9Y tpuxr�.rj��vi¢��� i- <br /> �z' • - <br /> - '-:i�J;�- �_li <br />_ i. . . .�. _ '. • :.. <br /> . . i _ <br /> ��., • � ,� 1:. , . ' . a•!j. '.l�i'r.Se�!��'•�;,�5�; �`� ����y�'+�`'�y���y �� �Y �Fi: <br /> x ["+�'��' 1 f 1� + �'�, <br /> 'L' Y� -" • 7 �5:i. . 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