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='�..2 .' ..�i�hW...`L��a..2cr.. � _.., . - �. <br /> .�r:��� t'i3���rti:l:����: ' _ ��� � �� �� <br /> . �r;.. 1'1�� `.�� � .I' � <br /> ' :,,..;�,,,.�,...,�:: •'�,,, ara idaeMinh <br /> `i;.� �•`;�>;:.�;l:- ���.'t�'�t�et tie Ropa�ty oe a BeaeAdd Uit�e�at h�oerawr.If�11 or p�al ot tha P'�o�ettY nY <br /> .� ,'�';�a�,�ld�or tmh.�'eti�se�#.(or if�t ba�eticia!i�etat in Boeower u rold or tr�ocf�red�od�wer ir ruN ��wtl�)wllh�ul <br /> - . `.�.��3'hda1P;�1DNih �'�'tt�en wnuat. [.ender m�Y. at iu aption� iiamedira P�S� ��I� of�II r�una Mcu�rod by Ihb <br /> ':�: m� <br /> "� . ,Si�;L�uxitf''� r�t;:�f�aweva.tdis optioq�all aot be e7tercl�od�Lealet U exerciw i�{moblWtt�t.hy feder�ll!aw�uf the dMe <br /> �,�,-. � �:�,:,.. . • . � . <br /> oew;s. � t3r'Iv�t�mr��. <br /> #f .oxeMies�hip optioa�I�der�hall Qive Borruwer notloe of aooeletdian.'f7�e rotice�iWlp�v Ide�pArbO af aal <br /> I�s�th:m 't�'�from tho date tbe notioe it deliverod oe m�iled wlthia whkh Bormwu must py all wnr �cund by �hi� <br /> . . , Setu�3�y Qr��tit�r�at.if Borrower f�ile w pay tl�ese wm�prlor ta the expi�tion oi tbh paiod.L�andi.v apY iaedce wy opttodlor <br /> . � pe4m3iled by ilils Seeurity lnsuument wiibout furti�er notke or dan�nd on Bort�nwer. <br /> � �19. Bw�-ower's Rlgbt to Itda�tate. If Eorrower meds a�tain rnrditiau. Bonower Wwll luve �he d�Mt In iurva <br /> e�f6ra.cment oft thia Securlty I�tenmeM difod�uiaued�I!�nY dme Prior w the earlier oi: (nl S Jayr (w wal� nUwr per!►xt aa <br /> 'u wror or rale crmt�tnod In �hir <br /> Appiicid+iz law may spocify fcir t).t�eforp iale of �he purswM w �nY Po <br /> --�:,,r� - - - : Se�uratu lnsttu�ient;o�(b)enuy► a1 t enforcin�tkir.Saudty���ment.Tlwio eonditiom ae+eth+at�ormwcr:lN1 p�y� <br /> l.end�et ail�aur�Os�v��ich then w ut�ler dt�s Securiry lnctrutr�dnt and the Nde�if t�o nooelut�ti�a h�d aavmed: (b) <br /> cuaes any tbfxult o?any other cave�ants or agreements: (c)p�ys all apaues incvrrod in enforcing �pir Sea�dty Imlrumpti. <br />--_ - irtriuding. bat rlot lim►ited ta.neasona►ble aqorneya' fees:and(d)talc�s such action n�;I.ender rn�y rouzou�bly roquiro lo�uunr <br /> ' tha�t��lien of tt�9ti Security Inswment.l.eider's r�ghts in the Property and Borrower'a aNllgudan In p�y tho r►ums�eairod by <br />-. _. ` -- ----- � tliis.`y;��riiy lnstrument shall oontinuc unchutged. Upcxi rieinsutemem by eorrawer, Iliis Sa:u�lly Inctrumcnt ard Iho <br />- -- --� ___ _ ,_- <br /> � obly,•u�ua�.c'securcd i�ereby shall remaln fully effective as if ro aaxleration Iwd aaur�'ed. Howevo�,thi�ripht ta neftrc�lo clwll <br /> �a;pplrt�n t6te cru�of xc�lerution wider ryragraph 17. <br /> -- • 19. SAI� 07 :ya�t�e; Cht�e ot I.oAa Sarviar. The Nate a�a partial interest in the[�ate ltagMhcr with tMlx Secu�lty <br /> -� � i�s�n�me�aY)mA�'be sul;!pae ar mo�+c times without prlo�noticc to Barrower.A sale may reswit in a cl�aa�e in Ihe eniky lknnwm <br /> -_ � . �.s the"Loan, rv3cer")thut cuilects monthly payments due under the Note an�l�hi�Se�vnry Ins�rt�me�u.77�e►e�Is�►awy Me a�e <br /> _ or m��e chun�ea af thc'Loan Servicer unrelatod to a sale of thc Note.if Ihe►e is�ch�ngc oi'tbe lawin Servicer.B�x�er will bc <br /> . = ------- - giver�wri�3tm�rice c+f'i h e c h a nge in aoco�d a n c e w i t h parag r a p h 14 ab�ve aml�p p lirable law.71ie r�ic�e w ill s1Ate�he naus�e w�xl <br /> :,.,�—� - Ac3slress oe�thr serti� �un Sci vic�r arid thc address ta whiei��wyn�en��iwuid be rt�ie.Th�xuii�:e W iil aiaa�awkiia r��r uiher <br /> _:�r;; in9'orniatian te4auired b.:applicable lew. <br /> � ",a �,�� ... ?A. 9�s�rtlau;�6stancea. Borrower.hall not causc or permit the p�+esen��e. uae. diFposW. staagc, or rcltase uf'r�n�r <br /> " '' HazurQou� Su�stancrs on or in the Propeny. &�rrower �hall not du. �r ulluw anyone else tu do,ony�hing ufferli� 1Ae <br /> _ :, . � Pr�pe�y.•th�u is i�violation of ua�•Environmentel I.nw. Tl�c preceding two c�:menres choll nc�t L "y� the presc� �a�� <br /> u'.. ., , storage an thr Pr•openy of�ma�l cyuantities af Hazardous Substances th��arc ge�mllY recog W�►roP <br /> "' �� residentinl use:,nnQ w maMtenance of Ihe Pro,pe�y. <br /> � eorrnwrs shiAt ,�romptly give l.ender H•e•�tsen notice uP tury fnvestigwion, rlaim,demami.lawwi��ir Mhcr�tion by any <br /> ' ° � J gave�nmemal or re�,ula�ory nexnce, nr privute pwty involving the Propeny an�l any Hv�rdiws Sub�wt��c nr Envimnme�Nol l.+w <br /> •1 i ��� of w�icfi 8nrrnw•er has actuad knowledge. If Bonower lenmw. or is notificd by�ny govemmcn�al ur regulm�n�uutlr>ri�y.� <br /> enm <br /> _. �" ,+ ' ?��,�;R= ' uny rcm�v�l or ot�er remedoation of any Haz�udous Substan��e affecting tiu Prupem�is neceswry. Burmwe��lwll pnwnptly <br />�•,••, . <br /> , -' ,,, ,' , ull neces:�ry�rnm.tial nctianq in nc:v�rdance with Envimnmentnl law. <br />__''�1�!? -- A� used in th��!�afrgrnph 20. "Haza�daus Subswnce+"are th�„e�ubstunee+defim.'d u��uxic ur lun�nliw�wb�lunnh by <br />. .-�d-i�. .. . _,tir=.'•'."':R-.-"�[:i:� <br /> . . • ,*�: Ernironmemal LnN• ami �hr followin@ swbsc.�uxes: gasoline, kem�ene. ��n�r n�,manie �ir waic pe�n.lcum producta, uia�c <br /> '�;t. ,;.,,;s•�•,:. peslicideti and herbi�+drs,vo9:�tilc soavents,materials contpining u.�best�n��r li�rnwldchyde,nn�1 radii�ti�•c m�tcr��lx.A�u�xl in <br /> • „,,• �his pom�rnph 20. 'Em�irnnmeni��! d.Aw` meuns fedend luw� u�al luw� oP�hr juriKiiction w•Fkrc Uk Pr+npeny is Icx�ted tiwt _ <br /> . r`; {::�`�%'�k}{ relate to health,�afety nr er�sironar�•ntal pmtecti�m. ' <br /> .�'i�},, °q� NON-UNOF�OQ2M CO�'��r11vTS. Bormwerund L.etxlcr funhcr rovciwnt unJ a�nti a+tidluwti: F_:•- <br /> ���''� 21. AcceO�a�t3on;itemedles.l.ender chall give notice to&�rrowcr prlor lo ncccleratkm tdNrWln�Ibrrower'�breach �'�_ <br />-. . ' 1 "" � �°�" oP uny covenaat ar A�rrement 9n thls 5�ru�lty In.rtrument 16ut not prlor ta su��lc�atlon uader pqrnR�ph 17 unleas -- <br /> ' � y;���F:,��"� ^ opplicAble law p�rovdslrs alQiertiylse).The notice sh�ll speclfy: l+�l the defuult: Ibl Ihe�►ctlon nquind to cure lhe defAUN: � <br /> �" r _� <br /> •�' J ''�.: •"' ;•�� (c)u dute.aot icss aJum 34�dn+•:fium Ihe d�te the nntice Iti Rfven tn Bnrn�wer. b} w hich the def�ult mu�be curedi and - <br /> ir� ! •' , �_.. <br /> _��. �, <br /> � �`:�.;,-, (d)ttwt failure tm cum the del'auit on or fxfi�re the date xpecified in the nntire m�� m�ull in Lcc��lerattun nf the svms s:_ <br />•,� •-w ' ��•'i�_�' recured by thls Seca��li�• i�nsiruriatnl and sak aP the ['rnperty. The notice�Fwll further Inform Bom�xer of the right to t;� <br /> roln!�twte aftcr aceelerntiun and ihe ri�ht t�a brinR a cnurt actinn to u+rcrt fhc non-exlctcncc nf�dcfwult or�ny other !�° <br /> `�'�. defense of&�rr��til�r tn ucce�erallon or�d s�sle. If the default is n�N run�d on or hefi�re tt�e dule+perilicd in the irotfcr. _ <br /> �� � I.ender, at it, op1a+��i, rr�a�� rer�u�re I�mediate pavment tn full oP nll .umx+�rund b� Ihic tiecurN� Inurumcnt Without =.-: <br /> � � r <br />� � ' � ,. "�� ' furthcr dcmand an�3 mu} intiwke tfie po�►cr oP wlc and uny�al�cr rrm��diiw pern�illcd b� upplhyahk Ivw.�r xlwll bc �." <br />! ;. ' � � enUtled tn colleci A91 ex�ense�inr4�rretf in purxuinp thc remedkw pro��ided in Ihi�p�rLu�pb 2t.Includin{�.Iwt n�►t limited IE <br /> . � .� '° t��.rcux�nablc att�erneer'6ces a��l cayl.c ot 1111c c�•idencc. _ <br /> '" If thcp��NCr of sulc Is ia��roked. 'i'rus�tec�hwll rctiord u nutire of dcfuult in cu�h count� in whlch �m p�ri of the <br />