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__ �.. , . �- �'.� . - ,. . •_a.:.�w�-....;�_�'°—Y- .. <br /> _ ,~'�:,'t�f`'t," ?��t� . ,t:v., .��• - ��i, . _�c,:i'^' <br /> ' ' _ -.�-:. �..T...� <br /> . .. _ � . , . n . , ^ � � , . i i (� �..�_ <br /> �.^/� . ' =-! •� .. , . , � „ ., �__._-_ _— — s ^ <br /> -_ _ . .�!�►i�!.��M►�'nl���rt�l�.�! �1���oe aa�w��!��M���,� ��3—, <br /> , �1�t t+�'� �1:1�M�Y+��t���1►�-,_.' _+��_������,���_. _ <br /> . �K�--�Mri�lanw.�qri�M fb a�hib��arl�!1��1M wR�p1r ar b�r°��foM:�i�4��14:t��t_ r�r`=�� <br /> ,�#i�r�rnoM'emb in Ncca+d+inoa�h'+�Af►�ia�a�+t �arawwr.nd I�ena�r nr�pplabir 1�.w. ".� . :,. ��n•;.�� � °� <br /> ^' !�IqipKllon.IaMter a'ia��att rab►a�r��antnta�apoa�ad�aip�o�o�t�pruP!��a�L�i�r f�M,,�r ;';'t� <br /> earnur�a�ad1aa�t the etme d.or prlar to•an�iiuopeoNon q�dfyiry!ro�aaaWbla a�une tar die�pewlop. �.. � ..„ � <br /> ' i��C.�d�MM.'!�r pooa�b d�ay��nad ar afdm�Mr d�.direa or cni�egneotLl�ja-a�wod�wF wilr'1�. . '.;,:� <br /> _ _ aend�wtioa ar otlMr t�klia�d:iwy p�ri.ol'tb�P�np�ar 6or aouvaYiooe iu liuu of aoMamaNion.�e berd►y M1ifMd�od . -'.r-; � <br /> �'in th�avoat o[a WW Wdqf ot'tbe Pta�e�ty.lho proaoed��lull be appllad�o tbe wuas�aied by tlui�8eaulty ia�ame�t: ,' <br /> wl�dher or nd dipt du0.wlth�ay e+�diw puid to'•'�omoWCr. ln the ava�t of�p�uNal nkin�of Ha PnDpetly ia whidl d.m fih' _ <br /> aanket v�l�p of tbe P�a�ty im�nedi�lY bet�bi�e:da iWdna it aqwl w or��tb�n the�mo�int of die wau�ec�end by ddt <br /> Scewlty la�wmeat irarr�edi�Wy 6cforo tbe pJciq�.uale�t Borrowa�rd�adec alh�►loo�rea In wr�'Nn�.tbe aa��oa�rod by. "' <br /> tais Se�auiRg Iasquma�t�hdl bo t+eduoed by d�e apouat ot tho D���+P� bY tbe followln� ftactiam (�)the taW '` <br /> � amouot ai tbo sum��ecurod iauaedispely befaro tJw W�in�. dlvidod by tb)tAe fiir�ket wilue af tUe i�nop�aty inunadi�tely . <br /> befao t6o rrkin�. Aq�r 6al�noe tb�ll be p�id tn Bomnwer. Io tLc eroat of+�p�n�d takit�o�t6e Propc�y ia w�iCh the tdt <br /> iaaui�t wlua of Ihe PmpeRy iauaedi�tely be�fa�e tha W�iq�is lea tlan tt1�e amount of d�e snms,�eaarod imnedl�tdy�bfao die <br /> Wci�. uokst Bano+�r md i.ender olhdtwice a�nea ia�or Mulps�pQibc,�610 4w atlw'sw�SR�p�ovZda►.�he p�00da rW� <br /> be�pplied to Ibo sura��ocuncd by this Secur�ly I�uuo�ed whod�w:��n4t U�e��e tt�en duo.' .• r�t.';:' <br /> , it'tl�e Piopatg i�abandoned by Barrower.or if.a11q'ri���.eoder to:�o+c�+o�wer th�t tbe pondq�oc�iiAfetl t0 t�e��.,t��:�`:;:`_ <br /> awad ar r�1la a clahn far daay�a. Bo�nwer faib fae�t�,poa�9 sc�i.t�fda,w�8�an aU deys efter the d�e��Sx�oa [.9�pl+lte�..;;.:i,,. .: <br /> L.ender is iaMlwti�ed w collect and apply the pr0000ds�qt;�i[s+optiaa.aWer w n�t�i�tian or r�ic of t6a Pri�y{,'ot w��ir° ;1�;�;,'';•`.�: <br /> �by.�t Sxurity lnaaumcnt.whdhar ar aot tbardqe. ' . , ,- ,;.,,;;'�,rrft,,' <br /> Uhkss�}�ender�nd Bomowee otl�erwise ia wrid�� a ica of moxda to ncl xluat rat eute�rl;or ,''r.. , <br /> +� ��' ,�3'� �Pt+ P Pd Pal. I ';'`•�t,':',;', <br /> P�Pd��the due dau af thc monthly payma�ts rdemoil W in�phs 1 u�d z��r dwnQe tbe anwuat of ru�r�ipeats. ''',.;;',;.:. <br /> ,•;, <br /> 11�$�rtawer Not R�d;For6araooe By I.atder Not�W�Iva�. pacte�sion uf the time for pnyr��u or roodiftc,atlon ' •t;,1.�� <br /> of amoili�utian of the sivas sxvrod by�hia Socurity Int�uument g�imtM by Leider w any auax�cor in interest'oP Bomnwu si�ll ,.�`�: <br /> not operate to reltaso the Ijability af the orfginal Borrower or&►r�awrr's sucxesso�s in i�. Lender ahWl not he�quind to . <br /> ;,, eommea�oe proeeedings aQairot any cuooxsor in intenst or�fucs,�4o�ctend time for payment or otl�erwlse mvdlfy�unottizwtion _ <br /> �,'. oT the sums coarod by this 3ocuriry Insaument by reauon oP•pny dema�nd made by 1he odglnal Borrow�t or Borrowu'a ' <br /> �;; suooessore in intcr�t. My forbea�nce by L.aider in:cxer�ising�t►y right cN•re•medy sl�ll not be a waivor o��or proclude tl�e ,�,,, _� <br /> -_ '''e�ssrciisz�?a�►y sight os m�dy. . � • � � � <br /> = l�.S�uee�ccora pnd Asel� Bouud; Jolnt aad.5everal�Liab�lity;Caelgae�s. The oovawnta end agr�eernents!of!Ws <br /> Secudty I�twnent slwll bind and benefit the successors and asaigns of Letldet and Borrawu. subject w the provieians of ' . <br /> paragraph.l7, 8omower'a covenants and rigroements shal! 6e joint and scverua. My Borrower who co-eigns this 3�utity �,�j,;�''• <br /> inshument 6ut das nut.execute�he Note: (a)is co-aigning this Sxurity Instrument only to mortgage. gmnt and conv�y�td�t • '•;;. . <br /> — Borrowqr's �oterest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay tAe suqts . <br /> sxured by this Security Instrumrnt;and(c)agrces that Lender and any ather Borrower may u�ree to eatend,madify.forbear ot <br /> __ make a�y acrnmmodntions with regard tn the terms of this Security instrument or the Note wlthout that Borrower's rnnsent. <br /> _ � !3.Iw��n l.'6ar¢es.lf tl�e loan secvred by this 3ecur�ty Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum laan charges. <br /> , and;lhat law is finally interpreted so that the interest ar other laan chnrges collected or to be collected in connoction wlth�he . <br /> — ' �laan exeeed Ihe permitted limits,then: (a)any sueh lo�n charge shall be reduced by the mnount nece.csary to roduce the charge <br /> to the permilted limir sud (b)ony sums already colleCted from�orrnwer which exceoded permitted limits will be r�ePonded to <br /> Borrower. Lender muy choose to ma9�r �his refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a diroct <br /> = puyment to Borrower. lf a refund reduces prirk+p:+l, the reduction will be treated us a paitlal pre�wyment without any � <br /> -� � prepayment charge under�he Note. <br /> ' l4.NoHces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall bc given by delivering it or by mailing <br />�� it by first class mail unless applicable law requir+ec use of another methad.The notice shall be clirected to the Property Addrcss <br />._� or any othe�address Bormwer designates by nntice to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shull he �iven by first class mail to <br /> ;� l.ender's address stated herein ar uny othcr address Lendcr designater by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in Ihis . <br />--a S e c u r i ty I ns trumen t s h a l l b e d x m e d ro hu v e b e e n gi vca t o B orm wer o r l.e n der w he n givcn:as p ro vi d e d i n t hi�p�ungrap h. <br />:'%� 15.GOVtMIpg I.AN; Severnbillty. This Security Instrument shall be govNrneci by foderal luw and the law uf the ' <br />�'`.� juriulir�ion in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> y� conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shull nat affect oth�r proviaians nf ihis Security In�trumem��r the Note which can be <br /> � given effect without the contlicting provision. To this end Ihe pro��isinna of t�+i� Securiry Instrumem and the Note are declered <br /> to be seveiable. <br /> `� 16.Qorrower's Co�y.Bnrn►wer shull be giv�n one cuntarmecl copy of Ihe(�iot�anJ nf this Securiry Instrument. - <br /> fan�3028 9t90 <br /> Pp�4 a16 <br />• ,r� <br /> ..:� <br /> _r� '___-_..____---_--'___'_._ _-_._ <br />�- ._ �. _-_-_-_-___-_.__.-____-___ __-.-.___-__._ _. <br /> ,� - }._ ,ir � � :�'7!�'P.�"�'�R"��-g�...�,r•�.�.�-��-,�»-•--•--T�°.. . ._._ . _ _ - -" -. <br /> _"'--�.__t7'"t :�[,s...� ��. � ,�,e.Gl :. .f.�'r.t.n 1: � r�-;IJL.��L��1 ,.�� �_�inn __ <br /> -- ':�i�Sim..`�.�'.'�`iR..w1i.:S_ " ''.�' ._ �.� _ __ L'� x �ac. <br /> _ �.. � " }-ti -- . - . .. _r` --- -• - . � ... .r�'- �r, I r'" k$jR'�1y"�..,� <br /> � d .. '. .�`x. _�, �.117 .�.....� r�� a.`�x�"� i s�'_ <br />-� , ' b �.7� t{ "• - -• v-�Y ., . , � .. ,i ..'�. ����_;��Yy+ i 4 �� �r.r�*rt} �- ���1��rh_ <br /> 4T�..._�, ..�s�-�f • . -. . , , _ . . . , _ - <<., r.- •�},i - f S�.f��' 31�. <br /> ' + ,h, i� , ' , . Y k 1 (T�f�u�` �.►%f'^'�'t a, ��',.,ISf�ditFiS�..Y±s <br /> .,.,a��r �4'���;7� ;' � i,�. . "'�� . . , ... . . ;'��' - . t1�y�J� �r�r r�:�y, }��a'�4Ti.'aFi�;i 13Pt+tt <br /> .q-'t �.r � `' [� �{��� �.�,: ,+ .� I' .. <br /> � "'V rr ��i3le.u1.�'A{:�.9:.r�.. . .. , r� �' t ��Vk��'({�� � ���i<{ M j <br /> 6 _Y� b O �S� Y �. >M.� -1 1 .,f�'Ir�� } A�:+F �i '•!^ t�' l� ic. <br /> 5��.� p� �r�,,�,,l�,> �,�. ..�v� � <br /> �� :, �:r,;� <br /> .t . � �,,r . . � ;ys,r . . , :s•�s.;�,;'e .� , <br />- 4A �6 ��� - : . _ - . ., ' :!a'. '�'' . . 5����t��` ' ,y . . �r'yt/�.:- _ <br /> � ) . ;' . . . • . . . , � - �.}�i�1� t s� ` ie . - }'1�•\ , ' . <br /> "1�_ . ' . , � . �'� :.�I.,��t��vaM [a{���'Y,r � �� Y.1r, ,. :�+ , <br /> �� ' . � . �„�,•�h���•tfM1Y.: . ,��:�l��!�� �.�.. 1'• .1 .��'�.Y��f�,"C��r..�« , �1. . . <br /> � '� ��-,i,�;F . ` . ��, . a . ' ' . , %..y.w. .� <br /> . . . ., . 'I ." . - . . _ .. . , . <br /> , , � <br /> . . .�� . . , i . - ' � u <br /> � .� . �.�� . � � . . . <br />- • �:-•' -- .. ". J r <br /> ,. . . <br /> ' • � - '. r. ' . .. <br /> e • <br /> " ".: o •tli.y � . .. .., . <br /> V . . <br /> r ° � __ . ___ <br /> . <br /> .. - +. _...�r�_.�_..�_� L�� . ..._"..__ _.__.._. "_4 ' _. _ _ .�_: .... U- <br />