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1 . . -z -•r_S .. � ._ __ <br />. -- 1.� . � . v't •• . � ''R'la" 'l�d� � .� ��t•• � .p.i*�..� � , .. ._.�y� ,�.L. tI .. - <br /> �� •.� 0� '� ,r . . `' ,.,— �. �i�� ., , ,.P� i� <br /> ��� . , _�� , .. . <br /> • �i ' <br /> .i �. ,�iodr liqt . requ�, 7be inwunaas c�akr Peav�d�e Y�i�awoe�il bs cbb+f�by 9an�ar�t�o r;e.+��11 . <br /> � M�C11�MM 6s wMM1011�W,S► 1tBdt+Orirf f�i b n11�1M�CA�f�O dMCd60d 11U�Mf.1wMYt iTc�►�1Y; ,�,,;, .LL <br /> �optiao,,o b�aw��e b prnlect 1. ��isks in tbr �ia�aarl+�oe.wpb�+p�9. � . � : <br /> � , AU Iaw�sios a a d reiiuw��M1 1 e e a�o�bie W�i u�d�h a l l h�a l u d e��t a n d�M�t�e o�M�. l�w M l b r " <br /> i�ll h�ve tba rl�t ta hold d�e policia ad�ne+�d�. 1 I.a�d�er roquine�„8om►wer rdu�ll pramMl9 l�ve � l�o .ander atl recaipis. � '�`'�� <br /> d f�id Pd��ad�onew�l nolfoa. in the avaM of Wa.Ba�o�wer dWl siv�e pn��pt a w 1 a to d M�e w n n o e c m i e�r�n d , <br /> : . l.aoder. I'aider aa�y m�te poot of lon if not ma�de P�rt!PUy bY Ba'�m�►'�*• <br /> = � [}ukp l;ader�nd Bwrower ahawioe�nee in wr�tL�,jncu�oe slwll be ap,pliat w�aratio�or n�ir of . . <br /> nd o <br /> � dit if tbe r�aW�ation a �ir ia acanomic�lly f �nd L�a�dert�ocwity b�not kateoed. 1t Ibo <br /> , _ R��i ar r is not eoc�namic�lly te�uible ur I.enderti mcurity wadd 60 leuened.the in�qanoe prooeecL�IWI be , <br /> Mppliad ro u�e ams�e�wed by Wir So�riry l�an�nena whaher or aa�duo,wt�h.ny exoas p�dd a Barower. lt <br /> Horrowar�bmdons tbe P�ty.or doe�not iuuwer within 30 days� eotloe fnom I.�ender that dia i�nut�noe cuder bts <br /> otiie�od to�dtle�cWm�Iben Lender m�y collect tha in�uauioe prooeeda. I..eoder m�y uw tbe p�ao�ed�to�ir or nestone <br /> �he Propaty or a p�y�as cecurod by d�Sacudry Inpr+m�eat.wtKther or not tl�due. The 30�day period v►►III ba�ia wNen <br /> the Aot�oe b Qiva�. <br /> Unlas[.aider wd Bararer a�Yawise�gneo ln wrlting,anyapplie.�ioo of pocaeds a principal cludl no�e:tend or <br /> postpohe tho due date d�moat6l�r pwqm�ent�re�emed w!n pa�s�rapha 1 wd 2 or ch�ge tbe amount of ttre P�t�+�,If <br /> under pu�gnpli 2 t the Pbpaqr i�aoquirod by Lenda. Barowa�rig�1 a any iosurance po8ck��nd p�ocoods resnl� <br /> fmm dam�ge to ihe Pboperty pi�or t�o t6o aoqui�itiaa�Inll�aa w Letder w tde e�ait ot tNe wms iecurod by 1hi�SeaukY <br /> la�untait immodlakly pio�rto Wo cquisi�6m. . <br /> _ _—. i. OciYp�cx lhaar+�tRN4� N1�ta�ce aM� P�'�olecf4o� W'We P�ertYi Boff�o�wtr'f 1�oM AP/Mc�W*� <br /> -------- I.e�uebolds. Ba�aWer e1W1 ax.�upy.ex�b�licb,and u�c�6a Ptope�ty as Baiowah princip�l t�esidenco witbin suuY d�Ys dkr <br /> the executia�n d thia Securjry InsUuma�t aad sf�vr�a�imue ro occupy the Pxoperty as Bartowerl�pdncipal�aideoce for at <br /> kast ane ypur Mter the dwte of o�xupancy, wriess l.ender odierwi�e � in wridng. which coasa�t s4all not be� , <br /> twp�oo�bly wilhheld,ar wdess eateiwwing el�umstances exlat which are beyond Bonowerl�ca►trol. Bonnwer shall aot <br /> dexuoy.daonga or impair�Ae Pbparty.albw the Property to deteriorwe.or oommit waste on the Propa�ty. Homower shall � <br /> be in defwlt if�ny forfciwre octlon or proc�edi�g.wlktlier civil or crimin� 6egun th�t in Len�lerls good falth judgtnent • ; .ti <br /> oould rewlt in forfeiture�f�the Property or wUerwise maur�ally impair the lic�crcuted by this Secwiry Inswtnent or , • <br /> L.enderh�ecurlty intet+cst. �!rrower may cu�such a default and provided in puag�ph causing tbe actlan ' . '.' <br /> �P��B to be dismissed with a ruljnp Lc�nder'x good fai�h detcrminatlon,Precludes fafeiture of the Bam�wer'� " . . <br /> inteiest in the Pbnpaty or other matcrlal anpairmcnt of Ihe lien crrated by this Security Instrument or l.ender�s secwity. ,' <br /> Literea� Horrower�all elso be in def�aalt if Bmrower. during the la�n npplic�tic� poa�s, gave maoerlolly filse or <br /> .itWUxurata iaFomwtian ar statements to I.,encler(or failed to provlde Lender wlth any materia�l i�tarmaion)tn oonnecdon with <br /> tbc loan evldenxd by �he Nou.including. but not Ilmited to, �ep�esenlations ca�ce�da¢���H4nrower's axupAtrcY of 1he <br /> _ _ �a�rFncip�!rrsidaue. !f tlsis Secudty ls�.as�srst i�on a k�elwld.9os:��-�!!�er�plY wf�ls a�?��.+nwlaionA <br /> -_ �. .a8 lease, If Borrower acquires fce tiqe w the Properry.the kasehold and the fce'pUc sball na�t me�e unless Lender�grees� <br /> -- : �b ihe meo�et in writing. , <br /> - ' . `/, Pr�e�lioa ot Letider's Rights in the Pro�erly. If Sotrower fails ta perFam ihe covenants and agroer�ten¢s <br /> camained in lhia Securiry•lnswment,or there is a legal praceeding that may sds�nificantly affect l,ender's rights In U�e ' <br /> -- IPropnty(such as a proceed ing in bankruptcy,prvbsue,io�condemnatfon or forfeitu�re or to enforce laws or reguladons),1her+ � <br /> ___...— �t.aider may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect�he vAlue of�he Property and Lendcr�s righfx in the PropeRy. <br />-� - Lender's actions may include paying any sums�secured by u lien which has priority over this Security Instrument.appeanng , <br /> in couR,paying reasonable auorneys'fees and entering on the Property to malce repairs.Although l.ender may talce acNam <br /> - unda this paragraph 7.Lender does not havc ta do so. <br /> = Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parograph 7 shull become addillonal debt of Bomower securcd by Ihis <br /> ---�- Seaurity Inslrument. Unkss Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of puyment.thesc amounls shall beu interest from U�e <br /> date of disbursement ut the Note rote o�chall be payable. with interest.upon�wtice from Lender ro Bamwer roquesting <br /> �"�'� payment. <br /> -.� 8. Mort�nge Insu�nee. If Lender required rnortguge insurruue ag a condition of making the loan secured by this <br />�-��� Secudty Jnstrument,Borrower shall puw��fie premiums reyuired lo maintuin tha mortguge insursince in effect. If,for any <br />_ �ason. the mongAge insurunce covernge required by l.ender lnpses or ceuses to be in effect. Bomower shall pay d�e <br /> �—_-�-� p�+emiums requircd a obtain coveruge aubstontiall� equivulent to ti�e mortguge in�ursnce previously in effect, at a cost <br />-__=""`� substentially equivalent ta t�cost to Borrawer of the mongnge iosu�ance previou�ly in effect,from on alternate mortgage <br /> insurer appnwed by Lender. If substantially equivulent mongnge insurnnce coverage is not uvqilabk.Borrower shall pay to <br /> Lcnder earPa momh a sum equal to one»lwelf�h af the ycarly mnrtgage imurance premium being�aid by Borrower when the <br /> ::;�'�4t7�1'; <br />-_,,;,�-.,�.,� insurance coverage 1�or ceased tn be in eifect. Lender wlll uccept,use und rets�in�he�e paymenis as a loss reterve in lieu <br /> `� _— of mortgnge insurance. Loss neserve payments muy no longer be reyuired,nt the uption of Lender,if moti�tAge insurance <br /> ,,;,�;s coverage(in the amount and for the periad thm Leader reyuires>provided by un in�urer approved by Lendcr Agnio becames <br /> �-''str''`r available and is obtnined.Barrower shall a the remiums re uirc�l to mnintuin mon .� �insu�ance in effect..or to vide a <br />--- ->>;^� P Y P 4 6'�' P�'° <br /> �.r , y <br /> •�::.i��:z�.,. loss reserve,until the requir+ement for mortguge inxumnce endc in accordance with rny written agreement between Borrawer <br /> --- ����i,- . and Lender or applicable luw. <br /> =-�-t:=b,:,;. 9. Inspection. Lender or its nFent muy muke masonable eniric,u�n smd inxpections of thz Property. Lender yhal� � <br /> � ="�°� �ive Borrower notice at the time of or prior lo nn inspecticro specifying reasonable cuuse 1'or the in�peclion. <br />'�'=�x���'; ' 10. Condemn�Nfon. 7'he proceeds of uny uward or cluim for dumages,dircct or conseyuentiul,in connection with ony <br /> :•..,i��.•r,�, <br /> ..��,.,;..,.,.. <br /> •.3. •� Slnjk FRuplly•-Filanle 111ae/MYeddk lNac UNIF()RN INS7'RUMENT••UMfiKm Covenantn 9J90 lpagr.�njn�.et.t+ <br /> _�.:��': 3 <br /> ��:vv�'�� m a�►�,��PO vnn e���ai3� _. <br />;,.�.., , _ <br />-=�..`��"4ili;( ' _ <br /> FIN!]!}!'6� _. <br /> hF: •. <br /> �/� . _ <br /> ]lY <br /> 4,rA�.� . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .. _. <br /> .+'c1�'�.- -. . �"T^T t �,.v_. � P,,. �r7,(� 1•'c.�_� _ <br /> ^.IW.�y! ��ASf� � '1 f- !_ 1� • �d,.�S �� 1 �.��*�. <br /> . �.���. :1.. �i� e i� a . -r�." �{ ��, s1(��1'J't�l 1_�.'+.�� �. r ��.f�1 i1',:�. � �jt-. <br /> .�i..t� ._rS��l'14E.�}fF:��7�.Fr� � �i� �/��►�1 �h12,�r}'.i��1'a�.. <br /> i <br /> �rr. .�4 � - � :-. �t -i� � � :. .�Y f`�+�}��;�3,�� -���I�. . �.':.-�ii� - �.-- � -_- .r �Y:� •-•...y. � .�*`�iY�tr�Si'47 ti 4��'._ _ _ _. `.,•.. <br /> i: 1 �:' {�, _� t� �11��1 u <br /> .-sH., l �. 1 �1 �� .j }'4u, 'A ! � -{ f T,_ "'=J�}x �- ti '�0 - <br /> . ° .,i- � �t`l�l� �7f,r.R� 1�l.� �tfa- ��� .�r..s. � viv+p4`-H; . .�'�.i-�:t` S. ��� �y'�� y'��� , �/F�� !� <br /> w.,,,,�g, �a �r {.� �+ . �fI � ! :'1 - . • .Y.j. . .4- %IY••rr'���.0•H:�:�. .-��Yf.�I � �'/` L - <br /> W,y�.t�� { /_ �l � 7�(fiF�c�It�ftl�� '4�tt�. - �:'[j 1 lVe!�����11: ,''�r�� tT'`� %Tt_ lo}�� <br /> 5�,r .ti . ,-:`' ^^7 S i r t <br /> .c'dpt`'tl��,,,,����yr.1�i� ' �� . b " :r, � , .,�. . . . yti l• '�".iv�: .... _. , k .. , � :a�� '�+����r, ,� <br /> -'i�^ �,:. :i�..'. �•,�". 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