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. . � <br /> _ . . . , , <br /> . <br /> a <br /> . , , , <br /> , <br /> . . ,., �. . ,• , -- <br /> . ....._.. .. - - <br /> ., . , � <br /> � �.� .�,� '��� • -- — � = —=-- .- <br /> _. _ :);�.•. ;,4.� .. ., . .. ��7�.NCiS4•'�~Y'3v,'y�•�r •. " . � �` � ,.��.°'�'� <br /> �.��ir� , '�_ , . �' <br /> „ � ., i,Y�� . ,.':�,• <br /> � � ,� ,. . . 93- ��ry . �, ;� <br /> �'l+OO`"Btl�B�t.wr�'H �r tmp+ova�aaae aow or�tie�t�ar«�•o�ed on iM iNVpaty.�na.0.�, � = <br /> '. ' riil liul�i�e�r roiw or M��pM��'YINNp�o�, A�1�iiar�iMU��O��h�ll rra Iw aovw�l b�►�Il�r aM�q� �� •. - <br /> l��ww. Au a1 dr f►o�l�ni�i�+ril�d q,- ir`i d�lMo�rit�Iniiaua�+Mt a w� lhnp�ty. � <br /> � sot�ow�e cov�w�rrs�eoeo���wn�ttr�.a at a�wew aenay aa►v��.a,ea t,�w►rl�it a�nw . <br /> • �nil aonwy tMp�y�nd IMt tlM Prcpprty b un�aaipmlarod�exa4p tat draun6rnnoe�oi'raoad. 8aro�wr a�nt�Mw! <br /> .� , wW ArfiM pna*lfy 1la�IkN b 1M Plra�w'ty NpitiM al ol�lau 1nd dNnwd�K su�t to�ny a�cuoebnaon cl noond. ' <br /> _��_____�.. THt3 9BCi1Rtl'�f IN8'[1tU1�'IB�17'a�mbinee �ifam oov�nq tor twdond w� �nd noa•udRam aovra�aa wilb � <br /> Wdl�d wduiau Wy Jati�atinp'to ootwdpNe�unit�ann�aauiry inwutnan oovedn�re�l propetty . <br /> UNII�ORM COVBNAN7'9. Bormwer�nd Latder covetuiat aid�neo�i.dlowao <br /> l. P��t af�pd�ad iatawti Pnp��et a�d I.tb C6�a Borrower�ll p�omptlY P�Y wha�due da <br /> prlad ot�nd ia�aa U+e deb�evida�ced by�ha Nae�nd,�nY PRARYmcrt aW lRa ch�et due undet thc Note. <br /> � FY�sd�tor'IYuw�nd Uwniaca Subject to qiplicAble bw ar to�wdtla►w�ivar by l.e�ler�Bon+ower�b�ll po�y to � <br /> l.eader oa the d�y montllY pa�Ymentr ue duc uader qw IVote�unW tbn Note b p�id in tWl,a wan("Phtxl�")for:(a)Y�Y <br /> � w�aad acse�merW which rrur�tain priority over tbia Seewity(awuument�4 Ikn on the Prope�ty.(b1 Yaufy lateliold <br /> p�yraeda or�ronmd r+eAts oa the Pnoperty. if any; (o) Ye�r1Y Iu�aN or proputy ln�ur�t�ce p�mlum�: (d) Y ttood <br /> — - ia�urxooe premiaau�it aqr.(e)ywfY mo�tWae �uooa Premiudu. lf tay:�ad(q auY �P�9��bY � b <br /> �'. Lcr�de�.��w�aw wGh tho p�ovisions of'�M Ueu o�thap�yttxa�t of mortguQo inwwnce�it�►s. 71�cae <br /> itdds�ne plled Bsctuw I1ems." L.a�der may,�t any tuao,colloct wd hoid Wnd�io m a�riount uot to exoeed tUe m�utimrm <br /> _� - amount�la�der for R takrAQy nel�ued martgwge laa m�y ccquioe for 8orrowerti cscnow �coou�a under tbe federd �taii <br /> --=-- F.awte 3eqlement�rocedures Act of 1974 as ama�ded from dma to time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et�v.("RPSPA'�.unkss�notbet <br /> �- laer tls�c�pl�ea so s'he�Iatds srt�s lesser emo�+nt. tf eo.1�►.u�y,a aoy tcema ooliect aod uold[i�ad�i��n�►awu�t�wt a <br />-:._-.:.t�----- - _- exceod the le�ser amount. Ler►dar may ectlmua the unou�t of Fi►nds du$on tho ba�eis of curcnt� aad rc,�ble <br /> -_�`,: wdia�tes of eup�aidians of futura Rsemw Items or othawffe ia aaa�d�vev�q�Ib�pplicx�Ga l�w. . . <br /> -;=—� 'lbe Wnds sh�itl be held in an irotitution wlaae depooit� �u�e ias�ed ?i�a fis�faal�gency.inuruma�Wity. or entlq' .,..�,. <br />._:�,'4:`:,.. I (inciuding Lender.Itl.ader ia such an L�stiweion)or in any Foderal How�i.wan Bank. Lender sha0!�p@Ix the Rmds to pAY <br /> :_. <br />_'-:�°�;� , the Escrow Itcros. I.eMer mAy not cduge�a,xr�wer for holdin8 And ap�al�i�the Fbnds.�oY ar�yzin�d�e�OW ... <br /> _ °` � _ --- - account,or verifying tho Escrow Items. unl�es t.eader pays Banowe�iva•�:resc on �he wMs and��i�a►ble pw;�e�s ��.' , <br /> ' LRnder to mpice sucd a ciwge. However.l.ender maymy uene Boimwer to pay�ax-time charge fa�A�t-L�kpore�'s¢ma1� ,; ., ':., <br /> ,..�:�i. • ' ���.estate uix reparting urvice used by Lender in¢onnecdan veitp+sleis loan.untess applicabla l�w ptovid'v��otl�etvvise. Up1�+ls�n '.,�. -` <br /> -:�`�:��� ;.Agreernent is mad�orwpplicable law roquirea inte�est to be paiq,Lender shn!!not be rcquiral W pay Ilamwtr any itWa�ast a ',,,.:,:,�;,�.;.`. <br /> ;-,;:�, eamIngs on the�u«cl�. Eamwer and Lender may agroe in wrldng,however.thu iaterest elwll be pwid um the Amda. Ladar <br /> � y �}�; <br /> :_'���':, shall give to�or�ow�r,without chuge.en annual tbe A�nds,showing c�ditr and deb�ts W the P1md��nd tbe • : ,; <br />_.r;y::• . pur�ase far which each debit to the I�nds was made. The Fuada An'pleQged�oddltionul sxuriry for�ll�w�w axu�d by •''',i�.i�;:;�� <br /> ihiu Secus�ty lastru�rant. � ', _.. <br /> ,�if,, ��:�''�'i�':;:• r' If the Flonc)s 3�eld by Lender exceed the amounts gk�mittcd to be held by applicable law. I.a�der sd�0�cco�l to� � .,; � <br /> ::_,,:;�;�, �,�;,y,' :,�i, ,�.,,' • ' Borrower for�he excesa FLnds in accordence with the requlrements of applicable l�w. U the amowu af tde Funds�bold by ,"',, <br /> = , I.ender at any Ume is aot rufficicnt to psy the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so noufy Borrov►�er nn w�idng.end,in . <br /> ; �� ���'�y�,����-°�•''�'�� such cese 8ormwer ahdl pay to Lender tha amount necessary W malce up the defioiency. Botrowet shell rnolce up the <br />� ''= `` ! y '• deflclency in no mora then twelve monthly paymeats,at Lender§isolc dlscretion. <br /> '�'''' • U p o n p a y m e n t{n f u l l o f a l l s u m s s e c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u�i ry I n s w m e n l, L e n d e r s h a l l p ro m p d y�e f u n d W B o r r o w e r A n y <br /> ;:,;.,.. .w r..._::,..•:,; .'..•-.�.• <br /> ,�;,�: ��. ""''°``%�yµ1 Funds held by L.enda. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shsll acquire or sell the Propeny.Lender.prim ro the�cquieiNon or <br /> r����.� . sele of the Propetty,sh�ll apply any FLnds held by L.endcr at ttie time of ac;qui�idon or wilo�t a credit��sUut t4e ama ' <br />-- .�..:�,.;�:'- '; '• secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> � �� � � 3. Applkatia d P�yments. Unlcss epplicable law provides otherwise, all payments Kcxived by l,ender undar <br /> , �' �' e� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall 6e any prepayment cherges due under Uro Note;second,to amounts p�ysbb wider <br /> •��, �,:ti`��''°''.^� paragrnph 2;thind,to inlerest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br />_�:'�; �f ��;�`•'�+''��v►�`�+�,.�-:•��� ���� 4. Cbo�es: Lieaa. Bomower shall pay all taaes, acsessments. charges,Fnes and impositions Attribuuble to the <br /> - fj._ -' -f+'��``"' ''�' Property which may attain priodty over this Security Instrument.end leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Barower <br /> •,srri:?K�+..�:ti+:i�h.:� <br /> f , � shall pay these obligNions in thc manaer provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pQy lhem on <br /> ��:•;, .�,.,... <br /> •����. `'"�t�.M°' �:.•�"�'" time directly to the person owed paymant. Borrower shnll promptly fumish so Lender ull notices of amounts to be paid under <br />,�;;. X�.. .. ,. -`«�;`;'r� Para� P p Y Y P P Y P 8 <br />,:�,;�; � . �..4,,..;_� ,�,; this ra h. It Borrower makes these a ments directl ,Borrower shall rom tl fumish w Lxnder m,cei ts evidencin <br />- �_'�"� ��.;, •;�,�.. .• the paymenls. <br /> ' j�,• �'., "' ���'� � •�• Sorrower sfinll promptly discharge uny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> ' ',l� in writing ta t�paymeM of the obliga�iun secuted by the lien in a manntr ncceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good f�ith the <br />` ;;. ;;;� ?;,;�.,,w;�. .. �'. lien by,or def�:nds agalnst enforcement of�hr lien in,lega!proceedings which in the Lender�opinion operate to prevent�he <br /> r',�:'r;1•.t}': �':"•'";:;>,.,:,;. ` enforcemenl of the 1'�en;or(c)secures from the holder of ihe lien an agreement sntisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br />`,�':%�4�•;� ''` ;, ' • to this Securit Instrurnent. lf Lender determines thnt un an of�he Pro rt is sub' ct to a lien which ma anain od <br /> N �•�s�� S.:�r�' �; . . ; Y �P' Pe Y J� Y P� �Y <br /> -�1. ' over this Security inslrument,Lender muy give BoROwer r notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy 1he lien or take <br /> s i�,� �:�:., j��l,,�..�, '�` <br />',�:r.,:.. ,_ _ , one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 day�of the giving of nmire. <br /> '��'' S. Haza�d or P r <br />�:'t;?;:!;• , � ',y., rope ty Insurance. fiorrower shall keep�he irroprovementx now cxisting or hereafter erected on the <br />='.,;+;1�'� ' ' N�f�°r.•� . . rt insured a �u�tit loss b �re,huzards ircluded within the term"exteaded covera e'nnd� ather hazards,includln <br /> �";� f'1�lq or flooding fot which Lender require• in4urnnce Thl� inaurnnre �hnll 1�e meintained in the amounts end for the <br />�y' 'i'�''1 '�_ �:' - �� <br /> ���r�14 ; " , ' <br /> =�. <br />'��t,,,��� �I��•, r� Fa�3�Y 9l90 f/aRt 2 aJb pogul <br /> �t:�•� � <br />:�,' ;1�,:` ',��: . <br /> � , , <br /> �(.� . <br /> - !� ? . , . . � .. . •lr7N. • . :Bi� ..n��� .� . �...,....� r-e. , ��.�.p�;.J�µ...*� w� ' . - =- _ <br /> 'L�'jA�(W►' ..�.' 'a,: 1..:: „�""��(�iµ��' i:ria�i:q.R+an�."�..rr.���.:, _ <br /> � . , ��� . ,1� - . -.y�.,..n..T�tyt % . . . �- . <br /> �. .°'_ �1- !� } -h " 'i <br /> — ��f.f'�1 .•'�,ee� 4' :. 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