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.� ----.._z. 1 r. :s - ---— --^-�'r—�- -•-�. ».. � ` : � . .,�y�s•� <br /> — �� . . . �. ,j�w ,�;.�� �:__ _ <br /> - --- ! .. . �,. h' . . • . ���'��_ , "� �' �* �l' <br /> Tppa7'HHR WITH dl tho iayx�nv�eo�eots�row a ba�.aeated on die poparQr.aid a!1��,appeiM�woM.Mid .;.,� <br /> Ax� aow or baedte� a p�rt ot 1he pope�ty. AU �� md tldfHaro �l�di � b aovaad by d�N I�Ia�tiq► ,. . <br /> ta�qmem,AU af We forogol�b ret�t�qd m ia dda 8«aWity itwtrume��tbe'Ptopaty." . , . <br /> � •eo�xow�caveN�►rrrs�nu eu��o�wr t��.w�auy��ea ot�ne�w�e eere�►oo.�►oy►�p�na w��e�ss a�aop <br /> . ' oomey q�e pmpdty�uad th�t tla Propaty b aomaanbare�d.eutoept for a�cun�bnaoa ot reoaed. Boerower�varnaia�ad w►W <br /> delpd�aamally�he title to the Prape�ty�+itit tll cl�ia��nd deawwU�wbjea tu any�ot r000�d. <br /> THIS BBCURI7'Y tNSTRUMBNT coaabina uaifae� aovaw�for nptlon�l uso iuW oca�uait4nq aovaaws�vkh Naaited <br /> vrri�tiwq by ju�dlcdon w oo�tiwto a unitorm�ecudty i�ru�r�eat oovains roal property. <br /> --�,Y.°----��.--..,----,_--,� iJNIPORM COVENAN7'3.Bon�er u�d Laider oovea�nt anl agron u fo4lows: <br /> l. P�raewt ot Priadpd aad IntarMi �PU'��Late Ch�e�. Barrowcr�d�ll piomptlY P�Y when dao 14e -_ <br /> -�---��- princlp�!of aad imaest on the debt avidenoed by the Note�nd�nY P�pO'mau wwl late cfwrQca dua u�ider tbe Note, <br /> --- - 2. PY�edi tar T�uta snd Ioaraaoe.Subjxt w applic+�ble Ipw or ta a wriuen waiver by La�der.Borrower€lull p�y w <br /> l.ender on tho day monthlY NY�+ue due under the Nota,until We i�a�C ia p+dd ln IWII.a sum('Fruo�dc")�ar:(a)ye�rly laxa <br /> �nd�sessmenta which may attain priodry aver thie Secu�iy lasuameat as a IEm ac tbe Propc+�Wr:lD)yeutY Ra�d� <br /> �•-_ . or ground tente on Ihe P�peny.if�ny:(c)Ywrly tuza�d o�e p�npatX iowranoe p�rcmitaons:(d)yearly ftood msuranoe Prc�a� , <br /> - - if any:(a)Year1Y mo�a8�iasut�m�Qrcmiums.lf any:nnd(�mY s�s P�y+�Me by Bcxro+xcr w l.e�der,in aocadwnoe wil� <br /> � t1r p�ovisioro af parAgnph Ifeu of tho payment of un�rlgs�e insut�noe p►�emiums.7'hese itans+u4 poldd"F.scrow'Items.' <br />_- ; �,�der may.nt �rime. oollect aud hold Funds in an maount•rat ta excedd ihe maximum wnount•a iender for�federally <br /> _-= rd�ted mortgrge loon maY roquiire for Bortowu's escrow aavwia uader the fcderal Real Fstate Set�Cnxnt!'Pmc�dlitts�Act of <br /> _ . �g74 as safiended from time to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601',er arq.("ltESPA"),unkss�nod�er law lhat�11iab�tc►ttae�l►nds <br /> "" . ee�s a�lesser�rwxan.�If co. Lender rnoy. at any Ume. ooUec��u�d hald Funds in An iunount not ta e�tc�al �he�easer.urro�nt. <br /> ------ _�_��:.._�. <br />,::';, - 1xi�r��u�y estioi�u< <he a►�ount of 1'unds dnc ar it�.�sia of�rr::tt da:«aac!�k��sf^ag�k�r*t�!!t�r � - <br />-'" _�„�, ''. Fscrow Ite�u or oUierwise in axordance wfth applicable law. , <br /> ;. ;., ;v; ' The Funds shai! be held in an institution whose deprr�nts ace insured'by a foderal Agency. instramentality, or u�tity <br />` `` (ineluding l.ender,iP is such an instltution)or in ony Fe�rleral Home I.aan Bunk. aender shall apply the Funds tc►}+�y the <br />�•� Eserow ltems.[.end�r mey not chnrge Borrower for holding w�c3 npplying the'Funds.�uully�uwlYziag.the eserow aec�.wnt.or , <br /> verifying tbe Escraw Qtems.unless[.ender puys Borrower interest on the Fnnds and applicable law permits IJender w ma�e such ' <br /> �•` a charge. However,,Lender may requiro Borrower to pay�one-time ehar�e f�r an independent real eatate tax reporting service � . , • <br /> ' I used by I.ende� in connertion wfth Ihis loan, unless applicable !uw provides otherwice. Unless an agreement i� tmide or <br /> _'�'; ! ; Applicable law requfres interest to be paid.Lender slwll not be rcquired�o pay Hornower uuy intcrest or eamings on tlre Futda. <br />- i`" � Bomower and L.endcr may agree in wdting,howe��er. thwt interest glwll be paid on the Funds, Lender ahall give to Borrower, <br /> $'�s withaut chArge, an anoual accountfng of the Funds, showing credits and deblis to the Funds and the putposo for which et�h • � <br />-e�l�_ '� ` <br /> T;..;. - .,;�, 4� , di�,it tu ti�i"unds was insdc.'l7:c Faads ase pltdgtd as additiona!seturity fnr a!!sumg secared t+y tl�9c Cecu►ity inctn�ment. ; <br /> , �, ,�,., If the Funds held by LenJer exceed the amounts permitted to be held by upplicabl�law,l.ender shull account to Borrower <br /> f'�r���'�'^+ for the eacess Funds in accordAnce wilh the nequirements of applicAble law. If the amount of Ihe Punds held by Lender at any <br />�,�.�1'� '`:r'S'�r}•i'%i • .. tin�e is not sufflcfent to pay thc Hscmw Items when due.L,ender muy so notify Borrower in writing,and, in such cesc Borrower <br /> . . rfiti���':•• r• . <br /> -=' �•���r '� v shall pey to l.endar tfie amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Boaower shall make up the de�ciency in no morc than <br /> _ ,���'� . . — <br /> �+ ��• ' -+� ••"��•�--��:� � twelve monthly puyments,at I.endcr's s�le dir.crc�9on. . <br /> `a '�?r1;.;r'',:;.�'•>;'�.r. x;•�r , <br /> �••.y•. ' � Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br />�x , r';�rt�dfi��;.,; '• <br /> �� �i ��°., � � ��� ' Funds held by I.ender.If, under parngraph 21,Lender shall ncquire or seil the Property. L.ender.pri�r to the acquisition or sale <br /> -�y��' . 1��� <br /> '� "�� " of Ihe Pro n chnll n I nn Fundti held b l.ender ut the time ot' uisition or sale as a credit a ainst the sum4 secured b <br /> . : �, M.R Pe y• PP Y Y Y �9 g Y <br /> ��•.. .. "�+� this Securiry Instrumem. <br /> �'� ,;1 ' ',;.�^;;, -- <br /> �? 3.AppNcadon oP Payments.Unless upplicublc luw pravides othenvi,c,ull puyments received by I.ender under paragraphs <br /> �� �;';is�_;. ' , '�,:.:, .., _._ <br />,- 1 � ')� •'':,� ;• - <br />:;�;.• �<<�i;;��S;�,s�, I and 2 shall be upplied: fi�t, to any prepayment rhurgcs due under the Note; second, to nmounts payable under parag�h 2; �::_- <br />_ �� �� ,��'`'�,`t+, . third.ta mtere���fue; pnnc�pai due: nnd any I;�te chorges due undcr the Note. �'-�=• <br /> 1 :} �. <br /> �;, �' ' �ti��� j,;� ,,�, 4.C3�arges; Llens. &irrower shall pay all laxes, assex,mem., churges, tines umi impositian.r•attributnble to the Property r� <br /> ��- <br /> � •����. s.t�'�'" �° � which may uu�in prioriry over thic Security lnstrument, und Ieu+eholJ puynknts or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> - ' �, - <br /> � •'��:�' • •�' �' thesc obligatinns in thc manner provided in ps�r.�graph 2.or if not paid in thai mLnner,&irrower sh�ll pay them on time directly �• <br /> ' 1 . _. . .' •5�.�" r'�a <br />, �; � , to the pernon�a•ec!payment. &mi�wcr�holl promptly 1'urni�h to LcnJer ull noticc+uf umoun�s to l+e puid under this paragraph. <br /> ' "��' � If Bonrn�•er muke.ihesc payroents Jir�Ytly.&►rruwer shull pr��mptly lumish tu l.ciuler receipts evidencing the p•ryments. ' �' <br /> . ��.^,• , '. ti <br /> '�,�, .`�'�'" " �''� Borroa•er �hall promptly Ji.charge�ny licn which ha+prinrit�•over thi��curiry In.trun�ent unlrrs Borrower:lol agree�in � <br /> R. ree.� <br /> _ � �� � ;��, writing ro thc paymenl of thr oMligatiun utur��l hy�hc licn in:►n�nncr urccptaMc to l.�:nJer:lbl cumexts in gcx�d fuith ihe lien �:' <br />,.��;�. ,�.'r, :; *, ,y"_.._,'. �;. by, or defend� a,�aintit enfiircemcnt ��f tlx lien in. legul pnnr��fin�+whuch in Ihc Lrnder's upinion operUtc t�► prevent the -�; <br /> �,� .,.�';'•,•:r;���.,,. ::,� enforcement ol'Ihe lien:��r Irl Krurc�frum thc hulJcr nf thc licn t�n ugrcement wti�l'actory•tu I.cnJer wb��nlinutin�Ihc licn to ° <br /> 1-i,;.'�;�• �'�'✓��;�}'� �+'.��'��S'��� this Securiry In�lrument. If LenJcr Jeicnninr.Ihul an�� part af thc Pra�x:rty i� ,uh�rrt t.,a licn whieh muy rttain priuriry ��ver :j•, <br />•�-�'� � ` '��:%x=�:;.�t x.;�. � � . : <br />�� "� ,:;3.<<{• .� this S�curit�•lns�rumem. LrixMr inuy Ei�•�B��rrower•r n�Hic�iJ�ntit'�in�. �hr H�n. R��rr+ ��er,hall +a�i.f�� thr lirn ur tuke one or �� . <br /> ,�� ...'',:.. ,��:�'���`� i.�• morr oi the actionx�t 1'orth ulxrvc within 10 day,�il'�hr gi�•ing��f�x��irc. ''��� <br /> �'�;,:r 'u� Fotm 3028 �/!0 �•� <br /> t,S �'. t�`,; ` '�,'. '�.. _ ' . +� e �, <br /> `�5� r..t M1.-: v :o� <br /> � .� •�+ .; . .' :t���l�'��'�.i; •r, <br /> , ,, p'h�.a,..,.liY�t:'h <br />_ �!�<'t� �S[_t� . � <br /> „� '�'t� ���:!(.'�� <br /> ;,},' �: h'�1�'�J 'y! <br /> :.i: �1. ``�S ti���fFl 1}1��i ,! G <br /> ;;;` `��f,.��j�..,ti } �r,�, , n�rv�u:..i",1�^..y�'���':�p�5:;•�;IYfi . ]q'^�P`',��Rx•,' <br /> �1 ♦w��) 4 .,��- l j� " � 1 >. �y j't�:,�.,il r .,,.Ar. <br /> ��, �'1 u' �Y21(1 �,��_�� ,I''1�F,.'��.' . ' ti�ji\.�R�`.M��.'.Li'1 �.;. tl ���1,..+h. _. 1�� =P_SJ�« �(`, l S..l. <br /> , , .•,r�,�y�,,,,�� , " ,• rr,',.t�1, 71� t �.�1 �f ' { 'l�t <br /> '{„?Y- � ��C�� ' +. .'� `� i 1 � _....w��F.._iil•�k���Ci:�t:�.a�: . - . . ��, �,. <br /> -�r • �: -� ._ . •t"-'==1==----.—:_'- ---' =_. .. .---- --.- = � - . — --, - - • _-----'--�_--- -'__ +i�-m-. <br /> , , • . . . <br /> . ' , . ... , , i �..�.: � <br /> . . <br /> . � <br /> t . ' ' � �� .. , .,i - - � ' �� ' - ' - <br /> ,• <br /> ,��.� � . �1t ... .t..yy.Y;'.+�. -: . . .• . • . . ,. ..�-.t ., ' . . . <br /> _ . _ _. . _ <br />_ t�t .e�l_ . .. ` . � � .. . ��'. -T� .. ... � � , <br /> •''.iil • �r�r u f ' •!' � . - . , v�,N.. . . � . . .� ':1' - <br /> 'lIC� ::�.•: .���< <br /> — ^x i;_��� � - •ti"�' .'. __,.. . . . � . . � ,.E . '.' -.1 . • � � ' •:': <br /> r���� ' � ' - � .. 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