Laserfiche WebLink��nrssa� '- . _ •. ' - ..l �.dYr��yLl{?%•:�..�•.t�! ._ � " , <br /> ;S,{I�i�1�T.:�'i;a4 ,�,�,Y�!]f1il�.lt .p 3.. y � �, �_ fs� . <br /> :ir Jla�il� > . ., .. . . . A /� r . 5 <br /> ...')n '�. . . . ..� ' l.L_ . .'" .� n' � ,_m. �^ r. '°� ffi.?i4�'f <br /> .. �� . . . '. "'L ,�—'�.;� -. .. , . . _ �� . • .. � _ <br /> , •'� �r 'f�i'�x11'�t�111Mr��1�e4r►ar ir�wA�r�I�Md ' :,.: <br /> � aa+hi� ,�d i�1i�wai�+a��.� :�-- <br /> �..'a,a�,�:�l�iti�r rir nr a wrt Mi���J�M Ipd���i�111�lp h�40�►aNd 4Y .� :- <br /> , 6M�rM. Ap d We1Ue , r i��b i�wNr M "X!1�Qpin�•" . . .' . . ,� "�.:�- <br /> � � 60�R�Ow�R AOV�1ANf'�dMt�oi�1�wwlWiy�d o t dis�ple l M r d y►o o s v e y�A+�q d t w n a�i�i a�n a t , - <br /> � a�d oonwy�e wb du�t d�e Pn�aly b�umenoi�d�txo�t�iq�ufi6niaoa a�[reoad. 9a�nawei aurlMt aMd �"; .,,; <br /> . �III reAe�d�e�y t l e thb a d�l4opaty a p i s W t v l d�b�a a� �b j�C t�o�n y�d r�ard. ' � �, <br /> 77i13 88LUR1'1'Y 1NSt7'RUMBNT ooin6ie�a unifonn oo+�anrM�tbr ANIaW we aad aaor�niiotm cor�M� 1!� . ' <br /> --- -- ' � Ippind v�ia�a�by jqnbdi�ion�o omniWle�udfartrt��ec�rity inw�w�eut oavotinp t�l prapetty. ' '. • <br /> DOV@tAM'S. Aonnwe�saa L.ader oo�vawit�d proe u tblbwa: <br /> w <br /> ���t d Pri�dpil aM Inta+ati ti'eP�l�Mi I.�M CM�. Barower s�ll P�P�Y P�y����; '• . <br /> � d wid bqa�at aa d�e debt avidenoed br tbe Noro�ud aay prspyma►t anA We ch�o�due up4�r tka No1e. _ <br /> �e� <br /> R��!br Y1uo�s aM iMrr+�s.SubJoct toapp1��ble la�v ar ta�wriaea waivar 1ry L�ender,Ba�mwer du�N pqr�a . . <br /> . ' t.e�der oa die dRY no�p @4+w�ot�sae due w�der the-Na1e,uaW d�e Note 4 pdd in tbll.�wat�"Ebrd�")tor:(a)Ywly► <br /> w�es*od�pna�+�1�cA�ay�wia grio�itg�thb InWucoe�t as a Ikn oa the Propaty;(b)yea1Y lpudald <br /> ` �pr�wd �s m We A�ope�yr„ it rwapr. (e)Yarl�oe pcope�ty inwnu�ce promlwao�; d( ) flaod <br /> praaiwnt. it aq�t;(e) �r mo�t�+�ts��urmoe paNum�N'My:�nd(��ni►�aua� Ix1� �'Y�'to <br /> aooa�daNOe�riW Uhe��ovi�ont of p�a�q�h B.In Ueu oF let�ayme�t i►f mort�e im�oc.��eaaiwru. 711eta <br /> ioaaa�are called'E'saro�r I�s. I.eoder mry.�t �eryr tLaa,aoq�xt aad YoAd fi�aiR in w�mou�t�oR b e:oeed die a�uimum <br /> . amamt a ks�da for a feddn�liy�elred ma�laa du�y c�equite fa Bano.�af aemw�auot uod�r t�e ied�a�A Ata�D ' <br /> B�n1b Shclanmt Pyocedura kt oi 1974 at aa�eodcd fran Wae w date.l2 U.S.C.¢Z601 R ("ItESPr1"�mlest�mod� <br /> - t�r t�at�to t!�E�ds a�els e leeaer� If sn.Le�es� aa�y tie�.colkst nad�Rm�ls 6e de��x tt* • ....� �.- <br /> - -- exceed tEa kc�er aaaioaot. [iadcr qpy�e dse anowu of Riode duo ao the bais d�nen dra a�d t+eMO��ble , <br /> : eWa�tes af expeodit�Oa of fiutuu�o�q+ow'Iteaa orad�urvise ia�ccadmce�ritb applicable law. <br /> The i;uidt�Wp 6e hdd ia iw�ia�ddaiaa whosa depotits m Liw�d Iry a federd a�enry.ia�urumd� aMiry <br /> T�s.,":P,�� .:•�, (iocludL�B La�der.if La�der is suc�an inwitudon)ar in my iiedaal Hame l.oan Sanlc. t�enda ad�U�pply�he Iindt to Wy <br /> - _ _ . 1ba F.�crnw Itaas. Lemder may no1 charge Ban�ower fa holdiiqg aad�pp1yiug da Hu�ds.mawqy awlysing tAe escrow <br /> - a000u�y ar vaii�riag tbe Ecc�uw Items.�mlea I.aWer pays Bonnwu�ataat on the Rmds aad�pplicabla law pem�ts <br /> . i,et�d�a w m�lce such,s c�arge.�oayroquire Bormwer w pay a one-time charge tor�q i�t�eal <br /> ' '.�;� � esp�u t�c ropo�ting s�ace uaed by I.rnder ia ca�n�eclioa whh t!�loaa,unlea+�spplicable law provida od�awiRe. Unles�m <br /> ���� � �roeaneat is m�de or OpplicaMe Iaw requi�es in�St to be p�id.t.aider shoU not bc roquirod w p�y Bonower any inunest or <br /> � euniags an 1be Eimds. Bonower and I.ender m�y agnee in writing,however�that intereat shall be paid on the Funds.Ldtder <br /> � �hall give w Borrower.:witl�out anauwl�ting of the FLnds.slaw�ing cndits�ad debire to the Flmds�nd 1he <br /> .� , � pui�po�e fat which each debit to the Punds wa+n�de. 'lUe FUndr�re pledged as�ddfdorol rxutity for W s�mu sa�qmd by <br /> tWs Securiry Iaswmeat. . <br /> _ __ .��,i , if the Funais heid by L�ender accaed dn arnounie pumitiexl tu 8� i�7 by�plicaWa{aw. L,esid�.''�slrs!!arr�srst ta <br /> °"^'� ��' •' Bo�mwer for the excess Fluxla in'�cca�dance with the requlrements of applicAble law. If tfie amount of the P+mds I�eW by <br /> --=� ,.�t l.ender u�ny time is not suffl�iea�d to pay the Escrow Items whe�due.Lender may so oa[if9 8o�rower in wridng� <br /> ,� . such case Borrower aluiU pay to A.erx{a the wttaunt neeeseury•ta mWce uQ the deficleuc�y. Ba�rowet•aiwll maica up the ' <br /> � ,. deftcia�cy in no more du�n twelve monthlY payaents,at Lender�s sole dlscrepao. • • ,•,,� -- <br />-,�-,;;;-�;;;,�• Upon puyment in full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity Inswment,L�der shall promplly rePund to Borrower any <br /> . -. Wnds heW by l.endcr. If.unde�parogrnph 21,Lender sFrall acquirc or sell 1he Property.Lender.pdor to the acquisition or • ,'•,, <br /> --=""`��;�''�� sale of tbe N�opeRy. slwll apply any Fund� Ikld by Lender at 1he time of acquisition or sele as a credlt Againu the tums <br /> .• i'�,1 <br />�_�?`�;?�i2t cecwod by thia Securiry Insaumen[. <br /> ""�"` � 3. Appllcadoa d P�ytpeat� Unless appllcable law provides otherwise,all payments rxeived by Ixnder under <br /> �`-'_""� prmmg�aphs 1 and 2 st�al�be any prcpayment chuges due under the Note;second,to anamts payable under � -- <br /> �_�;pi� para�raph 2;thinl,w imerest principal due;and las�.to any lete churges due under the Note. , <br /> -�.-:+cc�a,^aa,� 4. C6ory�es; Liens. Horrawer shall p�y all taxes. assessmente, charges.fines and imposidons attributable to the � <br />��—yi�uis��'1� �•j��� ��� Property which may anain pdcxaty o++er this Saurity Instrument,end leaschold paymenls or ground rents,if any. B�rrower - <br />-'�'`'�=�� t�`•�� shall ttKSe obli ations in the manner ovided in ara h 2,or if not aid in that manner.Borrower shall them on <br /> ;�r,. PaY B pr P S�P p PaY <br />_':�.,.,��• � � time d�rectty to the person owed payment. Bortowet shall promptly fumish to l.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under = <br />-�=�- -I`�� � this puagraph. If Borrower makes�hese paymea�ns di�ectly,Bamwer shall promptly fumish to Lender rcreipts evidenc�ng �- <br />�r�s�i. == <br /> ,�x,.�,•,, ,� the{wymer+ts. -- <br /> -_�_>��',��t.� Bortower shall promptly discharge any lien wAich has prlority over this Security Insuument unless 8orrower.(a)agrees - <br />.,;;�;:,,;•� in writing w the payment of the obyigaUOn secmed by the lien in a manner uccepteble to Lender,(b)contests in good taith the _ <br /> `.,��:.��� lien by.m defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal pmceedings which in the Lenderh opinion operate to prevent the _ <br />-_�n„�.yw�, ,._ enfacement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating�he lien _ <br /> �f�,� ~ W this Security Inswment. If Lender detemiines that any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may atwin priority _ <br />`!���''`� ' over this Secu�ity Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall salisfy the lien or take -- <br /> -r=��;:;�J�y(�. one or mo�of the actians set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. '' <br /> _ "�:`k�(':� S. Hazord or Property losurance. Bomower shatl keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the = <br />`-'�r'�t''��'t�`��� Property insured aga�nst loss by fire,hazards included within the term"extendcd coverage"and siny aher huzards. including - <br />—�,rr 2�„� _ <br />--'"=-R--------- floods or tlooding,for whtch Lender requires insurance. 'Chis ia<arance�hall he maioreinrA in �Ix am�wnts end for the <br />: ::;;� <br /> , •�:� .., - <br />-=`'u:` !';' If�ra361i 9/90 f/age2aJ6pogetl <br /> �;�`�?:1" _ <br />�,jt�` � �1n '', v.. <br /> �'K.��1t��� <br /> ��-4�f 1�.. <br />'�SY��{• �k4.'� - <br />_--=�:zi'5��►�1�i'.. ,. _ <br />';'���lf'n`�': <br /> -- -.,.�„3:`.�:� <br /> -- �h��<1�{�t��j �` /r t;;d, '�JJF • oi' - - ' <br /> }, a'. • y�� �, . : _ .' 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