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�y '.�� Y1 • � . • ' ^ o " J .a.4r <br /> '- � ' '�) . y ._ �� .. ' ., n '_ ';' °�..yv'� <br /> �.:.t �_..wl.`. � , . � .�i - . - � i}/..M!�Y��I� _ . . _ • _—_ �' <br /> n . . �� ' . ��II,�I�I� �•ii "tM�:"! . <br /> .' , . '• � . ��� . � � . ' - <br /> ,� <br /> q1+Odr 1��IdOr IOI�Y�. �fA{I�pp�GMf���IMf�Of�1 b0 di0�e11 by HOflIqN�Of�b�.f�Rr�� � _ . . <br /> ,L�op� o�ain�be�pnMect I�,d��p t�rb ��aoard�ma�p�i��pA�aw.•I.�odr mqr.r ' _ <br /> • JW Inaur�noe polk�es�ta�ewd�shall be�ooepublo�o I.axWr�yaud�hW inclada a�tndiad�ao�t�e ciw�a. Lrerida' <br /> .h�u lu�ve�lie N�lu w how u�e pdida..nd ronewal�, U I.ader roquhea�eanower,h.11 pinmptly�c to i.ader Q��voeipa <br /> of paid pemium�+u�d nenewd�. Gt tlte evax of lau,Hortowex�ludl�ive prompt aoti�e w tbe inwtance o�rlat aad <br /> + Laide�Lender m�y make poof of loa if not m�do p�nmptly by Banuwer. <br /> Unku 4cnder ad Barower dhervvi�e�nea in wti�im�.iawraroe praoeed�eb�U be�pplied to rwwnuion or rep�i�of <br /> _�._ - _ =` -----' ���ty If the re�ta�don or npair i� ea�umicaUy fwi e and l.a�derl�co�ority b not bnaned. lt the . <br /> or r ia aot eea�omIadly fe�uibb or Lenderl�eecutity would be l�d�the inwu�x prooeedt�Il 1ae <br /> �b eAe sra�s axv+►eci Dy,tb�is Sec�uity Instnuna�. wt�ethar or mt#�ea due�with any v,jow Pdd ta Avno�rer. Ii <br /> Barcv�wa r�brnd�o�ohc ,�ac does siot�swar wit4ia 3U d�ys�notioe 600�u L�enda���d+t the� c�r�er bu� <br /> ��lbll�D SEffIQ A ClAlltl�1hb1 �AY OD�OC4 Ob0�[IWi�CO QfiOl��O[dY. I.C�}�hf�t:USC t�.`PI�O�OC�i���O�'�'8t0I0 <br /> -__ - �.;:r�,P!'W�Y a�P�Y wti�secured:by�th#s�cs�ihr�o�tnma�e�,,.�hed�at at ooilbw.�wi+fi►r� 'Ibe 30�d�y�iod will bq�r�� <br /> - _ ' �tha iwtia i$given. <br /> `�.�� � � , .� • ,LT�les�t,cnder and Bixrowcr othe�wise agroe in writin8.iu►y � Q►f�proe�aeds w Principal abWl not o�ead ar <br /> e <br /> _�'.---=---= •'�poetpnite 1i�e�ilue��tte�bf ihe monihlY WY�ma�fcrted w in puag��2 or cA�ange�he�nount of the paymena. If <br /> .�=` ---��.- under pusgaph 2l da i��cquiad by Lender.Bonaweri�dgbt to any incuranoe poUcies�nd proceode n�ultin� <br /> _ f m m d a m age ta d�o P ro�or w the�cquioition ahall p�to I.ender w ths eatent of tla xuma:e e u ro d b y�h i�3 e c u�ity <br /> Ina�umoat Immaliwtely�or to tha+�quisNion. <br /> 6. Occup�acy, raerv�qoa, M A latea�nce a�d Protectbn ot tbe Propertyyyi Borrower� Laui ApplkatbNi <br /> - Uaaaholda. Banower shdl occupy.ortabliah.wid we tho Property ar Homuwcr�princ�msidence wlthin siaty days�lber <br />__ <br /> - the ezecution of t�ia Security Ie�rnenl artci.iwii r�ifnuc iv u�x;u�y tha Fi�� ec o�owerh pri�fp�l r.sfQcaec tar at <br /> -_---��_� <br />_ Iea�t one yaur aR�er ihe duo of accupancy. unkw Lender dherwiwe �ees n writiea, whkh cauent �hall nat 60 <br /> wueawrobly wiU�hoW.or unlarr extenwting cireumit�ncer esiW whkb uv boyand BarrowaL catuol. Barower�Iwll not <br /> �kuroy,dRm�Qe or impafr�ho Propeny,�Ilow Ihe ey w dcterfotatc.or ranmi�wacte on �he Propeny. Barower�hall <br /> be In deiwit If any fartei�uro�ctlan or p�u�oalin�.w r civfl or criminal, I�bo�un thot la l.endert�ood fdth jud�ment <br />- _ could nyult in farfeilum oP Ihe Pn�perty ar ahenvi�o m�tericlly imp�ir the lien created by this Security Inutument or <br /> Lemk�ti�ecudt Intea�t. Borrower mw cun�ruch def s v d I parogr i8 b ewain 1he octlon <br /> _— -- Y Y a auU�nd t�ain pro i ed n aph . Y � <br /> ur pmoaodinQ to be di�mie�od with�rulin�thw,in Lendcr�s�ood faith detenninetion,procludca forfoituro of the Bomewerb <br /> inlot+e�t In tho Propetty ar otl�ar mote�ipl imp�irtnent oP the lien c�e�ted by �his Secudty Mswment or Lendark securlry <br /> interext. Borrower eholl also be in defwuit iF Bomc�wer. dudng the loan appiication pracesa, gave mrtedally false or <br />-r. inoccurNo iniotmation or suuementa to Lender(or feiled�o provide Lender with any materiel informatlon)in connecUon with <br /> the loan evldenced by the Note, including. but not limited Io. repressentations conceming Borrowerl� occupancy of'the <br />,.,� Rnperty as a princfpal�esidence. If this Securky Ineuument is on a Icasehold.Bomower shall camply with wll the provisions <br /> - of ihe i��. if Sof�uwCr+K.�yui�ias iiiie W the Property,che loasehoid and tha fee�uk siwii no�mer¢e unler�I.erMier�eea <br /> w�he merger in writing. - <br /> � 7. Protectbn oP I.ender's Rights in the Property If Harower fails to perform the cavenants and ag�eements _ <br /> conlained in this Security lnsqumenti ar the�e is a legnl proceeding that may si$nificandy a6fe��L.ender's rights in the <br /> .}�{�4. Propeny(sueh as a pmceeding in t�aniwptcy,probate,far condemnatian or fort'eitu�re or to enforee 1t+ws ar regulations),then <br /> .� • �.A., Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessnry to protect�he value of the Pta,perty and 1»ender's righla in the Property. <br /> '• ;�.�:�":`�,;•:�� Lender's uctions mny include puying any sums secured by a lien which hss prioriTy over thia Security InawmeM.appeuing <br /> ' ,����''��`��'*�, in coun,paying reasonabie unorneys'Pees und entering an the Propeay to make repnirs. Ahhough Lender may wke action — <br /> ';;:,, ', N�:. , ��',t; under thia paragrnpP�7,l.endcr does not have to do so, <br />':'�, ;r���• . '�' ' Aqy Amounts disburxed by Lender under this parngmph 7 sha11 t+YCOme Addi�ional debt of Bamawer ser.ured by this , <br /> �, ' �s; ,. � Security Instniment. Uotesc!E�crrower And Leixler ugree to other tertns af puymern,the,e amounts shall beur intr�est from the =_ <br /> ;, h�.��,, date of disbur.semcnt at t�hc ti.,�rate and 4ha11 be pnyable,with intenes�,upon notice from Lender lo Borrower mequesting == <br />--:_�`�; , �`�,.��-.�- paymant. _.- <br /> - ',�,�„ ��'�1'�:{��-'t� 8. MortgAge Insurance. If Lender reyuired monguge imurunce u..u condi�ion af mu0cin� the lonn secured by this - <br />%!T.�':" y}�►. if;y ° <br />�.•� ,. � .!7Y���:f;, _ <br />.i,_�� � �%;� �, Security Instmment. Borrower shall puy the premiur��s reyuired to maintain the mongage insurance in effect. If,for any <br /> •=;_�„�, . , r�easo�, Ihe mongnge insurunce coverage reyuir+ed by Lender lapsrs or ceuse� to be in efYec�. Borrower shall pay the _ <br /> -_:. �. �� �,y.� premiums reyui�ed ta obtuin cuverage subtitantially cquivulem to the mongage insurunce previously in effect, ut u cost = <br /> ••�� �' , �s:=��y, substantially eyuivnlent to�he co,t lo Borrower of the mongage in,urance previously in effect,Gom nn niternate mortgage - <br />"',� �������:�� >��•� insurer mved b Lender. If substantiull e uivnlent mort u e inxuranc�cavera e is not available,Borrower sholl a to <br /> � x�� • •. ,,•_-,r aPP Y Y 4 F B F P Y <br /> �"�' '` �"''�r= Lender euch mon�h u sum uul to one-twelfth uf the eurl mort�a e insurunce remium bein uid b Borrower when the <br /> ,�� •..::�`��;:. ' F. �I Y Y b F p 8 P Y _ <br /> �_.. r1... `I ' 4 <br />�=`�;� �t,�,;;y insurnnce coverage lupsed or ceuse d to be in effect. Lender will arcept,u.e and retain ihese payments us a loss reserve in lieu - <br /> ���%�! �+ of mort g e ge i naumnc e. Lox s re s e rv e p u y m e n t s m u y n o l o ng e r 1�r equire d,u t�he ap tio n o t L e n d e r,i f m o r t g A g e i n n u r a n c e - <br /> �� �R,���s�i;`'. - <br /> �,{� coverage(in the amount and for the pericxi�hat L.cnJe��yuire�l provided by an insurer upproved by Lender t�ain becomes <br /> ;��w�'k�fi � nvuilnble und is abtuined.Burrower shull u the r� uired to maintuin mon a �insurance in effect,ur to rovide a <br /> ' ':�" (�. P Y P N R'S' p <br />-' ►,t.,� �,���',4;�'4;�; loxs reserve,until the requircmenl for monguge insuranre cnd�in:KCOrdance with any writlen agrerment between Borrower <br />-''������'i �f��µ;,�`\ik�1�' and Lender or applicuble luw. �. <br />-_�";N���;i:.;�r,�1. � 9. Inapectlon. Lender or itx agent muy mukc rcasunublc eniric.+ upon and inepertionK of�he Pn�peny. Leixier xhall <br />- ;f,�t�+;r;.,,:;,.,`� ` give Bormwer notice nt the time of or prior io un inxprction.�x:cifying rea+onuble cuuse 1'or tl�inxpection. �; <br /> �""""'"_'" �� I0. Cundttmn�liun. 'i'ik pruccrJti uf uny uwuiJ ur clui+n li�r Ja�nageti,direci or cun�eyuc:uuui.iu cuunecliuu wiili w�y - <br /> t. .::4�� ' <br /> � ' �� . '�Z�'�'. SingleFamfly..��n�eM�dMlreddkMucUNIF'(1R�11�I.STRUMENT•-Unih�C'�venunb 9J9Y �Iwxp+�l'nlwx�'<� ' <br /> ��!!�:�o::.��-,, � ,�x��.�.���.,� . [ <br />. . �. ' , - . Tbp0e1'fiY:I�OM158010Y3 O PAJf B/i7Y14191 _ <br /> +„• :, <br /> �, , <br />- ' � ; �. „ ' .. ."-'�A ••��'�=. �a,-w.Y�ii} . .� <br /> ._Y -. �. • ���1 /, � ,• .� f�� , . . i . �.�{ .t e f+I� �,L�r.�.��,••`Y�t.� _.l''.• <br /> 1� 'c :i.. ?a�i�. a:,.:_,.�. <br /> � _ , , <br /> , _ . <br /> , „ . <br /> , . . . . ., . . . , `,• . , �. <br /> .. , <br /> _ :,. .. . .,, -. �f��� ' <br /> ��. <br /> � ��4i��.•_M�'.uw,%�a - = �- - �- - -' - �: L�r��4S��1iv�1"��t3►Yi[�i��e •�t �1.� - <br /> -z -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - _ - _ <br /> ._.— - - � •- , --- - --- --- -- — -- - - - - �- � <br /> . . _ . <br /> �_ <br /> � . 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