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.... •.sS..'�IL� .. �. . ...� } . . . • Y7� � � � ,�,�:y�4.�,�.,, t.,:l;,��)���.. . -J._ n'f � ������'-�... .. <br /> - 6i+� ._ . ' . . � _ �_.r�.1t=�.9--.f.- . - <br /> . . ', , <br /> ' <br /> ---- __ �. �i�tC..l�_lrM�l. �1�14NK�Il�•�,� �ME_.QAAA' ORilli� Ot�!!�K U!L� AR� - _ <br /> '��•I,pM�f�.�I�iIfM,1p1 bY�,�■1���1��111!d��ea"r�i�1"illd i�t ONii'�fi�.�i� ,.,� <br /> i�:,Aadl��Of wl1���+f��f'tMqrili/11�i�Mlbr.'11111i i�IRli11o�i�llfi�IMI�it11�!q eM�NOMII�►w!�1Mr �ori�" �- <br /> '�IIt'1'.�11y11'Nq11110. TMM �WL'f�0��.plqVjdl�t11�'1�1M'�IO��WI IM 1�10�"by HOIyqM�A(�Y�001'lo�+MYIlf"��pp111itlM�'�� : <br /> � � NMiob.w�,at a w�so�bly,►�lli�wle. 1r�rdl.�b�Miw�oov�ae�oribea.bov� t�entMr�wqr.r�1.�r'� .- <br /> , � qtiu�.abqia pwa�►l4 poa1�W lrendec'�tykt in.,�Ye piqqe�t�r.u aoQa�� �M au�npb 7. • .: '' �,, <br /> . Au wn..o�paNdN Mur ronnw.u.�u a.00eol�bk-a ba�aer ana.,ili.0�r�olua.�.aaa�ra aiwtqp ol�... cMdir �� ,..,;_ <br /> -_---._._.____._�...._..�,.�, �ll hwe t�e ef�M te fndd the l�+�k1e��nt!ea�►nds.lll�nnde�r roguiroe. Bnr�ower�11�IY giw b I�dK�I wo�1�d .. ; � <br /> r�v�+�da mm�err�il aotf�a.L►tlie evaR a!ioa.ea�wm��h.0�lvo pncanpc nodoe to the inmuaae,ae+rMr.Ai l�.�r�� � <br /> l�qdet nMy aWce pnoatof loll�if nM m�d�proimp�ly bY Boeawer. � <br /> Unlau�Le�wler and Bdnnarer otherM�ire+�e la vi±ridn�. ina�noe pmoeaft shdl ba�ppUed w�aW�or ropiiir of 1be <br /> �P�Y�,if tbe eatar�tian or rq�ir L e0000mio�lly fe�uible�ud Lender'���ity b nat lea�x�od.If the re�t�unNon ar <br /> apalr io rat eoonomldly fauibb or[.ende�'�.sea�rity a�auld be lau�ened,tbe iawraaos p�oceed��Il bo qiplied a the anu� <br /> �ecurod 6y thie Securlty I�umait� whethor or not dan due. wlth wy e�ccew pid w Bo�mwer. If Botrower�6�atioai the <br /> Propaty,or doar aoR mcvw7 within 30 d�ya�rwdoe finm I.erdor tiwt the inwnu�ce curiar 4�ot�Otod oa�eple a c�aim�d�ea <br /> Lmida mq collea the insuranoc prooeedo. i�e�dar m�y we tlie pmoeedi w irpir o� �atorc We Propaqt ar b p�y wm� . <br /> �ewrod�y qd�3ocvriry Iacdaaknt.whether or not tbaf due.Tho 30-d�y pe�iod wlll be=in ahdo�Iho aatioo i��i�vp�. • <br /> UNa4 I.ender �ad Borrowcr otbarwirc a�ree ia adtin�. wry �p�tbn of paxeds to priadpi tlali aot oxtad a ' <br /> postpone tbo due d�te of tbe mauhly payanaqs refa'red W in � 1 ad 2 tx dwq�e the�unouat af tLe p�qranonte. If <br /> - - - uedct peee�le 21'tlre PnopMy ie aeq��i�rd by Lt�ckr,Borr�cr►►�er's�t to mrx�a p�rlicits e�s!ps�a.�erds�e�ult�•+�fm� <br /> _ darr�e to tUe Pmope�r�jr prior w We�tion�bWl pacs w I.�ader w We exteat of the c�eoa�nod by tpic Socatrityr lneqntpa�t <br /> iomedjatdy prior w ihe roquisitian. <br /> _ 6.Oocup�ocy,RaervNloo.11tilotma�oe aad PrutectRoa di tLe Pnopaty;Bon+o�vcr'e Lo�a A�plkk�ttion;Lairebold�. <br /> , Bornower�F�all oc�cup��r.astablish,and use the Pr�erty as Borro�ver's principwl,rcsidenx wilhln�lxty d�Ys aftu tda exxutlon of , . <br /> '-"'� :,' 1 thia Sxudty Ineaumeitt and shAll contlnue to oraupy the Property as Borrow�ee!'s priacipu�l iaidenoo�oi�u latt oae yar sfter (,,;;;.,,�,. <br /> --- -_=-��'� the date of oocupancy.unless[.aisler other.Wl7c Apees in writin�,which oonsent alwll not be wu�onably wiUiheld.or uNeao '• ;�..,;t <br /> _ -== extenu�ting circumstanxs eaist which':�u+e beyond Botrower's control. Borrowu chall not destmy, dunr�e or Imp�ir the '. ' . <br /> =-_= Propetty,�Ilow the Property to dete�iorAta.or canmlt waste oa Ihe Property Horrower stull be In defiult if�ay forfdwn ' <br /> __ '��� �ction or r000edi whether civd3 br,etimins�l. ia n that in Lender's ood faith ud �� �'" <br /> P �B. � 8 . 1 S�t oould�+esult in fodciturc d tho �. <br /> - .--�- Pnnpaty or otherwise m�tedWly i�,pair the lien crcstad by this Saur�ty Iastn�ment or l,ender's sxurity iuterost.Bomowa may.�' ' �,,,�; <br /> _ eure cueh a default ard reinawu,as�rovldod in p�ragraph 18�hy awsing the actbn or prae4ading to be dismicsed with a nding'�. . <br /> .,�. thas, 3r. l.asc3eer's�ad f��sh�et�r,:�;nalian. precl�ttles fosf'�ss:r�of !he Bors+owa's ir.l�st'in!he Ps�sy or sxher mater3a! '' <br /> �.:^�„���� ,, impairmeM of the lien cc+eated by 2hia`Security Instrument or Lender's sxurity iMerest. Darrower shall also bc ia default if <br /> ' Borrower,dudng the loan applicatlop prooc�s,gpve metedelty falae or inaccurnte infortr�tlon or statemcnts to Lender(or failed <br />-y"� �o provide Lcndcr with any material inforn�ationA in connection wi�h the la�n evidenced by the Note,including.but not limited , <br /> w, represenwtions catkerniog Bormwer's occupancy of the Property as a pr�ncipal residence. !f thia Seturity Insuument is on a <br /> _ �' "--�;�;,� leasehold. eorrower sholl rnmply with all the provisions of thc lease. If Borrower aequlre� fee Htle w the Property. the ' " <br />-- �'•���'"•�� �, lessehold and the fee tiQe shull not rnerge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. ' <br /> 7.ProteMion ot I,ender's Rights in tt�e Property.If Borrower fails to perform the cuvenants and agreements oontainal in <br /> ' thia Secudty lnstrumetN, or there is a legal procoeding that may sigoificanUy affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a � <br /> ""1�. ' proceeding in bankruptcy, probate,fpr condemnation or forfeiturc or to eafoTCe laws or regulations). then Lender may do and , �' <br />- �� ' �,.�. � a far whatever is noces to �atect the value of the Pro n and l.ender's ri hts in the Pro Lender's acdoas ma <br /> .. {s;r:�:�� <br /> P Y �5' P Pe Y � P�KY• Y <br />'? �,�j;�,�;��J?�(�`o; inclu�e puying any sums secuted hy a lien which hac priority over this Security Inurument, appearing in cauri. paying <br /> '��j �' :^>:"� rcasonable attorneys' fas and entering on the Property to ma0ce repnirs. AUhough Lender ma3�take�QCtion utxkr thia pa►a�raph - <br /> �• '} " � 7,Lender does not have to do so. � <br />�Y,��;, ���� .,JS,� � My amounts cY4shu�l by Lender unJ�r ihis parngruph 7 shall become udditianAl debt of Bormwer securod by this <br /> :•�:,, '��' :r;�,�c;: Securfry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lcnder agree to other�erms of pAymen�, thesc amounts shall bear intcrest from the � <br /> , . . 1� :��l• . , <br /> �'` � : . .. �+r.' date of disbursement al the Nate rute and slwll be pnyable, wlth iaterest, upcm notic�r from L.cnder to Bornower requestiog . <br /> . CrS+� $,rs�•:�.: <br /> :`.,' ,, , PaYment. <br />- '' ~ •s��'-:� 8.Mort�ge Insurance. li Lender reyuired mortgage insuronce as a condition of making the loan secured by Ihis Security <br /> •,�; �, ':.. �,n - <br /> ti;tl ,7 =,,.� Instrument, 8orrower shall pay the prcmiums requirod to muinlain the mongage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> �;• t �t� •.. mortgege insura�ce coverage requi�ed by I.ender lopses o�cease9�o be in effect. Bonowcr shall pay the premiums required Iv _ <br /> _" ����'t�?'�if;?,,t. ,.,w� obtain ooverage subste�xially equivalent tn the mon�tuge insurance previously in elTect,at a cost xubstantially equi�a0en;to the - <br /> .. •�s��d,'�r.•�:i,'•,o'� <br />��;�;� •:: t�,,.. :�,,A;7': rnst to Borrower of the mongagc insur�ncc previously in effech, fram xn aUcrnate �m�ngage insurcr approved by Le+ukr. If <br /> � ,���;?� ' wbstentially equivulent morigage insurAn�ti coverage is not uvailable, &irrower shall pay to l.ender eUCh month a eum equal to - <br /> `�`�'4,�� � one-twelfth of the}�esrly mort��ge Insurancc premium bcing paid Ny &�rrow•cr uficn tfic insurance cocerage lapsed o� cea.,rJ tv <br /> I ;;��;,��, -i��,yq;� o <br /> „ ,1�'� R�, �1`� be in ef�'ect. Lender will accept,use and retuin these paymems u.y n loss rc�erve in lieu ot mortgage inauranre. Loss ras�;rve <br /> r,��:{`���;;i�r,', formSO� �/a0 ° <br /> � - :. .. �`��r�e.':, Pp�3dE <br />. . 'p.�,Py;•''� � <br /> .�t: . <br /> ' yL.�� L <br /> _ ti�i., . � � - <br /> ,•�� i'`•,��:: ,r a A� .. _- —� • -�- — ��h14YF�n:CS`Sr��TiESSUi'.Rit�.. <br /> - o�"S.' �� � �6' � 1 ' �°y',�, �•;j,.. _♦ . , . '- . i r�iM+�ry"����I�.�4'� �J.���•t!3[ :li, - s�tFY�Y'z.5�n?1Ll��lY�'Y'�___ —. . <br /> ..1.•..��}��u`.191'._tiYLa�u,'�.i��`31��f�MiL�lY{._`.e�..'L�t�r3�K.��I�i[Y!_J �N.t�1�L��3� awwo�raa�aa.aea� <br /> i�� �.��1 . `_ ,_Jj -�_:�- .._- _ _. .. -'. _-- -_._._ . .__`- � .: :��{� -� • •.- .. . � R . �� ti S.�lE�I_,. <br /> ��'� .1� .�e:rn . �. . , : _ :�.,:r, r+F.F.,i w�ig%'t•�.`�i7a �: ',P7-?'. k�p_{ =!'�t`+a` mr. <br /> ��k ,�., . _. _ � ... , ' _ .a ,+., ,-r, . ..S f•w•-,,�y..��•-1 �..f � - � � •o��'.. <br /> . � ` - - . . � . . . _ '� . ' � ' . . 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