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� vl.`������4 • ' , . .. ' . •.. .. ' '. _ __ .'"' ._'_. .. .._. �i�� .�^ ` - __ <br /> .--�..��..- ... i t f.., 1 y. <br /> ' �• . �• da� <br /> ., . � � . , <br /> . 000ide�llloe de ad�x qide�d aY P�r!oliMe Ptop«Ay.a�aMiwYros dll Ya d�d�a.a Mn�lry wi�d�0 ," <br /> . �p b�p�W p L�drr. ' _ <br /> � b fbe wa�N d��oW t�ia�a�dN lhopasy.�hep�oae0�,IWf tie,pp�d a die spuat.eowed by Ibh�§x�ily . <br /> .� � 1nwuMeol,w6�dier ar aa�hoa dae,wi�h�ay s�coea p�W W Sonnwar. In die ewrt aT�pnlW taki�d dw i4rr,pony in " <br /> , which the t�1t�ket vdue of the Plopat�►Inwmed�ely be�aro�Ire al�ioa!�aqwl to tx�eater dw�die�aaat d dq�ww <br /> iecwed by tAh 5ecu�iry lalnatreallanmedi�iely b�otaie the a�Yln�.trdas BoPruw�m�nd Loeder atharvbe�roe ia..w�ittiy. . . . . <br /> ' the anu aecu�ed by d� Saeuri�y I�rwnaw�11 be neduced by�ho�rnornt at dap��a�uidptiw1y�4e fdlaMly � <br /> ho <br /> _ °-------� ' fraclia�: (�)11�Wwl�mouat ot tho wsw fecureA iy t�foro the tdd�,divldod by(b)the fdr ttm�et vah�e d tbe <br /> p�np�y Wrumdl�tely befam tho taklt�. My b�{�IOe�ib�{! 6e pid to Bomtw�r. lu tbe eveat a��pMIWu1�ot Ihr . <br /> Propoity le nfiich the fi�ir ro�rkq v�luw of We�opaty �n�y bef'oro the t�i�Iw thw tl�e anauat af I�e w� <br /> �ecuaod in�medl�ely befare the .unla� Ao��awer�nd Londer othavvi:e yroe in wtitin�ar uu�las applic�ble 4w <br /> wfw�wbe prov{da,tbe pooeeds�baU i�e applied w tba sww zecwed by�h4 Seeu�ry Iniwment vYl�ether or not the aup�� <br /> � It d�e Propaty ic abandoned by Bonower.�if�efter twlke hy Lender w Bonow�r�h�t the aondemnor olfe�s to m�ke <br /> an+�waid ar altb�cl�im for d�mw,�ec.Bu�row�er fi�ils to respoiwt w LaKkr within 30 d�aftor tl�o duo tha notkx h Qiven. <br /> I.a�der it at�U�arimd m oolloct�nd�pply the p�oceedt��t its optiao.e(tba to�taMlat ar ropair ot'We Peopaty ar to the <br /> . wnu socured bI►th�Sauiity Insawaent�whether or not then dae. <br /> Unksc�der�aid Bomnwer athetwis�e�groo in wdtla�.any icuWn ot pnwbed�w prin�ipd�lull not exta�d ar <br />_ _ po�tpooe the due d�te of the monthlY P�Y��efernd w in{�angn�is 1 and 2 a cA�ngo the�tww�t ot'wch pyn�enU. <br /> ll. Baro�wcr NM Rdea�edi F�arbau�anoe 8 l.ender NW s Wit�. 6uteaaion of tbe t�mo for pRyman or <br /> --- modifi�tinn of'amorti�ruim ef'thn mmc s�acurod by�Secudty lnunuaad 1RNtod by Lender w any wcces�or in iniene�t <br /> of Rwrower shall not apente lo oebaso the Ifability of Uic o�in�I BoRawer or Barrowerk sucoes:os in Intaest.Lender ,. <br /> - - — - clidl nd berequircd w comm�noe prooeedinga against my aucceawr in interost ar refuse w extend Wne fa paymeat or � • . <br /> - atherwlco�rwdlfy iunanization of the wms soeurod by this Security Insuument by reacon of any dema�d mde by the ari�l <br /> Bortower or Borrowcr�succcssors in intcresi. My far6euarNx by Lender in exercbin��ny d�ht or rcmedy ehall not be a <br /> - waiver of or preclude the exercise of Any right or romedy. <br /> l�. Suc�es�ors aod A�iQn Baund;do1M�nd Several Lbbptty;Co-�aeri. Tfie covawits�nd�eementc of�hir <br />„� Socurity I�tnnxnt shall bind and benefit the successors and nssigns of Lender and Bomnwer.subject w the provisions of <br /> � pb l7.Bortowerl� cove�wnts and Agnxmenta�hall be Joint and seve�al.a�y Bamwer who co-signs�his so�urity <br /> neuument but daes not execute tbe Note: (a)is co-signing thir Secu�iry Instrument ooly to mo�tg�e.grant and convey that <br /> Barowerb intetest in�he Property under the terme of this Secutiry Insuumen� Qb)is oot pencan�lly obligued to pay Ihe sums <br />-;� securcd by tlua Security Instrument;and(c)agrcea thot Lender wid any otl�er Bo�rower m�y a�roe to extend,madify,fotbear <br /> -=- �,� or maka any iccommodatio�w wich regard to �he terms of thic Sa�urity Iasoummt or the Nuce withoW dwt Bonowerl� <br />� -.� � f�,� <br />_-c���11�'ri:i1. C011�l'.11�. <br /> -.�_�.,. <br /> _____ " !3. Lt� C�fgea. lt'she loen secyred by this Sec��+t� An�u iv suf.�e�x ca a law which seta maxlmuro laan <br /> �us�;4`- <br />=='�M-u�,,,��.� ---_ � charges.and�hat law is fi�ally into�preted so tiwu the interest ar other laan chuges collected ar to be rnllaKed in eanie�nre . <br /> -=��:__.:.�.,. � ,r, <br /> -=:,�r�,�;�� , wf�h the loan eaceed the pem�ittcd limi�s,tt�eo: fc�)any such loan chugc shatl6e reduc�l by the amaunt nooess�y to reduce . <br />,_;.'�;� - , the charge to�he pemtitted limih,and(b)any a�wms alrcady collected from Bdnower which ezcaded pemtitted limi�s wlll be <br /> :� • � refunded to Bomower. Lcnder may choose to�qn�e this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by making A <br />'_� • • � ..,. . dinect payment to Borrower. If a�iund reduces principal,the reduction will be urated as A parti�l prepayment wid�out any <br />•_=.s�� prepir�nent charge under the Note. <br /> �s_;�� 10. NaNces. Any notice to Bomower provided for in this Sxurity Ipspument s4�aU be glven by delivedng it ot by <br /> � �; mailing it by first class mnil unless applicuble law requires use of another meRlad.The daNee shell he directod to the P�operty <br />�'!';r �; Add�ess or any aher a�Wresq Barower designutes by nodce to Lender. Aoe� notice to l.ender shall be given by fi�st class <br /> __ �� �1. mafl to Lenders address stnled hcrcin or any other address Lender designates by notke to Borrnwer. Any noticc provided for <br /> �: ���� in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrow�ot Le�when given ax provlded in Ihfe <br /> pazagraph. <br /> -� ~:sw' iS. Governing Low;Sever�bility. Thi� Security Instrument shall be gavemed I�y federal law wid the law of the <br /> � ' jurisdiction in whkh the Propeny ia located. Im rlae event that nny provision ar cluuse of this Security Instn�ment or the Note <br />°4, � conflicls with applicnble law,such conflfct sha➢C not affect other provisions of�his Security instrument or the Nate which cun <br /> __ .f�•;. be given effect wfthout the conflicting provislan. 'Ib this end the provisions of this Security Inswment and the Note�v+e <br />��r' desla�ed to bc severnble. <br /> � 16. Borrower's Copy. BaRawer shall 6e given onr coni'ortned copy of the Note nnd of this Security Instrument. <br /> '��' ' 4-t 17. 7lrwisfer ot the Property or a BeneP�ci�l lpterest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Prnperty or any interesi in <br /> •�+ �i K :'�f"'"`" it ix sold or uonsfcrrr�d(or if u beneficinl interest in Borrower is aald or transfemed und Bomower is iwt�natural person) <br /> == ,� without Lender!s priar wriuen consent, Lender may,at its option.reyuire immediatc puyment in full of nll sums secured by <br />`�� +� �his Security Inbtrument. However.�hix option shall not be exe�cised by Lend�r iF exercise is prohibited by federal law aa of <br /> �'�'�Y• the date of t6is Security In�trument. <br />_- �Y ' � lf Lender exercises this aptic�n,Lender shall give Borrowcr notice of accelorntion. The notice shull provide a perial of <br />-''�� s:,r'�`s�' nat less than 30 da s from the date the notice is delivered or mailed withim which Borrower must u all sums cecured b this <br /> .:- .�'� ,, .�.. y p Y Y <br />:=�"' •jr.�^ Security lnsuument. If Borrower t'aUs to p:iy these sums prior to the rxpiration of this period,Lender may invok� any <br /> __ '" ' - ' � remedies Qermitted by 1hi,Securitv Instrumem wilhow further nMire or demand on Bormwer. <br /> T�� .;:� 1& Borrower's Right to Relnstate. 14' 8ottowe�ra�eets cenain conditions,Bomower shall have�he right tc� have <br /> �`���' � �' �'� ' enforcement of thie Securit Instrument discontinued ot an time rior to �hr eurlier of: la)5 d� s (or such other rwd a.c <br /> �� t. . . . .. , Y Y p Y Pr . <br /> � - ,�'�' Sin k F�rnll Ftinnie Mae/i�eddk Moc I�NIF(NtM INSTRUMEM••Unf(am cuvenam. 9l9Y � r t n a <br /> �1:° ,:i Y Y- l�x I IN+xesl <br /> ,t. S .., <br /> ��fy+ ����;..;'• ;; � <br /> � .'- f.r � <br /> ;� t. <br /> ,,� � � � � <br /> �'._ S <br /> '.i '•EY�. ��4�hi���`i�' <br /> b � ��t��1� �+� jy p(1 �Ff1 N <br /> t �qs- .� ':y,�r S� .. .,. �T- i,r•p, t � f�n- - �+Y. t .�-' <br /> 11/!. . � .i +a, i 7 s1f.. .�.... . � \i{ji:l'y dS�!"_•. °J'�f�'4f�1 E'���1�� �II �� ,,. 1-. <br /> �-,.r„„1, y +�t:,t�;��� . .. � .,, � e � f�;{ i�i ��h����..,.. <<_} �•;1 f t�}l,1.' ^ 0,; �'r�". 'rv e • 'i�'- <br /> ,t�(� tt- t� . ����� 1. ��� '�fl. � . .� "i. -. � ,, <br /> (� si���'.1��G�.'I�:�.i�r.ri�.e u.�r�5. •,S.i.� �1�.`t��i��\.GS�I'�f�7� �,��':�. .�ie�5r�-� <br /> �--- �, r h'�1r V r t ��- - -j,� .,�{�- . . _- 'T-• 5 1 ��1.:;+ l . . a t�iwcFYiR:'r `•'���5�.�`�a-• _ <br /> '�:.�1 �{ � �S��� . �i 1 , k�J��1 f; ' . o.�. Y:� ._ . '+'cs.; <br /> -`�{ ,G��a�y���``� L�' „ �i. ,.'�u �-'� •,� ' . . �!l�I�.{���r�•e tf'�t't��. �.Lw. 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