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- - .. - y. �r�:e.r.^Y� _d � - .�t'. "'t.: —*.n!� <br /> .]��.r�::!'"� ..� �.._ .Y;e-..s-�.. ,---,�-�----.r, .,.... <br /> y . ':t.r i�� - . .. . o ..e��F:rit�.��'• .+;.i:��.� n• , � V . .. �on :n n�" _ --_--, <br /> ._ _:ni ..__ � . o . ,. �� .-� <br /> � .. A � n "��. � - ' . . . p . ,. ' � . .. .. ' ,�, �� •, ���,o Y�y��- <br /> • " n ., 1. • .. � ,. .. � u <br /> • ��� �.���b�� �� ��'��[� � <br /> «(� 0���� �A�1110M�OA�O��*MC%�110�I'1!i (� <br /> , �Myl1�.MMIIl���INI��iY1110b� IN dq0 WiA1f 1��� III�IIq1Y0f�«qd dif 1�TOt0 N U 110�pO�M{0� �Md . <br /> � oa,�t�n.a;ro��,ay a�hutc ot.ny ap�r wv�ea�na ar y�n.�aw:cc�pqn+�I!e�p�a ia�ana ia«d�md'.a�ty . <br /> ,. 1a�pumau,iu�ludhi�,but aot llmiled to�rauon�ble atlomeyi'tea:and<�)Wt�a acb acdaa as Irawlx m�y ra�uan�My � <br /> nquin�o wute tl�t�he liea u�q�i�r 9�itY 1n��nwa.L�adr9 tl�hq I�tMo ihopwiy�hd aano�rrl�abU�doa oopy ebe <br /> �uqu �eciaed by daa 9aauiry 6�runnait tb�ll oaqhu�e w�un�ed. Upan �by 8arnower� d� 3�y► <br /> _ ----_ .�"°--.�'� lmonat��nd d�e obli�tiam�ecu�vd heedry didl rmmin fidiSr ei'iecdve n�!P ao�niwWior�Iwd oocu�ad. tiowevar�tibic <br /> : �ht ro r�unM�thUt aut��y lstbe cMe d Nooele�tim w�der p�ta�eiph l7. <br /> � • 1!� 9�M d'N��1�M�t rt LoM l3rnio� 71a NaAe at� �Ner�rt In dic NoM(1a�a wilb thit Sea�tity <br /> , be a�e or.n�one Hma wituoue priar aodoe b� A ab mwy nMalr�s.ct��e in.d�e aWtY <br /> �p1� tdou <br /> ..�.. _ --_ �q�q�tMo'f,ain San�")�t coil�cts'e�owAly piyn�e+nn dMe uuder die Nob aod this Secu►ity�n�onrneiM. 7'ltae�tlw <br /> " �� aqy be aie ar maie ch�age�o�tAa L.owo Savkv uorel�red to��lo af t6o Na�o, U tha�e fu a�o af'd�c Lo�a Seivioer. <br />---_ °-`""'n""�`� Bae�owcr wi116c�[van wriva�noaca d tho ciwo�o ia�oadNCe with�14 sbove aad�p iicap ble 4r. 71�s notioe <br /> - -_.:`�`°` � ,, ,,wU Wob d►a rpimo s�ad�Ad�tos�of Ibc rww Lulm Savioer Md tlie addnew to pqraa�t��d�aaW bo m�da 'iUo aolics wW <br /> --- -- - ' '-••dw oorwdo ay athd�int'am�tiq�1 teqai�ad b�I+PplicaW9l�w. � . � � ,. <br /> _ _ ` • '' �. 8�0�SG�sla�p�,t. Ho�rov�s sd�U qoR rr�u�e or p�mit.tho•pre�c�:4i�e,wiG d1�P�•��•or wefe�ae d�ay ::. <br /> � N��udona S�bsWa�ot��r�i t1i0�ft'qpe�ty. �wn�i`�vp'chW�at''ali�tiv ahS'�an4:�lse�•to do��taiyt�oB affxtin�t�e ;:,,. '-- <br /> PmpetiY tda�.L tn vIo�ion of any Envira�q�tidl l:aw. The�ec�cfi�twa�ypptanbes�i�1� ly ro Wa�pKSeaoo.uoc,�,r'!`�';;;�{��:�;: <br /> s�:; ,;.;,,,. <br /> uorngq ran tbe Prnpaty qf emalf quiva:�ics df Hazardo7a Subctw4�t�t are,�daUY�x�o�bp spp�pr�e�a,�'�q?t�1 �',:. : <br /> m�idaroi�l'wa aud to mai�:onuncc of the�rager}�, . ; � . , � r ' :. <br /> • '. An�nrvar rh�U lrc�,otly�ive l.eoAu rourinen wa¢loe of an}r inv��aod.hwsuit�dtt�'action hy any „ ;' •�" <br /> - � govemma�W a regulAtat�r'�erny ar pd�vatp jiixty iavolving tho Property'iwd oiy Haa�rdnw Sub�tW4�r+�pvEtqnmp�W .,, <br /> -------- [,aw of which Baroara las actr►A�i 9cmawledBe. Yi Holrowu'l�ams: or is nodNed by wY�m►da�plhrlu�•.be re�t�tory <br />- --— �w:��t�ny nemo�v�l ar.oi4�t tcmetNiNan of aay He�anbas Subatance�ffecdng ti�l�n�petty lt o0�►.�al�� <br />.__ =-`:2':s,.'. ehaU Ppp�a�tly uk�e�fl ao�ces,aqy reme�iiul aottona in acc�daace wiiP�Envlrot►mentel Lnw. • ' 1 • <br /> -- -- /�s�used in this QrragrqPh i'f0."Hazmdous 3ubsu�n�Es"�ne ttwcA:subsumc�s doi#qe,d aa tozic or 1�1'i�r�ous cubst� ' � , ;'�,.,�,�� <br />--_ �...: � � Bnvironmental.lap+aad the faUowing aubstances: gasdlrie.kerosene,odter tlammable'ar taxic petrot�wn praWcte�tpat� <br /> _- "n`�'µ ' pestiaittes and�hcrbicldes, voladla soWents.materic�ls cantai�in�e�bertoo qr formaldehyde,aild radlo�c�ve matai�la As ',� ' <br /> —x,�s�,�,�,f� ,used in this paragraph 20.„Environmental Law"means fed�rallawR sufd law��of,tbe juriCdictian wbeoQ tba PropatY L laa+te�d.�..'. : .+ <br /> - ���.��':,� �;� �hat reltue w heaith,safery or environmeMal protecdah. . , ;�� � ,. <br /> '�°""'�''"�""� NON-UN[FORM COVBNANTS. Barower atW L�ender further covenant and ugreo as foilowa: � , • � , � , � � <br /> , � �, : . <br /> --- <br /> 21. Acc�el�l'�Non; ltemalka Leader ah«N P,�ve potlee to BorrowRr.pr7er to acceleraHob fallowiag Bwnro'�fa �� ;. <br /> »�',"�r _ breach af an 'ooveannt or agrcement In tbis e��u lu�trqment tbut aot rip�to�cceteratbop:u�adcr , ' � <br /> r�,���r 3' �. �9 � P�P���7 . <br /> .,_ __ �K�n,..�..,�,�:::.�,� uolcss appltcablc larr pravldcs athet�rfsc). Tlse�atice xl�a!!a�r!!�: (a)!!se ;tlsD�las aetioa r�sxd to�ere�e : ;.� <br />.::,;K ' '�, detault;(c>A dpte�ciot lesv thpn 30 days from We date the notke ie glven to Borroweir,by whkh the defiwlt muat be �,' �� <br />''?�� ceredR and(d)thH tpllure to cura the det�ult oa or before tde date apedlled la!he notice wy result in aooderatbn of <br /> '" tUe sume secured by thls Secu�lty tostrument nnd sak o!tbe Property. Tbe nottoe atudl flirther Iatorm Borrower oi <br /> r Ihe rlght b relastpte aRer acceleratloa and the rlQbt to briag a eouM Actlon to�sert tbe aoa��euicteaoe d a ddAUlt or <br /> �,� any Wher deknse o�Borrower to aoceleratbn And s�le. if the defwult fe nM cnred on or before the date apedAed ia <br /> � • ' t6e notke,I.ender at Ite opdon may require immediate payaieat In full of nll sums securod by tbb Secnrity tactrwaeat <br /> ��, witbout �urtber demand and auiy Invoke the power o�sde �d any otber remedks penaitted by spplic�bk I�w <br />•��4��� •''d �. Lenakr slall be eadtled to colkct nll ex nses lacuned la rsul t6e remedla <br />" lacludiag.bul not limited ta�asonable aorneys'fees and cos s of tltk evidena. ��� � tb4 para�ap6 21� <br />- , .Y�,;yv U the poN�er o�snle is Invoked.7Yuslee shAU record a edke of default In wcb counly la wbkM aay part d tbe <br /> • :r.: Property Is located and sh�ll mall rnples of�such nollce tn the moaaer p�c�lbed by applic�ble I�w to Borrower aad to <br /> ' ~ '�:'�w`�• the atber persons presc�lbed by AppllcAble law ARer the Qme required by appllc�bla I�w�'I1�ustee sh�U Qive publk <br />� ��" "' � notia ot ewle to the ns nnd M the monner presc�lbed b a Ilcable low 7Fustee.without demaad on Borrowe�. <br /> �`'��••°�� ��^�. shall seU the Propert�ublic Aucllon to fhe hl�hest bidder At the Nme And place and uoder the terms destgnwted in <br /> `- '..`y,�y.a�J:,r•�•..a;• <br /> �"` � tde aotice of sAle in one or more porcels n�d in any order 7Fuslee determines. 7Fuste@ may postpone sak ot AN or�ny <br />,� � �;��;'h�"; '�� parctl of the Property by public annou�cement at the time pnd plwce of pny previouely schedukd sak. l.ender or ils <br /> � • desi�nee may purchose the Property at Any sale. <br /> � � Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.'I�uslee slwll delive�to the purchaser 7lrurtee's deed canveylnQ tUe <br /> �� � �,., _' Property. The recltats in the'I�ustee'4 deed shall be prim�fi�cie evidence ot lhe truth of the stalements mwde therein. <br /> ;:,,•q; 7�u�tee slwH apply the proeeeds oi tl�sole in the following order: lnl to all cosls And expenaes of exercisinR tbe puwer <br />�,,' •. �`�lu, N':�`'� :i�..s�'�,. - <br /> 1 <br />' ���'r,� ,r,�+�� ¢J <br /> r: - � .-�S , , <br />..,f� ,.� -�, Y <br />- :�:l.�t:.t �1e._s::�:Y <br /> _ :��i}� , _ <br /> ,(�; • . hora JOlB 9/90 I/wR�,S n)ApuKe�l <br /> , �'' <br /> ,�� <br /> �� : , . <br /> �. . . <br /> , � , . ,��MGHtl','� l.ML'tiA r;SWR'�•..� +�. . _. ;.aL- .-. --__.s — -�. � - ._ --�:. - =-� <br /> `' . - . . _ . ., . �, ' ' ', " ' . _ r'�ry�q� . ��+����+.�:.... <br /> t , • � y .:i0.4.YL.'l.�'. <br /> _ �1FtF- __�+44�::i�kt.:ttL4.��.. r,1�il:��.',r.�• •�� �-�.:1Lr 1 9�'N.17l�nanr,cuin._ _ �~�'�mSi�i `' ° ara�mne�. <br /> . . <br /> __� _,. .._ T . <br /> s_ . __ , '�' '��T�_ i�' , �� . �q � r <br /> 1 r �'�' J�� � _ r � !S'����^� �„y, , t�i� '�^9'K.' �,� ' �� <br /> "� � �p� �r , c '.�• ' :� rJ)t��i J{`.f�1 i � .s, � ♦_�+,s...P�' ���. �4�1 Y�'j;��J�:,.�.` �..r.kri:.'�••''�1 ����!{Ir� <br /> t � �n .a. <br />.. L� Mt ��S`r,��i t • � ..� _ '1�'�',i rl- �t�� Sn` , 1r.}•���.�•� P� Y��:�q ��a1,µ . ......t .;\�.�,�,r` itl�if.�:(!t� �•N?rr'ii�s Yr1�? . <br /> � c �. � f� � i�i i.�,�� �?:� ��� .1•�.:1yr�:..', .�YL.:,..•t� :.o•. . '.U�i�.'���?�f i r 1..��1 ��e�4 <br /> V... -�� �� ,^iw����t.�v�il". � 4` i <br /> . , �;3`�'.:, r�i�li' :':�'t��•��. ,.:,},,,�r�i�,,,. ���.;F� ^;`,1�f G,.itir' .�. t�• ';.,y�•.�" ,��tt`',�ti rf����,ti1��'q'� � 1 t,��`'� `} <br /> _ �s;�! . . �.�.,. `� � � ,�. � + � , t` �ti /., ��, � � , �� r <br /> �';t. - � . �i:f 'tkQ� �.�:1��..� •.�� �. r . i ���/�'2h�',�11�- ".1(i:,��t��ll�2`i.1� � !;' �rrE.}�il � il�v ' )S'�-'a;''f�ii�l�_ <br /> �� � y��;•i}`��� �•=�Y� � � ''�1•} t��l l� i r-1 �l i���'�{ )!1 � „ ..�1��I:r`.' t ,�. 1'(�4�a.��, r ��,:.' <br /> �,�� . . . . t r �' �� i � f �.l,�•�l i �'�'��f � f��t� i �� �, .,ad '��t;y����'��.�� t'��•�` e�.tit�.� ili. :� <br /> u � ,�,, < ; s 7 �c. r;.;:.�'r�'.�";.1,*J��'�'�"1 J � 1 }(;�`�� im � L. �r s : <br /> ..t� ' <�3� � ' � �. i' 'ritj: t - ' - ` .t�..�.•1•��•y�1;.•1'�i1�f���� .�isEt � x�} ''l��ih�'r.i`s r'� tt. ':r nfi1- <br /> .; r i `U•it�, '-. . , „ _ 1j,�,' .. • �?1.�,".���'� ��': , . •� ' t.l��)Gt�1 .�i��'.e�4=`r,i�'�L,�<t ,t i, .�` , . • . •1 1'r_ <br /> �'.1:' . . . � . �'• �� ,,i, , . � �� . . <br />- � . .. . '' <br /> . . .., ... o <br /> . <br /> W� . � � . <br /> .—.!. . ��.^�a' . � . r � <br /> . ,. <br /> �.... .. . . .. ,. .. y <br /> '_"•- -- i.:� '.,• 11 -t., � <br /> .;, <br />:.-_:,�1r --=.r-----�'�°u---... " —---- - ---- ,�---'--- —'------.'- -._....___ .._.__ .-. .---_.—...--- --� -- . . <br /> I; . ,' � `rW. . � � :�"..� ,';:';'� ;s. . •'' '- <br /> , , , �`,b'.,6;,�. , � , . . ,�, ` . , �! .. . �..,'�:��<}�`�''�, � <br /> �'` ,'• '� � .,i,..k..'. , <br /> � ` ; J . �•� .. , . , ,. t. . ' , i , '., : . �+f : <br /> }� �� �:— <br /> , ) '� <br /> t' ., �' <br /> :YR . - .. -- - ----------- --- � <br />