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.`��li�.'.Wia..'� �.i: n�fr . 4�. . . .., .,'.,t3+i .�� - . ' � . . � �'"_.��.— <br /> . . - „ . . .� , � �� " ._ � <br /> _ , 7�iBi11BR WI'1�!+iU die�mpro�esienu now a b�tk�araed an d�e propaity.�ad aJl�e�is.�� �� <br /> Md tizwra 1iow�ar 1�ller a�trtt ot Ib� . All�Md�dditlarM 1MM1�Ma bt oavwa 6�►1W Sra�iyl - <br /> la�uube�w. AU ddie tio�atq i�eeiand�o ie t�i�SOplflty Ia�lwlent M de`I�op�tr•' � <br /> BORROWBR G'OV6NAM'S dat�v�'b I�wfWly�iw�od af the aWte Aeiaby qpveYed wd hM db e�t 10 i�t <br /> �ud ooqve�r the �nd tbit d�e Piope�ty b unencm�bend.exaepl far eacvtn6�noa�of roc�1. Barowor wr�rN��wd <br /> ud <br /> M+u defaad eaiad y the due a dM Pinpaty q�.0 cwau��na aenw�f..abjxt to�ur a�aNaea��of reoaa. <br /> -�.-�.,—_ _� 7HIS SsClIR17'Y INS7RU11�NY omobinea wtifunn oovaw�u fQ oYiaW u�e �nd noa�uolfpnn oavanfuM�wMb <br /> WNMd vai�tioni by juriodictioa�a aanqituoe�unlfa�m�t�ewdty in�tna�t ooraia�ral pwpatY• . <br /> UNIPORM G�DVBNAfV'I'3. Rartowa and Lencbr oov�rwu aad�ee u fdbv►�: <br /> 1. P��t af Prrci�l�d f�terali Peap�7we�t�d I.n1e CwrLa�. Ba�owe�shall P�anptl�r P�y wi�en dua Ila <br /> af and inu�at on ibe debt cvideooed by�hc Note and anY P�y�nent aMl l�e dwe wder iho Nato. <br /> __, �I+b�for'i�ar�wd I�a�ca Subjoct w�pp1icable I�w a to a wrlttat wal�ls�nder.Bomowet cl�ll p�y lo <br /> �on tlie d�y nw�W�ly pnymenu ue due w�der tho Note.unUl the Note i�p�W in fuN.�sum("FLnds")fu:(�)y�Y <br />�, �-- �-m-° wccs and�whkh mwy atuin pi over this lnsdumatt a��Ikn an�hc HoQeAy:(b)Y�9� <br /> �ty v <br /> �ar�tausd rwts m 1he Propetly. ii any: (cl Ywly or p�opaty ituta�tKa pn�nivaa; (d) yauiy Ilood <br /> p�eoiw�.�f'a1y: (a)Y�y ���u� PR��•if�ny;�nd l4 �ny swin p�y+�bto by Bo�ower a <br /> -- l.ender,ia a000rda�ce Mith tho proviRions of pars�raph lie�06 ide ps�t of mat�e�noe p�emiums. '11�ese <br /> - _ ��' — itaas�a�c calkd'E6cro�w Ikms." Lender�tMa,colMoc�t�od hold in+�n amount not w e�waed Wa muimum <br /> �:��=`�- an�owrt�koder for a tederally rclued mo�t�e toon m�r�oqw+itc tor @moMrati escrow aocauat un�lar �f�ec3eal Rcal <br /> ,_- <br /> --,:.-"—_�.� Fsta�e SqtlaiacsM Ai000dwes Act af 19T,as�a�eadod fiom timo w time.l2 U.S.C.4 2601 tr se�q.l"RESNh'�u�iac��o/Aer <br />_;- <br /> . Iaw thwt applies�o tbe Fiind�sets�lecser amouot. If s�a I.aader ma� aaar pnae.cdlocu and iho�Fio�w3 u�ru��u�ii u�a,t oa � <br /> � - -- - - - <br />_ exoeed d�e kcs�t�anou�t. l�ender may estima�e�6e amoowl ot IFuoJ��iue ua t0ie Oasis of c�t d�a�ud _. . <br />-' estimata oi expendima oP fW�e Fscrow It�as or odrarwise io accord�urce�riW applicabk law. _ <br />-��.*•k. The Eiuods slall be beW in�n a�stiwdan wbo9e depocits are insurod by a federsl a�eny.ins�'Wa�N�liry.a e�uity <br /> ti��('�A lincluding L�ender.if Lender is such�n insNtutionl ar in�ny Fodersil Nane l.o�n Buik. Leoder slnll appiy tbe Hoids to P�y <br />= s�>'• the Fsc�ow Iterns. Lender m�y uot chuge Borrower for holdinB�aPP�Y�B���aiwu�llY awlyzing tUe esc�ow <br /> ��f ��, <br /> ' f1i{' � verifjring tbe Fscrow I�ems.u�kss L,e�wkr p�ls Rortowcr inteiest on tde fwids aM appti¢able uw permits <br /> �� �' I.s�id�r to��ke such a ciqrge. Hox�ever.l.eoder may ro�uire Barmwer to pay a are-tlme ctWr�c tor a indepa�krM ral <br /> � � eswte tax repmsinB s�uvlce usod by Lender ia co�uKCtio�v►vth this loan,unless appiiaWe tew provides aheiwise. Unkss�n <br /> �u <br />'-'t;� ,c���G,9�' .' qg►artient is nwde or applicable law requurs InEnest[o De p�id.I.ender sF�all not be�oquiRd w pay Banowa aay inte�est or <br /> r+�� i,.��% �.Famings an the Fi�nds. Boaower aM L.ender may�in wriang.howeva.that inuercst slull bep�d an 1he 11nds.�da <br />-"�+�a t-------- �,shAU gm�r to Bonnwer.wi�Fwut anmwl:�ecounang of the fi�nds.showing crodi�s�nd debics 10 tY�e Funds and the <br />'°,;};�h---�;:�.�.� 'p�upo�1Pior which each debit b the FiuWis was mode. The iimids are pledged ac addltiaa!securiry far�II swas saved Iry <br /> - � �� t!��n�aarv Insa�ument <br /> '° nsa ume <br /> - '�' r� i�`Y�g f �f,1he �uods held by L.aider eaceed the amounts pem�ilted to 6e held by appliable law, t.eoder si�aii accamt ro <br /> �., �� .. �./:�;�„ . <br /> •,! ;;��r� ,; � . . . Bormwe�fa�the eacess Wnds in accordance witA the rcqui�ements of applicable law. If the anwunt ai tQ�e�'wds held by <br /> ;t,. «; Lender�t pny time is not wflicient to pay�he Escrow Items when duc.L.ender may so nodfy Borrower i�o vr� <br />_4 � •.�;?l��{ such ease Bomnwer shall pay to L.ender the amount nocessary ro malce up the deficiency. B«rowu cl►all make up die <br /> .; ���5�t�� deBcisncy In no more tlan twelve monthly Leader`s sole discredan. <br /> , . •',"�`.��� � Upon payment in full of ali sums securcd by this Security Insuument,L e n d e r s h a l l prom p Uy rcfund a Barower m y <br /> ' t�7`%" or to the uisition or = <br />; „.� �nds held by Lender. if.under paragraph 21.L.ender shull ucquire or sell the Property.l.ender.pri acq =__ <br />. ' sale of the Prope�ty.slwll upply any Funds held by l.ender ut the time of acquicition or sale as a crodic agaiast the su� <br /> �� .� ".�'r�...,�'� cecwed by this Security Instrument. -- <br />`�:�� ' � ' 3. Applkatbn d P�yoeats. Unless applicable luw provides otherwise. all payments roceived by Lender under �- <br /> ! , '"�`';� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firsl,to anY prepaYment charges due under the Nota;second,to wnounts ppyable wider = <br />��� ' �t `'';� paragraph 2:�hitd,to inte�st due;fouRh,to principnl due;and Ins�,to any lote c hurges due under the Note. � <br /> � �; `; 4. C�wrges; Liens. &xrower shall p�y all laxes. assessments, chargcs, fines und impositions attributabte to�t�e <br /> _ "� p�vpeRy which moy attain pdority over this Securiry Insuument,and lea.cehold payments or ground rents, if any. BorraNer "�'x <br /> ° `s;:�. � . shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragr�ph 2,or if not paid in�hat manner,Bomower.�ha01 pay ihem on , !- <br /> 3r' ; ''! ' time dircctly to Ihe person owed payment. Bomower shall promptly iwnixh lo Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under �-�. <br /> . • :". `•:} this pa�graph. If Borrower mukes these paymen�s directly.Bornower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts�videncing !;- <br /> '; � . . ,�; �.i <br /> ,,,,,�;�• '1. ', thepayments. �� <br /> " " �' ' ' ` '°= Barower shall mm d dischar e anv lien which hns ori over this Securit Insuument unless&Ktower.(a)agrees <br /> �..s n- .^ ..P P p Y Q 6 P� ry Y ,�.� <br /> Nc.-� •• in writing to�he paymcmt of the obliguti�n '� �the lien i�A mnnner ucceptable to Lender,(b►contest�in good f�ith Ihe �_ - <br /> �.�. " J d�;s••�� lien defends against eniorcemem.� proceedings which in the Lender�s opinion opeRa,:to prevent�he <br /> ,��r•=:�i� � •,`•= enforxment of the lien;or(N secures f f�er of 1he lien nn agreemem satisfactory to i.ender suGorwan�ing 1he lien ��:: <br /> _ .���.�:,;.��.:, w this Security InswmenG If Lender , . .neti a��at any part of the Propecty is subject to a lien which mey at�ain priqtiqr il�, <br /> � ; �;�„ over this Security Inswment.Lender ma1 gi�e Borrower u not�ce identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or ta1:z �r <br /> '`i� ��� arc or more of the actians set tarth above witAin 10 deys of the giving of notice. . 1tl= <br /> '' �� ' S. Hw�rd or Property�osurance- Borrower�hall keep�he improvements now ezisting or hereafter erected on the ��� <br />'�'.' ,i�,_ � , <br /> `� '�����i�t: rt insured a ains�loss by fire,haznnds included wi�hin the term"extended covernge"und any other hauuds.including ; <br />_ "'• , •-�:>�;t,�t;r' Pn'!'e Y � � �-- <br /> '� floods or Hoodin for whie6 Lender wres �nsurance. lh�s insu�ance shall be m�inwin�l in �i�e �u��ounts aed for thc <br /> � :s� k; �,.���:....', - <br /> ,;�,.;,,�'r: � <br /> ;,':.•..''. , ,,, <br /> �•'4 J .. . . ' • Farr 3Y� !�!0 1/r+�K 2 Mb PaRti1 Q <br />_ ,,Qfk�, •;w. �� fLL_ <br /> t1} <br /> s <br /> _ •:1 !��".����4,ti M, � �- <br />-. ... �,1�. ,::� .��f..!'t�3 <br />-�_�til� .����.� �t��t�ti� Y�lAL 1: :C•".'_""'�`-l:.`a.�.�.�.M:,: .'T_._-.'.' .ii". .='1�i�YaYl1ly1�', .. . ' . _ ��,�>���_..�"1.l',���iii��i}•1 <br /> '�` �'�.�.���;,�! . , , . . . ,, .. . . 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