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�„ ` . . <br /> s :i . . .- ,�•,. :, �.� ,; ,;.:, �:; <br /> �"�ri_ <br /> .. o. ; . : . . � . ..�.�. .- <br /> _. ,..,�_.� .; , .. , . ' �"�,��a(�IfR"�'S4 . <br /> . ' , ,h�t a,,,,d�,aq�Y.., 'Ar�+. �Nr i�M4riMO1�.h.0 IM cb��jc,boetarw�.ut�t ta I.�a4�1� ---. <br /> N <br /> . � �1 wM{�M sWl qot b��woM6hr�� If Ba�owN l�IM 10.awYMdn aav�d�wribrd�bar�Lwd�r iabr,M <br /> • . l�a�duti opek�o�INin Io p�eat L�idetti d�in tIN�y In�000al��rtlh �p�ph 7. �� . <br /> MI Inav�o�oi pd�i�w�l��11 M�to �nd�u�ll lnalud���nd�d �. I.a�d�r <br /> •�hdl iu�ve�he dolN to hald�Me polieia�u�d naiew�l�, i I.aider roquiro��Barowor�h�ll Promq�9�ive oo all r�ooipu <br /> d p�W pantuaa�nd n�w�l nadoa. In IM event ot lo��Aarowx�II{iw pompt ao�o�t�tlr�ar�o�a�aad <br /> , L.NdK l.«�d�r nry m�ks p�oof of las it not m�ds pnortqMlY bY Bomawer. <br /> -- - - Unbu L�ende�and Barower atherwi�e�roe la wrida�.inwrmoe�noeed��11 be�ppltod to roaapt�n or r�it d <br /> . �� Piro�orty �ad.U tho n�toraHon or rcp�ir i�e�arnially f�uibb�nd L�dor�iociwity 1�teot lacp�. It d�e <br /> ioa a� i�not acanomicdiy fc�afbte or'Lenderk Recurity wwW ba leWa�od,the inrutwice prooeeds�fnU bo <br /> spp8ed w the n�nu saro�ed by tbis Secudty Tnqiument,wl�hor or not tha�due� wNh�ny e�u pAid w Rornmvef U <br /> BoROwer Ab�ndom tite Property�or doei not+�nawer wNhin 30 d�ya a eotko from Lender tlu�t the inwau�oo cankr iw , <br /> offend w�eule a eldm,thm L.endera�y collect the inwr�nee pnaceed�. l,ander may uco the prooeala M mp�l�or oawro <br /> s..- the Pro�erty m ta pRy wou�ecurod t►y tld�Saa�uity 1�.whether a aot Ihen due. 7Lo 30iyr paiod�riN ba�in wba� <br /> the noUcc i�givea. <br /> ilnles4l.a�der a�od Bonowa o�herwi�o ypoo ia writir�.a�y rcatim of pocooda to piincip�l ah�ll na o�cand or <br /> prtpone the due d�e oi the moirhlY MY�s�fenod w in pr��r�c 1 aad 2 ar ch�nge the wwuet of tho p�ymaw. lt <br /> wider paragraph 21 the Prope�t�r is �qui�od by Lender Bormwu�d�lu w a�ny ins�aanoe polieie9 md P����i <br /> fiom d�un�ge w tAe Prnperty pnor w We aoquicNlon clwU pa�u w I.eedar w die ea�dat ut the wm�ceaued by this SeeiWty <br /> - inouumcnt Immodiuely�w,tbe�oquisition. <br /> 6. Ooa�cy. tbn. Mafatenwuce �nd Proketio� d t6e Prape�i Baro�ver4 l.aN Applieafiani <br /> - _— t.a�seUofdw Borrower shali occupy,esu+blish.and use tt�Proper[y as Somoaerh�pai residptco withui sixty day��tter <br /> ° - _� • the eseculion of this Smulry laat�u�ee►t�nd ahaQ eattinue to occupy tha P�operty as Bcxrctvreik PrinciPal�sidenoe for at . <br /> .e, �,. . ';le�st qne year afler We cx.�cupuncy� 4�sa�l.ender.cKhenvlse agnees in writin�, w3�ich cansept sbsll nat"6e . <br /> � ,4. .;,�,r^ unrcpsonably wiU�held,or unfes,c exa�nuudng otnc+anc�Aaces ex�t whieh are be�c�nd 8omower��antrol. 8ar+hpwer�q noi .��;,•, • <br />,�,�_�'•�,�c?�;��'' , destroy.dama8e or iqnp��ir th�e Property;allow tde 6�roperty to deteriorato.or oommit waste on the PropeTty. 1Barr�nwcr sQsuli �;;S. �.��, _ <br /> ' bain de6uull�if any fq�'aeiture slcdo�a or pta�ding.whether civil or criminal,�is b•rgun that ln l.tnderk goo�i�ait?a;j�Idgme.n� . � �,.� <br /> - l�,�• ' � s�td�cswlt id !ort'eitum of tf�e Rnpzrty or other�vise matcdaioy impair the liCn ortated by.lbis 9a:udty Insbtimert �r ;;� <br /> ,...,�a� e d i:_r'r . <br />,:i�„_,�:-,�;�..�,•-, ;�ro�:.i ���/.Latider's se�wd�y interesG gomower muy cwe such a default and redas� pravld¢d ln p�ragraph 18�by pusing tha�icii�ut� ' ,,.. <br /> �'.��.;�: <br />=.;,�'��� � '�ar prv.ceed;ng a hc dismissM wlth a ruling Lcnderk good.faitb cktemiiaation.pheFlwdes forfeitune p�.�he Barowct�'� �;:�; <br />_-:,�'4��';�v� imercst in IF�PnuPe*1�'a other ma�e�inl impaimrcnt af the lien miwted by.t8�3� Se�urlty instrument or Lenderls aecudty <br /> '==-.=.:�5�±� ' ppi�cation prucass, gave matc�ally fit�e or, <br />..-:.-.�• �.,. interest. Bortowcr shall also be Ln default If Bornower, during the loan a `"' <br /> �,� � `�•, � inaccumte infomn�tion or statements�o l.etKter(or failed to pr�ovide l.ender wi�h any mate�al ia�t'm�aiANo��j dn carmeetion�Vlt�i � <br />'P.. ��f,,�r the laan evidenced by the Nate.fa�c�a�ding. but nat limited to.'repiesentallons concertung �arrowM§ accupaneY pt ohe ' . <br /> -- �`;;;�i,G'',,•�1� �t�nY as A pdncfp�l residet�ce. IQ t��s�cunty insauanem i�un A kasehold.8ormwer siidie tixrrpdy wiuh aii t�ie ptavis+o�s :,,. <br /> t,� y ;.s•��.�tt� �' af the lease. lf Barower ucquires fee ai�tic ro�hc Pnopeny.lhe kwehold and the fee tiUe chall not mergrt�Pess Y.�er agroes• ..,. : <br /> c <br />- ,ia��k:��:r:r��„ to the merger in writing. ' <br /> .,::...,.. .:. <br />• � '� + 7. Protecdon ot Lender's Rights in the Property. If Bortower feils to perfortn tMe covenants and agnxmeats ' • • <br /> �.�� .� ° contained in this Secu�hy Instrument, or theie is n legal prceeeding that may significantly affect Lenderk rights in Ihe <br /> '�S:';41;'�:i..` L'iv`�>t+i�`: <br /> ,s,.�,'�.'.:^• ..;s. Property(such os e proceeding in bsnkruptcy,probate,for condemnntic►n or forFeiture or to enforce Iaws or roguladons).�iten <br /> •`•��'�:�.���:'t•:�:.s�:f�� Lxmdcr may do und puy for whalever is necessary to protxt the value of the Property snd Lender's dghts in�ho f'roperty. <br /> fitvdi,,^.:�: " .-,•; .,.�. <br /> �.;q�,�%,r.., � ., -.p_,,.� L.ender's actions muy include puying uny xums tiecurrd by o lien which has priority over this Security Instrumen�eppearing <br /> •t'.;,��; <br /> ,'s;-;:,;,;�;,� ;:,,;.,„�;,�,�+ in coun.pnying rcasonable uuomeys'feer and entering an the PropeAy to muke repnirs. Althou�h Lender may tWce action <br /> ,�,;;�.�r,.•,�,,.,.,q,� under�hix pv�ugrrph 7,Lender das not huve to do�o. <br /> • �.,�; L_::,: My umounts disbursed by Lender under thi�: pamgroph 7 xhall become udditional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> .y•• :�?�,�,u;�;:J,:;:'":^ . Security Ins�rumem. Unless Borrowcr und Lender agree ta other term.r•uf puyment,the�c omounts shall bcar incercst from the <br /> ;� ;:.,�t;�;t.ty1�1,,;.,.'�t%i!Jj, dme of diKbunsetncnt ut the Note rn�e s�nd shall be payuble,with interezt.upon notice From Lcnder to Borrower roquesting <br /> . ::., . payment. <br /> - • � �•�,;.•=. S. Morlgege Insurance. If'Lender reyuired mongage insumnce+�u cundition of making the loan securcd by this <br /> �• ��,'�.���'�`'3� r�� Security InstrumeM, Boirower shull puy�he prrmiums rcyufred�o maintain the mongage insurance in effect. If.for ony <br /> ��"` : near,on, the mort a e insumnce caveru e re uired b LenJer lu tie+ or ceases to be in effect, 8ormwer shall a the <br /> � !.;';Z� . 6 B R 4 Y p•� • p Y <br /> �' �� ' � � • prcmiums �yuired to obtain coverage substuntially equivulenl �o �he mongoge in�uronce previously in effecl, at a cosl <br /> r;�"•��: ,::�.,�_•.: , <br /> �,•, . . • substnntially equivalent to the coti�to Bormwer of the manRu�e inxurunce previou+ly in effeet,from an altemate mor�gage <br /> ;� '� : • �:. �'- insurer uppmved by Lender. If xub.tuntiulty cyuivulcnt mongugc imuruncc covcr.�gc is na aaail�bie,Borrower shall pay to <br /> ,, Lendcr ench month a wm ryuul to one-[welfth��f�hc ycurly mongu�!e insuruncc pmmium bein�paid by Horrower when the = <br /> - �,ti,�+;��.�. .. ; in�urance covemge lupsed or cca+eJ to he in efferi. Lender will uccept.ur,e und rr�uin these pa?ments as a laxs reserve in lieu - <br />'�``�_ ': ��:�. ;;'•t� of mohgage insurance. Lusti reserve puymems muy no longer hr r�yuimd,a�the option of Lender,if monguge insurance <br /> ' �";`�j g (' peric�J th�n Lrndcr rcyuire�l pmvided by an imurer appmved by l.ender again becomes <br /> �� �� � : ` �•,�;'��:, covcru c m thc amoum and for�hc <br />:=�'' ;��«� ":���; �voiluble and is o6�uined.Burruwcr tihall puy ihc premium�RyuiRd to muintain nH►ngAge �n.urance in effec�,or to provide a <br /> - a. ht+i•i� <br /> r�;:•1;,'.'r,v��(+�l loss rcserve.uMi 1�he reyuirement for mongage insu�unce urcnni�mcr with uny writt�n�goe�ment t►etween Bomower <br /> ,. ,...,��.�F.,:. <br /> . i�:+;�'✓�,u�y�-: �',,�•,�; .� nndLender��r;�pplicublcluw. . <br /> r:�..,,�.,,, <br /> ,..•�:� {' G 9. Inspceffon. Lender ur il�ugent may muke mu.c�nuhle en�rie.upnn und ins�ct�on.of chr Propeny. Lender shull ° <br /> �;:• •;,tt�i:a�aL�:;f.:_I;°".:!� <br />..,;t;� ,•' ,���s..y;:--�,;,r.;,,:,,�..:..� give i3u��uwn��Kdi►e u�dir�iinr�►f ar prior to un m.�xtiuon,pecUyiug reu+onablr r•ru,e�or�he inspecliun. <br /> ".;;t:�.iti,�� 16. Condemaotbn. '1'hc pnxceds�N�any uwurJ ur rluim for dumu�;e+,dirrcl or c�x�.cyt�etttial,in rnnnection wilh any <br /> �'�r•``!"�;... . , <br /> . .,, �.,,; � � �r:: <br /> '::yt::,,�'. •' • ' Sfnglc F+�ufly••Fiwnk\1ndFYerWk�1k UNIFORN INK7'NL':11�NT--Uaitimn c'orcnunt. 9/9D ipug�i�,jA�ge.rl = <br /> ;\;:1P..-.� . <br /> _ : �c:, .. �arN L�e IWa1rtn+Y�mM loc.� <br /> - i.;�,�i' - . '_ filMder CYI: Ii0D63PY3p U PAR BW7Y1•1131 _. <br /> ,. ''�, ��. ' . <br />- . _f'.. � . � _. <br /> :. , .r�.:. r �'�I9Xi:��Ai��1`jh'�, '(�7pwaw� ��A n -.��-- q-�-q— � _. _� <br /> ---'� �t �I�TI��r.�.i��� .� .�l_ ,( ..I- .. . . _a_�. ,'t� lJ.���k�a �.ri2� �'Y rv-u.3�}J!'•T�-'Y.f�•�. <br /> t•=f�`+': T. ,- -------f-:r-; r �I r', .'� .. ,,; . . . :. .. -_ :- _ f`_i ��-rr�f,,..�,'��. __.__ �.�.��' ��� �. <br /> i t�' � i (�i., " , �1 � ;f�r �t�, *�1 y'.5"t ��+ \ � ���rP� <br /> ��� � t 4�! _ -•,, . . „ . - i �ft � �� - . � • ��_ r,`i.f -, 11+r.��, �i` '�'y ��. <br /> - j i 1l 5 !` ��4�.,,� �. (r��r'�� t - ..t(' . - .��) _i r� . 1� ',r1��i., . . t � �.4�'�„ <br /> 1 1ry - - . ' . � J. I )�':.i•�.ip� �i <br /> t ` ,�}w���k � � "�/'_�Y1 ylll� ;�. <br /> �[. 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