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M.....r.i •. . ,�.oR . . . � . .-----�r . .'.1 " ,. . .. t�'. <br /> r <br /> ._._. ,.. :i'.....- . . ._ , . ' . � <br /> ....___'r_'II4:._ �5�ii� _ ' �. . � . ' _ _ . . i}�' .' _ <br /> � , , . . . _ . � 93�' io�i . <br /> - ---- heriod�11�t t.ewler nqu4�er. 'IUe iawwoa c�rier priwidi�d�e inar�noe sfi�ll be d�o�a�by Barower aibj�x lo I.twdKy <br /> „ � . �p�roy�l wMiri�11 not be a�opW)►w�d�eld. U Har��ow�fidb�b a��iahM oa�aye de�cribed�bo��de�p�y��t .. . <br /> ' I.eada'1�optian.dM�tn oa�er�e�p'���°ry ti�Mt(s tAe N+apaty!n aooddtnoe with p�rMph 7. <br /> A!1 imarance policia tad raoewalt:1W1 be�ooe�a6le b L�euder and a1�0 include��pr�dMd aialp�o dw�e. 1.ender <br /> � sh�116�ve tbe rijht to boid tso pdicie��u�d�aw�l�. i(Laider requlra.Bo�vall P'oa�19�ive b l�ende��II noeipt� <br /> d p�i�prooiu■r�ud.ra�ew4 ualioa. la tbe event ot ba.Bann�ver tbdl{ive pnompt nolke�o dre i�nwNOOe enier ad <br /> I.eador. Leader dMy m�lm p�pat af losw if not m�de P�4uY�►!'�'� <br /> -�,��'. �'.�'"."��"�'° Uak�t.aider and Bonowar w6erwlco�o tn writb�.tas�umux ps�oceede cdaU be�plied ro t�estoetioR��ir ol <br /> din d�aayed. if We t�toauiae a�it i�eoonanic�lly feWNe�nd I.enderti sec�ity is nat knened. !f d�e <br /> n on a�is not eoauamiadly fea�iblo or�derl�:acwiry wauld be ksie+�ed�the insutinoe pocood�sb�ll be <br /> �ppliod ro ibe iww�ecuiod by tbiR Socudty In�uumau. whdher ar tKM�hea due. whh any exoat p�id ta Bo�rower. U <br /> ' po��oara a6rdo�s Ibe does�wt aruwer wlihin 30 days�natioe fiotn Latde�ihu the it�unnoe�hiu <br /> aRfk�.ed u►sepb a cidm����thiyi Secudty Ima�unan.wh�na tha�du. Tha 30�y�to wiU b'��in w�h�n <br /> rle�ko�paey or a pay <br /> Il�e a�atice i��en. <br /> Uakss t.eade��d Bonn+ver atl�wlse+�ee in writing.�ny licatlon of proceeAc to principal�h�ll not axtatd ar <br /> po�tpone the duo d�te at 1be moothly py�x refarred w in �1 and 2 or ch�ngo 1ho amoant af Ihe pymenis. it <br /> w�der pa�ragnph 21 Il�e Pro�e�tg is ac�q�one�6�r Lender.Batnwer�nght to�ny insunu�ce policies and p�oceodi resuldng <br /> - [rom damage�o�he prope�t�prtor lo�e acq�siNon sh�ll pus a L.ender to Uie extent of the wnn wcurod by 1hi�Sacurity <br /> Iau�Wna►[lauaodl�el�P�bdie R1011. <br /> � p� �. �s�aCe and Proteilfow �f tl�e P�tqi Qorrdwer"s La� Ap�lfcatio�; <br /> --- I,e�olds. Banor�er shdt�4iblief�.�ad use the Propc�t�r�s Bax�erh pincip�l raWence withln:i�ty day�dier <br /> -�---T - -� d�e eaecutlan ot this Securiny I�sawnaa ad shaM c�oatiaue w accup�r�he IPkope�ty�s Barower�priacipAl nxideocx for at <br /> last ane yaar�fia lhe dale af oecupaocY� unkss l.erder od�enrise �gees in writing. whic6 eansrnt s1�M not be <br /> muessoaaMy witNrcld.or unless cxta�a�tia�g cincums�ecs euist which aK beyond Ba�orrer�s eont�d. Bonower at�ll aat <br /> despoy.d�a�ga or impair tha P�nuY+mny.allow the Ptopnty to deoeriarate,ar commit wwste an the Prapeny. Barow�r s1u�11 <br /> 6e in defwlt if my forfeitwe�ar Prooeedin8,whed�er civil or begun tlat ia Lender�good fiuth jw�tg,aus� . <br /> couW rosuU in forfeiwre of Ux Praperty ar��tixrwise materially impair dm lien cieated by this Security Instrumetnt wr ' <br />-- �,endenc�ecurity inopest. Barower may c�such a default and rcinst�te.�s provided in p�rsgraph cpusing the aat6�a-' � <br /> � ar p�ooading w be dicmissod with a tuling t� Letder�s good faith de�miination.Prccludes forfeiture of Ihe aww�o+keor'§ �. �. <br /> � - intercst in the Propaty or otAer mut�Inl imp�rment of the lien cn�toed by thls Security In.wument or I.enderb cecuriQyr' '.. <br /> — - -- inteiest. Honnwer shall dso a+r. ia defiult if Borrower. during �he ban applicatlon process. gave mAterially faU�e ar , <br /> — — inaocurale infomution or statemeaus tu Le�er(or failed to provide�der with any material infornwdon)in connoctian wlth ;'. <br /> ' �he lo�n evidenced by the Note. ir+cluQ�ing, !►ut not limited to. �p�rsentaiions conceming Borrnwerl� occupancy of the ; . �. <br /> - _ �uty ss s�sitscfpa6�si�ssee. !f thia�ci4Ary tnstnunent is an a leasehold.Baicower s6a11 comply wlth all the provisions�• <br /> � of�he iease. If Bortuwer acqui�rs fiee titk W die F'roperty.the kacehold and the fa titk shall not ma�e unlesa Leoder a�o�s <br /> i� w�he mager in wriling. • <br />-� 7. Protecdon o�I.ender's RiQhts W the Property. 4f Bomower fails to perform �he covenants and a�us . <br /> ;� - can�ain� in this Securi�y Inspumenb or the�e is a legal praaeding that mey significantly ali'xt l,enckr's rights'in 1he <br /> Property(such as a�oceeding in banfwptcy.pno6ate.for ca�demnation oc forfeiture or to enforce laws or�egulat(ons).then <br /> �� I,rndcr may do a��c�}wy for whatever is ne��ssary to protect the vs►lue ai t�e Property and Lenderk ri�tts in the Property. <br /> �- I.ender's actions muy include p�ying any sum�s,ecured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security Insavmen�appearing <br /> ��- in cairt,paying reasonable anomeys'fees pnd entering on�he Pmperty to nwlce rcpairs.Although Lander may take t+ctioo <br /> �` .,•;';}'� urder this paragtaph 7.L.ender does na h�ve to do so. <br /> � � . My amounts disbursed by Lender under this pnragruph 7 shull become udditianal debt of Borrower securcd by �bis <br /> �,�.� <br /> = Security Instrument. Unless Borrower und Lender ogree to other terms of payment,these amoun�s shall bear inteneat from�he <br />..�`.���• �"'t''.��� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be pnyable.wi�h intcrest.upon notice from Lender to Somawer roquestin8 - <br /> -_- • ���� - <br /> �. �:,,k-. ., • 8. Mortgage lesuraoce. If Lender requircd mortgage insurance ag a conditinn of making the loan secured 6y��his <br /> : •• �r �l j:.� ���� Securi[y Inswment.BoTrower shull puy �he premiums requlred to maintain the mongage insurence in effecG !P. tor any <br /> _�,. ' reason. the mortgaga insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br />`������ - ;�'•����'�+'�":. pr�emiums rcqui�ed to obtein covernge substantiully eyuivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effec4 at a cost <br />-_r'�i�� �' ;'��.:+'�r ��'�•��"� substantially equivalent to the rnst to Borrav�er of�he mortgage insurance previously in eff'ect,fram on trltemote mortg�ge <br /> „'��j�':,��h` �� insurcr appmved by Lender. If substaMially eyuivolent mnngnge insurnnce caverage is not s�vailable,Borrower shall pay to <br /> �,: Lender each month a sum equal ta one•twelfth of the yearly modgAge in�urance premium being paid by Bortnwer when�he <br />__ °; t•t'Yi{:•�' insurnnce rnvernge lap.�ed or ce;�<ed tu be in effec�. Lender will accept,use und retuin�hese paymems as o loss reserve in lieu <br />•_�. � '` of mortgage insumncc. Loss reserve payrnents moy no longer bc reyuired,at the option of Lender, if mongage insuroncc <br /> � S.`^ �, �,'� coverage(in the amount and for the periad ti�at Lender reyuire+l pmv�ded by an insurer�pproved by Lender again becomes <br /> ��y-r�'�::: <br /> 'i,. avs►ilnble auid i�ob�ained.Barrower shal)p:���the premium.reyuired to muintain mongage insuronce in effec�,or to provide a <br /> �'-�,'�"'�"'�t,�,,_ los.g reserve,anu+the reyuirrmrnt for mon�u�e insurunre ends in ucconiance with uny written ugreement between Borrower <br /> � mrid Leridtr or mpplicable law. <br />=f—�'�—__— 9. Ins�ecdon. Lender or its agem mc�y muke mu.onaMe em�e.u�n and in�perlion.uf thc Pmpehy. Len�fer sttaDl <br />;.�� '� , +"�+. give Bcxrc�wer rnr�ice nt the time of or prior�a un inspe:cti�x�+pecifying rcv+imaMc cau.e for the in+pection. <br /> �.;:~'�'',..-.�:--� <br />:.:;=,,�, �.f 111 Co1Memlwtiop. The p►oceed�of u�} award or cluim for duntuge..Jirect ur r�m+eyuemial,io ronnection with any <br />"" ifi1�. 5�:� � . . <br /> i:i`a`�'� �:1l':��!� � � SMgtk Family-•�w�nie WadFYeddk N�c UNIFOR�11\tiTRUMBNT••Unifi�rm Cuvenana �90 �/wx�.��N��/�+Rts! <br /> -- .� ',.p.�,r.�. . . ,�, Gr►r Itrt�Ewlenr Far.bc.� <br />-s�lzn;�.,''1�ti��'� f� T�Qir G41iY059PY110 O iAt Bli'MI•1131 . <br />�=��. ��E��(���f1p�,'�_��ti'L4+� . <br /> ::�( . �;� �ti��i�.;. �, - <br />,-h5�\' � .ii:!. <br /> �e� t c i.. .'�;. I . <br /> —�`�,�{,: ��k.'�i�'. � ,» ;•t,� • .; • � tt<r;•.�:�=+'�'��'��` <br /> ��SS �� . ,., r.� - <br /> ..� _ '1'.�A;�:�,::.C, �,.�� -. 1 .l . . . r- '.�' ....�'t-'. ' .l� �L�fJ��1�.?++�`"'s-y, ; 4�",�'—� ���t_.A �.a�' �_�((�� <br /> _ ,� S u. <br /> �� —.-:.�_*.... �.,:cu l:,W�SW1.'Lt..d r��.if�i�lNs�;;t.'tr_''__��•�E.-S�.��L� ,_''��1�1 � t � �l.�t�..i�7�"'�. <br /> __—� .,.....: . , a�- . _ �_. <br />.-j.� a - ��r*�•':,..�a��w. . ._ .. _/, ,!< � �. s . - - - - ----- --- - y -r `'�� µ��,�S���t f •44 ,(Y�[��.. <br /> ". <br /> •! �%�'....:tl.a.aE- � � ' .. �r�w.lh..- =� : t . . .. '.j�` . + f ,.t N'rr�K.�1@ �� �-� 9 ... . . �o r' L;, <br /> „ 'i.arA+1� '1�(G. \ '_ `, tl � i <br /> "' '.�;� � . . ' " _-�yyt' �• - . �.�1 y J .�. + ..' ``. . � � . :S,� . .�"..�_:. <br /> �n!� t;. :,:� . J f v 1 1 � rocT'+`�!t ,`1 ' . . ' '' ., � r ' � _ . <br /> ¢ r�L r�,- : r ..5�,; � , r . , ..,, <br /> R.S � Y�- jj'�y �` ,�}iC�-�`:s_ .ti;u,�' , o . 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