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__ _ '_,r�.. VI, .�� 'T.+•• .��1 . . .�+t' .Yti`�'�1'�'-.-a�j,r�.f '."��`s � .� Y'w"-�i���'r�'"`� r,y� '�;�'jC': a� ��l:-r��t��alr� ^ _ <br /> .. �Owl `�, r - - ��). 4 J�_ <br /> ����•��OY��6!"'..Qf�MA�FN���� , /�. �M ���� , .... <br /> �t.�, <br /> • .>.. <br /> . I <br /> _ _�_ Qseares'1�0�`!�"�'�p' � �.-e�!le��lA}l�13":���.�l�l�'d _ ��l�b�+tie.'Oe!r�d!' t�-+!�!±!i+�° <br /> _ � IpMinM�c:'111Q:�t',t�6 fi�e�oi�Ui�ddn'�d.�•ia'�B�oWd4►TaKtw�nntMlhs"Rm11�bJ►." ` o ' '�� s �.._ <br /> . �OR1q�R C�LfV�lUAN7'��hrt 9oaaii�r 1�Ii�IM1q��nd arlhs wp�M binlq pMl���d�1iw�erY1�lI lrr���lll1 - <br /> oonwry��i+�erty a�d dMt�he Prop�et�►h aq+nolro�wd. �xa+p 1br.�d�d�o+��Mr.wM�il���1�111 ' •�'. : <br /> d�nd�ly ths 1tt1�ta tlrt qpdnM d)oWnM Md d�ad���ubjeol a�►.�ao�iwMr d tiolaail,'� � " '•� `� �.. <br /> . <br /> �'!'�lt� '�. 1.RITY INb7'R��'tbalbina un{Ibeq ocw�at�(Ix'�II�n11'itM M�d�MnIl;p�rlqM111��'•:.«�.,;_=- <br /> , �:+�IMloir by►3�ai1w b ooNWMM��wdfan�roarlty iutn�rrat aorM�{�I p�e�►. .., , � �, .. . � -- <br /> ----- � � �il�o�tlrt co'VBt�fAt�i7'8.�wd t�+r��+t—�,�r�c��owa: . . . . . , <br /> . ,.'�w-���•�� �� � � {I��� � �+ !'Y�.��.� ,. .� ' -_ <br /> pri�l a�.ad iaqib�c oa die de�t Nrldr�o+d!►!►dN Nae pd ray p�qr�aiat wd 4ta chM�,a dw undie p�'�, ; : .. ; <br /> � �.�Ibr'hw w iiror�rbe�.BabJe�t a�ppllo�ble 4*►o��o�wriaea Vrndva�b�i [�roder.�anrnw�er dadl pq►a . <br /> I.�oder nn tha dny monthly pqra�eau�ro aus undx tM Naie�wwil the Note b pdd J�IWI.�wm('Audd�")thr.<�)Y�S►� , <br /> . �W.wawnaM�wbich nwy M�ia pdodty ovor thi�Sauriry In�dumau��lien on the Propaty:(b)yarlY te�ld pqrma� . . _ <br /> ar around nent�on Qb Pnope�ty.lf wy:<c)Yeu�Y hav.�nA or pno�eiiy Inwranca�nomiuma:(d)Y1�1Y Aad ia�ut�no4 p�eadule�; <br /> if�ny: (e)YairlY romt�ge inunooe promiupu.iP�uryp.and (fl+�ny�unu pYable by 8o�rowor to Landar�in+�000�d�noe� <br /> t1�c provWorn of p�n�tb 8�in Iku af Ilw p�yraeat af maMg�o Inwnnoe pratduaa.T'he�e itbq��uo c�ll�ed'P.�nor Ite�n.' � ; <br /> i�oder aa�y. �t aay thqo.Colled aad hoW Fund�ia m �auunt not W exoeed Ihe muimuns amopnt�la►der!ar�lbder�ily <br /> ndMed nrxt8+�e lom maY roWi��e for Bono�ver'�acaow aaoour�t uuder da fadawl Ral B�t�ta S6ulonant Prooeduro lAot ot' . <br /> 1971 as�n�eadod fiood dme W tlme. 12 U.3.C. Section 2601 d seq.('RB3Pl►").unksc a�otbor I�w!6u�pplia to d�e�undt . <br /> _- 6E26 II jGiiCi'Slt�iiiit. K iQ� j.Llt�d'f11�1,!!t tplj►(�lC.CD�EGL ARa!!O���!!n!!ll!!!IklRf IIOt tA Al�l�el�f�IS��MII!�Iwllpwt. ;._.�. - <br /> ------- I.e�der a�y aRim�te the ataoant of Fwdt duc oa 1he bsih of cumau dtW�qd�woaiblo cidrtiMa of�paadiaua of fiqwe <br /> Esc�now iw�u or athaWrl�e ia�cco�noc with y�plicabk Ipw. <br /> ' 1'6e�nds �aU be hcld in an institudon whose dqwait� ue insurod by a fodor�) agency, inrtnm�nWity. ob' entitY <br /> (iocludiag Lerde�.if I.erKia ic such an iastiuwiou)or ia sury Fcder�l Homo Iroan Bank.l.aWer chall s�pply the Plindt b p�y the � ' . <br /> Escrow Items.Lc.,nda�ttuy aot chwge Itarower for holdir�and applyiq�tiie Fundn.anatully wlyzing the acra�v�000uat,o� ' :: . <br /> , ve,�ii�ir�thc Bcbrow Items.unlc�i.cnder paya Elanower iaten�st on Uie Ir�in�ls aad applipble law parai�q I�auder to ua�ce wcb . <br /> . a�iwr�e.Howevu.Laider rt�y requiie Borrov�er to pa��aawRt•time ch�rge for an indepudaU rcal,�le;tu nepa�tiq��avke <br /> ��IS� by I.en�kr in connoqion with �his loap,`ualess up�li�ble Iaw pmvides othe�se. Unlcas.`sm.'�roa�:ia mde or <br /> ���.• liat6k law roquires intercst W be p�id,j.;aicl(ar sb�111,nat be roquired to pay Borrowu�u►y intcr�st,or earnings�oh,the Fuods. <br /> __.. �:, � .�tYower and LeMer:my agroe i�wrking:however.that intcrcst sl�all be paid on thc Ftiu�ds.I.�euder aliall give yq Ho�mwer. <br /> •;ti'�'', 1�rie6out charge. an ann�al aocounti�g of the Fuiids. ahowin� crodits and debits to the Fumds w�d�the purpose:fl►t��w4ich each <br /> _ - deW4 W the Funds was ttiAde.The Fuods ane pledged as addiu�nal securlty for ali sums saoured by dria 9ocuritY�j�runla�t• <br />"''"`°'�"�' � 1f the Funde f�eld by Lender ezceed thc amounts permitted to be hcld by applicable�law.Lender shall acoouat to Horrower <br /> -- � for the exass���u7s in accordence wi�h the requirertunts of�Ipllcable law.If the amoant of the Fupda held by��,et�d'et.At Ady' <br /> __ tims is not suffici ent to pay the Escrow Items wd�en due,l.aider may so nrnify Borrower in wdtin�;ard,in weh c�Bonawer <br /> --.-.---..— !' shall•PaY to LlntDrr ihe atne►unt necessary ta inalte up the deficietwy.�orrower�Iwll make up the deficienci' ma+e than ' <br /> twelve.monthlY pa3'ments.�t Lender's sole discretion. �,� <br /> , , •� � t�pon payment in full of all sums se4ared by this Secudty Inswment. I.ender shall promplly,refund to Bo�rower any <br /> - '-'� Fulnds held by I.e�der.If,under paragraph?1,i.end�r ehall acyuim or sell the Property,[.ender. prior to the acquisition or ssJe <br /> �'�'" , of the Property, shall epply ony Funds held by l.ender st the time of aoquisition or sale as a crcdi�agsunst the wunr secured by ,. <br /> _—--° this Secvrity Instrument. , <br /> __=��� � , ' �.ApplleAdon ot Paymeats.Unless applieable law provides otherwise,all payments received by l.enckr unc�er paregraphs <br />"``'w'""""N°' , . , 1 und 2 shall be applial: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note: seconcJ, ifl amounta puyable�unde��►cagraph 2;. <br />�=LL�?�`���s�+' interest due;fourih,to principal due;aatd last,to any late ctwrges due under the Nore. ' <br />°`�'T����'� •� 4.Clwrges; Llens. Bonower shall pa�aCl Iaxes,nsuessrnents, ch•rrg�s, fines and impositions auiribuWble to d�e Propeny <br />��.,,:..�,u�« <br /> ��"'� •� �which may nttain priority over this Security I�u:trumcnt. wid leasehold payments ar ground rents, ii'uny. Borrower shall psiy � <br /> _'�-�� �these ablfg�tions in thc manner providod in parngraph 2,or if not puid fn tha munner.Borrower shall poy them on time directly <br /> -`�':�'� 'tn ihe rson owed a ment. &imower shall mm tl furnish �o l.ender all notices�if sunounts to be d under this <br /> -,s�:��t� Pe P Y P P Y P� P�8 � <br /> � if Horrowe�makes these payments directly,Horrower shall promptly Pumish to I.ernler receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> `_t��ti�',;� <br /> n��.1,���,� Borrower shall promptly dischorge any lien which haapriority ucer this Sc�urity Instrument unl::sa Borrower.(a)agrecs in <br /> �m=.�t�s�J wriling to Ihe pa�ro�ent uf the ubligAlion serured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)cuntrsls in goad faith the lien - <br /> �r�`A by, ar defends against enforcem�mt of thr fien in, Irg.d prekec�dings which in �F� l,ender's opinion operute to prevent the ' <br /> 's�'-`�'-"� enfarcement of the lien;or(c1 xtiures Gom the holde�at the lien�n agreement w�isfactan to l.ender subo►dinatin�the lien to = <br />�R="-�'� this Security Instrument. If Lender Jetermine�that any pan ��f�he Property is+ubject yo u lien which nmv attain priocih•over <br /> ���7i this Security Instniment. Lender mu� giv� &rcr��w•er a notice iden�ifying ti�(ien. Borrower ahaU wtisfy the lien or take onC ar <br />-a.�;:yi r;�,'�' morc oi�he actionc set fonh above wi�hin i0 J�ya uf the�.i�iag oi'noti�e. _ <br />�;r��••;�� Fwm 3028 8100 — <br /> .:-ev�: Pp�7 ot 6 - <br /> .. r. - <br /> •�.`�� - <br />_ ;,Lf" :� i -- <br />-=����: <br /> r���� — ��� ��.�C"�' "�,4�4c;va rF�7f . . -- _ ._ _ _ _—._.— : . . .. . . . } . <br /> '_"�N��s-�a,i�:'�.�.-z. f � . . T'_� - ,�. , . 1� .j.i �.+•. � .. ;� itti.�1�".�.n�S�Aa:bJ��!��Y�S���LJXsK�+ <br /> __-=fM�fza�/S�r�,• . . • _ _ d_ _ .e.�� . <br /> - � ���(� ��ile,l•"'�•3 .. <br /> - _. .�:0� \Y1t M.wt..t��.va..�1:�. — ^�.:'.E�v-= . <br /> � 9s,�y'" �K � , -- - ���i�� �u-n;�^.�,�u - �-��hr,,'�'!�t arf a �,� �.q�. <br /> �.�SM1�t t �. . . ', �s , '�� `- ' ,li�,�'.:•�.;a �'a'4:Z4''� "�: 1 .'v. - <br /> b-,r ��i x,'- . 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