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_ r��� ___.._.. ____-`- �'�_.,_ -s - <br /> __,.. .. . _ _ ,L.W---qv ,P„ � � .v_.1� �'�'- ° °-.� <br /> - - . .�i� � . ll . ,• �; . '�' _� i 1�f��'!._ ••'•T�'yri� . <br /> Y_ <br /> :�_- �:.� __ � . � 9� �"a'� � � . � <br /> Toc3en�wm�,,u�d�e�o�+a��a��ae�y.�a�u�a..�•, <br /> � .na n�t now►or be�a�Rar.prc of u�c pmpo�tr. AI��p�ioocmant..ea.adltion.�1��Iw be ooreted ay dd.sec�rtry , <br /> Inatwpeet. AU d Me tan�da{I�refened w in dda i4eadty i�dament a the"Plropeny." ' : . <br /> � BORROWBit�OV6NANTS tfw�omnwer is I�wfully iei�ed of the e�We Iwcby aonveyed�nd hiu the d�ht to�ant <br /> ' �nd on�►vay the md th�t the Pmpe�ty ia w�ncumbared.oxoept tot er�cumbnuxes of rocard. Harower w�rrana ud <br /> wW ddend y�he dtb w the P�Oety��in�i all cl�im�and dem�nd�.wbject w�ny eacaaab�ncca of recad. <br /> 7'�3 SEC11R17'Y INSTRUMENT rnmbine� unifam ooverumu for n�tloml u�e md na�-w�ifam covawM� witb <br /> . �`� _�-----" �wrwto�,�y juri�dt��w�nat���o a�torm�ecurtry�wmen�cover�aa raa�vpe+�y. <br /> - UMFORM COVBNAN7'S. Bomawer a�d Lcndv cove�nt�nd�ee�foUowa: <br /> l. Pa'raent at Priadp�l�ad IMerati pnW9�aad Lak Cb�r�a. Botrowrr s1�U�rotnPUY MY whwi due the <br /> '- p�iacip�1 af rad intaest m xhe debt evldenced b�1Lc Nou�nd�nY P�P�Y!����due u�ada�td�e Noto. <br /> ,''3 3. �irMs Ibr 71�s,cs�w1 I�orss�w Subjoct w�ppti�aWe aw or to�wniton wairer by I�c+nder.Harara�11 paY 1�0• . <br /> < 1.ender or►d�e d�r montNY WYments are duc wider d�c Note.u�l the Nwe is paid ia full.a swan("i�uada")fioe(�)� <br /> _ � wces wid��rs� wtic�na►y sMWd�n p�ianitY over this Socuri�y Insaun�eat as a lion an the A�opaty;(b)y�ariy <br /> _ _...._.�:_�;='' Plnnente;ar 8!ow�d!eaes'on 16�e l�opcalY•if aay� lc? Y�Y ha�z�td a"PoPn4' �ice�remtuma: (d)yead�Y 17oac� �. :,�. <br /> --- w;af����-::�: .1 � inwrawpe prcnmWms�.�'amy: (eD Year��.martg�e,aa�sumuioe prnniums.i�aay;swd (n�any sums Qayable by�Bomawer to . . <br /> .� ,',,��`�� ac�c��with the 6xoVisions of� IKU d'1he pa►y+peru af mottgage insurance�►remiums. 7`fiesa . '..' <br /> � ' ' •�iWns�[e cullod"E�crow iteme." I.e�rder may.ut aa�tiane,c�WiaY aad hald F4nds in ar�amount nat to exceed tLO�iqtqm.:� •�',,.•;,,,••; <br /> ,�r,t, l`��cm.-,n, �T,.U�„-�, amount a lender i'or a feder�lly relaee�i mortgage loan may roquire for Brnroweth�w account under tAe fakral Real. <br />�"�a Estete Settlement.Prceedunes Aot of 1y74 as wnended from time to time.12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.( RBSPA ).unless annther <br />�•Y'���f•-�—_ �pW��a���������s a ksser amount. If so.I..ender any time.eollect and hold Fuade in an amount nw to <br /> _-- = pscecd the Icsser amowu. Lender mwy estimate tho amouat of P�nda due on the basf� oi cuma�tt d�t�wid teacon�ble <br /> ° esdmetes of expa�ditunes of fwuro Escrow Iteme or otherwise in accorda�ce wlth applicabk Iww. <br /> - - - - The E�unds ahall be held in an inc�itutbn whase deposils are incured by A fedenl �gency. lnctrumentdity.or enUty <br /> includfn I.ender.if Lender ia such ar�instilution)or in eny Fedaral Home Loan Bonk, I.ender Rh�ll apply tha fiu�di to psy <br /> r • ( B <br /> C r r. <br /> tha Escrow Items. Lende�'mwy na chuge Bom►wer far holding and applying Ihe (i�nd�. annuqlly andyzinQ�he escrow <br />� ,: �ccounl.or verifying the Escrow Ilemc, unkas Le�der poys Barrower interes�t vn the Wnda u�d�pplfc�ble I�w pern�it� <br />`''•�'� L.endar to m�ke cuch a churge. However, l.cnder moyrcquiro Barower tn pay a one•time chu�e Qx an indepa�dent rc�l <br /> ' i} esu►te tu repotting Rervice uced by l.ender in canneclion with thiw loan,unle�r applic�blo I�w pravides ottierwi�e. Unk�:pn <br /> o�oement i�made or�pplicablc law rcquircr intcrcst lo bo paid,l.�:ader shall nut ix roquind to pAy Bornower ony interc�l or <br /> .. . '�: '., � •����`' camin��an the Wnds. Bom�wer and Lencier may Agren in wd�ing.howover,ihNt imcmat slwll bep�id on the Fl�nd�. I.�ndar <br /> � <br /> ;'' ,�'-�, shpll give to Bortower.withow annual accounUng of�he I��dC.shawfng c►edil��nd debils to the FLnds and tho <br /> . purpose for whieh each debit a�he Funds wAS nwde. Tho l�nds aro ple.d�ed ac additiaul security ior all wms secw�ed by <br /> thic Sccuriry losuument. <br /> - =^,��r.z°�.�:•:�,.-;.:,1, Ii iho Fundi iw�d by i.�ndcr azce:� tttic �mo�nts �rmi=tcx! so be tseld t�y app!lcablc lew. L�r�hall account �o <br /> • ��� 8omower far the excess Funds in uccordance wilh tha requi�emem�of applicable law. If Ihe wnount of tha Puncls held by <br /> -'"�'�• - •' Lender a�any time is na sufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due.l.ender may so notify Borrower in wdting,end,in <br /> . . • � �?" such case Burrower shall pay to I.ender the amoum�cess�ry to meke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the <br /> •.-•� • • deficiency in no more lhan twelva monthly payment�,at L.ender�s sole discretion. <br /> •�~•:��• • � ,, Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Inswment,Lender shall promptty refund to Borrower any <br /> � ;���;•�•��• � - Funds held by I.ender. If,under pamgrnph 21.Lertder shall ucquire or sell�he Property.Lender.prior to the ucquisition or <br /> ._ �.:;,,y�.�;' <br />- � � '�+`x'��. sale of the Pcoperty.shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at thc time of acquisition or sale as a cr�edit against the suma <br /> -,;��`'�: ���i#�� '��Y secured by thfs Securiry Inswme�t. <br />._,. � } .9Z;:a.r;.,.;,, <br /> :.��:j 1 i�.. <br /> i,,�,.;;y���,f,,;�,,.�, l 3. Applkation of P�ayments. Unless upplicable law pravides othenvise.all paymems received by l.ender under <br /> _�,,; ti;',.?;;��'��:. �!,,_. paragraphs 1 and 2 shull be applied:�rst,to Any prepuyment churges due u�der the Nme; amounts payable under <br /> ` ..X�,,'�. � .-'��r �1 paragraph 2;third,to interest due:fourth,to principAl duc;and any late charges due under the Note. , <br /> �:���s +�•:�•, -:�„�� 4. C6a es; Lkns. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, asscssments, charg�s,tincs and impositions anribuable to Ihe <br />�_�J�, , h��«�.',•`.'.-'.�'r�titiA:;�•,�';: .pro which ma attain riorit over this Securit Instrument,and leasehold a ments or round rents,if an . Borrower <br /> ��c1:��� P�n!' Y P Y Y P Y � Y <br />;,,�, • +�r�,�•,•J �r���J����, shall pay these obligutions In�he manner provided in parngrpph 2,or if not paid in that mnnner,Borcower shall pay them on <br /> '• °�-�,_f� .� �'}��j f time directly to the person owed payment. BoROwer shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices af amaunts to he paid under <br /> ,�.:_;�,.:.;,,: �•�+��„�r this pungraph. If Bomower makes these paymenls directly, Borrower shAll prompUy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> ' ` r,.�•,- � ��;r'•Y+?� the payments. <br /> : , , � '/'.;'��:�?�� Borrower shull promptly di4churge any lien which has priority over�his Security Instrument unless Bortower:(a)agrees <br /> - • `�'� '�9�F•isi�5�' in writing to the puyment of the obligution secured by the lien in u manner Acceptable to Lendcr,(b)cnntests in good faith[he _ <br /> ra�.�,�:�;r ,� <br />° �`' ''r '�i`�:-ac�°'r::: lien by,ar defends against enforcement of the lien in,legul proceedings which in the l.ender's opinion opernte to prevent the <br />_ �"f et" i 1 , <br /> ^:�•.-M� ' '`2��� �t��s`!. enforcement of the lien;or(c)�ecures from Ihe holder oF�he lien sm ogreement sAlisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> , ,,:;�;,,�.,�;�;,r S <<�. e <br /> •;�.� �yf•�'���•���': to this Security Insuument. If Lender determines that uny pan of the Praperty is subject ta u lien which mny ottain priority <br /> - ,• ' _��'� � ��� .����*`���� �. over this Securi�y Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take <br /> ;'�� r. 4�S,v f.t•!��`�': <br /> 1��'�"� �'���.. one or more of the actions set forth above wilhin 10 dnys of the giving of notice. <br /> y�.,:% �S�{;n�.},'�� <br /> � ,.,;, ;;y;��;...�:r; 5. Haa,�rd or Property lnsur�nce. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exititing or hereaf'ter erected on the <br /> � ' ��`. <br /> ��•� Property insured against loss by �re,hnxurds included within the term"eatended coverage"und any other hnzardv,including <br /> � � ' � � floods or tlooding.for which Lender requires insuranre. This insurence shall be meimained in the amounts and for the <br /> 1�. <br /> — -- –-------� Form 3D28 9l90 !/wR�2 nJA pugal <br /> �, ? . <br /> •+ 4 �� <br /> � �'� � 'i � <br /> ' �' .''j;.�f; 'ti e:�'.:.f�.�:- , .. .c. ,.�.t+:-t'r�t•;l+.�c•J;'. ... ct-.�r.r:'n�.:i�s.'�3;y� ��tiiAn►w,rr.•�f+:�;a=:`�.= r..— <br /> 7r . . _ .. . - . ��� .. . , . .l. <br /> NtI � Yf - �n • .• . : � .� " . -' . . . � .. .� . .+� ct'.+l . . . . . . <br /> . <br /> . ' <br /> „ . • ' r <br /> . <br /> 1 ' " � . -' . . _. .. � ��,�,, �Y. .. . . _.. <br /> .. . . . , . � . - <br /> . � f.'y_ <br /> !�'ltk"- Y �FH[t�],CS�Si• :�Itifice��_.....�i y •. , . . , -s��;.1;', • _ . <br /> . .___ _ -_ _ -- _ _- _ - . . __ _ _ _ ____ ___ _ _ - . <br /> ��- , -�-__T'-T� -.-�- -, . <br /> �cJl`�l .;. . . ' : - . . .� � ') ._ . . --__ -_.;' " "_ •_"_"'. . ..._. . ...__...."_"_ ' '_ _ __"_ �-.f-�_'.___' '_'—' '. "_" "'_'_'_ ' ' <br /> � �'i�1 <br /> .. . . <br /> .... L ... ..... . . � L..�. � � ' <br /> ..�` '; 1. . 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L , (�rc;� d'ttl;�.�' , �, :� 'N,.t.l:�: � �•. �.iy"; <br /> �llQh.;tY '.�lt�hl4i�.l�:• �. �Y.'i.,l ?�... •����,i�,���..����< .:I.0 , 11:'4� �,.! ','. 1 r.Y '\�.t�call.'�....,� - , <br /> .��. ' _4_ P �'n�n����t�lJ" �P.�lP �,1.'.{:�i�:11;•II"L!rr v;y��� � .)%.'Y �ti . . - -pJ,(1!� 1•..q�j e r-•n••� ���,,, �t;. <br /> �ti i° � :f 1te •7�ti•'<<'I�t ���1,t. �I.�p�l.: ,fl�i �`�:c1� �(�t��` ��`:b•lr:�t . . E..lii; ��tilt•,1j1lS��t��.7�,;{`'El���•.1,.:�'�! •��/ :i.,f <br /> qF+{•,it ,� !(Y i'f�y,� y^ �+1:�.. �4c A�y !;i�•t{1����- ,F'r';l�:.t f•�;�i1�,?. .� � .�:'�.1+,�,��], , , �;.' t. �)�� �,4 <br />���}7!r �.'ljt�l�:'y� 4 At•�� 7:i�j�:1` Yi���'(''l�l��i�'i'�r�}i ':,�. X� � ��I� �i��:tri1`1 •:i' r�4;�fY.b�,�,S�•. . ,'.�:j;�,!�'.ti�?'�i� -1 !-i,�i�1��r'ri•��`,t'(��:;� �f� <br /> ^{li�-.. {, �TS���I�::{!a�( ��-��,� i}ii.��.�4�� :{���)���'�,��.�� .1. k�:..•�,�r��'�'.Itlr`�i�q t� � �r�,`�`'� � . . � ,��,.��ti;,S �; � f.� � ;t ,' `li <br /> �Si � .t ('�1 5 S � � -.I�i t. 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