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— . - ��,�_ ' � I`f' -. r� _-_,,,i .- - ' '�i-"+�.,..a•s�:?p✓n���-+�Sf.�r. .. .y._t� ;...�..SYPS'::���`��'' : -- -.7:. �--- <br /> .... . • ' ' w1(• ��'��Vi��� �.•- <br /> �taqr no M4�bo�+equlrodR M t1�4,apHan oP L�aider,K am�tp�},�aw�diWa�$e�(i�d�e fnnqunt and tbr tba perind. .., <br /> tlua l,�wle�' nqpi�a)Ran'W�d 6Y+�n Itwr+'r NR�o'"ed bY i.�da�r.+�ia beoonies�vai1�►l�i�hd i�abt�ft�edt �omuwa'dNll p�y , "�� - <br /> .�q�e Prondnny tsqutieA 10 nriM�la ma1�i ir�unna in afr'ect,a w P�o+�Mw�IoK re�eeve�u�adl Wa mqu,�ment to��ao� ;, . . �; <br /> , i�wr�nol and�in�oo�td�Mi1M Mry wrl�e�nNnent Get�►eea eotraw�t�nd I�eder a a p p i i v�b b 4�v, , : ` <br /> !./Mp�e,11N�L.Mdrr a W yiet aiq►amilte tawno�ble aqria up0a�ad bMpaaionr oi dia Ptap�ty. I�a�dar�hsll�tvo . ,;.``;,., <br /> io�owet aotlo�M Ibe t1aN ol or prior lo�n In�p�dion y�adt�ra�onwbb c.�uae for the inepeotl�►jt1, �, <br /> 1�. CM�ie�.'flN ptocMd�of tiny ew�td or clai►»tbr d�m�a. duect or ooasequattt�l, in oonnec�loa witb�ay <br /> nnn�leawntlop ur al�e tdtia/o/Mqr aA of tbr-�Prapaty.a 60�ooavey�aoo lu Wu ct 000demaniqn�:+u�a tieroby wianed+iad ' , <br /> __.__.—...__._� J afiaU be p�ld to t,ender. <br /> �In�ho evd�t af't Wld tatta{of tM Prop�ty.lbe prooaeds sbdl:be yyplied to tbe aunw Facurod by thi�3ecurity�raq�qmdat� <br /> --�---- whdha ar nat thoe due,wIU��ny dxora�p�W 10 Burrawc-r. Lt ti�c rvtut uf�►Nautisd w�lu�oP the�al�eKy fn'whi�li't�a'f�r <br /> . mulcet vNiva af Iho ihupaty Imme�cliwly beforo tbe t�kia�is eqimt�o ii���cater thiu►the�uwuat of the cumA;.AC�u�d�b�r,thip <br /> 6ecurity imt�umatt Immedlately befaro the t�Wn�,unlea Banawer aqA'.1:�ioder atherai�o agroe in wtitiqg�tlie a�a,,�o'ul�d.tjy . <br /> Ihi�Seadty in�trwnenl th�ll bv roduoed by thc �maunt of Iha prue�qdg inultiplkd�by the foltowing fixc�on:(a)t1Fa;�dtul �. <br /> -- �unount of the Fum�Roa�rod Imn�afiNely befaro tbe takinQ� dividod by�6)thc.�'ai�markct vatue at.thc Propehy irtunoc�iatelY '�:�;`';.,�. <br /> _ bofao the takln�. An�bdw�o clwll be p�id tn dorrowor. In Ua event of'a•p�rdW taking af thG Prnpe+ty in which!he'�'air :�'::.::� �,:.' <br /> -= market value of the P�vperiy immedlNlely Mefiue Ihe Iddn�i�leu th�n the amount Af the aums seGUt'c�l iamediately.befora�th� �•�.,�••:�.�.: <br /> nkina. uNesa Burrower wnd Le�xle�othorwi�o+�roo in wrltin�ar unlas appHcable law-othsr�vbe providw. the procexds��a11�, <br /> — be�ppUed w tho wn��ecured by thi�Secudly Imtrument whelhcr or not tho swna u+e thep dua. .. <br />-- If the Propeny is ah�cx�od by Born►wer,ar if.�Aor ndioe by Lender to Bomower that the condemaor offera w make an . . <br />- awud or attle a cldm tor d�nu�a.8orrower fdl�ta rapand lo Lender within.30 days ufta t6e dato tho notice is given. <br />- I,emier in.uti�v�iz�d ta ealteet at:d apply tht pmcrntk,�t it�ep+t}on,either to resteretiun rr mps�ir af tlu Propafy ot to.the wr.�s� '� <br /> �ecurod by thia Security(�trument.whdhor ar t�at Ihen due. � ' � <br /> __--- Unleas L.ender and Borrawer dherwice �roe fn wrllinR� wiy �pplication of proceeda to pdnclpal studl�not oxtend or <br />- -__ _ _ po�tpono the due date oP�he mamhly p�ymems rofenod la in parn�raphe 1 And 2 or change the amount of such paymente. <br /> il. Bon+owa Not RdaaieAi Fo���Sy���'��W�vet.Extensiu�of the time for payment ur modiflaDion ' . <br /> - of artwniatian of the sums secured by thic Securily Inclrument Qranted by Lenderto any succesaor in interest of Bormwer ehall ' <br /> nat operate to relc�se the IiabNity of the ariglnul�rmwor nr Ibnowcr's succaeavxs in intettst.Lender siuip not be r�equirod w � <br />' commencr proceedin�s a�uinst any �u��essor in inicrorl or rofLr�e lo oxlcnd time for,�ayment or otherwisc modify�t�ortiz�tian ' <br /> of the sums cecurod by thia Se�vrity Instn�mant by ro��►n uf any demand m�de by the odginol Bomower or Borrower's <br /> � successare�in interest. Any forbea�nce by Lender in exercisin�{Any �IQht ar remody.'s�satl uot be a waiver of or preduda tbd.' � <br /> _ — eaercise oi any riQM or rcmody. `• <br /> - - !2. �ss� �sc! A� 8msssd;.!a!n! and Ssvers! !.laM�ly:Cs�-sl�ners. The covennnts anQ agre�ne•M.of thiz • <br />�;,;cx�: Securfty Instrumem�Fudl bind wiJ benefit thc �,ucrc�win+un�l anYi�nx uf l.endcr and Bomower. subjoa w the provisiadv of . <br /> i parngrnph 17. BnROwer's �bvenonte and ogroemenlx xh�ll hu jnlni anJ aevernl. Any Bomower who co-signs tAic 5ecurity <br />,�.'�a�� . , Instn�ment but d��es no�cxc�vle Ihe Notc:(ul l�ru•rigninp thiti Socurily Instrument only to mortgage. grant sud onuvey that <br /> Burn►wer's intercst in the Pmpeny under lhc�enn►uf thi�Securfly InMrumenl; Ib)is not persotwlfy obligated to pay Ihe sums <br /> :`"'�:�'�"� �'.:.• �ecured by this Securi�y Inslrument; unJ Icl ugnrti Ihul IAnJer u�xl uny�Htxr Burmwer may agtret 10 extend. modlfy, forbeur ar <br /> ,�!• muke uny urr��mm��lotivac wi�h rcgunl 1�►�he tcrn��ol'Ihi�S��curity Imlrunxnt o�the Note witi�aut that Barrower's consent. . <br /> ' ,,, ....� , 13. I.a�n Ctw�es.lf Ihe I�+un xruml hy Iliir Srrurlly In+trun�.nl i�xubjecl lo a luw w•hkh uts maximum loan cherges. <br /> '�'��'�� ���-•��� ' und thm law is finully inlerpret�d ti���hat Uir interc���►r u�hrr lu�n chur�c�collcti�od or to be c�llected in connection with tD�e <br /> . u; loan ex�reJ the pemiiu�d lim{t�,tlxn: 1u1 uny .uch luun rhurge+liall Fk r�vluruf by the amount necessury to reduce the cha�ge <br />- % '' �`°�•�':;:� to�he permittcJ limit; mwl lbl uny wm� ulm:uly roUcci��l I'nan Ii��rr��Nrr which cxcc�cded permitted limils will be refunded to. . . <br />�',` '•'°�:° Y�"�����,.: ' Bomiwcr. L.cixier muy ch�x�x �o nwkc �hi, rcliwJ hy r�duri�i�t Ihe priik�prl ��wal undcr the Note or by making a direct <br /> 1,;�: '�w . ''� puyment lo Borrowcr. If u refund r�Ju�r. prl�k{pul. Ihc rwlucll��n wdl tx treut��l as a ,par►ial prepayment withoul any <br /> i" ,; :�'��'� prepaymcnt ch•rrgc uoder thr Nutc. <br /> ...� �. ., •- <br /> �"F^'a:,,'.,yi...yq;�r, <br /> "��` �: � ' l� ° 14. Notice.r.Any noticc tu&rrruwrr pr��vid�Yl liir m�bi,ti�w•ur�t�•InununrM•hull he givr��}•delivering it or by mailing <br /> � r. ,��� :.::.�� . <br /> `,�t`, '����''`'��?�:- it b f int c lusx mui l un le�� u l iru b lr luw rc uirr,uu u f�uN+U�rr nk 1 1 ar 1. T hc ou�ic4�h a l l b e d i�e c t e d t a t h e P r o rt A d d r e s s <br /> ��f��"��r���`�{ ., ,:• or uny other :uklre+v &nvuw r Jc�ignu�c. by nulicc lu IAndcr Au� m►urc �o l.rnder shall t►e given by first e lass mail lo <br /> ��,`L. ' �S a»:::;�::�..'� <br /> ' s� •, .... . l,en der'x u�1 dre..+t�tc v l herein ur un y u l he r u d J re�+ Lr ude r.Ir.i�t w i���.h y i H r�ire�u f�n r i►w e r. A n y n o t i c e p m v i d e d f o r i n t h i s <br />=�;,•'�l��'' � Securi�y�nxm.hall i►c J��owKl w huve Ix���tiiven�u li��rruwrr ur Leialr�wt�cn�;ivrn uy pn►vidcd in this p�uograph. <br />.,,,,; 3 �,k,� - : <br /> °r ,��+�t,y4''{c.� � � „� ju�isd15iun�n whi�i�h the PnryxN�y ibll!xu�.dhiln ti�`�ur;iy1��diu�luny'pruri.inn�rurl►uu�►1'nhi.Securlity lns ment or�heANote <br /> .+....:,. <br /> ;?;,a. > •!�'�,.�• '•.''• ronflic�a with upplic•rbk luv►•.�Ul'Il CtN1I�1C1�IIJII IMH i111CC1�►Illrr pn►�•i�ino�uf Uu.tir.•unl�•In.tmment o�Ihe Notr a•bich c�n be <br /> �• • . �, . <br /> , r ae•.µ, . ..,��•• ,;�:-..' Eiven efTitit witFKwt tlx c�mllirting pruvi,iun. Tu thf,r��l Ihr pu�vi,iun. ul Ihi.k�•uri�� In.�rwucm•rnd the Notc ure declareJ <br /> '�:" , . ,•. to be�rvrrablc. <br />.:.,; .j'..`' . ', <br /> ';' y , i�'�u�•`�=L��� 16. 8on�ower's('opy.purrowcr.hall hc givrn unr.•uulu�med c�qiy ��� �In Nuic u�al ul�hi���.urity Inrtrumenl. <br />__,•r. ��:.,�;}��r�_;•, p <br />_,�,, , . fA•,:`y:,- ';�� form 30Z8 8/80 <br /> -' �. dv� t, , ; ,� � r.y�a,�i�. <br /> .�� !� 1!;�.1 ti � ���C . <br /> . 4fq'1�: t ��{e <br /> ,•{� s�'��+r�t����"i{7•�{�"4t1�4 <br />:�};�; ��r.a�+:��� ��ylf, . <br /> l� �� S�v��,��iEl�,��� • .. �kA�' �. M+r :�w� .'�w+:�:+T�':j1b.�: ;T.e.L:�.Yad�.di.i 'f�� . . . �:r:�'�1�}v?" I 1�� - <br /> � � � . .. - } � !� 11 (S{ 11L <br /> \ 1�,f N�` f:k� A I�' l : .,`.��.+.. . <br /> , <br /> i ,i- ,1 �,` t�� )� � �.. ' . .�Y 7 �1 7) � <br /> . ,(� 11� <br /> :. {} ti 41 ^ � P• � 1 I ff� �+: <br /> c -- • ' • :.r �Fr�'�;t��u . . , ,-"'.Yr �• M`�- ,� '� ��t t�' `'�tl� - ' -l��J.rr�; <br /> .': . .. . / i . _ � , � <br /> • •. . � + <br /> � <br /> � ..r <br /> ,.�� � �F���;�'.0 ''.,:'•- '- —-' - - --_- - ---._ ..— _� �i ... •�. :.,� � ,� :�it..� ��;t{�Si'UfF;�L�.i,. . <br /> � <br /> - � L` . . . — ----. _�.----..__.. .._..._ .-- --_.__._T_.—_ . _":. . .:•., • . . . ` rn� � f�)�`^ <br /> ; �, f{,j� r.� <br /> � '„�.; , . � „ �-•R <br /> "�{+�G, • .�'� +�, Y'r.►;� - <br /> 'e ?S . , • , , • . . . �,�,... =,:. ��t �a1,}�II�G'.; a <br /> !, .:a . , � ' .. . .-- .._.'`�. ,:�. . �''t { :� <br /> " _ . . . ' ' ' ;•t�..:. 'Y,•���� <br /> i � . . � ' � �� <br /> a t � . � r • ; • . . .. . � , r�, � <br /> �'J t�'j$+' , . � . '� " • ' �� �4�1 ,�,, . <br /> ,' t ' :ry�,'_,�S`tV',.M K _' , . �• - ., .. . . , -��iit . •. <br /> _ . �. ��'�.�;� �p �;.�i.i;,.t�+� ; . . • . - , . . ' •• . ' _.......� �_.. - ... . . .�..�,p�c-��. <br /> 117�` S',�� ; ii. . 'i 1�L��1,= ' - . � , • - .�. .. . . �s . _ <br /> '11i1 � ��c Y � � 1..�.:I+e�W. V_ _ .`�:� ' <br /> �I � '�'�Yt�„�`I t1t s :..� —. . ' t— � _ ___—.' _ ',' _ —,_. _ _ ._.__.�_y.__yc_n�_.r'�__..,_— ,,. . . . . <br /> -�• 1.1 - . . .. . . \ ' �Il" • . '�.�; •1 . . . - . <br /> 1 F t n s.i� � y�� } , 1�� � � .1r� Ie�V1t ' , . .. <br /> 1 � ( �t��,.�, �y,,,i�y�,�.,h� <br /> ,:1� �.j .�'�.-;r��• .�, r. . - -- ' , ��.. - ' , ' - . +Pl�v- � ' .-t.r • ' . <br /> . . ,:,�,l;;rr,y,..,..:,,, ,. . ti� �• • , w '1�'. .1 • ..c��r�: <br /> ''''"'•�ii:� . ' � , ""' : , , o " . - �.;;:.;Ti; -. <br /> ;it,�,_�+-. . . .. , . - .. � . � . . . �it'=';•�.. . <br /> � .. <br /> . . , ' <br /> . � � <br /> ! ' � <br /> ' i • <br /> � <br />