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_- A,... . .4��.� .. .1�.:- <br /> ,h.• � � _, . _ <br /> --�y •----• <br /> . � �r. , . . . — -`_" - _ .— --- <br /> _ . �. Y „ - <br /> , . . <br /> •. , , <br /> . � <br /> y` •� _. . _. _... <br /> , � <br /> � � �J�r __ . __.__ � _.---�.� <br /> __J. � . ; � � . , � . . '..�.,.-,._,.R'---�--- <br /> �tr___'-'—.ar�1 .. „ . . <br /> -- -- -- ' . �f �� ' -.. . -- .... <br /> �7�'!ww ��y�����������+ �����Ua�IMY1�Y 7N Yy ' � . <br /> $pp{�t�pp�q0�.Q(b)0�'�OE�a11�OfClq�1�$EqY'�I�/�pqflilllplt. 1�1d14 OOIId�f�011f�iO i�t B011i0WE�: (t) <br /> � �y11�.�Of� Nllllr W�1 1�A �10�40 YQ�f�{ �lG� 101�'Y�OOI Yfd NIO 111010�t��11��COl10f�tl��Yd . <br /> oocumed:N)cuza wy detwit d my od�et oovaw►u ar�roanaWs;(c)P�Ys+�1 eipa�se�ina�rted ln enforci�a�tblt Securhy . <br /> Insputna�l, aot Ippiled to�t�auon�l►la�ttamaYr�foa: and(d)p�us�t�ch actiah u I.e�da mry n�sanMWy <br /> � roquiro a�ane tlw die Uaa d this Secutiry I�un�an.t.aide��riaha la d�e Piropaty md Bomnwerti abU�adoa 10 py�ho ' <br /> �---- •.�..-__-� wa� saured byr d�is Sec�n�ity Insntiment ah�il eontinua unch�nged. Upnn reimtatement by Bunower.�his 3ansiry — <br /> inwwne�lt�nd the abil�ationr�ecwed hereby tlWl nemRin iWly ef�ectivo t�if no�ooelentiat Iwl dxwred. Nowever.tbU <br /> �1!. SaM�f�NM�i��c�e of�ooelaadoa uader p�g�pb l y. <br /> I.o�Servloa: Tho Nae or•�rd� intere�t in d�e NWe(wBdher wftb this Secudry• . <br /> Lulnmreat)au�Y 6e wW oro br mae Umes without�iar nodoe to�o�row�er. A rale may rewlt in�ciw��e ia tba aMlry <br /> _"" qp�own as the"Lo�n Sa�viee�')thnt collect4 motnhlY WY��due under tho MWe and thi�Secudty InRdun�ed. 7bem alsn <br /> uwy be one or mo�e cli�n�a of thc I.o�u�Servicer wuel�ted w a sde of Ide Note. 1�ma�e�S a ch�nge of the l.a�t Savloa. <br /> Bannwer wUl be�iva�written nadce o6 the�e ie accord�nce with IA�6o�re aed applicabla law. 71ie notioe <br /> wlll uue thn m►.na and�ddrese of the nerr Lraao Serrk;�t�nd the�dd�ew w w pymaots�1�oald be mpde. The notfoe wNl <br /> .iso oonqin.ny aher iaram�adm roquirod b�r�PPIkaDk lai�r. <br /> 20. W�doos S�6qaaces. Banower rh�U not cswse or pe�mit tk presenee.use.dispasa0�storaga.or rek.�ce of any <br />--_- - - - - - - NazardoWS SMbetmoes an a in tba PlopntY. Batawer slu�ll not da.aor albw myone else w do.anything�(t'ahin� the <br /> -- Pmpe�ty tlw i�in violuian of Any Eav'�ronment�l Law. The pecaiyn,$�+wo seatences ahal!not apply to the pnesa�ee.uce�ar <br /> _,�. <br /> _._.�, stor�„oe oa tAe Prnperty of�nall qwwitia of fiaz�udoin SuOaput�ee't!►�W are pomerallY r000�iad W be ap�opriYe W nomu�l _ <br /> _-- naWe�pi�l usea and w mainterunce of the Pnoperty. � — <br /> • -- �'�'�;�, Bonowu slWl promptlY 8fve I.ender wrinen notice�ai mry invasagaion,claim,�an�l.lawsu��or olher�ctian by any --- <br /> _ � gqvp�unenpd or reguluary pgency or piv�te p�uty invaiving the P�operty and anp hNaz�rdous Substance or 8nvlronmenW <br />' R � Law af wldch Bamnwer has actual knawRedge. If 8omower leams.a ia noiiGed by any govetnn�ental a ngulatory <br /> authoriry.that any rcmav�l or dher remeile�ua�n of any Haza�dous Subaunce affecting the Praperay ia neass�ry.Bo�rower <br /> ;iu sball P�PUY take all�ssary remedial t�euions in acca�dw�ce with�mirotunental Law. <br /> . , , • As used in this paragraph 20."Hezardous Subst�ees"ue Ihose subs�ar�oes defined as toxic or haze�dous subsunas by <br />- `. 1Eavironroentel Law and the following subswnces: ga�alane,kcrosene.dher flammable or toaic petroleum products.toxic <br /> '� •'pesticides and he�bicides.volatfle solveots. materials cq�alahting�esws or fornaldehyde.and radioactive muedals. As <br /> ,,t. used in Ihis puag�aph 20."Environmenwl Lt�w"means federal laws aac�bws of the jurisdictlon wt�en the Propaty ia lacated <br /> :�i�1 <br />`-`r�ty'��l :� that relate w health,safety or envlronmental pratection. <br /> '„F: � NON-UIJIFOltM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.endot fiar�cqvenau�t and egroe as followa: <br /> �.�3+ 21. Ac�elerNion; Remedfea Leuder s6a11 give oodee to �orrower prM�ta tcalerallon folbwin`Borrower'� <br />`�`..� ���%cj,�,� brac6 of any coven�nt or A�eetnent Ia thts SecuHly Itwtrumept(but aot peiair to acaleratiap uade�p�ra��ph 17 �«.- <br /> ��;'� � unla�s�ppllcable IAm provldes otun�viseb The aotke sb�ll specN9� 1+)the def�r�Mi(bl We xcqon required to cure tUe =- <br />:,;,:�` .i't;,`,t•' ddaulti Ir)p date,not kss/bpn 3Y dAps+feom the date the notice is glveo tu Bor�ower,by�whic6 the defAWt must 6e — <br />._Ci%�i 'r `�Yr 'IU� �—. <br />:;• 1�, ;• �• � , � c u r e d;a a d(d)t h o t�a N u r e t o c u rc t h e�I'a alt on or before the d ate s p e cifkd ia the notice�g cesult In aocelerwdon of <br />,..:t:.: � ',., 4r?�.r <br />�:,1�! . t,�;t3� tbe sums secnred by Wls Secu�ity Insta��u�neat and sale ot the�roperl�: The aotice shall furrt�er Intorm Borrower o� _ <br /> " =�• �"�"�1•• ' W e r l g h t t o�i n s t a t e A f t c r A t e e l e r A t io a ar+al the ri�M t�a brin a coa��ctlen to assert the nou•c�tence af a default or <br /> ,�..-.;'.... :,�._�t , —_. <br /> `•�"' ;;�'```„r,L,,��,;; ���. any otder defease ot Ba�rower to acceleratton And sa�e. If. he delaak is not cured on or betore the d�te r,pecif(ed in -- <br /> �•`��i;' '��"'"?'''�'''�� - � the notke,l.ewder at its apNon may require immediaZe,pnyment i�a riiA ot All swms aecured by this Security oastrumeot — <br />;y���, ,;+'�:°'•' � '` ;''•P wit6out fuNhe�dempnd and ms�y iav�ke the power of sale auw9 aav q�ber remedks permided by�pplicAble law <br /> , . V�r`t.'rl�.«d:,...; . �. —_ <br /> �'�+�v '•�k ti�'�'r�;:; I.ender shall be entiUed to cdlect aG0 expenses incurred in pwrswiag �be re�aedles provided In thl� paragraph 21, � <br /> _ ��`� 1��' � Inclodlpg,but nM limited toy repsonpble altorneys•fees nnd costs ot litle 4viAeace. `� <br /> J r ,, � �4� �., , If the power of snle i.R lavoked,'OY�ustee shpll record a notice otde�auGU In each counly in which aac part ot the �,,:�- <br /> � • � Prope�ty is located Aad ahad�mAil copies of such nolice in Ihe manner prescra0red by applkable law to Bori�ower and to ��"= <br /> a the otUer rsons rescrfbed b A licable law. Arte�Ide Nme re uired b � kable low.'Ib�tee shall ive blic !-�'_": <br /> {� P Y PP g Y PM 8 P� <br />;��� �.�� .,, . notice ot sale ta Ihe persons aad in tQ+e ms�nner pr�wrribed by appY3cable Ipw 'IYustee.wilhuut deinand on Borroweq <br />:::±�� ahall sell the Property At public aucti�+n to Ihe highest bidder At Ibe llme and place and under t�e tern�s designAted in � <br /> .� • ,,,.. � �: tNe notke of sale ia one or more parcels and in any ofder Trustee deterrnines. 7lrustee may poslpone s�k of all or any �.;_ <br />- ° _� . "�+"�'..:'=:". paral o�fhe Properly by public announcement a0 thP fime and p9ace ot'apy prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or its '` <br /> - `°:.. .- �,r „ desi�nee maY PurchASe the Properly�t any sale. �'• <br /> ::.,-� <br />-` :�" `�;���''•�:,'� `� Upon receipt ot paymeat of the prlce bid.'IY�ustee yhail�1elaver to lae purchwser 7Yustee's deed conveying the - <br /> �:- <br /> ;�.��1: ��: ';�� -• • pmperty. The recitnls in the 71�uslee's deeA shall be prlma Pacie eyas�ence of the Iruth ut the statemea�4 made therein. �•:. <br /> •3�° M,;, ',., 71ru�lee shWl apply tde proceeds d'the saYe ia the PoNowin�order. ra►lo all costs end expeases of exercisln�tUe povre� �:: <br /> -� ..;,.�:-+ �P � , ' � <br />- , �� �'� � .ro .o,: �" <br /> r �.. <br /> _�e —.: <br /> tF-� .,t,`� p�r <br />- ", i �: :. .. `�' <br /> '��:7` .�J�1.:.:.�_r <br />_ .=t'. a. . .'-_` .� i...' <br /> . .�r.'a.�;"" —- <br />_ i ,��1�+�Ji.'1' ;�5,,. .� <br /> . ' .. . Q � �`•'.:�. <br /> , .�E. Mlrcm J028 9l91 �ryr�_,�jnpu�rc� <br /> ,.o �•` .�� °t�'�t e-,_ <br /> •; �:r. <br /> , . . , �'�ni !'- <br /> . o �. fyTi:. <br />. � � ,'ii• r.�. <br /> .5' ... • �.. <br /> �tt+`i6'. f.`� �;� , . . . ._ �� .:� ., .5 �� <br /> . • •• <br /> ,• ' , + <br /> ., '.� . . .. . •. . _ ..Y _ ., • � •.-. <br /> . � <br /> , i .,_.� .. . r• ,`i}}�r '�r= ,�:;� )� <br /> _ , ... .`.,'��,�� i . , <br /> :_ � • ` <br />. _ W__.6'��' '15i�.f1A! `� � . - �:� �i•.�.•. r- - i�isa<iai.saa .�ii�'.�.Ylr`7 71��h'�1f.lW.lf1..�lt..ti. <br /> � �p► <br /> � .. n.��.vl.' F��-�.-, -_ ..1�'�u;`T� 1�� . - .—__ . ""_ —__ __._ _' '— _ -.— -���i//_�y�.� . . ..''i�,l+'`y� <br /> y , , -`� <br /> ,,�y�.,�� <br /> r— <br /> � .� '�+• �y..� . �.�- .. > • _ • . � I _ _ I,T'•/ ' ��tT .. ... ��~' �•�: <br /> .. . _ <br /> � �i4��� i" wla�'___-_�� ..1 a�:P►..-_ Y�. .. �. • . • r• .`�` . ,. . . •{ <br />_, - �rc '.a� ^ d :�!!� �*..•,.. .ti • .. � t. . . ,. _ � <br /> • ,,. � '•sf:�t� ;,y�k• � ,. . -_ ` . . <br /> :;� , �`' ' >���. ., -� ,: •. . , :, . „ '>.:., . . . � � .. � . �'., <br /> ��•, „ :•�:,. . . , ,�} �° .. � �• . � <br /> � ..t� ,. ', , � . ' . • , .. . <br /> . 4• ti,_`� .f �1 . : , ' . ..y � .' ..... ' ' . � (1' , , •.. ��.• � ` , I �. <br /> - 1 ' .. . '. . .. �. �alr . ti-�, �`•���.'�{�� <br /> � •`8�:'� ` ��J r "• , �,��.'',;�� . ' • « . �, '� �'`4�•`� , <br /> r ,.�. ..,� � .. . . . �� _ ,. r- . k,� , _. -..x���������" <br /> ��. . .. . , � . � , . „ � , , _ <br /> .,�. ' r ' . . : . " , ., .. � �. <br /> . <br /> .• ., .,•, <br /> iw. . • <br /> o ., . __. 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