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, ') l,�. ..;{. ,. ,. . .. . . • �r"�. y �F^t . r ^—a•..�...� .�-_ <br /> ...........� � ;, +�,.t � . .. . , .,, � �-,--7--,.v�°+�.. -�r L�:: <br /> _ . _ • �ar •i -.� �- ' ;y1�� - �ft�i�.-� �,�' <br /> .��---.-- _ , . ^ .pd f�t C�i{tOyfRSO�ii�dt O�COII�.���M/Md . . � • <br /> CWi�OqllO�'lC��,������Y . :. . l .: . , ' _•. <br /> ^``�f�i1 tl1e we�d foMl ukiry K'tlie Pt�e�tY+ tllep�op���MYII br IipplMd p tlMwriy��oinnd by diie�ar�41 .�° �"',h1: <br /> ��wl�l�x ar aat tha�wlth Nn�yp�id������aw�t ot�.p�i�l�����,I►b° .. � . <br /> �hicl�tha talr nyrket vvue ot ProponY �twa <br /> . �epN,pd by thl�Secwity la�Immediately be�fae�he uking.unle�Aarowsr�qd L.ender olhetwi�e+�eeo in . � <br /> dr aaa�reaurod by dds Sec�ritY W��eat�WI be redu��d by�he�mount of the.po�ed�multipliedb�die fopoMi� �, ., <br /> �n: (�)the tM�l�mautu of the wmt oecurod immedistely beforo the akin��divided by(b)the f�ir m�ricet wiue a�the <br /> ..._—� ._.____...._..___,��. py�y immedi�oeiy befae the t�• Any bplonce�twl! bo paid w 8atrower. In thc cvent ot n pertt�l.tdcing of the <br /> �in which the t�m�ticet vdue ot tho Property lmmedi�tely Nefae the t�kin�i�Iw�duin the�mount af d�e wais <br /> immedl�tely 6ofaro the�I beun li�od�eiwar�acurad byah�Socu�ity�f�wtromau w�hstl�er�not�e waa ua � <br /> adbrwbe provide�.tbe praoed� �PP <br /> then duo. <br /> If the Proputy 1��bwndoned bY Bonrower�or IP.aflar nwke by Lender to 8amwer dun tho aondao�nor offen to m� <br /> . an awatd or attb a cl�im for duna��Bonnwer t�ils w teapmd w I.ender wW�in 30 dsya afler tha d�to tha pdico io atven, <br /> l.endar it wthoriud to cdloct�d�pP1Y the Proceoda�t itx optioo�;aither w ra�r�tion os Rp�ir of t4�e Pna�aiy a w d�e <br /> wms oecurcd by this 5atritY'I�ae►*wlee�l�ex ar nd M�en dMe. ��. <br /> --:� Udoas tre�ades asd Barruw�er othe�se�rae in writieg.�ny applic�tian of proceeds a�riaicipR!ahwll eot oxiaad or • <br /> -- __...__. �_=�;=w;�;. •:. ... paapon°the due dalo of tbe mantldY PaYm�s�efcned b in p#�grapla 1 and 2 ael�nRe the ae�.q�uM of sueb p�yknautn. . <br /> - �:��.Q�:::s���r�%�H � , il. Yorre�wer Not Rele�aedi Ianrbau�aMOe Bg�l.a�der Not • Widver. BacN►sian af.die dane far p�Yaaeat or <br /> -=_=-":,a�:ar��,,, �;� : mo '�r�tioa ot�marti�atioa aF the aums soca►ed bY�da Socurity Inawment gr�wx�d by Lendor w any sucee�car in i�M�ewt <br /> .�.�. ' :�. of Bo�eaw�!���!1 not n�r.rdea�ro tha li�ilir,s•of the original Namwer or Bmower�cucaswors i� iraa�a+t..Lrander <br /> — ...----.�--�- :."'�•s ,.� .:.� •� sh�ll not bt'requ�to a�mman�e Qrooe°di°gs a8+�ir�my auccessor in inter�.ar reh�ta extead tima��or,Payma�t"�' :�, <br /> :. ..��;' .• othetwise mad fi y amortlzauon of the swns secuned by this Security insuumcrrt by neasah of any Qcamu�d r�d�by the ouuigiauY : • <br /> --�nor� •;• <br /> - -- .,°``°;� .; Borrnwer or Bomavver'a succea�oia ln interest. Any,farbear�u�ce by l.ender in�ex�+s�n8�Y��M'.!'�a�U not�w ��,.•. ,. <br /> �_ �- waiver of or preclude�he exe�+cise of any dght or�medy. , ,. ' _ <br /> '' ' Bouad;Jolnt aaRY Several Liabilityi Co- Yrs '11u covenants anit agr�ementc of this . <br /> 12. Suocessoi�s�Aes�w � <br /> -- --- = Securlt},TeaM�ment shafl bir�d uid benet�t the successors and assigns of Le�der and Bortower�subject w'the Pmvle[onc of �.��•,_- <br />— _-----°�.-� h 17. Ho'rdwer�s covenams and e8reementa ahell bo jaint and severai.Any Borrower who caaigns ItN�Secudty . •,.;;''' - <br /> ---'°-'�� �t but daes not eaecute the Note: (a)is co-signing ihin Secu�itY Instnunent only lo mongqge.grant and canvey Ihnt �::n;;:, . <br />"'�; 8omnwar's lnterost in the P+opercY unde�the te�ms of this Secudry Instn�ment; (b).is not per:wnuiiy obligatal w pay�he sums . , <br /> -- secwtd by thls Secu�ity lnsa�ument;and(c)agrces�hat Lender and any other Borrower moy agr�e tq eatend.modify�farbear _ <br /> or malce any acoommodabna with re�aM to the terme af thia_Securlty lnepument or the Nde anl� tiwt Horkuwa's .- <br />-;�;; cancent. ` � � - <br /> -� 13. I.oam Char�es. If U�e loan securcd by this Securiry (nstrument is subject ta a law w�ich sets mauimum`Ioen ;,,.�•,.,,.,; <br /> - ---- <br /> - -.-;,«� <br /> cherges,and 1h�t IavJ ls flnaity inu�eted sa thas!he interess�r other(onn chwrge.a cnllecicd or to be collected in catneet on .. ::• <br /> ' %A wlth tho loan excxed the permitted limits,�hem (a)anysuch loan charge shall be reduced by Ihe amount neceasaty�a neduce � � <br />. � � the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)wty sums al�eady collected from Borrowcr which excccded pertni�ted limite will be •_ <br /> -'•n ;.� fi rcfunded to Bormwer. L.ondar may choose to meke this refund by reducing the pdnclpal owed under the Note oc by making a <br /> �"� `' '} � diroat poyment to Bortuwer. If a rofund reduces pdneipal.the reduclion will be treated as a partial prcpayment withcwt any <br /> y ,,,.��..a�: . <br /> � ;z,��, . prepxyment charge under U►e Note. <br /> . "y'`, , 14. Noticea Any not[ce to Bomower provided for in thiF Secu�ity Insuument shnll he given by delive�ng lt or by <br /> �J�;� m�iling il by B�st claRS mail unless applicable law Rqui�es usa oP anathe�methad.The notkc shall be directed to the 1'r�operty <br /> � <br /> , '-; ��:..� Addrcss or any other address Borrower designntea by notice to I..ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by flrst class <br />'''��� '�. ' � '��•�'�' mail to L.endcrk address stwted herein or any alher address[.ende�designntcs by no�ice to Bonower. Any notice provided for <br /> ��.K <br /> q.:,,, <<��.. >•..y�,: in this Secudty Inst�ument siwll hc deemed�o huve 6e.en givcn �o Borrower or L.ender when given ac provided in this <br /> w� •�' �.�{;.'_:; -..,:,:r�� mph. , <br /> ��'�' 's>+f "+. ��15. Governing Low; Severability. This Security Instrumem shall be govemed by federnl law and the Inw of the <br /> �:«?�'• ~ - <br /> .�' � ,c�•;,.� .-,., jurisdictian in which the Property iF localed. In the event that any proviFion or clause of�his Secudty Insuument or the Note <br /> '"rr,, � conflicls with applicnble law.such conflict shall na uffect other provixions of this Secu�ity Inslnrment or the Nole which can <br /> - ! <br /> :?� . . <br /> �,, '�°Z��;�u �'� • s>` ��' ba given effect without thc conflicting provision. 'Ib this cnd the pmvisionr of thiti Secu�ity Inslrument and�he Note a�e _ <br />_��: " ..�:r.��S .. . ��•. -- <br />: declared to bc severnble. <br /> ` " e�-;r��• -�,; 16. Borrower's Copy. Bormwcr shnll be given one confonned ropy of Ihe Note und of this Security Instrument. <br /> ` ; �Kw,`��� .� t7. 'IY�nsfer of the Property or a Beneficial lnterest in Borrower. If ull or uny pan of'the Property or any interest in <br /> •`a 'k�"�G��?'"',,.;1' it is sold or transfemed (or if a t�eneficiol interest in Bormwcr is xoid or�rnnsferr�d und Borrower ls not a naturnl person) <br /> - "r .�.`�'�•""��� wlthout LenderS prior written consent,Lender nwy, m�ts option.require immediate puymem in full of All sums secured by - <br /> w.� 1; �� a; .. ' .;� �;. <br /> -_�.� ,•i;,} ..��.�� this Secudty Instrument. However,thix option shall na be exercired by Lendrr if exercise is prohfbi�ed by federal Inw as of _� <br /> '� ��'^ � •" ' the date of this Securily Instrument. _ <br /> ;;,� •,,<<..,,, -- <br />, �. � �t;.;:;,:`��� If Lender exercises�his option,l.ender shull give Borrower naice ot xreleratio�. 'fh�natice shall provide u period oi <br /> ;�;.. ;'•"+�.'��'"������;y na le�s than 30 dAys from the date�hc na�ice is delivered or msdkd within v►hwh Borrowrr must pay ull sums secured by�qis _ <br /> ,;:' ;.. �`"•"• '`.'.k '.,{ . Securii Instrumcm. If Borrower fails to puy �hese xumx prior tu U�eapir�ticx� of this period. Lender may invoke my - <br /> .,�,;F�� "�'�,;;�7�►�'�', , y __ <br /> ''. , , ��,,r f', remediea permitted by�his Security Instrumenl wi�hout further nwice or demaad on Borrower. __ <br /> �_�.�.:��ti•:_.'::i. ' 1A. Anrrower c Right le Re{nstate. If B�uwer mee�s cen�in rnn.litions. Borrower.ha!! havr tP�e right w have =- <br />,_.. .._.,,rt} r <br /> ,• '-�`'� ...;;z'�. 4 , enforceme�c of this Security In�:tNment disrominu�d u�any�ime prior�a the earlier of: lal S days(or vuch cxher penod as _ <br /> . ,• .; .�;• <br /> . , s� '+:;;.�};�v{}"'�'��:� Sin�kF�mily•-Flumki�laNlYeddieMocliMlY1RI111tiSTRl•WS�rr•-u�+ranoco�� e»o�rwore•*�o�af9► <br /> ti���,;.° _�:?�;'1�i�� � - <br /> '�F..Si,.�: •�r.i � ,,( � '. —. <br /> �. �t l�, ,,r���. <br /> � 4;j r _. <br /> 4`,�; �1 t} �? �" ; <br /> M� • , � '3 a=�,�i��� �-�—�----- .. <br /> ��`� /� y ti �.�,!� . �,��,�N�r} ' _�;��tcsti;m�,�Q�.. ` ,�.:..�.o.��..� R.z <br /> � ( �t�p �i�cl�'�.!� -r� .:� �\' . �- '=�--_' ' . .. . . ..Y.. ���-�T l�•��.����.•a*,J� ._� i� r 1 <br /> rt � ' � �r., ;� <br /> .-.Y 'f l� y, }� II /• _' �1 1' ��� � <br />-�+7�. H13� ,`[BiiQu�'S�. ��i... . r . . J r . . ��'1�5 P. .�. • J7• 1��;t t� ' 1{+. <br /> ' <br /> � � <br /> � . <br /> �.�.�(IAN��'Y- �C � ' . , <br /> • . 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