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�. ' " �.,C•rt"",�� t'*�Ml) � � . r,' '!�-'.,�'�"' . i '�.�'��s� '__ ____ __ ___..j�, �1 r. ' <br /> -'�......._.�_.._. , �..7 F ' - • ' _, ' .. ' ,' , , ,' ,_ ,. . . �� . . . . ,�w�� . <br /> ' --- ' . . . _ .� <br /> --�•-,,����.�1�0� �. �0�ftM100�.,.,�,y,��.��M�O{f���10 C�iG��I ��y� viwMw• <br /> !"�*"'� � P..•ww� '"i J�^'� <br /> , .. ' appmvd which t�N not t�e�u�non�bly wit�6�d. u BaqOwrr fiW to a� de�ed�b�.i.�der,o�y.M . <br /> 'l+aberl�apdan�abpdn aatiera�a to pofeG I,eadetl�e�hta ia 1be Prh pero ty ln�000ld�nn�p�a�raph 7. <br /> � Atl insunawo pollcies p►d ra�ew�l�slu�ll be�oo�t�blo to L�ender u�d shdl Molude�q�nd�rd�no�t�ye c1Nwa Laidet <br /> i�IWI b�ve tho�ht to la�tla polkbs md�anew�it. V i..aider mqulro�.Baaower�II Pn�P�9�i�a to 1.eaiK dl rooalptr <br /> of P�id Pranivan��nd r�aiewd nodoe�. ta the ev�a�e of lau,Barower clWl �ive prompt notke ro tLe�ob c+�nier�ad <br /> . l.a�dw: Laide�aniy aWice proa�totlo.�Uoot m�ds P�P�Y f+Y B�'�• <br /> Uekn Imder sad Ban�nwer ad�ecwi�e�roe ia wdtin�,Inuiraaoeproo �IWI ba�pplied w roatontioa or rop�tr ot <br /> - �-°�� ___ � the�P�op�ty d��if the �tatatia�or iep� i�aconomiaiUy fea�ible�i.enderl��ecurity i�not la�a�ed. If 16e <br /> reu rMton ar i�not eoonomic�lly fo�uible or Landarl��ecurity wouW be k�rer�ed�t1a iruunu�ve poaeed��h�il be <br /> applied ta tt�e twna�ec�qed by thit 3ocudty LuwmaK,wheil�ar na then duo�with any e�poid to Horrower. If <br /> i Barowtr�b�ndonr the Pmpe�ey.or doea not atuwer wltbin 30 day� �ootke fi+om Lender th�t the inwru�e c�urler hu <br /> � otfaed w canle a cldm,tixn l.iaidor m�y coUoct the inaunace proaeda Lander mpy use tho prooeeds to�op�ir or mato�a <br /> i the Proporty ar to p�y auns�ecu�rod by tWt 5ecuuity 1nt�nune�t,whqber or not then due. 71a 30d�y perlod wW be�in when <br /> _. ! 1ho not�cx is giveo. <br /> � Unloas Lender�nd B«mw�r athe�wise�nee ia w�iting,enyqrpliauion of procooda to pdnciprl shw11 not ex�ead ur <br /> Postpona�he due due of�he nno�Mhly pqnnaMs�efonod t�a is pu�gr�phs 1 aM 2 or change the wnoian o�the ps�nasanis. I� <br /> � unde� 21 the PitopeeY i��quirod aF I.endar. 8otmwer�dght to�ny insurnnce policies�od Pr000edx� <br /> � from to th�Propeny prior a 1he�oqousitk►n si�ull p�se w/.ende�to the extent of the auqs�a.,wed Qy Wic 5ocwitar <br /> - Inmument im�aedi�oely prior to 1ho soquisidon. <br /> -__-- � �9+ ��. M�4teaa�oe a�d Protedioa ot the Prope�r; �on�o.�er'� APP��: ,� <br /> - -- - -- -- .� !.�!�. 9orr,raier sha!!er�x�y�sstabtisl+.and t�s the Pt�operty as Barower�s psiaxep.�!�sida�s within sUtty days after <br /> -:�.-_.�__._.,_ . ... --, the eu�cudo�of this Se�uriry iaspwnent and sball cwatinua wa aocupy ttie Prop�rty as�wer9 pr+ncipal�+acidance far at <br />-- ---=---- '�.leus� one yeu uRer tiie date ai occW►ancP• unless l.endar od�rue agaes ia wnriciag. which consent shall not be <br /> ---,_X_';-�; wuensannbly unloss xateiwating c.L�cMp�tances eust wl�icb ae beyond Bonower�control. Bmrowor shall not <br /> ==-�-�.��' destroy,damage or impair�he,Feaperty.a11wr�•y'4e Av,�erty ta detedorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall <br /> '�^���� �. be in default if uny forfeiqu+e acdan or praoe�Ji�g,whether civU or crfminal.i�6egun that in Lender�s gaod faith judgment � <br /> ���.����; cduld reault �n forfeiture of tho P�ope�ty or o�nvise materielly impeir the lien crcated by this Security Inswment or <br />-�2�,rr=:���� Lender's aecwiry interes� Horrower may cure auch a default and mitutata,as provided in puagraph 18,by causing the a�etfon <br /> -- or praceeding to be dismissed wit�a ruling that,in Lander�s�ood fei�h de�rrninetlon.p�ecludes forfeiture of the 8omower�s � - <br /> � ' .�;�k intcrest in the Property or qher moterial impaimunt uf ihe Uen created by this Socurity InsMiment or Lender+s secudty <br /> ��-•�•�u.���� interest. 8orrower shall also be in defeult if Borrower,dudng the loan applicatlon process, gave metcrially false or <br /> ' inaocurate information or statements to l.ender(or failed ro provide i.ender with any meterial informadon)in connxtlon wlth •� <br /> '.� �..�, the loan evidenced by �he Note, including. but not limltetl to.ropiesentations conearning Bomowers axupancy of the <br />`�`���'''�:�•'� Property es a prinaipal residcncc. If this Security Insdument is on a Icasehold,Bornower shall comply with all the provisions <br /> -, --_. _ _,_—� of iiie lease. if Bomovver ncquires fee utk to the!'ro x8 8� <br /> perty.tha leaaebold and the fee dtle shall nut me e unlESS Lender a <br />: ���' .; '� w the merger in wridng. <br /> ' 7. ProtecUoa ot I.ender's Itlghfs tn the Property. If Bomower fails to perform the covenants and agrcements <br />_--�`�A contained in this Security lnstrumant, or there ia a legal pracading that may significnntly affect I.enderk rights in the <br /> :��! 1 HropeKy(such ass a proceoding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnalion or forf'eiture or to enforce laws or�gulations).then <br /> , �"�: Ixnder may do and{wy for whutever ls necessary to protect the value of the Propetty and Lenderls rights in tha Fhuperty. - <br /> ' L.endcrk ections may include paying any sums secural by a lien which has priority aver this Security Instrument,appearing _ <br />'�, - ;�y;% in court.paying reasonable anomeys'fces and entering on 1he Property to make repairs.Although l..cnder may talce action <br />„ ''+. ��5;4,; � un�ler Ihis puragroph 7.Lender das not have�o do so. - <br /> Any umounts digburr,ed by Lender under this pamgmph 7 shall become addilional debt of Borrower secured by Ihis - <br /> � `,,' � • Securi�y Insuument. Unless Botrnwer and Lender agroe to other tarms of payrnent,these umounts shall bear interest from�he - <br /> •„ ' •�' �� � I da�e of disbursement at the Note mte and shall be payable,wl�h interest,upon naUce from I.ender to Bomnwer requesting _ <br /> .a :,w n.��:....., PaYment. _. <br /> .J� �;.���;'�•,r:•.: � B B reyuired mortgage insur�utce as a condition of making the loan secured by this <br /> _ . ,�,�;�,. 8. Mort a e Insurance. If Lender _ <br /> Security Insdumen4 Borrower shall pny thc premiume requircd to maintain �he mongage insurance in effect. If.for any = <br /> '' �. �, neason, the mnrtgage insurance coverage rcquired by I.ender lapses or ceuses to be in effec�, Borrower shall pay the _ <br /> • ,�'��,:.,�� ' premiums required to obtain coverage substanlially equivalent to the mortgage insurance prevbusly in effect, A1 8 COS� '_ <br /> - .K� substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,fmm on altemute mortgage - <br /> ,�s�'"�'�;;''''''''' ;n,...^r'a toved b Lender. If substantiall _ <br /> �f�,�:. . , , PP Y y equivnlent modgage insurance coverAge is not available,Borrower shall pay to _ <br /> „ ::ia; .. �er each month a sum ecNwl to one-twelRh of Ihe yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the = <br /> � '+ ���± � , mce rnvernge lapsed or ceused to be in effec�. Lender wil l accept,use und retAin these puyments as a loss reserve in lieu - <br /> =��.�::�`'esY�,��' �`."� �t'uwrtgage insurance. Loss r+eserve paymemR ma no lon er be requlred, a��he tion of Lender,1f mort a e insurance - <br /> �a''�r- .overoge(in the amount and for the period thnt Lendcr requires)provlded by an insu er approved by Lender�gain becomes <br /> �'H'�'^ r avuiluble and is obt�ined.Barower ah�ll a the <br /> -����,�•• •,,,:.. p y premfums requircd to malntain mongage insurunce in effect,or to provide A <br /> i;.'"' .,. <br /> :;�;,,-,,;;;; � loss reserve.until the requirement for mongage in�urnnce encls in eccordunre wi�h any wriuen ugreement between Borrower <br /> ':. �'''?�.� L � and Lender or opplicoble law. <br />