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-c�• .. _:E.. .c•rn+v.0 . . <br /> —��.�....�.��' � . . � . ,-' '�.�,. � . . � ,. . . ,, - ... . ---'.. t _-_ �.- <br /> ,. , : , .� .. , ; �,��.�4�� ; <br /> a,�awwri ar l�a�t� r..r.:o.► Hoee�aw�a��la�u keep tbs Imp�a� !�►��� � <br /> ..Pl+O�i1/y 11tW1+Od I�i1N(AiR bX'�r h�T��pC1N�1Y1d1�p tb0(Oiip ��ODy1!l�0��l41 Mqf.d�.�t��� ;� ' . �.�: <br /> flaa0�or fiqodiq`. far w�kb�!adqr raquira ltrpu�oe.'[td�imar�cD�tl be mitamrqed it�da�ima�uet��d l�or die,arlaM ,, �.. .: <br /> iip�t lradec rol�lia.7�e ie�uwoe awrht p�nvld3n�Me iawi�x+e�IWI•bo ctio�by Don+nv�at wbjeo�t4,Y����pP�'� ° � .:. �'� <br /> ' wbir��I!nct be wu�oo�b1Y.wjtNKW. It Hor�o�a'fail�ta ae�i�aowert�e de�bed�liove:��rtMr m�►..�t 1.�'� � <br /> � aptiaa�obWn oo�to protect l�a�der'�d�bu ia tbe Pro�paty ia aooaedmoe wltb pu�ph 7. , . . . . <br /> � All bnurmo�e pdicies�nd�v�lt�twtl be�ooept�bb to l�a�dee��pd �bN�i ir�de��and�m�Q�b d�O. 1�eiMlet <br /> �II have the d�ht w hoW tbe polides ud t+aa�►al�.It l�a�der requim.llorrower d�U pnmPlty�ive bo Laider�II reoadpt�d <br />—_`-- - - -- pdd p��nd renaw�!aotk�.On tl�ev�t of ioc��Borrowcx�saU�1va proaipt uottoe to tbo iqs�cAnoe p�a��l�render. , <br /> Lrnder nMy�a proof ot law it aot m�de pr�nmptly by BorrorMen <br /> - U�leu I�ender�a�d Bamnwer dherwlse aQroe in wtid���iaaranoo pr000edr dwll bn+�iod to mWa�w�ioa or rqp�ir of tho <br /> Pnopaty dan�ed.if tMe roetotatian or�ir i�eoanamicully faeible�nd Lendar'��ewrlty 1s aot kuened.If the nestonrtion or <br /> tqp�ir i�not eoaiamically fe�wible or Lender'��aauiity would be(esiened�tho inwauioe aooeods��pplled w tho sutro <br /> sxund by thi4 Secudty Insuument. whaher or oot tha� due. wkh�ny c�coa�p�id to Bon+nwer. If 8ornawer�bauidonr the <br /> �_� . . pnnperty.or does not answar within 30 dwys a ootice from I.codar 1t�t tho incu�airiier has otlerod to seWa�al�im,thaa <br /> Lender may oollect tl�e iacur�nca prncoadc. l�endar aay�e d�e p�uoee�s w apalr or roWore the Proparty or w pwy aula ;;�;.< <br /> �red by this 5ecurity instmunent.whether ar aot�6en duc.7'I�c 30�d�r paiod wfll bc�ln whan the noUca is Riven. :_ � <br />- _.- Unkss I.e�der�ad Qorrower othenvise�roo in w►itiqg. a�q► �plicativu of pmceeds w principal �iwll not axtend m � <br /> -- . Pastpono ttia due dau ot the maUhly p�rmenu referred to ia paAgAQf�s 1 wd 2 or chan�a the amou�t of tha payma�ts. If '��'„ <br /> -= . ,.un�ler pa�grnph 2 T�M'roperty is acquired by Gender.Borrower'�riQht to s►ny insura►cx policies and prnoeeds rosuldng from <br /> • -- �.�;� •�: .datpagc to the Propet}y prio�to tha acqaioition zh�ll pass to l.endet to the e�ttait oi the wm4�ecurod by Wi�Sa�uilY lnarumwt <br /> �.-F:� — - --- enunedint4lY Prior t41h�aoquisition. • <br /> -=-- -- 6.UCCqpA11Cy,1�FervA1�lVWDtlOYUOe�ltd PI'At�ItOU o1.�Q Pf'01�9i�'rowe!'Q l.ollq App�YiCA`1�13�• <br />:t;: . ti"�" . 'Barrower s�a7!pccupY,eslablish,end use the Property as Bon'ower't principal r+esWence whhin siaty dwyr nf��r thc executyon of <br />�-:� � -��,�� � this Security iustmmerN ar�slwll vontinue to occuPY��P�nY-a.c Horrower's principal�esiilet�ce for at Ieast oae.jrer,v APter <br /> -- the date of axupancy, unless l.ender otberwise agrces in wridng.which oonsent ahall not�be unr[�sonably withheld.ot u�tless <br />_.���; ext�nuating ein�um.qtancc. exict which are beyand Borrower's wntrol. Bornaa•ar sha�C �ot ekstmy. damage or impair tha <br /> Property. allow the Property to deterlatate. or crimmlt wasto on the Property. Borrow�r shall be in defaWt if any forfeiture <br />_,�y` ectlon or proceeding, whelher civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good falt�Judgment cauld result in forfeiture of the <br />=�=�' Property dr acherwise materially impnir ihe lien crcated by this Security Instrurnent dr l�ender's socudty intercst. Bornuwer may <br /> - ' curc wch a default wxl provided ln paragraph 18,by causing the action or praxeding to be dismi�sod with a n�ling <br /> � that. in I.endor'a good:taiih determination. preclu�s forfeiture of the Borrower's interest in�he Prapertyr ar other mat�riel � _ <br /> '. I impsdrn►ent of ihe Nen created by thia Sec�.viry�In�t+�ument or L.ender's security interest. Hc�rmwer r�w8 ni�•t�a in defa�li if :' - <br /> � ,�, -��� . ••. I Bormwer,ciuring the loan application process,gave materially false or inacxurate infom�ation or statements to Lender(ar failed <br />;�,,�'ti�, A �� F•_-'��1� ' to provide Lender with any material information)in connecNon with the laan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited <br /> � °;;''•f'`;t�.� to,represca�ations concerning Barrower'a occupancy of�he Propen� �s a principal residence. iP thia Security Inshument is on a <br /> =:�' �C � 1 � leasehold. Borrower shall comply wilh all the proviaians of the lease. lf Borrower soquin� fee tide to Iha Proparty, tha <br /> . `���••��'�"'�� •' leasehold and the fee title sholl not merge unles.g l.ender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> '; ���p;; 7.Protectlon ot I.ender's Rights in the Property.lf Borrower fails to perform the covenams and agreements contained in <br /> '" ' ..,�:,�:,;i�.'��: f'; " this Secudty Instrument,or therc is a IegW proceedins that may significantly affect l.ender's rigbts in the Propetty(such as a <br /> �}+,�p, � prnceeding in bankruptcy,prabate, fur candemnation ar forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulalions),then Lender may do and <br /> �� �"' ^^,�`"��� � pay for whatever is necesgury to protecl Ihe vulue oF the Propeny and [.ender's rights in the Property. LerMer's ections may _ <br /> �`:.- . _'. . <br /> 's�``�-'` � ' include in un sums secured b s► lien which has riarit ��ver this Securit Instrument, a n in court, a in <br /> �!:��•,•�,. PaY 8 Y Y P Y Y pl�� S P Y 8 <br />-��'�• �f{�' ' ���� reasonable attarne s fees and enterin on the Pm rt to make re airs. Althou h L.ender mn take action under this nra b <br />--y�,_.. .;� �j,� ,,�.,, - Y � 8 Pe >' P � Y P S�P <br />;.,,i'�� �' ''�.' � � ' 7.l.end�r��xs not havc to da so. <br /> 'r '.t._ '• '�`+�r.'ri,•-r <br />'�u:;"', ;,,' `' i�i'.�,+;ti;��-� Any amounts disbunsed by l.ender under thih �ara�rnph 7 tih:dl become rxiditionnl debt of Barrower secured by this _ <br /> -� : ..S ; ' 5ecu�ily Insirument. Unlcss &�rrower and i.ende�•ugree to athcr terms of payment. �hesc amounts shnll bcar interest from the _ <br /> > . :4�r.�1. <br /> ''• �, ., dute of disbursement ut the Note rate and ,hull be payable. with interest, up�>n noticc from Lcnder to f3orrower requesting <br /> ' '.. �'�. . :" ..... payment. -, <br /> .'�,�";;�,>��. ` ���y S.Mortgage InsurAnce.lf Lender reyuiral mortgage in,urunce a+a coixiitinn of muking the loan secured by this Secudty _ <br /> � , 4':`;;.. •� � , '' y Instrument, eormwer shull a the remium. uired to muintuin �he mort o e insurance in effect. If, for an renson, the _ <br />"•', .. , .� ,:� ., p Y P �I F B Y _ <br /> ';�� ,, mortgage insurancc coveroge required by l.ender lapxes nr ceases ro be in effei:t.Burniwer shall pny the premiums required to <br /> •�- ,r � �c, f•., oMain coverage wbstamially eyuivulem to the mong:�ge insurunre previ��u�l�� in effect. �t a cc�,�wbstantiatly equivulent to the <br /> r ' ,�_;;`"'" `_ : •; cost to Rnttower of the mortg�ge intiur•rncc previiwsly in cffect,frnm on ultern•r�e nx�rt�euge insurer upproved by I.ender. If <br /> " � �"'"'A �''S4'�`��•��"'` � subs�ar�tially equivulent mnrtgage intiurancc roverage i�ni�t a�•ai0ahle.Bc,rrnwer shull puy to L.ander each month a num equal to - <br /> � " `�� ,a�'%�Z one-twelfth of'Ihe ycurly nxingugc insuruncc prcmium heing paiJ h}• Bnrrowrr whcn�hc inwrance roverogr lap.sctl nr ce.iY;d to _ <br /> E r i. . , <br /> `' � �!;`�;�:�;' be in effect, l.ender will acce use urxl rel•rin thcae u nknts us a los� rer�rve in lieu of mc►n a � inwrnn�ti. laxs re�erve <br /> `�t��i:�..�:. � :�,,. P�• P Y � �' <br /> ; - �; - ".�;;;y = <br /> �� �,,1,�; � wm,aose arso <br /> �� �� ��` <br /> � • '�<r�?3^��, Ppq]ol 8 __ <br /> � �`.'�' . ��Cix4{'��;�; � r. <br /> _' i �� , . '.�.}�jtlri�i • <br /> S ' � <br /> ��t�� ., . _ Oi►WO�R�iorra.s�lGd..f�d:,:..,tft.Cr��fr,p� . I�}"�,����,�.'-, t J -,a�`` ` <br />- �1.. �� _ �1. •�1�' �• �• , t, � �..i �!�r., .. +�� �.11.s�,r,y i r�.4 �� .` . .'r., 0, r� -.l JS�r. ����� 4Yl: <br /> - � 4 ���� ;� '71�{.�.i.- . . il' r��" 1�� iR�I. �iu,j�'1 i'� � �.�!�:�:._ •. �S- . ��' ��'yr�`�� .sl' <br /> . ., <br /> . ' ' . <br /> . 4„ t : . • ��`y �( .' � • �� .1( J 1� 1 , „ i!'S l �� •, . • ,Jr c�,��� 4 +' <br /> � "�� ��� �• a •.w� .. l . , t�k�'�l+ <br /> . <br /> . :• y 4J <br /> r''I�� .�� � ��S 1' •!��'�'.i�'`�: �f i- .•��_'.1�5��il.�l��•i�tl�l�• .�:•��.�, '��i»4'./4�'� ti'�_� � r..', <br /> � - .. -^---� _ - '..:- . .. . . �..�' -..=1'z r. ^''_ , _.1� - -"�' r..n. ..�-.. -:-.. . ...___�. . .-`� — �- <br /> %( . . ( �. . .. . 1 `}..; .. � .�' . • . _ � . <br /> f� ' r � 1' ''�', , � ' ' .. ' .. ' 14 ,'' _, 1 . . . �Y , . <br /> � �. <br /> , 1` -:�� . .. . ... . - - . . ' . <br /> �.l � - .. , . � . ' .� , - � .. <br /> 47 ".`� . 1.�' � ' i. . . . .. . .. .. . . . ' . . . .. . . 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