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�'°�i '1f'.e�..�. � . .. y h � "�:w�.�.— ;_ <br /> ,. �:. •� .•, <br /> .. � ' ._ I'r.-. .. , „ry. , . , _,��".E•`�. �'Z);•.tti-�.y�^•;r. r �� h.-1.:1�:;.� o ._. <br /> ., . ' , • _ ' ' .' � .� - ' ' .' . 1. ' . .. eav. . <br /> ` � �on or ad�er uQci�d�ay Pat�td�o.i' far c�nave�oe iu lieu'fiwwbg a'�d•Md . <br /> � , � ,aW1l�oprddt44�der. � <br /> . . in tho e�►ent af. ww a�d d�a�+r'apar+t�r.tbep� sb�ft ee �ppliea ro a�e pma iacu�o�1�y t��ociirlpr , <br /> n <br /> �� In�whett�a or no�tf�a due�vrith�uy ox�p�id w Ba�nnwor. [n��ta event at�pMrti�i qlcb��t ihep�op��tA� <br /> ia �u <br /> � WII�1�{7��1P�Et Y�ItiO Of UIO PDOQEIt�t�fNmO�Mkl�/IIQifMO IIIO tvtlQ��OQUi)t0 Or�EAtIX 1IW1 MO�IIOYOt�tGe �� <br /> Aeantal by this Security[nstrwn�nt inueodf�tcly 6efae tho takin8,unku 8�rowet�d l.oader odwxrvlse�roq in writi�, <br /> � . tl�q s�secWed bY this Securlty lostrument�lull be red��d by tbe a�ooum of the multiplbd by the folitnvl�ty <br /> , j , �tiun; (�)t6e tapl a�nount oP.t�sum��secunod i�nr►�1y 6cfae tha uking.divi�)tho fi�it m�ticat v�h�e u/tbe <br /> �'r"�.—.-.�- �,��.,",i� u�unedi�sely beforo d�4�f5n�; +A�C'boladr��be paid to Aamw�er. .1rA?.�I��+�v�qt nf A pjutiol�oi�lt�e � <br /> ------ - ' ,:',°''�.':` :�•��in which the fiis�v�INi4��i�d14e Ropr�t,7' .�Il�di�tdy fA�s.tho �. ,. <br /> --- ( ?i��; '°'. <br /> .. be ia'16t�t�on iho!�nMNmt of sua� <br /> _Y —�_.- , ,,..... . :aec�t�larat i{mmodi�aly befae d1�t�ng ��'ow��d i.�nder oth�rwl�'# � k���l�r}'Hnp or unleso�pplicable!aw . <br /> hc uce �116e,•� to the su��t�d•bp►U1ia Sec�aity Inauumont whetlirt ornot the wmt a�e <br /> --------- '"',l::�s91 .1`+�'� .�Kao�+fb'ap�,pe� � �pp� <br /> -------- i <br /> -------- -- I 1�1iS�j1@�;i'.,:�: ,. .i.,.,, • .. � <br /> _ . �'1Biflt Phpx;rty'is abauidoner�by Bomnwer.or iP.�flw no�tfice by l�ander to Borrower th�t the oandemnor otTe�to m�ico � <br /> � an�wrud ar settle b ct�im for d�ges,Barower f�ils to�spond to l.emkr within 30 d�ys aRer the duo d�e adioe(a�iva�, <br /> Lu�der io Autlwrl�ed to collat and apply the ptnceala���its optiae.eitibr to msta�tfon or Rpair af d�a P�ope�ty or w thc <br /> — � nuunw aecw�ad by this Secu�ity Instrument.whather or not Ihen due. <br /> �� ' Unless I.ender and Bcmower athenvlca�groe in wdting�swy appUaula�af pn��eoda to prir�eip�l shdl not astead a <br /> ; po�tpara the due d�te of 1he manthly py�txnt�rsfertai w in pu�grAplu�1 ond 2 ar ch�n�e the iunount of:uch p�ymaus. <br /> i il. BoROwer Na R�k�.edi Farbe.rrnoe By Lender Not a W,�Iver. ex�endbn or u� dme f« ayn� a <br /> modific�tion of�mo�tization of the,wms sxured by this Security Inurument�nted by Lender ta any sucoeaw►in inlere�l <br /> � of Barowe�:h�ll not opernte to �ek�ua�lie li�bility uf�he ori�inal Barower a Bamowerl�xuccescam in Intarest.L.e��r <br /> .�_'�:� � sfialf ttat bt�qe�ind ta casstmtfira pr�xe�!lr�ge aSaN�s uay aexcessar ia interMt ei t�efex to eateed titt»fot peyt�k�nl.x - <br /> — i othenvisa modify amartiutian of the sums�ocw�ed by thin Secu�iry In:tn�ment by reaa�n of�ny demand m�da by the ari�inal <br /> � Bomower ar Bornowe�k ruccxawra in intercst Any for6earan�e by l.ender in exercirin��ny�1Qht or romedy ebdl not ba� <br /> waiver of or pneclude the excrcfse ai any right or rcmedy. <br /> 1�. SucceReor�wW As�ns Boundi Jolnt and SeverAl l.iwbility;Caslgnera Tha cavananta wd agroements of thie <br />- - — — Secu�ity inetrument shall bind and benefit tho succescons and assigns of l.ender and Bomawer.�ubject to tha provlsiais ot <br /> puagmph 17.Borrowerk covenants and agreements shall ba joint and seveml. Any Borrowcr who co-signs thia Security <br />- Instrument but does not execuk the Note: (a)is co-aigrting Ihls SecuritSr Insuument only ta mortgage.grant and convey that • <br /> Bomower'�inte�est in the Property under the term4 of�his Securiry Insdument; (b)is not personally obliguted to pay the sums • <br /> ssecured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that l.ender s�rd su�y aher Bortower may a�ee w exlend,modify,fab�ar <br />- , or meke pay aa�ommadatiotu wi�h regard to Ua tertns of Ihia SecuritY Insdumem or the Note witbtwt tlwt Ba�rnwerh • . <br /> , ca�ent. '.' <br />_•— . �.,�i4t�rgea If the loan secured by thix Secumy Instrum�mt is subject ta a law whioh xets�nax�Io�n� �:� <br />^, - - �.�c�,and ii�a:taiv is fnaii���naer�ssctcd su that tlic Snk^rrat or�t�r foan chasges�olkct�d or so be�o!lecte�+�e E�nrxc�3ri� <br />"� �w�it���e loAn e�C�eed the perniitted limils.then: (a)any such toan charge ahail be reduced by the amouot nxessurry,to Tsduce <br />-;:;;;•, �� , �� the churge ro ihe permitted limir,and(b)eny sums alread}�caflseted from Sarrower which eaeeeded pertnitted limils wlll be <br /> ��. _---- refu+ided to Borrawer. l.ender may choose ro molce this refund by redua��g ihe principal owed under tlie Note or by makin�t a <br /> 'F'��"`�'- �� direct payment to Borrowe�. If a refund reduces princjpal,the reductfon w�ll be treAted es a peAiul prcpayment without'ao�y � <br /> 1 � �r�t• ' • ,prepuyment charge under the Noie. <br /> +,�:�>::�... <br /> , 14. Nodces. Any notice tu Ba�TOwer provided for in ihls Security Instntment tihall I+e given by delivering it a�by • <br /> `�,' ` mailing it by first class muil unle�►s applicnble law requires use of unother method.The naice shall i�e directed to the Propeny • <br /> •{i Address or uny aher uddress Borrower desi�nates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first clac� � <br /> mail to Lenclert addrexs stated hercin or any cnher uddress Lender designutcs by notice to Borrower. Any notice providcd far = <br /> - �'�,,: tr .. jn thix Seeudry Instrument xhull bc deemed to have txtien given tn 8orrower or Lender when given ar provided in this <br />_ .�1 ; •.!.i:,�r.�L.Y�•� �AfA�'ta�l.y <br /> , 3S. l,overning I.s�w; Severability. Thix Security In.trument xhall be govemed by Fedeml law and the law of tfie <br /> �r'�'`�",p�'� juri�diction in whlch the Propeny is Icxuted. In the event that uny provitiion or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nate <br />'� S• ` •, ;�;r;; .,- 'conflicls with applicable law,such conflict shull not uffect other provisionx of�his Securiry Inrtrumem or the Nae which cAn _ <br /> '`-�:��� : �ti;: .- � •• be given effect wi�hout the contlicting provexion. To this end the provi+ions of this Securily Inx�rument and �he Note are - <br /> f'<'�' ` ` ` declured to be severnble. - <br /> ' >x• � ;.,�,... ..` >. <br /> ,�.; k,,.�,ff 4�f� 16. Borrower'a Copy. Borrower shull bc givcn onc conformeJ copy of the No�r and of this Security Instrument. -- <br />- •�-�-� �•.���:;:• �{ 17. 7�ansfer of the Propert�or a BeneOcial lnterest In Borrower. If ull or uny purt of�he Pmperty or nny imerest in <br /> _,,: ;,;;i,.,f^��,:�,�� � it is sold or tmnsPemed Inr if u Ixn�ticiul intcrext in Iiorrowcr i.xold or�run.tcrred und Borrowcr is not u nuturul personl <br /> �.,,,,.,, �"; wfthout Lender�prior written ronunt,Lendcr muy,ut itx aption.rcyuire immediule puyment in fuU ��t'all sums�ecured by = <br /> -- � ,!: '•., �r�-�'^e' ' this Security(mtrumenl. However,thi+option sh•rll na be exercixed hy Lendrr if cxrrci�e ix prohibitcd by federal law as of =- <br /> ,A{; the date of this Security Mstrumcnt. <br /> .WFf�K: ., <br /> r r If Lender exerci+eti Ihix option.Lendcr,hall give Horro��•rr notice of uccelerution. The n��tKC,hall provide u period of — <br /> ,,M�;�.�`�`.��,!`�� ' not Iess thun 3U ds►ys from the Jute�he nntice i.delivered or maileJ within which B��rrower mu.t puy�+II sums secured by this <br />�ry`� .�•� •�� • ���'�'" Securiry Inxtrument. If Bnrrower fuils to puy thcse sum, prior to �he cxpiratiun ol'this periuJ, Lcnikr muy invoke ony <br />-- t:•.e.�.:�..•, ���ri�' .. .. <br /> • � - ...�• . remedies permitteJ by thix Serurity his�rument without futi�er notice nr un BaROwrr. -_ <br /> �" � • ' IS. Borrower's RiRht to Retnstute. If Borrower meets cenain rondi�ion., B�irn►wer �hull huve �he righl to hnve - <br /> �_'%�!+�=�^t"`�` cnforcement uf this Serurity In�trunten�cli•�•�m�inar�i:��,�n. iimc pri��r t�the enrlicr ot'� (u15 dny�(.+r��a'h�thrr rrriixl ns <br /> �,•.�✓ .� �';h}}i Sfagle Fanlly..Funwle Mae/F'rreddle Mac l'NIFOK�1 I�STRI:Nkl\T•-Uqdumi Cbven:u�a 9i9D (�pv J oJ'6 p+xerl - <br /> S•. . . . " — <br /> �,"� . lti �_� �. <br />. �y��' ., t�^�%•,�'• <br /> ��.,i�.�Af�_njat''• r. . . .. , . . fY ,r'.t� 71 MOSb�', kinl� �x S '� ^ . r _ J-..,-�,c.` ,.�,.. <br /> �� '`� ji \ .- ` '� �. .. ' - �..�` :i�A1 a- . ,nw�_P�___ �m _. <br /> �r `I h< <,r.. Y�n <br /> .� t'W '6��a o] ii - �. . . . , ' . .1�... . . . l. . 'a�.+yy� -��1 4.�w1..�.�'1s - . __. <br /> � *71` .1 'l .1 �. �_J�Y •L �i;��� �i`�wixv <br /> Y'i:�SSt',l�i..+tJ+�.-.d:n!�i:3�:ytu�ili� er__drr�.��y:+_ '�:f*`_����:.r1.�- t_v�t.�r���"�-Ll1i.__._...,�_�_�e��d���eii.%4�9N�w��fdS7v'�d� <br /> �� �. .�,..n'; 7rjqi. y, . �. S�__ ____ � _ x _z _ . . . i'^'r��:r�".'!�'.'7"': l�r � y�t' <br /> -�+ .� � • �,a1 •:v .. ' �i ' .-: � , ,� u. t '+ <br /> M v t 1� ��uJr.4t� � y � v i � o � � •�1J'Jt✓aM'��te • <br /> .S 1'�. rr u -. _ _ �� � _. �..... 1� 4� .y:� . <br /> ��;�� 1 . � y . �.'IW�.A lRW.7Y�'1 1�2 4r� <br /> ••� ;�':3��� � 17-1 t` . .: ,. -� .�; ; -�1{ C: :+ .M, i... �.• - , �rt..3i.+♦ �ti+. a� <br /> '^-S"�u-r tl � - ty-�:s���.�.rr• r-i� -i �I p � �e��•,.. �.r- -r 1 ���•. �� � �� � <br /> ' l e ;� h�. 'a `..�R�rr !_ !}i�������'�ti:�`( '~�ii. '�R`Wi�.`�} .��.�+:.,..w�+,.,'`� �. xr�j••~,t t <br /> _��—" y �2.r '%1}��1 S y�''r'. ..�'� ...I. , `���-- � ,'�, j „ '•�k-�1•�.M .ir.. �"i�• �4 .. 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