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___. . ,,h� .5 ..� __ _ : <br /> j ____. �.__n.�...t_ ..`'"; ._- __ " <br /> .•i}'. �I:,��.i�'__ _._-__ _ - ___- . . . ' -���-.-.'RT!$t�_—. <br /> Y":� <br /> -_. _.__..._._.r-_ — . .' , . . _ . , � �� " . . .i .�. .•�•�.'f1�'. • ' " . ... � '-_ <br /> . . . . � ` . �'.�.'�„_ <br /> � . . i� . ��" • ._ �.��_ <br /> .. .. ' ' . . ' ��,� - ��- �.. .i� �• - . <br /> ' M11d�IpAIM�11110ra11Mt�YI��lMd1�IM10�'MM'No�IMly�pllrhp�lMljflII1G11111MI1dq��M�'4+�'�1,:�'M��.�'^r q�--.-- <br /> �IWIl10{MWbI�Id�r. .. . . � �., � ,-- ;�, <br /> � in�hs m►erM of� wal t�ci�d da WopalY.tlM �116e,applied�a Hk iwai�a�d 6Y ihir 9eauiryi�"�' � y�=;� <br /> In�nm�au.whal�cr or not then dua,wi�h�ny exaw��I�M� In the ave�f of�pw,id.Wcin�{at the Property'In ' . "- <br /> whi�h tha�dr nwk�t vdua of Ihe Pmpagr immedWely befa�the'Wtin�b aqiwl w dr�teMer thu►the an�OurKa�the�.. :o-,,. <br /> �ectiavd by d�b Sacwity la�trwneat immodl�tety 6etao dia pkily.uole�8am�e�Md I.ender qberwi��ae fa w�idn� ,c �.:. .: <br /> ---�---�-------�-��.,r--��, dia wu�x tecurr�d i�y thin Sccwity laadoa�e� akoU be �eduaed by tha amount af cba multiplkd by tha�o�aW� - = <br /> �x acu � <br /> IiracHab; (�)dio toul�mount oP tMa wnM�ecurod immadiatdy b�tae tbe ukin�,divlded�)the f�it tnWcet v uo at tba .. .:'� <br /> — ___. , Fropen'hn�aodiuely E�eEae�he Wdng /1ny bnlanoa�il be p�id ta Hor�nwa�: in the avant of�p�utf�lt�of t1�a ..• <br /> P�o�mty in whicb the t�ir mui�et witite of the PropeAy intmodi�tcly befae tbe Wci� L le�tl�a tho+u�wunt of 1ho amc. ' . <br /> �curod inuaodi�tely batam �ho Wting�unlea�Barnwa and 4e�der otherwire a�roe in wridng or uaka�pplfaibb I�w <br /> ahmvvl.o provida.�e pnocaed�vnq be yiplied a da�an��e¢wed by thi�Soaudry M�aun�eac whetikr or not d�a aurtu�uo <br /> tl�due. <br /> lf tha Property i�Abondotbd by Bamower.or if.afler awtice by Lcndar to Bamwcr Q�at ihe caKlemnor offere w rtiwlte <br /> en�wad or aeWe a cWm for duns�cs.Bonawor fiih to respond ta L,cmdar wilhin 3Q dwyr�Iter Ihe d�1e the notice la given, <br /> [.ender is awhorized w oollect atd�ppty tha prncocda.�t it9 oplion.either to mstm�tlon or rcpair of the Property or w tite <br /> sunw secu�+ed by this Secudty InsuumeM,wlktber or not the�duc. <br /> Unless[.ender a�d Borrower dhorvvise agr+ee in writing,any applicuion oP proceede to princi�l shdl nat extend ar <br /> pu�tpone tbe due d�we of�e ma�lhly paymcnts refern�w in pwra�aphe 1 and 2 or chongo 1he�nount of suoh payment�. <br /> �. 11. Rarraiwer Nat Rek�sedt I�brbearaave By Lender Not p Wiivc�: Factansbn of the thne for pa�ympU ar <br /> . . modificauion ot arwnir�tion of ths wms�cccured by�his Secr�ity G�ctrumeot l�nkd bY Lcnda�to an►Y wcaswir in.�fltaest <br /> ..,.._ <br /> - , ., ,, . .oY 8onawer siw�ll na ciQerat�w Yelease tbe�iaMlity.of.ihe originol Bamwer or Homawer!s wcaa.sore�in iMqresi.�4enda �:'' .,�"' � <br /> shull not be roquircd to co��mence�,rooe�dings, �pst aa.y successor in intareat or-refase W extend tim�:tl6r�1�Y��a ''%;�. :•�.�i�� <br /> �m ag <br /> , 'I{� 1 wtherwi�e mndify amatiztui�pn ot 1hc sua�s'secwe�by l�►is S-Ea�d1y inalruineht by r�asor��fsuly.d�mand ms�de�►y tht�ai�gin�1 ,.:. �. <br /> ,j��,� �;,. Borr�awer or 8ortower's successors i�a iqt�}esi. Ahjr�'foAbeu�aauc�by l.eud�r in exe�auy��t•u�ranud�r sha�1�61�s p , � �— <br /> _ � r•.c . �••q��Yet,oforprecludetheexercia�:�ofanyri�htor�ed�edg�. . ,� . . � � `°�;'• :�•: <br />_:�� fy�:� I • ;',� �, . • ,,. , � •, ,, , �,�(. . �:-; <br /> r,:r. !2. SueCessors�utd Assigp.q BouoAi.Co Sn4 A�d Sev�'al t�ii�bi➢�tY;+C'w•blgnera. The covenarns.�s�ments op tlris r� <br /> �.. , 'Securlty In.�ruR�nt ahall bind and betKfit ta+e siacoes�s Aa�d�Rtis o��.eatler w�d�bje.�t 1a�Me prov}siom af ' � '.. y}'. <br /> '4•1 graph 1�. Rormwer�covenunts a�d ag�a�nent�si�sdl be jpint'a�iii,ser•etal. Any Barower wMo ro-sig,its tbis Secunity ' :,��,,'�:; <br />- �' �hssn�hunt but daea'pot execuu tQie Nae: (n1 is�asigni�g this Securit�Insuument only a mortgage,S�{aqd edlwe7�th�l , :.. <br /> �� Bmrowerh 4itetest imthe Pnv�perty 1�der ti�o terins af't�is Sasc�rity lnstrul�ie� (b)ia o01�pason�tlp ob,7igated la pay ti►b.sums . . <br />_� -r' saured by thi9 SecuritSt Instrumen�;and(ca 8�ees that Lenda aod any dthei�o�s�ower rnay ag�e to extend modify.fotbear •,�;:, <br /> � or make any aammmadapans with megdieD tr�t�e,tema o�d�ic Security inspument o�,the Note without that Borrower� . , <br /> cance,r. � � - <br />� ''r� ��'��t`� ' • )3. Lap� �C�ha�s. Af the loa�secureal Dy this Security InstrumeM is subJect to a law which sets ma�cimum loan <br /> .,y,,1,;.:,;:M;�L�:� • <br /> •,,�•�t�,� + ' �tia�;ea.and thar law is finally intetpreted xo that Ihe interc�+t or other loan charges coUected or to be cdkcted 1n connecdon <br /> � �. .;wid+�he loan exceed�he permitted limita,then: (A)i►ny snch ban charge shall be reduced by the amouM necessary to rcduce <br /> " the charge to the permitted limit;w�d(b)uny xums alrcady coNected from Borrower which exceeded pem�itted limi�s wi116e <br /> ' nefunded to Bomower. Lender may choose to make thh:rcfund by reducing Ihe principul owed under the Note or by making a <br /> ' '.<:r .� Q.�: � dlrect peyment to Bomower. If u r�efund rcduces principel, the reduclion will be trewaf as a pwrtial papayment wid�out any <br /> • �'~ � �,: j. , prcpayment charge under the Note. <br />� � �`�,. , 14. Noticra Any natice to Borrower pmvided fa in�his Security Ins�n�mem sh�ll be given by delivering it or by <br />.'j�-. ��-• <br /> ' +'�;'�';.� � I mailing it by fincl class mail unless appllcnble Iaw requinew useof another method.Thc nwice shull be dirocted to the Property <br /> • �,:�� � Addrcss or any other address Borrower designute�by ndice�o l.ender. Any notice to Lender xhall be given by firxt class <br /> �•' � � � mAil to I.enderk nddresti.tated henein or uny other uddre�s Lender designule�by notice to Bomower. Any notice provided For <br />_,� ,�'• .e- �. in ihis Secudty Inxtrumem ,holl bc dcemed to havr lxen given �a Borrower or Lcnder when given ns provided in this <br /> y� ����.. _ ry'�.r�-:-�}�� <br />-'lT YY}MY'1��tY FI�B(��. <br />"� ��u-• �- . 1S. Goverdng Law; SeverabflNy. This 5��curity In�trument �hnll be gavemed by federnl IAw und the Inw of Ihe <br /> r"`�ti � �' • jurisdiction in which ihe Propeny iti locaed. 1n the evern ihut uny provirion or clnuxe of thix Secudty Inslrument or tha Note <br /> -;.,r,c�:;�t����.�� ��•�' contlicts with npplicuble luw.,uch rnn0ict shwll nat affect other provirions uf thi�Security Ins�rument or the Note which can <br /> � �" '`'"'. sD'��-�' be given efieci without the cantlicling pravitiian. 'Ib thi� end the pmvisiunr:of thix Securi�y Instrument und the Nde ar�e <br /> X ;, : , .:;..s;; I declared to be severable. _ <br /> ,t;`'-• `,. ,.�,,� I 16. Botrower's Copy. Borrower,hull ix�given�rx ccinformrJ ropy of the Note und of 1hi�+Seeurily Inxtrument. -- <br /> . ,•y.,;;�' ,, � 17. 7FansPer of the Property or a Beneficlal lnterest in Burn�wer. If ull or ony p:ui of�hc Property or nny interes�in — <br /> ���5;�.� <br /> �; � ''-�',,�5,; ,.,,,;� � it i�sold or trunsi'crred lor if u t�eneficiol intere,t in B�ROHer i.u►Id or irun,l'erred and Born►wer iz not u nutural person) _ <br />`"�' i" �; ,�,� .�,•<<�' : without Lencler's pricx wrillen wnxent.Lcnder muy,at ils���xion,r�yulre immediutc payment in fuU uf ull sums tiecured by <br />`.,1, ��'� <.:�•� ;. <br /> �.� `�'��``;t�,, '��,��;t���l �he d te t�hi.+�Secur iy InH�rumen�.�hi�c►p�ian.hall nut h��xer+rixeJ by Lender if excrcise iti prohibit�•d by federul law as of <br /> '" `'D t n� ,v. If l.ender exertixes thi�optie�n.Lender,hrll give Horrower notice nf uccelen��ion. The nudce shall provide n periad of <br /> a��"'''��� not Icss Ihun.0 day.fmm thc date Ihe nmirc i.dcli�•emd or nuilcd wilhin which Borrower mu,t p�y ull sum.+ecured by�his _ <br />'��., .r.• "� ),l;• �t 3 _ <br /> �`' ' "�'' "�` Securit Intilrument. If Burrowrr fuil,lo av�hesc+um� <br /> � ,',�;;:';.,;;r4 Y p'_ �rior�o thc rxpiration nf Ihi��xrnKt.Lender m�y invoke any <br /> ' � remedies pertnitted by thi�S�YUrity In.tNment with��ul furlher niHice or demund on BarraN•er. <br /> .�=��:..�:=�;.�i , <br /> - � 18. 8urrowerx Ri�ht to Reinstate. it b��rcower meet+ renum cundi�ion�. Bnrn►wer�hull have Ihe righ� ta huve — <br /> w• - `t <br /> enforcemem of thi4 Serun�y In�trumrni Ji,corninued at any timr prior Iu Ihe rarlier of: lal S duyr lor such�Nher period a� <br /> .:/` `,� <br /> 1 <br /> +' �in kFvunil F�nafe�fae�FYeddielfacl�Ntt'11N�111�TR1'Nk�T••ltnU�nnCovamonh 9NY ��R���qe�a���! <br /> , i��,{', � R' Y- _- <br /> _ � .,•. • • <br /> � • -... . <br /> . <br /> . � - <br /> � . � • . ��yy --- - i•• i _ ^r:t��� '�"ia..�e'- <br /> �ti� . .. . r`�!%31+ouet� -�'� -� � .� �. . r,y..:,��==ti..s=r��1ar..�.1�,�.�, - <br /> -��v� �r , . -�-=sr�*----•;sr.�c+.r�-�- ^t � :..,-� ,..,.��:--W_-- <br /> �(�74�II�ll�it�9�.��� ��� r�r ,.i -5-1 .c_ .. �V_ �_. �_ill'L,lriatit�� _�Afk..c-y���w:�-_�"�`..��___ <br /> ' �r - �,.— -,�� �.�r-•,:--T; :-'.rrt:i�r,e�,rz-.r,-n-a a-��::�a�r�-- <br /> , "�. `�'�'���`'' :T.yl�'3.i" ° ' � �S �. r- � � ff- -}- f t� � i+ . 'J . _ <br /> .S: � .. � �, qtr'' ( � �. � < . �: S � �ti i� ...... � .' w - <br /> � r ' �i ��. • ,.. f � � rl °, ,,,{f, 44' �J E,, , fv_ [�.L� ` z, � <br /> ���i ��+ r�,,. , _ ,{� �`tvs . . �����1 � ,c11- � . � - - ; X'x��hP',.fj-._ 'S, 1�'.-�•' �it• M+ '41�t, .� :_ ` <br /> J - 1-n'!���- � � t-ti � ���tri'=��r5��% .��'�� +"� i • � �jI �f`f,;:�j: Ar'��.� ��i1 i�,�r,�•', .�� .�,,�y��-�4r� � - <br /> � .N. ��� � :.t.� qZ 1 . ,.��5 i'�r . .� '( cj�,.. f C; •,•I�t �1�1.�� �;r Tr� � !'L.��3U�Mr.w�'^" <br />_:,� ,r : ,� r. `+ , _ �,.y!i�•'r�.:`T+'�ry��'@� il�+�): . . � t r �i� . �t � 'r,,.(� r. .��w r�nrr�.' rr `r ay� ��.�r r - <br /> �� -�- _ ��i11�i�.�SI��{ti11,�{J�)t fiw� ...�. i -��h {1(} �.1 4f�s � t- �t� r .y.. � t/` l �� 1 <br /> i "�� f J tI'� . -1 r 'il�� 1 A it�F f�' al�., - :n, 1 - '� -Y_ <br /> — .. . �1 .. . '�` :l 1�� i T.�� , �� .��`,\�I f� f J 1 y 1 ��i1 f���1'r. . ��l`f•�I- ( _�- _ <br /> .,i ,� � •� ��S•\h ll � �'I.,.'�4��ll, "r�'!�;��.,.�l�,'�"'?.T' � � �;.'�;�::1� :�Sn�, "�,��I,''CTi�.�S�rr::. <br /> •�i":(' �5.., ,C. �Y i . <br /> ,:lY� � , : ' ' �1$'r;+�� .•.1"+•. .�41'�f{.',�4.c;��,'i��t ,"t.��`e�+qKSS�JI{Z''`i� t�i��•':7��r•�L 'tL�CT�Y:,.� �' r�i���°•��;p,qdj1{';���"fL'��}�i;y� t... <br /> :� . - ��,.� , , , -'��i;, c�: ... . 1'��,'; ,f� i .. , i1�'i��-: (,� f'N rc�>.ws, c'': �S�tJ�.•�F4�~"�•�.rr����;�i'�}j,�, ' .5`tf�y�- <br /> ._— ,`_ i�..a � ).�y�1i f' . r � t i• �l• v .. I�'�� � �[ <br /> � '. <br /> � �.� / <br /> � , t <br /> . ;J(h����. i } I�.1. -. 4� <br /> .... -��..�.�s,Ts . .:b' �.._a�r �.i.-..:�.:',. - y � - - (4t' r+ - - .�s. j`b.•.tv�ra.ari:il..�� . ;��A14;�;��4f�1}b:�'����rr',�' 1�:.� <br />. ( ,+ `f. ,f. ..d,�,,.�{.,, , '.. . � `---- -- --- - �� --� --, _._— -- - .-"��"1.V�N.���±'�^)�' ' a ` -��,i i�{l,r j�l�: .�..: <br /> t .,"'� ,'Sii , ' ., � ,_ ' �-. ' �'��Y• +�'tl�t't21tY! �, ;45�� F4�'� �����I'� r; <br /> , ,��,�:�' t � .�. <br /> , .;,� i . • ' , � . • • , - .>:'.,., • "ti:���"•F��.��. `�`` ,i','����•'` y�`��., <br /> , � �rTL��'n " . � . . .� . - ' . .i..- a.�.�:� (,i �. . <br /> �'.� �:��1 P'�•• +se�: <br /> .. '-t- .. _ • . .. � ,`.; � .i.i' .r�,51:' . . _ - . <br /> � '.r ` , .� - , . .� •.I'�t, � ��1I�.1' ' .. .\ ,1' t i <br /> � . ? . <br /> 1.. .� _ . 'l•.� . . _ . � . <br /> � �i <br />