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� �'� � ��. � ' . . , . '�������/ - �'.,�,,�'.�`�L__. <br /> �.� v <br /> 17.7�it o�tY w�ty ar./�lM�il L�I.rnc 1�an,r�.r.u v�or put ar a�.P�a�eA�►ur.ny Ja lt _ s_.�'_� <br /> --- ---- �- - a told or u�wfarroA<a it�i bendioW lumnOR la�xro�v�f�wld ar and�wa�is aat a�pe�io�p ,wkha� �'.^�_ <br /> . I.euder.�pdor writk�oa�aeat. l�ender a�y. � iu�ptfon, aa�i�p�yment in bll oi'�ll �wn � by 1i�4 .� .. _°� <br /> . Sepnity 1mtn�roent.fio�ever.t4b aption�Iwp aoe be e�dred�y t��It�ad�e 1�Prohibqad,by fadmal 1aw a o111r dM � .� <br /> . of tb(��4ewdty Imu�. ,� . <br /> Jf Larder eaaeisa t6L apNion.Laide��6d1�ive Brxrower nalke oP aooetaatloq,71ie noUae�hallpro vlde�perbd ot afl � � <br /> le��h�n 30 dyr�from the d�te d�e nolioe i�delivarod ar n�fled witbin which Barower mwt pry dl wms �eairod by tMi� <br /> �Sea�dty In�trumau.It Bormw�er fail�w p�y Ihe�e we�prior b the expidtlon at thit petlod�lrender m�y iavulce�oy�eeaeilfe� . - <br /> �,,,, � pemittadby t6is Io�wnKnt withow IWether aotloe or damnd on Horrower. . <br /> Y_ - - 19. 1jon+orrK'�s I�lt fw RsiMt�te. If Eam�r� moeu ceiWn oondiUat�. Bamnwar :tul! fuve the daht to b�ve <br /> enloroanem o�thi�Saurity Ip�quep�t diioontlnued at any dme or w tbe eulkr of; (a)S d�ya (ar a�ch ad�er perbd a� � - <br /> �pplicable Iaw nay spectpy tor rclnsWphetn) befaro tido of tho riy punw�utt ta any p�wa of sAle o�M�ined In tld� . . <br /> 8au�Iry G�arnment;or lb)aw►S►of a jud�eAtot�cin�thio Socudty nwrumem.Tiaso condido�u aro tlut Aorrowct:(a) � , . . <br /> L.ender�II swas which tha►would be due uador Ihl�Saw�ity In�humant aad the Noto a�if no aooelcraUan hnd occumed�) <br /> cura any default of aiq ot6er oovenmts or�groemetitr;(c) poi �dl expcnces incurral in enfoMng thie Securlty Incwmeat� <br /> incladi�.but dot lim�tod to�r+e�wnablo auorn�nt' fact and(d�t�ken such actton aa[.eader mny rcacon�bly nquiea w auuro <br /> t�t�he iiem ot t�is Sa�ralq�lnswment. Lender e righta ln tha Property and Bc►mawcr's obligetion w pay thc suma securod <br /> this Socurity In�hunnat sla►li oondnue uncfuaged. Upon rcinctatemcnt by Borrowu. this Sxudty Instrurnent and th <br /> ubl�socuned l�eball mm�in fully eflective m►if no acceleruion luid ocwmcd.Howeva,thip�i�ht to rcin�te Wull <br /> -. _... -- --.-. not�pply in Ihe caa of�oalaa�tion under p�gr�ph 17. <br /> __ �fl. Sale of Not�G'I�e ot Loan 8awloer. The Note or a partiel inter+cst in �he Note(bge�hcr wlth thi�Socurity <br /> Incwment)may bc sold one or more dmes without prior notioc to Borrower.A sole m�y rcsult in�chaqge in the e�Wty(Wiown <br /> as We'l.wn 5erviar"1 d�t collocts monthlY D�.Ymcote duc u�e�the Notc and this Socurity Instrumem.Tberc also�y be aoe <br /> r:-,�.�—_ •_-�� or mone changes of the Inaa Servicer uarelated w a sate of IT�e t�Sote.If there(s a chaage of the Loao 5ervicer.Bornowbr will be � <br /> f.�-"�,. • . givrn written notioc of die c6�ge in acxo�dance wlth pamgta���� 't4 alwve and applicabTe I��v.The notice will state thc narne wd <br /> °__-==- • addrcs9 of the new Loan Servioe�and the addce�w whkh payments chould be rtwde. The notia will also contain ony other <br /> - � • infonnatbn roquired by applicablc lew. <br /> _, nw� ;.. . Z0. Hnzandou$ Sub�taaoes. Bortnwer elwll not cwse or permlt the presence,use,dispasal, ataragc.or release of any <br />_ "=;�r�'_'�'!' Haaardous Substana.c on or in the Property. Bormwer strall not do. nor allow anyone else to do. anything affe�ting the <br />- ;�;f��',°�'� Property that is i�vialMion of any Env�ronmentel Law.The pr�ceding two sente�ces slwll not �pp�y to the pt�esence. use. or <br />�y storage on thc Pmperty of smWl quantities of H�rdau Subatonces �hat are�enerally rxognized io be¢ppmpriato w norrnal <br />=_%��. residentiel uses anil to m�intenance of the P�+nperry. <br />'•�i ��• Horrower sNu10 promptly give Lender wrinen notice of any investigadon.claim,dematd, lawsuit or other actlon by any <br /> -" --- governmental or regula�ory agency or private party involvina 1he Property and any Hozardous Subsronce or Bnvimnmentel Law <br /> ��.��t��;� <br /> t;��;��� of which Bomowcr has�ctual knowledge. If Borrower lea�+s,ar ia nMiffed by any govemmental or regulawry authority,thas <br /> ,�,��a any removal or other ren�edietion of eny Hazardous Substencc affecting the Property ia aeces.gnry. Horrower shall promptly toke <br /> all necescary rCmedial �nions in acec+rdence with Hnvironrt�wnel l�w. <br /> � As used in this p�ragraph 20, "Hazardais Substences" are those Aubs�ances defit�ed as tox�c o�haaardous substances by <br />'�""'� ng gasafl�e, kerosertee, ather flamm�bk or toxlc eYraleum products. toztc <br /> �,�� Environmentel Luw and the followi substnn�s: � <br /> � • , peaticides and herbic)da,volatile solvents,materia)s mntaaoir�avbestaw or fornialdehyde,and radioective materials.As usod in <br />:,;_�� ��;��1� ' lhic paragraph 20, "EnrironmerNal Lnw" means fc:deral luws anc!Is►ws af the jurisdiction where Ihe Propeny i� loeated ttwt <br /> relate ro heald�,safety aenvironmental protection. <br />�;�j�5 NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender furthet covennnt and agrec aa follows: <br /> i•.�;;� 21.AccelersMion;Remedles. Lender sholl give notice to Borrower p�or to accelerwtion�ollowing Borrower•s breach <br /> `jy; , of any cove�w�t or agrcement In this Securtty Instrument (but nat prior to acceleratlon uader pa�ragtaph 17 uNess <br /> � , • .'{`` �r, pppllcAbk Ipw prov�da otberwise).The notice shall specify: (n)the dePAUlt;(b)tbe action requlred to cure the detaulti <br /> `���.. . •,, (c)a date,aot less thae 30 days from the date the noNce is�3ven to Borrower, by«•hlch the dePs�ult must be eured;and <br /> ,�?� ` (d)that f�ilure to cure the deiAUlt on or before the date sperifted In the notice mAy�resWt in accelerAtion t►t!be sums . <br /> �• •�•+�• � �. secured by th(s 3erurlp• Instrument and r+ale of the Pmpeny. The notice shall fuM9�er inform Barrower ot the right to' ' ' <br />«J N� .: „ � retncfate atter acceleralton and the rlght tu Qirl�a court actton to a�sert the non-existenee o�' a detAUlt or uny ather '. <br />:�?� •y, detense ot Borro�rer lo accelerption And sale. U the detwult is not cured on or before the date s�ecitied Ia the nqike, <br />"„ -: j i . Lendpr.At ita aptiun.m�y requlre immediaie payment in tull of all sums secured 6y thls Secur��iy Imlrumenl without <br /> Ibrlhe�demand and moy Invnke the power ot a�le s�nd nny other remedles permitted by epplkable low.I.en�tcr slwll be �� <br /> ^��`�� • entitled lo rnlleci all e�pensey incurred ln pnrsuing the rernedi�provided in this p�ragrmph 21,including,but nol Nmited <br /> �u�r � ` � to,reason�ble At�erneys' [e4w and costs of t3ile evldence. <br /> � �� � .��� � 1�thepowrr o�sole Is Invoked, Truitze r�pll record o notice of default in each county In which any pa�t of the <br />..;r�`� j .'`" � �.: P r ope r ty is Irea Q��l An d s l u d l �rp i l cop lev o f suc h nM ke in t he manner presc r i b e d by app l ica b le �Aw to Bormwer and to <br /> :%:,. <br /> •. "�.'�, 4 :' •ri:�•' t h e ot her pe�ns p r e:s c r i b e d by ap p l ica b le law.A Rer t he t ime requ ired by epplicuble I��.Trustee shall glve puMk notice <br />"�;�'�7 'f�, �•�''- the 1'roperty at public�uc ion�to the hiphp de�r at th etlm�e and plu��e nd undcrhhe�terms desi�nated�in the not'tce ot ' <br /> �� �`'� p� Y Y l�• !b Y parcel of the <br /> �„��•� ealc In une ur mnre els and in an ordcr Tru4tec determincc. Truslee me yt ne tinlc oi nll or an — <br />�:.t,�,� � �•'����;�; ,� <br /> _ ;;y,, �tn. Property by public unnounrcn�ent ut thc time nnd pl�cc of an}• previoush• schedulcd sale. I.cnder ar its designee may <br /> ;����°-"'''�w�� pur+chase the Property�t any sale. — <br /> _ .�;.•`Jt - _. <br /> -: = – �,��y�rk�,;7-' - <br /> ;�i <br /> •• " ,�'��it�;a , .. � <br /> .�;. ��`�� f5,+��- Form 9028 Y/�0 -- <br /> . :,�"�R• +t P�q6o�8 E <br /> � <br /> -(1�,'�'3i'i?tjt` �.-. <br />� Y�S:.�'R,. 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