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-�. a . . .. <br /> � <br /> -- - • �� - � ' — <br /> ,� _ <br /> � � --- -` <br /> � . <br /> ��: � . - - <br /> .. . <br /> , � � , _ .__.. <br /> . , . ��,_____ <br /> � - ---- - �q� { <br /> � �. � , _ - -- - f-,* - - <br /> .r=� - ' . r 1;. ---y'• I��—�- _� ) t « ' _ <br /> ----. . __�s.� , _ ► ' � . _ . . . . a h � - - -'- o <br /> � , ,t, , . ' . . ' • - - ' � � . <br /> . . / . . ' . - , , .__ �� .. :_ , _._�_ <br /> . , p��ble�w a+M9�if�fa ��)bl�n atwr�dq Pr�opwty Pw�u�at b aY�Il�t lor�wr�t�� <br /> � � h��p !b)� �t�Eot�M� �wiq i�N. 'I�o� t;��#�.•n �. <br /> p�LMMI� rII /WII/ WNCII b0 fI1M IMI�P 1��.c�y�IIIp1lRlplt �IMM'I�4M M 1�110 w001IMNI�b� �`Nd <br /> ' . occuenids(b)a�a�ny e�r�rutt at«ty ar.r cov.n.�w�ar�pwa�Me.M •lo)p�ys.0 eup«w�iwcnn.a M.�Rarcia{d���y i 1 ��' �� <br /> � iaNr�n�p�t,inciudin�,but�tot BraUed�o. ro��oNbk aaeo�sey�'taK:wd{�bka woA �aian n l.aid�r ta�y . <br /> I nilWtq a uwm eh�t Me uan ot�1d.searlty t�samaa�,l�adK�ei�ba ia t�.�op�ty md Ba�+owwtb abli�N�py.the <br /> 1 . w�ru �acurod�y d�h SeCaity Imu�unaK�h�ll ao�Mltw� w�un,�d. ',Upoe �laneat 6y �arower+ "Searrlty <br /> -.- __ _ ._.�_ . tnslrnmcnt aad the obfi�adaae�cscuted he:eby�ull reaula lblty dtocdvb'tis it no exrelaadbn fud accinred. HowevK�tM� __ <br /> rt�ht a ro�ut�te WWI na y�ply in die cue of�ooelandaa wider ptr�ph 17. <br /> 19. &M d Notei Ch�p d LaN 8�nioK. 71M Nooe ar�p�t�a intaeat in the Note(a�ather w(tb thi�Sxudty <br /> tnarument)mry be wld one or mae dma without priar�wdae to�mi�aw�er. A wle may rewit in�cb�n�e in the auiry <br /> (�nuMm a th�'t.,o�n Sarvioe�")ttuit oollecu mo�uhly p�ymau�due under We Nota aid thia Sec�rlty Jnanuneat. 71�e ala • <br /> au�y ba one�x mae ch�ei of the Laa 3enrioer wael�ted to�wle ot We Note. V M�p�a b a clu�age of tha I.o�n S�vioa. � <br /> -- Aunawer wili be�iveri written noHce d t1�e cbmge in a000rd�noe with 14�bove�nd y�pliable hw. 7'Me� <br /> - - : will atate!he�uane�nd addras of tha aow Lo�n Servkcr and tho addna�w w piqr�aea��houW be aa*de. 71re aoike wgl � <br /> �lro contvn�ny otpa�infarmation ro9�d!'�PPlic�ble IRw. � .. � �•- <br /> ZA. Il�ardaw 3ub�4soes. Harower thdl not aa�e a pendt the pue�aoo.w�e�dispo�wl.�to�o.or�ela�o d�r <br /> i � E(�zwndow Subu�aces on a in the P�npe�ty Hon+oweu�II nd dw o�or#Ilow anyaeo elce w d0.+�►Y�f� � , '�!=' <br /> -_ � Aqiaqr tL�t i�in vioWian of any Env6onmrntai 7'f�paoeAin�tw�o xnta�eet cdll not appiy W Me p�etence.�.a' <br /> swc�o oa die PlrQperty ot saW{qw�ntidea o[H�rnrdowa S�t�ooea dat aro�aa�ally.��uixed w be tppr�p�dtt�ta poAml. , <br /> i � toddevNi�l aca and to m�intenrQp ot tUe i�tapay+. . ;: <br /> - -�- = . <br /> � Barmwer sF�li�n+aua�ti�.�.ive i.v��Mar vrr�nutioe af�uq imr�tigc�tiw�,ckiva��iaawid.iaw,wik ar aliicr�►ctuua iiy�uy , <br /> , ..," — -- i govemmemal o�regufwtay agt�cy ar pivue p�uty iavolvi�g tee Phopecty aad�►ny Har�ndaus Satitcr+ace oc Rn� v} � ,•,�, <br /> = 1 Law of wb[ch Bomower has actwl Icnowlodeo, If 6ano�irtr�dans. or is noti�iai by �ny �mr�i or.•�}��� '`.'��' •.;j+�`- <br /> a11��1�ty.��y�mc�,a o��,��.aon o�my t�ow suu��"o�u�g u�rropa�y�,neoes�y,r YV7(1i� • ..,.�i.'i i'��" <br /> a <br /> _ +,�,,e„_s �pa�l promptly a�lce a�nxes�y�emeaid aclions�ards�ave wtth�nv�►oument�l l.Aw. .�;���,�.i�r���,�!:i�;;;. <br /> _.`�;;��;;;a;�i As usod in thi�parage�ph xQ►,"Hwaudous Subsqnces"wie tbosa subst+�i�oos dGt7}�rA�w�cic a ha�uudous a�xt�i:b!'�.',S'�?(14!;1.' <br />;::54;.�7. �°� ! Enviromnental And d�o fadowing abstencxs: gasoline.kerosot�.o�ici tlammab]e or wxic peuoleum potYuct�;toxia r,;'.',.�#ti1��; <br /> ...LS. peadeides u�d he�iaides,volaile solvents,matcrials containing�sbe�tas�oe.Pannaldefryde�and�x ' ve matcerlYls. Aa ��'';''.�;`i;;, <br /> � used in this "BnvironmenW law"means federal law�and laW�of tha Jurisdiction wbe/�e Wb�,apdM�jt.��. , <br />.:,�_�,�ryL f x, <br /> P�B�Ph 20, ��:� <br /> w�t�;_ 1 dwt�elate w health�safety oremimnnxntal pnoteetion. � , , �., ,,. ��!'�:,. �'i. <br /> ,���"`��.`F�.�v� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Boirowcr and L.c�dcr funher oovawnt and <br /> ,u��ns,��� �ee as foUowa: " ,�' ' �'r,,,.,+ <br /> __ -__--=__--3N:x;;�,�.€ xl. AceelerAdon; Re�uedles. Lt�dl�S�II �IY@ IIONC! l0 BOROWt1'�IOr 10 A�Cf�l1'IZIOq �OIIOWIr1�;Daia+�'e �•., ,,:,, �+ <br /> i = --- — bret�eh ot pny cavenwat or ag�ement in Ibi�Secnrity Iastrument('�nt eot prlor to arakratlun�qdor ptu'n�r�pb 17 ': • <br /> ''�f'��'����{�4�i ' provida otherwice). The oottoe s6au ` .. <br /> -- • � unle�suaica6te Iww cpecify: (a►tM ddaal�(b)tbe acdon neyYired to c�ra t6e • <br /> -_ <br /> ��;��t�, ^►,��s, ' de�pulti(a)��.�ate,d'ot less t�ae 30 doys from tbe dt�te!be nWice i�givea ta,Borro�eer�by�crhich t6e defiwit mnst be <br /> . ,./. �r��J�f�i , cared;�nd(d)that fi�ilore�to cure We detault on or betore the date apedAed In tde notice awy raault in aooeleratbn of <br /> " � �tii .,�+.�: the sums secured by thia Security Inab�ument and sale of tbe Propevty. The notice ahaN Ibrtder inform Borrower ot <br /> �r�•• the right w relnsWte nfler ac�xleration wnd the right to bMng A cou�t aetion to assert tbe non�exi�tence of a deGwdt or <br /> ;�`::,.: '�<<,,.� � .,;;yyw any otder deten�se of Borrower W acaleratba aad sala If the defoult is not cured on or before the d�te specifkd 4 <br /> ; " ����� the notloe,I.ender at ite opt(on mAy rcquirc immedt�te paqment in full of WI sums secu�d by thie Secarily Instra�eat <br /> '� �' �` without t1Kt6er demwnd and may iavoke the power ot sale and any other nmedles permitted by �ppiicabie law <br /> edle <br /> �;`:;" `' "K..+;. +,�,.ti Lender ahall be extitled to collect aN expenses iocurred in pursuing fhe remcdia provfded ip thit pua�ph 2i, <br />_ _ ��;,�,�..,r` :.� .. <br />--�- �..n;�:;;,;� Including,but not Ilmiled to.reasoaa6k Attorneys'fees And ca�sts of titk evidence. <br />—� r ��'' ��� I�Ihe power of sak is invoked.7Fuatee shwll record a aotke o�defAUlt in each coMnty la wAic6 any put d tl�e <br /> PropeMy Is locwted and sh�ll mpil rnpks of auch notice in the manner prescHbed by Apptkabk law to Borrower w!to <br />,_,;�� ., } �1 the othe�persens prescribed by applicabfe law ARer the time required by appltcable law,'I�ustee a6a0�ive prblk <br />;=y�• ��`�^ r�,�;�r:{:;,�.�,'�'; , � notice of sale to the persone and in the mpnner presc�ibed by epplfcable Ipw 7Fuxtee.without denwnd on Borrower, <br />'.r.. :,,7 , n';,�..1:�-.';;�•.• ' shpll sell the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and�►lece and ender the terms deslgnMed In <br /> .�f:,• �°:m�+���+c'"�re." the notice of sale io one or mwe parcek and in Any order 7Yustee determines. 7Fustee moy postpone snle oP all or wny <br /> � 4... "1 y:i�'yYa�.��;�;�''i��-`�,� <br /> !� ;_. �: �i j J e ... percel oF the Property by public Aanauncemen!at the time and ploce of any previously scheduled snle. I.ender or Ib <br />.�,� .a,: r',�.�•.Q���� f .x. designee may purchase Ihe Property W any sale. <br /> ' ' Upon receipt of paymenl of Ihe rlce bid.71�ustee shall delive�to lhe purchaser 7lrustee•a deed convepinp the <br />_..::I_`..:��.. .IG�.'4��'�,�" P i ■ <br /> PropeMy. The recitals in the 7lruslce's deed shull be prime facic evfdence of the Irulh of fhe stAtements mAde therein. <br /> a;;; �..,�;r`:}•''r�,:. ,�, +�. 7FusteN alwll 1 th <br />____, ., : y�,,� , �',, App y e proceeds of the sale in ihe followiqg order: la/to all costa and expensee o�ezercisioQ the pewer <br />��.�'���?u{:.�rtr"! +;N'�l�.'r ':'� <br />._ �� ��. ����.' <br /> �,{'+'IY .v4�• ��Yl :{•�i_ � . <br /> �.��y�(,� , 'f1'� •~� . . . • <br /> ...1.' • <br /> .�(���� •�. <br /> ;r � 'J �1t Ay!?, p:�s <br />_':f•; �t':�. 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